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Overcoming Conference Fears: A Pep Talk for Attending NC's Biggest Event

In summary, the conversation is about a woman who is unsure about attending a conference for her business. She is hesitant because she doesn't do well in large groups, wants her own bed, is pregnant, dislikes flying, and is concerned about spending money. However, others in the conversation encourage her to go, saying it will be a great experience, she can learn a lot, it's a good investment, and it will benefit her business. Ultimately, the decision is up to her, but the general consensus is that attending the conference is a valuable opportunity.
Last night I tried to get my husband to say he didn't want me to go to conference. Why? Because part of me doesn't want to go so it'd be easier to back out if he said it. But he knows my game and didn't give in :rolleyes:

Why don't I want to go?
- I don't do well in large groups of people that I don't know on my own. Sure - my clustermates will be there, but I don't know them very well. And yeah - you guys will be there, but I really don't know you.
- I want a bed to myself, but I'm worried people will think I'm being snooty or something.
- I'm pregnant and I'm concerned I'll be uncomfortable at that point. I'll only be like 20 weeks, but it's something that worries me
- I really dislike flying and haven't flown since 9/15/01 - yes... 4 days after 9/11, on the first day they let planes back in the air.
- We're not hurting for money, but saving the money I'll be spending would be helpful - especially with a munchkin on the way

Give me a good pep talk people!! Help me see I'm being silly and will have a great time!!

I should add that I'm really good at talking myself out of things - I'm trying to learn how to talk myself in to things!
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You have to make the decision that is right for you! I had everything booked for NC and then I backed out. DH is in the military and going overseas in the fall. Its the same time he can get vacation, and although he was going to go with me, we decided a couples getaway would be better.

However, Ihave to say conference was THE BEST time last year! I strongly recommend going, because probably next summer you won't be able to leave your newborn! So GO GO GO!!
All I can tell you is that once you do go to NC you won't want to miss another one. You could probably find someone else who wants to share a room with just the 2 of you so you each get your own bed. Flying is safer than driving. And the money you spend on Conference will be the best money you spend this year. You'll see an immediate impact in your business.
You've made a cons list. Now, make a pros list. List every reason why YOU think YOU should go to conference. Weigh them against each & then decide. :) I know this doesn't help at all.
I hope you go, we are in the same wave!! NC is the best thing you can do for your business!! It gives you that extra boost that you need to really work your business!! It gives you tips that you might not get from your cluster or online training!! You get inspired and want to improve things!! You get awesome little gifts that you wouldn't if you stayed home!! You get to see all the new products, promotions, and excitement for the new season ahead!!
OMG Lindsay you sound JUST like I did before my first NC!
There are SO many reasons to go!!!
People wil uinderstand if you want your own bed - no biggie - you're prego!
You'll learn SO much!
Flying is so much safer now than it was years ago!
There is so much going on that I don't think you really need to worry about all the people around you. Go to your class and soak up what there is to learn (you will be focused on learning), walk to your next class amid the large crowd (you'll be focused on finding your next class room), sit in the theater and watch the action on stage (you'll be focused on new products, awards, announcements, cheering on those who have promoted).

I don't like sharing a bed with others, so I don't. My Director and I get a room to ourselves with two beds. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm snooty.

“I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies” so I’m of no help there.

Flying is not glamorous and it is kind of scary, but it sure beats driving.

Are you familiar with how much training would cost for other professions? National Conference is a bargain.


Obviously it’s up to you as to whether you attend or not. But, you are here on ChefSuccess and that leads me to believe that having a successful business is important to you. I think attending National Conference is part of that success. It gives you the big picture of this business. I joined the business on May 23. Because of my background, I knew how important it was to get together and receive training with others in my shoes so I attended my first conference that year. This will be my 7th NC and if at all possible, I don’t plan to miss an opportunity.

I know you’ll do what you think is best . . . but give it a shot. I think you’ll enjoy yourself!
Heck, this is my third NC and this year I am paying for MY OWN bed! I don't care what people think, but I like to be able to stretch out without worrying if I'm going to play footsie with my bedmate.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
cmdtrgd said:
Heck, this is my third NC and this year I am paying for MY OWN bed! I don't care what people think, but I like to be able to stretch out without worrying if I'm going to play footsie with my bedmate.

My husband complains that I take up too much of the bed. I don't mind with him - but I don't want to subject someone else to that! LOL
  • #10
Just tell you're roomates that you're "not used to sleeping with someone besides your husband" and that you're worried you'll put your arm around them in the middle of the night! That should get a laugh!I will tell you what one of my (new) clustermates (who I don't really know anyway) said when I said I was hesitant to spend the equivalent of a paycheck on NC:"The first year I didn't go because I was new, the second year I had a baby at home, even though my husband said it was fine ... last year I went and I regretted every time I didn't go! "It was a big step of faith due to the downsizing ...Oh ... and the day I bought my plane ticket I found out that my hotel room was FREE! So God met me when I took the step of faith!
  • #11
Everytime I see one of these posts I remind myself that I have till 6/15 - I think - to sign up.

I just started in April and am only having my 2nd cooking show this weekend, but I would love to kick my business up a million notches and it sounds like conference is the way to do it!

I don't like having to wait a whole year to have the chance to go again and am afraid I will regret not having gone this year.

I don't like groups of people either. If I can scrounge the money to go you can look me up and we can walk through the crowds together!
  • #12
I'm NOT good in groups of people I don't know either. A lot of people think I'm a b**ch b/c I don't talk much when I first meet them. I dread going to any get together or party that have people I've never met. BUT for conference either I'll get over it or everyone there will "get over me". There are some of us that are very out going & others of us who like to keep to ourselves. It doesn't matter - what matters is we go to conference & soak everything up like a sponge to help our business! I'm in wave 1 too so we could have a get together of the not so social girls. lol
  • #13
I agree to make a list of reason WHY you want to go to conference and compare (we want to see your list!). I have found that PC gets me "outside of my box" all the time! Going to conference last year was a big step for me. I have anxiety issues with large groups of people I don't know, going to new places, etc. I had such a blast last year. It's not as bad as it seems. You could see about rooming with just two other people but don't be suprised if they ask you to pay more or something like that. There is nothing wrong with wanting a bed to yourself.
  • #14
kaseydee said:
I'm NOT good in groups of people I don't know either. A lot of people think I'm a b**ch b/c I don't talk much when I first meet them. I dread going to any get together or party that have people I've never met. BUT for conference either I'll get over it or everyone there will "get over me". There are some of us that are very out going & others of us who like to keep to ourselves. It doesn't matter - what matters is we go to conference & soak everything up like a sponge to help our business! I'm in wave 1 too so we could have a get together of the not so social girls. lol
That is me! I can't tell you how many people (especially when I am at a new job) have told me that later on once they get to know me!

God has certainly used PC to help me move out of that little "box" though!

Lindsay...use this opportunity as a growing experience! Pray that you will have the courage to do something "bold" each day of conference! At the end of conference, not only will you see that God can stretch you and help you to grow....but you will have learned soooooooooo many new things that you can apply to your business! I am telling you....you will not believe the impact it can have on your self confidence and your business till you go! All of us can TELL you that...but you have to EXPERIENCE it to understand it! Give it a shot and see how proud you will be of yourself!!

BTW- I have yet to meet a mean person at conference. This whole company (with VERY RARE exceptions) is such a nice "family" feeling company....everyone wants to help others to grow, achieve their dreams, and to make others feel comfortable! Go! I dare you! :rolleyes:
  • #15
You have to do what is best for you. My kids are 1, 2 and 15 and I still don't like to leave them. For some reason I think I am the only one that can take care of them teh way they need to be taken care of ( which drives DH nuts). He wants me to go and get away, hoping I will come back refreshed and not stressed out. Taking a sitter for the baby is a good idea also. I have never been to conference, but I am super excited. Do what makes you feel most comfortable :)
  • #16
I went to conference before I had even done a single cooking show! My business would look WAYYYYY different if I had not gone that first year. I promoted to director, went on two incentive trips, landed on the cover of the CN....this will be my fourth national conference and this year I'm presenting a workshop. :D:D
  • #17
{highjack} oooh Deb, you tease! Which workshop? Or can you tell? {end of highjack}

Everyone's already said it all.....conference is such an amazing experience; once you go once, you don't want to miss another! I have always been shy at first around new people too; going on these PC trips, doing shows, etc has definately brought me out of my shell!
  • #18
maybe you should post your schedule and I can tell you if you're in it. :)
  • #19
Ha! You're not giving in are you?:p Actually, I still need to register! *blushing* I couldn't decide on the workshops when I went to register & it's actually kinda slipped my mind that I hadn't gone back & done it...
  • #20
Just make sure you register for Cooking Shows in Action as your first workshop at 1:15 on the first day. ;)
  • #21
thanks;) ;) I guess it would have been easier to PM you!

Back to talking Lindsay into going!
  • #22
Did I hear you would be in wave 1?? Well baby cakes, you pack you bags and come find me, I'll take care of you. One of my many talents is making those who feel out of place around people feel like they are part of the club!

Seriously, you will have an awesome experience. Everyone is sooooooooo nice, kind, generous, and willing to share. Plus, if you don't go you will miss the mystery boxes!!! My first conference I was by myself and wandered into "the area" and didn't know what was going on. I watched all these consultants scurry around saying, "I've got such and such, do you want to swap?" and I didn't have a clue. Walked up to a group and asked what was all the fuss about. A friendly consultant with a southern accent took my arm and said,"oh honey, you must get a box. You just come with me." She walked me over to the area, got me a box, and then proceeded to bring me back and have me open it in front of her group. They all oohed and aahhed over what I got and started me swapping for what I didn't want. It was a blast!!!

Mystery boxes being said, please come. You won't regret it. Myself, I don't care who I sleep with (now, don't go making any kinds of assumptions about my character!!!) because you don't get a ton of sleep anyway. It really will change your mindset about what PC can be.
  • #23
KellyTheChef said:
That is me! I can't tell you how many people (especially when I am at a new job) have told me that later on once they get to know me!
God has certainly used PC to help me move out of that little "box" though!

Lindsay...use this opportunity as a growing experience! Pray that you will have the courage to do something "bold" each day of conference! At the end of conference, not only will you see that God can stretch you and help you to grow....but you will have learned soooooooooo many new things that you can apply to your business! I am telling you....you will not believe the impact it can have on your self confidence and your business till you go! All of us can TELL you that...but you have to EXPERIENCE it to understand it! Give it a shot and see how proud you will be of yourself!!

BTW- I have yet to meet a mean person at conference. This whole company (with VERY RARE exceptions) is such a nice "family" feeling company....everyone wants to help others to grow, achieve their dreams, and to make others feel comfortable! Go! I dare you! :rolleyes:

I get that ALL the time from people. It's funny b/c they think I'm going to be offended by them telling me but I'm not I've heard it too many times. :angel:
  • #24
Redsox girl....you have to make the ultimate decision, but we are all going to give you our opinions...and here comes mine!! (hee-hee!!)

There is NOTHING wrong with having your own bed. I have not shared a bed since my first conference!!! This will be conference 9 for me!! If I get a room with 2 beds and there are three of us, I have the hotel bring in a roll away.

Being 20 weeks pregnant will be fine. You will have more "mothers" than you can imagine.

I am in Wave one and my Cluster is from NH and MA. Perhaps you are in the Wilhelm Cluster too? If not, you may know some of my cluster sisters!

You are not the only one who does not like meeting strangers...just keep this in mind. Everyone is nervous when they go to their first conference, but as others have said....the energy you come back with and the ideas you learn are indescribable. (sp?)

My 3rd year, I found out that I was going "alone" to conference. My first reaction was to back out and at the last minute, I decided to go. I took the train from Syracuse (too long for you to take and being pregnant). Then, I stayed with people from my cluster, but some I had met once, if at all!!! I was so nervous. It turns out, I met some consultants from another state and we look for each other every year!!! I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. This proved to me that I could attend this all on my own and the benefits are unbelievable!

Last year I met some of the people here on CS and they are my new BFF's!!!

Make that "pro" list and take the leap. You will NOT regret it!!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Thanks guys... I know I'll be very nervous with all those new people. but I'm looking forward to going again :)

Related to Overcoming Conference Fears: A Pep Talk for Attending NC's Biggest Event

1. How can I prepare myself for attending a large conference like NC's Biggest Event?

The best way to prepare yourself is to do some research beforehand. Look into the schedule, speakers, and workshops offered at the conference. Also, make sure to pack essential items like business cards, comfortable shoes, and a notepad to take notes. Mentally, try to set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to feel nervous.

2. What can I do to combat my fear of networking at the conference?

Networking can be intimidating for many people, but remember that everyone is there to make connections. Start by setting a goal for yourself, such as talking to three new people every day. Also, try to attend networking events or workshops specifically geared towards networking. Finally, take deep breaths and remind yourself that it's okay to step out of your comfort zone.

3. How can I make the most out of attending NC's Biggest Event?

To make the most out of the conference, be sure to attend as many workshops and sessions as possible. Take advantage of networking opportunities and don't be afraid to introduce yourself to new people. Also, make sure to ask questions and engage with the speakers. Take notes and reflect on what you've learned each day.

4. What should I do if I feel overwhelmed during the conference?

It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed at a large conference. If you start to feel stressed or anxious, take a break. Find a quiet spot to relax and recharge. Don't be afraid to skip a few sessions if you need to. Also, make sure to prioritize self-care and get enough rest each night.

5. How can I continue to stay connected with the conference after it's over?

To stay connected with the conference, make sure to follow the event's social media pages and website for updates and future events. Connect with the people you met at the conference on LinkedIn or send a follow-up email. You can also join online groups or forums related to the conference topic to continue the conversation and networking opportunities.

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