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Overcoming Discouragement: My Journey as a PC Consultant

In summary, this past week has been a huge boost for me and then a HUGE letdown. However, with some hard work and perseverance, I believe that I can make it through this and get back on my feet.
This past week has been a huge boost for me and then a HUGE letdown.
In the beginning I had 1 possible recruit, given out 4 business cards to strangers who really wanted to order and had a decent looking few weeks ahead of me for shows.

Now its the end of the week. So far this has happened.
My show for Saturday cancelled
My show for next Sunday cancelled.
My host for a show on the 19th will not return my calls (Made 4 already)
I have not heard from anyone I gave cards out to last week
My possible recruit blew me off the very next day (vented about this the other day)

This leaves me with 2 shows on the books now. And one of them is friends, so not getting outside of my circle. I felt like I was doing so well up until this morning. I am worried that I wont have achance but to give PC up if I don't get anymore bookings from my next 2 shows. I already exhausted my friends and family.
I have a fundraiser with about 50-75 people attending. I need some major bookings to get my calendar filled back up. How do I make that happen?
Do you have the bookings CD that is on the supply order? She talks on it about doing booking balloons - for every dozen balloons, one has a $20 item in it, and the rest have $10 items. Well, I guess not the real items, but a slip of paper with the item name on it. If they book a show, they get to pop a balloon, and they get the item for free when they hold their show. (And you could even say they have to hold their show on the original booked date, for extra insurance.)Good luck!
Becky0216 said:
This past week has been a huge boost for me and then a HUGE letdown.
In the beginning I had 1 possible recruit, given out 4 business cards to strangers who really wanted to order and had a decent looking few weeks ahead of me for shows.

Now its the end of the week. So far this has happened.
My show for Saturday cancelled
My show for next Sunday cancelled.
My host for a show on the 19th will not return my calls (Made 4 already)
I have not heard from anyone I gave cards out to last week
My possible recruit blew me off the very next day (vented about this the other day)

This leaves me with 2 shows on the books now. And one of them is friends, so not getting outside of my circle. I felt like I was doing so well up until this morning. I am worried that I wont have achance but to give PC up if I don't get anymore bookings from my next 2 shows. I already exhausted my friends and family.
I have a fundraiser with about 50-75 people attending. I need some major bookings to get my calendar filled back up. How do I make that happen?

First Becky, deep breath! We ALL have ups and downs and this is all normal.
You have to remember, this is a job and it doesn't come without some work. You've had an AWESOME start so far.

1. Show canceled? Can you make it a catalog show, can it be rescheduled? Don't count it as a loss but find a way to use that time to contact people.

2. Have you done Customer Care Calls? Called your first customers, see how they like their products, see if they need anything, see if maybe now that they've used their products they've changed their mind about hosting a show?

3. Handing out cards - been there, done that - people don't magically call you - the key is to get THEIR information and call them. They may have been interested but life gets busy and they want to pick up the phone about as much as you.

4. On the fundraiser...if you are feeling like you really need bookings (50-75 is a LOT of customers by the way), why don't you advertise that for each booking (within 6 months) the organization gets $5!!!! $3 from PC right away and you will donate $2 for each show HELD. That gives them extra money and it isn't out of your pocket until you hold the show. I say at the end of each month for the next 6 months, I will right a personal check to the organization for each show held, so if there are 4 bookings, I add $8. Overall that is $20 extra for the organization counting PC money...and $2 out of your pocket isn't much to get a show. I add the conditions above though so people don't book to get the money then not stand firm on the booking.

Hang in there, this too shall pass.

Keep considering conference - I think it will REALLY help you have that firm foundation and make this a great, long-term business.
Hi Becky -

I totally feel your pain - I have had those days too! Here are some thoughts that keep me bolstered:
1. View PC as a long-term adventure. There are going to be very good, good, and not-so-good weeks and months.
2. Leverage the fundraiser opportunity but DON'T TRY TOO HARD. You know how it is, the harder you "try" the more desperate you seem, which is a big turnoff.
3. Work the numbers. I know you have run through your circle, and now it's time to reach outside. Call ALL past guests, and ask your friends for referrals, maybe the people who expressed an interest in attending their shows but could not. The more people you contact, the better your chances of hitting someone who wants to party and get free stuff :)
4. I am sure other Cheffers have good ideas for the fundraiser, here is mine: give away a free party or two! All the host does is give you an invite list - you do the invites, bring paper goods, and bring ingredients and soda for the guests. This will get you bookings and exposure to new people.

Again, this is a long-term deal - just relax, breathe, and enjoy the fundraiser!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
oops, this was supposed to go in the lounge. Sorry, my mistake
Becky0216 said:
oops, this was supposed to go in the lounge. Sorry, my mistake

Go in this thread and look at thread tools in the 2nd dark brown bar from the top. See if you have an option to move the thread at all.

...and you may want to put it in Business Tips or another category like that...
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  • #7
nope can't move it.
I find it hard to call past guests. I only had 3 cooking shows and they were all very recent. So I feel like i will be bugging them.
My big show was the one with the murder in the family, So I really don't want to call any of them right now.
I just really need to make this fundraiser work for me. I need flyers to put on every table to really push sales and bookings. I just have no imagination. I am so new to this, I can't even think of a good way to bring up hosting or recruiting. I am a mess right now.

I like the booking balloon idea and I had already decided to match the donation PC gives for anyone who books a show.
I just hope thats enough.
Becky - stay POSITIVE and that will help immensely, have fun! It will come.On the calling, you CAN NOT look at it as bugging someone. I thought that after my first couple shows and STILL picked up the phone and did it. It got me 2 more orders and a booking. They DID NOT look at it as me bugging them, but were rather happy that I was asking if everything arrived safely, if they opened it and tried it, was it o.k.? Did they need any ideas for usage or any recipes? They thought it was great customer service.You can skip the murder party, but do the other two.Look in P3 at what they bought...ask if they have tried "X". Ask if they had fun at your show, ask if they are interested in a party in the future, ask if they want you to notify them if product "Y" - related product goes on sale.I'll have to look for it, but there are GREAT scripts on customer care calls and great scripts for phone calls and you basically ask questions until you get a YES from your customer. Start big, whether your big is have you thought about doing this for a business or your big is would you like a show. If they say no, ask something less threatening. End the call with a yes to something so you and them both feel positive.
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  • #9
At this point I will try anything.
  • #11
Becky0216 said:
nope can't move it.
I find it hard to call past guests.

Are you utilizing the resources PC gives us?

There are AMAZING teleclasses! If you can't get on one you can listen to a recorded one...
The OnLine Courses are awesome!!!! Even if you've taken them, they are great refreshers!
The Supply Order Form has great cds of conference workshops! Get them -- they are only $2!!!!
The Leadership Workshops are online as well -- the one on Phone Courage is INCREDIBLE!!!!
The business binder GIVE US THE WORDS TO SAY!!! Review that and practice it until the words feel comfortable.
What did your director suggest when you called her about your situation?

I don't mean to sound harsh and to be the buzzskill on the pitty party here but if you don't get on the phone, nothing is really going to happen with your business! It's up to you whether or not this business is going to work for you.
  • #12
From CC - make good use of it:


  • customer_care_outline.pdf
    711 KB · Views: 337
  • #13
Call your friends, family, and those you have met through PC and tell them that you want to make this work but the last thing you want to do is lean on them. ASK for referrals. Ask them who they know that might want to do a show, has all the parties, likes to cook, etc. Look at the files here for the booking ideas for other types of people to ask them to identify.

They will appreciate that you want to get past them to work your business and will help you find people outside your group. Be specific and get names and phone numbers and maybe emails too. Tell the referrals who gave your their name and maybe offer something to the person who does the referring. I would consider giving them a 20% discount on their order at that person's show. It's your commission for that one order but they helped you get the rest of the show and it doesn't cost you anything out of pocket.

Talk to your director. She can help you brainstorm on way to make this work if you want it to.
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  • #14
I am going to call my director today. Hopefully she has some ideas that I just have not thought of yet.

As for calls, I am not opposed to making them. I already made tons of them to get my calendar full. You have to realize I have only had actual shows the past 2 1/2 weeks or so. And they were small attendance. I just made my Out of box calls for those shows a few days ago and did ask at that time about booking a show again. So thats why I say I don't want to bug everyone. I just called them all.
I know I will only get out of this business what I put into it, but I am putting ALOT into it and feel like I am drowning. I am new to all this so I am not used to the cancellations right now. Hopefully the FR will trun things around for me. That has the biggest potential to get me out of my circle because I don't know most of the people there.
I just need to come up with some great flyers and such.
  • #15
becky, I agree with all the pointers above. I would have typed up alot of what Janet pointed out already. Along with the customer care call thread, you may want to listen to the phone courage class, in the online training center, under the resources link.
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  • #16
Colleen, I did the training more than once, I took teleclasses, The only thing I didn't do was get the CD's. I didn't know about them until today. I will have to wait til APril to get them now. Thanks though
  • #17
Janet's right. Stay POSITIVE!
I had a bad start too w/PC. It literally took me 90 days to get qualified, but that was a hurdle I had to overcome. I was pretty bummed and discouraged too. Everybody faces road bumps in their business but at different times. I'm grateful I was able to get mine out of the way early on.
Carry drawing slips with you, and when someone requests a business card get there info and send them a catalog and follow up.
Keep your head up! You can do this!
  • #18
I agree we all have ups and downs. I have learned that when you give someone your card, ask for their information. People forget things even though they say they will call and order. If you have their information, you can call and say that you were checking back with them about the card you gave them. CC Calls are a great way to make sure they have taken their products out of the box and are not having any problem with it. It will give a good sense of customere service too!! Hang in there. My first year was great, however it does take work!!
  • #19
This is a great time of year to do fairs. Check to see if there are any in your area. Lots of business is built from contacts made at those - key is follow-up.

One of the CD's that you can get is about moving your business. That is also a great one for people who are new. It gives some great tips on finding shows when you don't know anyone.

You can also pamper a business...
  • #20
Oooooh ... pampering a business! Sometimes it doesn't work but when it DOES ...

Last week I went to a bank and ran into somebody I used to know. She asked what I was there for and I said, "I have all these checks for a Pampered Chef show and I prefer to take them to the bank where they're drawn."

She asked for a catalog.

The next week I came back, with more catalogs, order forms, special flyers ... and Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies.

I don't know if anything will come of this but if nothing else, I got to try a new twist on the brownies. (And they are GOOD with the caramel kisses!)
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  • #21
I was going to pamper my bank, but got there too late. They now have a PC lady....
I will look into pampering a business, hopefully if it worthwhile.
  • #22
Becky0216 said:
I was going to pamper my bank, but got there too late. They now have a PC lady....
I will look into pampering a business, hopefully if it worthwhile.

Don't give up though, still carry your catalogs and bag and wear a shirt there...who knows when they won't want to deal with their consultant or her life changes...keep in casual touch and when you least expect it they might refer to you.
  • #23
Becky, It is so easy in this business or any DS business to get discouraged. DS is not for the faint of heart! We as women take everything to heart, when people say no or change their mind we take it personally. My best advice is to take everything as it comes and try to either put a positive spin on it or just say to yourself "ok they aren't interested, who's next!"

EX: last night I got on the phone (yes Finally!!!) and made a bunch of calls. I did not get any bookings or orders but I did have a few who said to call them back in a month. They just could not think about PC right now but they gave me Permission to try again. A few others I crossed off my list. I look at tese results positively and will continue calling my list of customers. Years past or when I was just starting out I would have been verry bummed out that I got no bookings.

So..... Chin up! I agree with finding a fair. Doing them has helped my business emensely! If you find one get the working a booth CD off the supply order. It is wonderful!
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  • #24
How do you find a fair? Like a carnival or something?
  • #25
Becky0216 said:
How do you find a fair? Like a carnival or something?
There is a whole section on fairs and festivals on the main page. There are a few good threads with ideas on how to find events there.

Not carnivals really. Craft fairs and County fairs are good. Local Home shows etc.
  • #26
Becky0216 said:
How do you find a fair? Like a carnival or something?

Hey Becky, check out eventlister.com. I find lots of craft fairs on there, and you can search by mileage from where you are. I know I have seen lots of shows on there on the other side of Philly, so hopefully you can find some near you.

You can sign up and pay a fee, but you do not have to. You cannot see the websites or email addresses of event coordinators, or comments, and a few other things without paying the fee, but even for free you can get contact phone numbers, dates, places, information like whether or not DS vendors are allowed, and often enough to put some information into google and find out more.

Good luck, and if you ever want to meet halfway and do a fair together, let me know!
  • #27
Don't give up! Right now I have nothing on my calendar either! I just keep asking people and talking to people. Eventually it will come together! I have decided to try the newsletter thing and hopefully that will spark some interest.
I also am thinking of putting a flyer up in my local supermarket. I have f/w catalogs that I am going to start leaving places. I refuse to give up! I am going to go to National Conference and I am going to MAKE my business work!
  • #28
A newsletter is a great idea. I used to ask people if I could notify them by email of future sales, and I got less than encouraging responses. But when I started asking if I can send them my newsletter with recipes, cooking tips and special offers in it, the responses got much more positive!
  • #29
Belinda Ellsworth spoke of a new book that she put on her "books to read" list. It is the consept of focusing on getting excited when you hear the word no...and gathering as many "no's" as you can. I know there is "100 no's" probably posted on here.
There are so many great ideas shared on this thread...I always tell people that McDonald's didn't sell a billion hamburgers in 6 months or even a year. It takes time and the determination to pull through the tough times. It WILL be worth it. Just glad you turned to us for support and ideas instead of just throwing in the apron. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will be surprized at what the future will hold for you!
  • #30
"I just need to come up with some great flyers and such."

No you don't - I tell my team all the time "Don't reinvent the wheel"! Use the stuff PC gives us, and don't make this job harder than it is. All you need are host and guest flyers from CC to promote this month's guest special and the upcoming month's host specials, and catalogs with your info. on them. Flyers, IMO, are a waste of your time and the cost of the paper you print them on. Trust me, I've tried every flyer known to man, and they didn't do a thing. The only thing that works is making contacts and building relationships. You just have to do it EVERYWHERE.
  • #31
The best thing you can do right now is take yourself off the rollercoaster. Any DS business (and most any business you own yourself) has peaks and valleys. It is so easy to get all excited when you have a great show and then crash when someone cancels.

Great shows and sudden cancellations though, are BOTH part of this business. Don't let either determine how you feel. I'm not saying don't enjoy having great shows...but recognize they are a part of the successful cycle of direct sales. So are cancellations and 'no's'.

The key is to recognize that disappointments are going to happen, but they are just blips on your screen. Accept them and then move on to the things that have proven to be successful again and again. The training on CC is there because it works....and there are lots of folks on this board who have been where you are and now have successful businesses. There is no magic bullet or final moment of achievement. We succeed by consistently doing what has consistently been proven to be successful (and enjoying what we're doing too!).

You have some tremendous support on this board and from the company itself (a lot of DS businesses make promises, but this one has, IMHO, the best reputation for standing by both their promises and their policies). Stay focused on the good things and on where you want to be a year from now...and go to conference. It is so empowering to be around others who are making this business work for them. If you have questions, reach out; we're here to help.

  • #32
cathyskitchen said:
Flyers, IMO, are a waste of your time and the cost of the paper you print them on. Trust me, I've tried every flyer known to man, and they didn't do a thing. The only thing that works is making contacts and building relationships. You just have to do it EVERYWHERE.

I heard this once and it's one of my favorites: "NEVER RELY ON A PIECE OF PAPER TO DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU." So true.

And when planning to do the flier thing...think about how many we get everyday and how many do we actually respond to? I can honestly say, of all of the fliers stuck in my mailbox or in my door, I have never once responded to one... It's the personal touch that works best...
  • #33
I agree with the flyer statements here. I used to do so many flyers it was crazy. Then I learned that my hosts weren't even looking at them. Why spend all that time and money for something that's just going to be tossed anyway?

Now I just give them the basics which I get from PC. I do only 1 flyer which I give to hosts usually at their show which shows the specials for the next several months (DYLAB).

I am saving so much on printing and copying now. PC provides all the "flyers" we could possibly need!
  • #34
finley1991 said:
I heard this once and it's one of my favorites: "NEVER RELY ON A PIECE OF PAPER TO DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU." So true.

And when planning to do the flier thing...think about how many we get everyday and how many do we actually respond to? I can honestly say, of all of the fliers stuck in my mailbox or in my door, I have never once responded to one... It's the personal touch that works best...

Flyers provide information. So, if there is information you want to get into the hands of people - they can be useful.

They are only as useful as the follow-up that you do though. For instance, I use the "Do You Love A Bargain" flyer. It's full of good info. But I follow up with talking about the great host specials, and let people try out the tools themselves. Then, when guests check out, I ask each of them if they would like to host a show. The flyer gave them info, and a visual - but they aren't going to book until I ask them!
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  • #35
Becky, could you tell me about what you put on the bargain flyer?
I am not relying on flyers to pass around and such, just for this FR. There are going to be so many people there and I will only have 10-15 mins to talk. So I want something on each table to spark interest. I will ofcourse bring it up while talking and again at checkout, but figured a flyer will help things along.
  • #36
Becky - the DYLAB flyer is by Joy of Tastytidbits.net - Click on Free Flyers in the upper left. It is the first one.I also use her cheapest newsletter service for my customers.
  • #37
Okay - I was getting confused there for a minute with all of the "beckys" flying around.:balloon:

But yes - what Janet said.

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  • #38
thank you everyone
  • #39
Becky - I was pretty tired when I posted last night, so I'm not sure what I wrote came across the way I intended. My point is simply to find a balanced perspective that works for you. There are always going to be some cancellations, flaky hosts, and team leads that turn cold. More importantly though, there will also be high shows sales, incredible hosts, and folks who see the opportunity and embrace it. ;)

  • Thread starter
  • #40
Legacypc46- I didn't think your post seemed rude or anything. I understood what you were saying and appreciate your input.
Thank you again.
  • #41
Hey, Becky, did you check out eventlister for fairs and stuff?

Related to Overcoming Discouragement: My Journey as a PC Consultant

1. How do I stay motivated when facing setbacks in my Pampered Chef business?

It's completely normal to feel discouraged when things don't go as planned in your business. One way to stay motivated is to focus on your accomplishments so far. Celebrate the small victories and remind yourself of why you started your Pampered Chef journey in the first place.

2. How can I find new customers and potential recruits?

Don't limit yourself to just your friends and family. Utilize social media to reach a wider audience and attend local events or fairs to showcase your products. You can also partner with other local businesses for cross-promotion opportunities.

3. How can I turn a cancelled show into a positive opportunity?

If a show gets cancelled, don't get discouraged. Use this as an opportunity to reach out to the host and offer to do a virtual or online show instead. You can also use this time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as building your online presence or reaching out to potential recruits.

4. What can I do to increase my chances of getting bookings from my upcoming shows?

To increase your chances of getting bookings from your shows, make sure to provide exceptional customer service and go above and beyond for your host and guests. Offer incentives for hosting a show, such as free products or discounts. Also, make sure to follow up with guests after the show to offer them the opportunity to host their own party.

5. How can I make the most out of a fundraiser event?

To make the most out of a fundraiser event, be sure to promote it beforehand and encourage attendees to bring their friends. Offer special deals or promotions for the event and make sure to have plenty of Pampered Chef products on hand for guests to check out. Also, be sure to collect contact information from attendees to follow up with potential customers or recruits.

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