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Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got

Monica, I would recommend talking to as many people as possible when you have your booth set up. You can smile and say hi, and if they stop you can ask if they've heard of PC before and offer the free kitchen show drawing. If they say no, you can tell them about PC and explain how hosting a show works. Also, do not sit down and talk to people. Make sure to be standing and wear your apron. If you choose to have samples, make it something that is not messy or sticky.
Silver Member
ok i called some of the names i got at the fair this weekend and i got 3 shows booked for november so far. i left 3 messages and 1 busy signal. the best part of all is i have finally broken my circle of people. one show will be in another state!!!! if i can get my other 3 booked for november also i will probably pass out. i have never had 6 shows booked for one month. i also see what you mean by the phone is your friend. i was so scared before i made the calls i was literally shaking and felt like throwing up. my hubby kept saying "baby it will be ok you can do this". he was so right!!! i am really pumped up. the only bad thing is one of the shows will be on the friday on the next fair starts. i could just go on the saturday but im hestitant cuz the booths are 65 dollars and i wont go on sundays due to church. but i am not complaining. i would rather do a show! keep your fingers crossed i will book those last 3 shows and i can get in touch with my recruit lead
good jobThat's great! I am just starting out (this month I am having my first Catalog show) then next month my first 6 kitchen shows! I wanted to do a bridal expo fair but found out it costs $750! So I guess I won't be doing those anytime soon!
Good luck! ;)
Congrats!!!That is wonderfull!!! I am a new consultant and haven't had any of my own
shows yet...But I already have 3 shows for November and I am soooo excited.
Tonight I am going with my recruit to one of her shows to watch, and hopefully get some ideas for my shows! I have only ever been to one kitchen show before and after that I was hooked! :D
Congrats on your success. It sounds like the fair was well worth your time. Maybe you could try to team up with another consultant in your cluster for the next one and split the costs. Let him/her have the booth the night you have the show and you do it the other day.

Independent Kitchen Consultant
~3 yrs.
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thanks everyone it is exciting because things have been SO SLOW for me!! this is a perfect event because if someone wanted to split the booth it works like this...people have to do down the lanes and pass by 2 times...once for each side...so we get double teamed. i have heard for months now everyone giving advice to do fairs and expos and stuff know i now for sure they work!! but follow up is the key!! and thats the hard part for me...i am terrified to pick up the phone and call them!!tnanks for the encouragement and good luck to all you!!
Any adviceMonica, & any others who have done booths at fairs & such,
Can you give some advice on your plan of action at the fair? I'm doing a booth at our local mall's craft fair at the end of October with another consultant, & neither of us has ever done a booth before. What worked & what didn't? I've already made a big note in my calendar to follow up on the contacts we make!!
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well this was my first one and i didnt do everything i should have. for me i think i wouldve done better if i was rested up more. make sure you get plenty of rest before and while doing it. speak to EVERYONE that walks by. I smiled and said "hi how are you" and if they stopped i asked if they had ever heard of PC before. If they said yes i offered the free kitchen show drawing and chatted about the new products. if they said no i asked them if i could tell them about PC and explained what i did and how hosting a show works. Afterwards i offered the drawing to them. One thing i noticed also was dont sit down and talk to people. Be sure to be standing and wear your apron. If you choose to have samples make it something that isnt messy or sticky. these are just some things i tried. like i said this is my first time doing it and i think i couldve done better but i was exhausted. we live and learn. i hope i helped out some!! good luck to ya!!

Related to Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got

1. What is "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got"?

"Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got" is a game where participants call out random names they heard or collected at a fair or event and try to make a recipe with those ingredients.

2. How do you play "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got"?

To play "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got", simply gather a group of people and have them each call out a name they heard or collected at the fair. Then, choose a recipe and try to make it using those ingredients.

3. Can anyone play "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got"?

Yes, anyone can play "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got". It is a fun and creative game that can be enjoyed by all ages.

4. What kind of recipes can you make with the names collected at the fair?

The recipes you can make with the names collected at the fair are endless! You can make anything from salads, soups, casseroles, desserts, and more. It all depends on the names that are called out and the creativity of the participants.

5. Are there any prizes for playing "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got"?

There are no official prizes for playing "Ok I Called Some of the Names I Got at the Fair This Weekend and I Got", but it can be a fun and rewarding experience to see what kind of delicious dish can be created with seemingly random ingredients.

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