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Optimizing Your Sat Show Schedule for Busy Parents

In summary, Tracy offers a variety of Saturday show times that fit her schedule and family preferences. She is willing to give her hosts the option to have a show at any time, but is firm in her dates and times.
Silver Member
Now that my DD's are at an age where there is homework etc, I am going to try and do more Sat shows, and less during the week. What time do you start your shows on Sat.
I do morning, afternoon and nighttime. I have no life and no children so I'm available most of the day, I let my host choose. I have even done a double Saturday more than once. They are a great way to get a lot of work done in a little time.
If I have a whole Saturday that I want to fill I offer 2 times. 10 am or 7 pm. If I have both of those booked and I want to meet a goal I will throw in a 2 pm. So far I have only ever filled the 10 and 7 spot on one day. When my boys are in sports I offer 2:30 pm and 7 pm. I heard these times on a training CD from a past conference and they seem to work for me.

I offer a Sat brunch time at 11am. If I have to do a second (for an incentive, like double points) I do it at 7pm. It gives me time to collect myself. I tried the back to back to back and it didn't work for me.
My husband still works on Saturdays most weeks so my shows never start before 6:30pm.
I usually do mine on Saturdays because I have a full time job through out the week. I give my hosts a choice. Either we have a 6pm show or I recently started doing them around 1. It gives the guests a chance to come to the show and have plenty of extra time if they had plans in the evening.
I generally offer 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. This fits my schedule well.
I let them pick. Most like the 11-1 time slot so that they still have the rest of the day to get stuff done, but they won't have to wake up super early to get ready.I'm so scared about the 28th, because I have one at 11 and another at 6. The 11am one is over an hour away, and the 6pm one is near my home. I am going to try to have the hosts do the same recipe and then have enough materials in my car for both shows, just in case something should happen and I just have to go straight to the next one. The 6pm one wanted 5, but I told her I couldn't do that due to the timing of things. This is the first time I've set up for 2 in one day, so I hope I can do it and not be a stress case! ;)
I typically do a 10:30 or 11:00 and then another one at 3:00 or 4:00. I will tell you, I prefer the 4:00 because it gives me enough time inbetween the shows to wash up, restock, etc. If that's not an option, I plan my recipes carefully and have a separate little bag with me with the products that I'll need for my second show. Keep in mind, I've been in the business for a little while, so I have a ton of products and this works for me. It's really about what YOU want to do and what works best for your family. But this way, I'm still home by 7:00 and can have an evening with the family.
  • #10
I do them at 11am. I acknowledge that Saturdays are a good day for me to do shows, but I still don't want to give up my weekends with my family. By doing them at 11, I can sleep in a little, have a leisurely breakfast, and still leave in enough time for my show. Then, I'm back by 2-2:30, and have the afternoon and evening. I often comment to DH that I wish I could do 3 Saturday shows a week. :p
  • #11
ChefBeckyD said:
I do them at 11am. I acknowledge that Saturdays are a good day for me to do shows, but I still don't want to give up my weekends with my family.

This is my Saturday schedule. I tell my hosts that it's not too early for everyone to get up and around but we also (all of us) don't lose our entire day. I'm enjoying my Saturday shows more and more.

I do stick my guns on the dates and times I'm willing to have a show. But be prepared, sometimes you lose a party (I did this morning). That's okay, I'm never happy when I "give in" and schedule something outside my regular times.
  • #12
i have one at 5pm in a couple weeks. It's for a friend, and she figured it would probably turn into a nice get together once the PC part was over also.

I'm doing one the following week at 11:30. The host requested a lunch party. I don't mind. I'm just starting out, so I have to be flexible right now.
  • #13
chefjeanine said:
This is my Saturday schedule. I tell my hosts that it's not too early for everyone to get up and around but we also (all of us) don't lose our entire day. I'm enjoying my Saturday shows more and more.

I do stick my guns on the dates and times I'm willing to have a show. But be prepared, sometimes you lose a party (I did this morning). That's okay, I'm never happy when I "give in" and schedule something outside my regular times.

Me neither. AND, the times when I did cave, and did a show outside of my set show times, I've never had a great show.
Now - I just tell people "I'm available for shows on Mon, Tues, Thurs evenings, and also for Saturday brunch shows - which of those days works best for you?"

Oh - and if I already have 2 shows booked for a week, that week is closed for booking, until the rest of the weeks of the month also have 2 shows.
  • #14
I do shows on Friday nights and Saturdays, I also do 2 Thursdays a month becuase I am trying to earn Disney and promoting to director. The Saturday shows can be held at 2 or 3 pm or 7 pm.

And like Becky said, I do not cave on those days unless it is family. The times I have the shows have cancelled or not been really good shows.
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
Me neither. AND, the times when I did cave, and did a show outside of my set show times, I've never had a great show.
Now - I just tell people "I'm available for shows on Mon, Tues, Thurs evenings, and also for Saturday brunch shows - which of those days works best for you?"

Oh - and if I already have 2 shows booked for a week, that week is closed for booking, until the rest of the weeks of the month also have 2 shows.

I am actually going to start NOT doing weekend shows. I work full time and have decided I don't want to give up my Sat/Sun anymore. Plus, I am already "dressed up" during the week.

But I was worried how I would switch things from weekends to weekdays. So thanks for that wording. I think I will use it. Plus, the early Sat show is a good idea. That way I am not tied up all day.

But to answer the original poster, I was letting hosts choose whatever time/days they wanted. Which was my problem.
  • #16
I do most Saturday shows at 6 pm. I have done some afternoon shows though. I guess I'll do about anything that my host wants right now!! LOL
  • #17
I currently let my hosts choose the days and times. I work full time so I try to book Fri Night, Sat, and Sundays first, then I'll go into doing the weeknights. After reading this thread though. I think I'm going to become a little bit of a stickler on my days and times, and see if it helps with bookings at all. I am having a hard time getting bookings. I've been lurking around here for a few years now, and am really now trying to ramp up my business. I WANT LEVEL 3 DISNEY. First time since I started that I have been gung ho about the incentive trip.
  • #18
Krista Burson said:
I currently let my hosts choose the days and times. I work full time so I try to book Fri Night, Sat, and Sundays first, then I'll go into doing the weeknights. After reading this thread though. I think I'm going to become a little bit of a stickler on my days and times, and see if it helps with bookings at all. I am having a hard time getting bookings. I've been lurking around here for a few years now, and am really now trying to ramp up my business. I WANT LEVEL 3 DISNEY. First time since I started that I have been gung ho about the incentive trip.

Krista - taking control of my calendar and doing shows only set days and times has been GOOD for my business.
I think for people just starting out (and I know it was this way for me) there is an attitude of "beggars can't be choosers" when it comes to shows. But really, you look more serious about your business and more in control of your business if you have set business times. The Dr, the Dentist, the Vet, the Hairdresser, the Auto Mechanic....NONE of them say "oh, I'll do it whenever - just pick your time."! They all have a schedule and stick to it. We owe it to ourselves and to our hosts to provide boundaries!
  • #19
saturdays 2pm or 7pm. I will also fill both time slots if needed (or wanted). Love Thursday & Monday nights too!
  • #20
this is my first month, so I had to take my 4 shows where I could get them.

Starting my bookings from these though, I will probably set a schedule.
  • #21
I tend to do Sat shows at 11am or 1pm. I agree about deciding your schedule. I tell people Thurs, Friday & some Sat. I try to only do 2 wkends per month so I have more family time. Of course, I adjust that as needed. It also tells wkend people to book NOW! I have 3 shows this month NOT when I had open, but they seriously have about 1 day per month open so I told them I was making an exception. I am willing to work with people, but I tell them that I have to verify that it will work for everyone. If it doesn't, then we look to a different month.I am so much happier now that I do shows on certain days. People appreciate it more and all of a sudden I'm getting a lot more bookings...not b/c of the days, but I think b/c I'm thinking of it more as a business and I think that comes off. Professional. Fun, but professional.
  • #22
Even if you are brand new, I encourage you to take charge of your schedule. You may decide to alter it as you become more experienced and your life changes, but this is your business and being able to set your own schedule is one huge perk.

Don't be afraid to tell people what dates/times you have available, people will work with you! I had a friend who could only hold shows on Monday nights; she became a Director on that schedule. And too many choices (“I’ll do your show whenever you want”) can be paralyzing to your potential Hosts. They won’t know what date to pick so they won’t pick any. Narrow it down and see how your business grows.
  • #23
Some Booking Thoughts...Thought One: Multiple Bookings on SaturdaySaturday shows are an ideal way to get yourself promoted and drastically up your sales. Did you know you can have multiple shows in one day?Consider stacking your Saturday shows at 11am, 3pm and 7pm. Even if you held 2 of those, you'd have 4 more shows in a month. If you did all 3 and only worked one weekday evening, you'd have as many as 16 shows in a month!You already have the tools you need; think how practiced and polished you'd be with this much repetition close in! And if your hosts knew you did this and any of them decided to try the business, think how strong your cluster sales would be with team members stacking their Saturdays! How do you get in and out quickly? You get your hosts on board with a specific list of prep instructions, you start ON TIME and you explain in your presentation that you will be available to service your customers until 12:10 / 4:10 / 8:10 then you'll need to pack your items and go. By managing your time like this, you offer your hosts a very pleasant, quick experience (not being at their home until 11pm) you show your guests that you value their time, and you bring authority and professionalism to your business and your life.Thought Two: Booking CLOSE IN Rather than give your calendar to guests to decide, tell people your calendar is full (you don't have to say full of what) but you do have a date open for Thursday the 22nd or Sunday afternoon the 2nd. By giving them one weeknight and one weekend choice, they'll pick their best option. If a future host explains they really want a show in April or whatever, you can choose to call them back in early March to set the date.Having yourself solidly booked for the next 3 weeks gives you a stronger paycheck, more fluency in your presentation, and builds your business now. Thought three: First Host Coaching at the Show! Make an appointment with those who choose to host a future show right at that show. I'm handing you two sheets to help you get started with your show. Could you take the next 10 minutes and brainstorm all the people you'd like to invite and add them to this page? The second sheet is a fun activity (50 guests in 5 minutes) to help nudge people's names from your mind.Remember, Heather Hostess, that attendance is one of the 3 keys for your really successful show. Before we can discuss menu ideas or other elements, we really need to know two other things; what is the makeup of most of the guests, and what is the weather like. Attendance is the ingredient that makes the show fun. More people means less pressure, and Pampered Chef is very much about the soft sell. We are teaching and entertaining, not demanding sales. Knowing who the guests are, will steer our menu toward young moms with our amazing prep tools for apples and veggies / or toward an older entertaining crowd with our stylish entertaining essentials and barware / or toward a value conscious group with our chopper, cookbook and cookware, for example. Remember that every show is different. I have so much great information to share, that your show will feature tools and a recipe unique to that crowd.Yes, the weather! Think how much nicer it would be to have soup on a cold foggy day, or a salad on a warm day, or nachos on a game weekend. Incorporating the weather brings a "now" factor and relevancy, shine to your presentation. And, it keeps the focus on your customers, not on the food.By 1. having your future hostess to generate a guest list immediately and in your presence, you set the pace for your expectation, and orient the show toward guests and the product - not the food! / 2. coaching live, you show your host how easy the business is /3. coaching after collecting others' orders, you show you value each person's time.Thought Four...Sending Invites yourself
Whlie I haven't had all hosts take me up on this, I offer my future hosts the fact that if they choose my Happy Host concierge invitaton service, the smallest dollar reward those before them received, was $185* in free product with 3 half-price items and 30% off anything else they choose to purchase. I explain on the spot, that she just needs to fill in the names of their guests, that we'll develop the contact info later. Once she has 35-40 names (the sheet attached has room for 48-50) I will *offer her $20 more in free product (costs me only 12.50, worth it on a $200+ commission) if she will then give me 2 ways to contact the guests. Phone email, Phone addy, Addy email. Then I email evites out from the website immediately, send reminder postcards 12 days before the show, and do follow-up calls with Post Calls 2 days before.You do still need to give the hostess 10-12 paper invites to hand out to folks she sees, neighbors, etc.The smallest show was 840, the biggest was 1359! This works and has transformed my business. That 840 host would've had a 300 show if I let her do the invites on her schedule.Just some thoughts... have a Great Weekend, everyone!


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  • #24
I look at my husband's on-call schedule first & only open dates where he is available to be home with our daughter. I prefer to only do weekend show since I never know when he's going to be held over at work on the weekdays. On the weekend's that he's available, I write the available times in the open dates (12PM & 6PM on Saturdays & 2:30 PM on Sundays). When someone wants to schedule a show date, I show them the available dates that have times written on the calendar. They can choose an open time.

If (for some reason) DH decides to help someone when I'm not home, he can give them 2-3 days/times to choose from by glancing at my calendar as well. All he has to do is look for times with no shows written beside them. So far, he's just taken down their name & number for me to call them back ... but I figure eventually I'll get him trained!!! LOL

I will do a Friday night show if someone says that Sat & Sun's don't work for them.

I've only done one show on another day of the week ... the host was asking for a Tuesday. She had a poor turnout and only collected $90 something in orders. We turned her Dec show into a Jan show to give her more time to collect orders. She didn't get any. It's been 7 weeks and I just FINALLY got the okay to submit her only two orders that she collected. Unfortunately, for her guests, it will be another 6 weeks before they get their products ... compliments of PC's new "smart post" shipping method. It takes that long to get products here to Japan.
  • #25
I had to laugh at all this. I never thought of myself as stuructured in my business and thought that I let my hosts choose the times on Saturdays. But guess what I figured out, NO I DON'T!!! In very subtle ways I mention 10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 7 p.m.! I looked back at all my shows last year and all the Saturday times show one of these three! Too funny how we can make it look like their idea! So much so that I began to belive it was! So, definately set your times. I have to say though that the majority of mine were 2 p.m. and not one of those was under the $500 mark in sales. Not to early so running can get done before and not to late so family movie night stays intact! Although my few Saturday nights were a blast - I don't mind alcohol AFTER my presentation so... Those look to come in around $450 to $500 as well.
  • #26
I do mostly Friday or Saturday. Friday is 7pm b/c I work until 5pm on other job. Saturday I usually do either 2pm or 4pm. Have had good attendance too.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Thanks to everyone who responded! Great ideas! I offered 2pm and 7pm and she took the 2pm (leaves open the 7pm for the next host!)
Since the beginning of the new year, I have been offering only Fri and Sat shows, I have had a show every Friday and it is starting to feel like a routine! Now I'm going to start booking my Sat's. I'm going to start with this one (28th), and see how I do. I still get fatigued since my Thyroid ordeal, and am not sure I have the stamina to do it, but only one way to find out!!!!
  • #28
I have been thinking about oferring two show's on Saturday, since NASCAR start's on Sunday and I didn't want to loose a show date. Now you all have given me great idea's for times.

I have a booking tree with the available dates and time for my show's. When someone wants to book a party, they grab the party card with the date and time they want and viola it is all taken care of. I don't like letting people see my calendar, because they can start to say, "what about that day? I don't see anything on that day." I also don't want them to see all of my personal info either. :)
  • #29
I offer either 11AM or 7PM. If I do a show in the middle of those times, it always seems like it takes up my ENTIRE day, so now I just say we can either do a brunch show or an evening show and leave it at that.
  • #30
I would prefer not to do Sat shows b/c I think most ppl have other plans w/ family on Sat nights but if thats what the host wants thats fine w/ me...
I think I will start mentioning a brunch time Sat show.

I have one tonight & the theme is moms night out~ dessert & coffee & we are starting it later than normal ... that way they have time to do dinner w/ the family then come out.
  • #31
I haven't had a week day show in a long time. All my hosts pick Saturdays and I tell them about the Sat morning brunch shows and that always seems to work best. I know if I'm invited to a show in the middle of a Sat, around 2 or 3, I'm usually busy doing something and won't go. I do shows starting at 10:00 or 11:00 and we're done by 12:00 or 1:00. That seems to get the best turnouts.

For this summer I'm going to tell my hosts that I "DO" have openings during the week. I'm grateful for the shows but I would really like to have at least one Sat a month where I don't have a show. Tues and Thurs nights work great too if you can get the host to schedule then. I always give in and do the shows on Sat but for the summer, I'm going to work toward weeknights.
  • #32
Most of my Saturday shows are at 2:00 or 6:30. I've occasionally done one or two at 11:00. Some will say to me they want to get things done around the house or yard first and then have the rest of the day for the party. Since my hubby gets home so late during the week he has Saturday to do is 'things that never get done' :) Sundays are our 'family' time. I love my Saturday shows at these times - it just works for me.
  • #33
when i do sat. shows, i offer 1130am, 4pm or 6pm. My weeknight shows are at 7pm, always..so since I have the means to get to a Sat evening show earlier, that one hour allows me to get home a little sooner, and not be out quite as late.

The 4pm or 6pm is an either/or..Not both.. So as soon as one of those is filled, then I just do the AM show.

I typically always try and double book my sat..I figure if I am going to work on a Sat. I want to max it out :>
  • #34
If I do shows on a Saturday I always start at 1:00pm.
  • #35
I also offer the brunch either 10:00 or 11:00. I like to be home the rest of the weekend with my family. I think the a.m. time slot gets a better turn out for me, especially in the summer. This area has a lot of "lake people" so this time works better. I would only make exceptions for something like a bridal shower where lots of times in order for guests to make it, they have a specific day and time that's convenient...sometimes even Sunday afternoon.
  • #36
7pm? Wow, you guys are late-nighters!!!
  • #37
Around here, people barely make it home from work with rush hour traffic in time to change by 7....
  • #38
7pm seems so late(for around here).I have my first 7pm show on Th. and it drives me crazy.I should be in bed.I'm not about to say no to someone who wants a show though!!I do have to say a good way to get bookings on the days you want is to do"special days".Pick this day and time and get a FREE GIFT!!I usually make my free gift a reusable bag. I love suckers for"free".(I'm one):D

Related to Optimizing Your Sat Show Schedule for Busy Parents

Question 1: What are some tips for optimizing my Saturday show schedule as a busy parent?

As a busy parent, it's important to plan ahead and prioritize your time wisely. Here are a few tips for optimizing your Saturday show schedule:

  • Start your show at a time that works for both you and your guests, such as mid-morning or early afternoon.
  • Consider hosting your show at a friend or family member's house to save time on set-up and clean-up.
  • Utilize social media and online invitations to spread the word about your show and save time on traditional mail invitations.
  • Prepare as much as you can in advance, such as prepping ingredients or setting up your display, to save time on the day of the show.

Question 2: How can I balance my children's homework and activities with hosting a Saturday show?

Balancing your children's homework and activities with hosting a Saturday show can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some suggestions:

  • Work with your children to create a homework schedule that allows for breaks and time to attend the show.
  • Involve your children in the show preparation and set-up, making it a fun activity for the whole family.
  • Consider hosting the show during your children's nap time or after they have gone to bed for the night.
  • Delegate tasks to your children, such as passing out samples or helping with clean-up, to involve them in the show and lighten your workload.

Question 3: How many Saturday shows should I plan to have per month?

The number of Saturday shows you plan to have per month will depend on your personal schedule and goals. Some busy parents may choose to have one Saturday show per month, while others may have one every other week. It's important to find a schedule that works for you and your family.

Question 4: Can I host a Saturday show during the evening?

Absolutely! While mid-morning or early afternoon may be the most popular times for Saturday shows, you can certainly host one in the evening. Just be sure to communicate the start time clearly to your guests and plan for a shorter show to accommodate for dinner and bedtime routines.

Question 5: What are some benefits of hosting a Saturday show instead of during the week?

Hosting a Saturday show can have several benefits for busy parents:

  • More flexibility with timing, as many parents have work and school commitments during the week.
  • Increased availability of guests, as they may have more free time on the weekends.
  • The opportunity to involve your children in the show and make it a fun family activity.
  • Less stress and pressure, as you can plan and prepare for the show without the added responsibilities of work and school during the week.

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