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Overcoming Nerves for a Successful Cooking Show: Tips and Tricks

In summary, Jessicayes is preparing for her second cooking show and is getting nervous. She is using a show outline and flash cards to help her stay on track. Her best show was her first show, which was family and friends.
I have a show tonight, only my second cooking show, and there are now 32 confirmed guests coming. I'm getting really nervous. I don't want to sound like and idiot and i don't want to talk too much, would it be ok for me to work off a show outline and have the piece of paper in front of me while i do my demo? :blushing: TIA
Absolutely, there is nothing wrong with that. I think that that is a good thing lets people know that you are prepared and serious. Just breath deep and think about this as a really really great thing. 32 confirmed guests says to me great sales and many bookings.

Good Luck, and just smile.
I STILL use 4 4x6 index cards for every show.
1st Card - Prep Outline (everything I want to get done before the show)
2nd Card - Intro for show

3rd Card - Demo checklist

4th Card - closing for show

This is more like a check list so I remember to talk about everything that I want to talk about. I get off track very easily, and this helps me stay on track.
Becky that is a great idea I am going to use that as well.
Wow!!! Good luck with your show. I think it's a great idea to have some notes, there's nothing worse than remembering something you should have talked about on your drive home!! Just make sure to write big so you can see your notes from a distance. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks everyone. Becky, that is a great idea, i think i might get some cards and try that one out. For today i'm just going to use the show outline cards that came with my kit and a few cards i printed about each of the 4 lines. I have every product we carry so far so i know the products i just don't want to forget anything and i want to make sure i tell them the right info about the cookware and the cutlery. thanks for your well wishes though, i feel a little better.
Is your best show, $2823, your first show??? :eek: If so, you must be doing something right and you've got nothing to worry about!

No one will mind if you have cue cards. I like to use the flip book that is on the supply list. It gives the guests something to look at, while I read my notes off the back side. :)

Have fun!
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  • #8
yes my first show was $2823. i'm very persistent. lol.

i have a binder with all different flyers and info to pass around while i'm doing the demo but i'm definitely going to use the cue cards for a while.
ginamkiely said:
yes my first show was $2823. i'm very persistent. lol.
You should be telling us what you're doing!!!! That is really amazing! Right now, I would be doing good to have those kind of sales in a month!! LOL

Good luck tonight and let us know how you did!! I can't wait to hear!!! :D
  • #10
Sales of $2800+ then 32 guests - she is doing EVERYTHING right! WOW!
  • #11
I absolutely agree, you should be teachig us! Let us know how your show goes!
  • #12
A little while ago I think Colleen posted her show outline. I used it and it helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I had alot more confidence going into the show.

I will post hers. I give her TOTAL credit for this, she saved my you know what !!!


  • Show Outline Cards.doc
    38 KB · Views: 523
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  • #13
Thanks everyone, i'm looking over that show outline now and Becky, I went out and bought flash cards already for tonight.

My first show was family and friends and basically everyone I knew I asked for an order so I could qualify with $2500 in my first 30 days. Well, i wound up getting $3484 in 30 days instead. now i'm going for $5000 in 90 days. i'm only off by $1500 and i have 3 shows before then so i'm hoping to pass it by far.

i've been obsessed with PC products for 5 years and always had to have one of everything in the catalog so most people that know me knew that and believed what i was selling.

i'm going to work on my flash cards now... thanks again for all the advice and i will let you know how it goes when i get home tonight.
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
I STILL use 4 4x6 index cards for every show.
1st Card - Prep Outline (everything I want to get done before the show)
2nd Card - Intro for show

3rd Card - Demo checklist

4th Card - closing for show

This is more like a check list so I remember to talk about everything that I want to talk about. I get off track very easily, and this helps me stay on track.

I use 4x6's too....I tell everyone at the beginning of my show that I suffer from CRS (can't remember stuff) syndrome and I need my Cooking for Dummies cards!
If I try to read from a cookbook, I just get lost so over the years I have made recipe cards that are easier to follow......
I now have a FULL box!! LOL!!
  • #15
Good luck tonight! I am sure you are off by now getting your stuff prepared. I have been to two trainings with Chris Manion and she always has an outline. She says she always uses it for her shows. She even references the page numbers in the catalog.

Can't wait to hear how your show goes. My first back in business show is schedule for Sept. 8th. Pass along tips on how things go tonight.

  • #16
Just wanted to say good luck! Don't forget to ask EVERYONE to book! Hope you have an awesome show!!
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  • #17
Thanks everyone... i'm leaving soon. I'll let you know later on tonight. Thanks again!!
  • #18
well ??? how did it go?? !!!
  • #19
Wow G ~ cant imagine why you're so nervous about tonight's show with numbers like that! 32 confirmed guests? Girrrllllll...you're going to hit 5K tonight! Here's hoping!!!;) :D
  • Thread starter
  • #20
hey everyone, a quick post before i head to bed. so far the show is over $1500 so i did hit $5000 in my first 90 days and i got only 2 bookings but thats ok since sept is booked anyway.. we'll see how tomorrow goes.

thanks for all the well wishes.

also, i got an individual order today for $417 for one person through my website. i think i hit jackpot with this job!!

talk to you all tomorrow

d... how was your vaca??
  • #21
Congrats! Thats awesome, great start!! I hope that the totals just keep climbing!
  • #22
ginamkiely said:
hey everyone, a quick post before i head to bed. so far the show is over $1500 so i did hit $5000 in my first 90 days and i got only 2 bookings but thats ok since sept is booked anyway.. we'll see how tomorrow goes.

thanks for all the well wishes.

also, i got an individual order today for $417 for one person through my website. i think i hit jackpot with this job!!

talk to you all tomorrow

d... how was your vaca??

Who Cares about my vaca!!?!?!?!??! YOU ARE ON FIRE, chickie! Holy Mother of GOD! I KNEW you'd do it! AMAZING work, Batgirl....

GO Gina, its your birthday...we gonna party like its your birthday!

CONGRATULATIONS LADY!!!!! Does this mean I have to kiss your ring every night in addition to Ann's?
  • #23
That is incredible!! Congratulations!!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
aw thanks girls.

i still care about your vaca!!

you don't have to kiss my ring sweetie, you can do this too, so easy!!

what what it's my party!! lol
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  • #25
thanks lamar
  • #26
ginamkiely said:
aw thanks girls.

i still care about your vaca!!

you don't have to kiss my ring sweetie, you can do this too, so easy!!

what what it's my party!! lol

LMAO!!!! You go, my little bee with an itch! Take that money and run! (Watch when you run b/c your bling's gonna smack you in the face)....what kind of par tay was THAT?!?!?!
  • #27
ginamkiely said:
hey everyone, a quick post before i head to bed. so far the show is over $1500 so i did hit $5000 in my first 90 days and i got only 2 bookings but thats ok since sept is booked anyway.. we'll see how tomorrow goes.

thanks for all the well wishes.

also, i got an individual order today for $417 for one person through my website. i think i hit jackpot with this job!!

Wow, what a great show and what a network you have. Keep on doing what you are doing and remember to have fun. :D
  • #28
OH MY GOD!!!!! :eek: :eek: You are amazing!!!!! WOW!!!!!! You really must post your secret!! I wish I lived closer, 'cause I'd love to see your show!

And $417 on your website???? That's great!!!!!

I'm very happy for you!!!! Keep it up!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

You're a true inspiration!! :) :)
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Thank you so much Marie. I had a lot of fun last night, I wish people listened more but i'm sure everyone on here feels like that most of the time. There were definitely too many people for me to keep them all under control the whole time but I guess at the end it didn't matter. I still have to get 4 more orders today. Can't wait to close this one out.
  • #30
awesome job!!:thumbup:
  • #31
That is awesome!!! I would love to have a network like that!!!! Congrats!
  • #32
ginamkiely said:
I wish people listened more but i'm sure everyone on here feels like that most of the time.
I know what you mean. I use to think it was me, but then realized that as long as they're having fun, it doesn't really matter. And the end result was pretty good, so I guess it didn't hurt! I can't imagine trying to get 32 people to be quiet and listen to me!!! :eek:

I can't wait to hear at how much you close this one out!!!! :D
  • #33
  • #34
That is AWESOME! Congrats!
  • #35
Wow, Gina, that's awesome! Way to go!
You seemed a little bummed about "only" two bookings, I know you would think that with the law of averages, you would get more bookings because there were more people there, but for some reason it doesn't work that way! It always seems like the big shows have fewer bookings, but that's okay! Did you figure out how much $$$ you made last night?!?! That is my favorite thing to do on my way home from a show!! Congrats and keep up the great work!!!! Since you already have the whole catalog, what on earth are you going to spend all of that PC $ on?!?! :D
  • #36
ginamkiely said:
hey everyone, a quick post before i head to bed. so far the show is over $1500 so i did hit $5000 in my first 90 days and i got only 2 bookings but thats ok since sept is booked anyway.. we'll see how tomorrow goes.

thanks for all the well wishes.

also, i got an individual order today for $417 for one person through my website. i think i hit jackpot with this job!!

talk to you all tomorrow

d... how was your vaca??
I have only one thing to say:

HOLY CRAP!! You are the bomb, girl!!

  • #37
chefjenibel said:
Wow, Gina, that's awesome! Way to go!
You seemed a little bummed about "only" two bookings, I know you would think that with the law of averages, you would get more bookings because there were more people there, but for some reason it doesn't work that way! It always seems like the big shows have fewer bookings, but that's okay! Did you figure out how much $$$ you made last night?!?! That is my favorite thing to do on my way home from a show!! Congrats and keep up the great work!!!! Since you already have the whole catalog, what on earth are you going to spend all of that PC $ on?!?! :D

Never gonna have to spend $$ on business supplies
Leadership Registration (cuz you know she's gonna be a Future before January!)
National Conference 2008
You name it!
(Posted in green for how much $$ she's getting!! :eek:

You better make sure you post just how much PC $$ you earn in your first 90 days....I am gonna use you as an example of how much PC rewards you for starting off your business with a bang!!
  • #38
Amazing job!!! Keep up the great work.
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Thanks everyone!!

Jen, I definitely was hoping to get some more bookings but I know I can't let stuff like that get me down. So far for last night I made $345 and counting cause the orders are still coming in. I made $95 on that web order that came in that I wasn't even expecting. What am I going to spend my PC$ on... i have no idea!! lol. I used $150 to get the rest of the samples I didn't earn with the SAT and now I have about $450 left so i'm probably going to save it for a while.

Kelly I'm definitely going to post everything I got so far as soon as my 90 days are up (sept 6th) I have one more show before that so hopefully i'll get a lot more too.
  • #40
I just have to say :thumbup:
  • #41
WOW:thumbup: :balloon: :angel: :eek:
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  • #42
lol... thanks
  • #43
ginamkiely said:
lol... thanks

You are an inspiration, woman.....absolutely impressive...Im soooo very very happy for you. I JUST got my kit 30 minutes ago...going to go open it in a minute.
  • #44
KellyTheChef said:
I have only one thing to say:

HOLY CRAP!! You are the bomb, girl!!

hey I was gonna say that! :D

Good job Gina!!
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  • #45
Denarella said:
You are an inspiration, woman.....absolutely impressive...Im soooo very very happy for you. I JUST got my kit 30 minutes ago...going to go open it in a minute.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? you got your kit and it took you 30 minutes to open. are you feeling ok? i ripped that thing open before the fedex guy left. lol
  • #46
ginamkiely said:
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? you got your kit and it took you 30 minutes to open. are you feeling ok? i ripped that thing open before the fedex guy left. lol

I already saw most of what was in it and you're forgetting I have a child. By myself. Cant play until he goes to bed! LOL!:(
  • Thread starter
  • #47
have him help you. lol. then you can play together... or wait till he goes to sleep and pour a glass of wine and open everything so you can celebrate while you work. lol
  • #48
ginamkiely said:
have him help you. lol. then you can play together... or wait till he goes to sleep and pour a glass of wine and open everything so you can celebrate while you work. lol

I HATE that I had most of the stuff in that box! LOL! Im going back and forth now to the online training.....filled out the Building your Business Package already. Started looking at the samples and supplies. How long do they normally take to come in? Id LOVE to have some of them for my 9/14 show. But my recruiter already told me I can borrow anything I want b/c she doesnt have a show that night.....may just do that....but I do want my own sprinkles! LOL. There's not a STITCH of alcohol in this house! All of my wine coolers are GONE!!!:cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #49
wine coolers? you definitly are a jersey girl! lol (luv ya)
i say the samples take about a week to come in but i wouldn't order too much because you're going to earn a lot of PC bucks. (i'll make sure of it) i think you have 6 weeks to order them so you have time to see how many bucks you get, you know what i mean?
  • #50
ginamkiely said:
Thanks everyone!!

Jen, I definitely was hoping to get some more bookings but I know I can't let stuff like that get me down. So far for last night I made $345 and counting cause the orders are still coming in. I made $95 on that web order that came in that I wasn't even expecting. What am I going to spend my PC$ on... i have no idea!! lol. I used $150 to get the rest of the samples I didn't earn with the SAT and now I have about $450 left so i'm probably going to save it for a while.

Kelly I'm definitely going to post everything I got so far as soon as my 90 days are up (sept 6th) I have one more show before that so hopefully i'll get a lot more too.

Gina, just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be awesome! (Not that you aren't already!) I, too, would love to hear what all you earned in your first 90 days, don't forget to include SAT, too!!!!!
I've been dying to ask you, is Kiely your last name? My friend named her daughter Kiely after her MIL's maiden name. But they live in Iowa, so probably no relation. ;)
<h2>1. How can I overcome nerves for a successful cooking show?</h2><p>Firstly, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the products you are demonstrating. Practice your show beforehand and familiarize yourself with the products and their benefits. Also, remember that your guests are there to have a good time and learn something new, so they will be supportive and forgiving if you make a mistake.</p><h2>2. Do you have any tips and tricks for a successful cooking show?</h2><p>Yes, there are a few things you can do to ensure a successful show. One tip is to engage with your audience by asking them questions and getting them involved in the demonstration. You can also use visual aids such as posters or videos to enhance your presentation. Lastly, be confident and have fun, your enthusiasm will be contagious!</p><h2>3. I have a show tonight and I am feeling really nervous. Any advice?</h2><p>It's completely normal to feel nervous before a show, especially if it's only your second one. Remember to take a deep breath and focus on your preparation. Remind yourself of your knowledge and expertise in the products you are presenting. Also, try to relax and have fun, your guests will appreciate your enthusiasm and energy.</p><h2>4. Can I use a show outline during my demonstration?</h2><p>Yes, it is absolutely okay to use a show outline or notes during your demonstration. This can help you stay on track and make sure you cover all the important points. Just make sure to keep your notes in a place where you can easily refer to them without disrupting the flow of the show.</p><h2>5. I'm worried about talking too much during the show. Any advice?</h2><p>It's important to strike a balance between talking and demonstrating during your show. Remember to pause and give your guests time to ask questions or make comments. Also, try to keep your explanations concise and to the point. If you feel like you're talking too much, take a moment to engage with your audience and ask for their thoughts or opinions.</p>

Related to Overcoming Nerves for a Successful Cooking Show: Tips and Tricks

1. How can I overcome nerves for a successful cooking show?

Firstly, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the products you are demonstrating. Practice your show beforehand and familiarize yourself with the products and their benefits. Also, remember that your guests are there to have a good time and learn something new, so they will be supportive and forgiving if you make a mistake.

2. Do you have any tips and tricks for a successful cooking show?

Yes, there are a few things you can do to ensure a successful show. One tip is to engage with your audience by asking them questions and getting them involved in the demonstration. You can also use visual aids such as posters or videos to enhance your presentation. Lastly, be confident and have fun, your enthusiasm will be contagious!

3. I have a show tonight and I am feeling really nervous. Any advice?

It's completely normal to feel nervous before a show, especially if it's only your second one. Remember to take a deep breath and focus on your preparation. Remind yourself of your knowledge and expertise in the products you are presenting. Also, try to relax and have fun, your guests will appreciate your enthusiasm and energy.

4. Can I use a show outline during my demonstration?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to use a show outline or notes during your demonstration. This can help you stay on track and make sure you cover all the important points. Just make sure to keep your notes in a place where you can easily refer to them without disrupting the flow of the show.

5. I'm worried about talking too much during the show. Any advice?

It's important to strike a balance between talking and demonstrating during your show. Remember to pause and give your guests time to ask questions or make comments. Also, try to keep your explanations concise and to the point. If you feel like you're talking too much, take a moment to engage with your audience and ask for their thoughts or opinions.

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