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Ok Hostess Is Excited About 3-4 People Coming to Show!

Hi, I am having my one and only show booked in September and was really counting on having alot of bookings or at least a couple from it and now I get a email from the hostess saying she is really excited about her show she has a couple of outside orders and 3-4 people coming :eek:What I don't understand is she sells Creative Memories so she should know we need more people there for me to get her alot of free products. I need some ideas on how to get her to get more people there!I am doing the Chicken Enchilada Ring and Margarita Slushies I am going to try to do the Mexican theme. Any ideas are needed thanks!
Michelle K
Hi I am having my one and only show booked in September and was really counting on having alot of bookings or at least a couple from it and now I get a email from the hostess saying she is really excited about her show she has a couple of outside orders and 3-4 people coming :eek: What I don't understand is she sells Creative Memories so she should know we need more people there for me to get her alot of free products. I need some ideas on how to get her to get more people there! I am doing the Chicken Enchilada Ring and Margarita Slushies I am going to try to do the Mexican theme. Any ideas are needed thanks!

I have a host who does Mary Kay and I realized that it was important to not assume that just b/c she also does direct sales that it translates into the same goals. She prefers smaller groups so that she can pay attention to them...so, I encouraged her to invite big b/c the more people that are there, the more energy and excitement we can build up and it is so much more fun!

I don't know if she hosted a show b/c she wants to get free stuff or just wants to have a fun night out with friends...but if she wants the free stuff, having 4 people and say that they each spend $50, then that's only $200 in sales. Soooo, if she wants the free stuff, maybe by breaking it down this way it will help her visualize the bigger picture.
Keep in mind too that those outside orders can REALLY add up! Don't get yourself down about the show before it has even happened. Show your host that chart in the catalog and you two should set a goal together. Find out what her goal is and help her with a wish list! Sometimes that can give the host a bit more of a push when it comes to inviting more people or collecting more outside orders! Just remember to emphasize the host benefits more than a few times - because sometimes it takes that many times for some hosts to actually get it :rolleyes: And your menu sounds yummy by the way! Good luck!
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Thanks I will try to break it down again for her. I have really hostessed coached her and she knows how our hostess program works. I think I might do like one of you said about telling her if each guest spends $50 that will only be a $200 show and most people do not spend $50 at a show. I think maybe she is thinking it is better to just have a few people there instead of alot. Here is the kicker I agreed to do a show for her at the end of September for Creative Memories so I really need her to do well for my show so I can buy stuff at her show! Maybe I should tell her that!

Thanks for the help
I would tell her that! She may be thinking "I don't really care what I get at my show, as long as she still has a Creative Memories show". That happens a lot with "swapping" direct sales parties, unfortunately.
Some of my smallest groups, get the most bookings!
Don't assume you won't fill your September &/or October with this show... you just might!
Offer them booking incentives, have FUN!, and enjoy yourself!
ChefNic said:
Some of my smallest groups, get the most bookings!
Don't assume you won't fill your September &/or October with this show... you just might!
Offer them booking incentives, have FUN!, and enjoy yourself!

I have to agree the smallest show I have had 6 guests but I got 3 bookings off that show!!!! Follow-up with all the outside orders with a out of the box calls and ask them if they are interested in getting free and discounted products, ect.
low attendance at partysYes it happens to all of us , the host doesn't have alot of guest at the party or they don't show up . This is what I do in a case when there are not alot of people
1. ask the host to please call the guests that are going to come to bring 1or 2 of their friends. and you will give that guest a gift ( a seasons best )

2 At the end of the party I tell every one they can

Help your hostess earn more FREE products
and Earn A Free Gift for Yourself
Share your pamperedchef catalog with friends and family
within the next week
Collect 2 orders and the payments , Contact the hostess or
me directly with the orders ,and your gift will be shipped
with your order FREE. You can choice anything with a
value up to .XXXX ( I use 6.00 and I buy it on the hosts Discount you can do this cause its for a party . This can really help when you have a small party
Doreen Zaino
Future Director
pdzaino4 @aol.com
I would try to encourage her to tell those attending to bring a friend. Maybe she doesn't have a lot of friends. If you frown on her attendance you may hurt her feelings. If you have stressed how many people you expect at her show and she has less than that, you don't want to make her feel bad.
  • #10
Have you called all your past hosts that still have 10% discount coming and reminded them that if they just buy in Sept they get the stoneware for ab out 28% off.
Also, maybe they mite host to get the 60% off of one piece too.
  • #11
ChefNic said:
Some of my smallest groups, get the most bookings!
Don't assume you won't fill your September &/or October with this show... you just might!
Offer them booking incentives, have FUN!, and enjoy yourself!
I agree! Some of my smallest shows have good bookings too. My smallest recent show had 6 people and THREE booked shows, but then the host became a consultant!! By then I had already done one show and I gave her the two other shows, one of which was her sister, so obviously she'd do that show.

You just never know! Plus, with her outside orders, she ended up having an over $500 show!! Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes. :)
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Thanks I really needed this advice!Ladies I cannot say how much your advise has helped me. I have really been lazy and not called anyone and was trying to take the lazy way out and think with this one show I could fill my Sept. and Oct. with bookings I have now rethought this and have decided I will have fun at this show tonight and if I have high sales and tons of bookings that would be awsome but if I don't oh well at least the hostess did try. I spoke with her last night and now she says she might have 5 to 6 people and she has catalogs out with people looking at them. I think I was just really down the other day! Thanks for helping me remember to have fun and thank goodness I didn't call the hostess as soon as I got the email because I could have really hurt her feelings if I started complaining about the little amount of people coming. I do need to find out some really good quick tips to go with the Mexican theme though. Anyone have any ideas? Also this is my very first time to only do one demo I am kind of curious how well it is going to go with just one demo.
  • #13
Tres Leche CakeMichelle,
I would consider doing the Tres Leche cake (from s/s o5 SBRC) as a second recipe. Bake the cake before hand and bring it with you. It will show off using the stoneware to bake with, will be fast to "whip up" while you are at the show...do it first, before you start on the main recipe to give the cake time to set. Plus, it's yummy! Sweet, but not too sweet.

Just a thought,
  • #14
Another angleIt might be too late for this show, but another way to encourage hosts to book large is to let them know that guests often feel comfortable when there are more people at the Show. They definitely feel less pressure to do the obligatory purchase, because they are getting "lost in the sauce" and know that the others that want to buy make up for the fact that they don't purchase anything

If the host wants her friends to like her at the end of the Show...invite lots of people!! ;)
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I Did the showWell I did the show she had 3people there and 2 people have to pay her later I only saw 2 of the 3 order forms one is for $117 the other is like $57 the 3rd girl didn't bring her credit card and her boyfriend does all the cooking so she is going to let him look at the catalog. One possible booking. Oh well she does have alot of catalogs out and I know she has some small outside orders so maybe it will be at least a $300 show. I know this hostess spends her own money so maybe she will buy alot. By the way it was my first time to do just one demo and it wasn't to bad but I think if more people were there we would have ran out of food. I did the Chicken Enchilada Ring and Margarita Slushes they loved them both. Any ideas about how to get this show higher before I close out in a week? I asked her to email me her orders so I can see where she is at.

Thanks for the help,
  • #16
increasing sales for a small attended showMichelle,
I totally agree with the afore mentioned replies. I would encourage your host to really pass the catalogs to everyone she knows to get a lot of outside orders. Give her ideas of who to pass the catalogs to...i.e., her mother, her mother's friends, aunts, sisters, sister-in-law, their workplaces and friends, doc offices, husband/boyfriends' co-workers, church, community clubs (women's club, boyscouts, girlscouts, etc). Push the fact..."the more money, the more FREE stuff for her!"

For future ref, I love the Chicken Enchilada Ring! I often suggest this to a host who has a hard time picking a recipe. I usually demo the Peanutty Choc. Cake along with this recipe. (Micowave cake in the stoneware bundt pan). It's a great way to demo the stones in the microwave.

Also, here's some helpful tips for boosting attendance...at my last August show, I opened the invitations, Underlined Bring a Friend in red pen, and then jotted a note on the invite, "Bring a friend & receive 10% off your order." I had 1 person to ask me about it at the end of the show, but we had more than 15 people at the show. It cost me $8.00, but it turned out to be an $800.00 show.

I also have been coaching my current host to do the 5-15-5 method. 5 order before the show, 15 people at the show, & 5 orders after the show. (it's been working for me).

Lately, I've been offering to send out my host's invites for her. If she doesn't send me 40 names, I call her back & tell her that I need more names. I really push the fact that we will pack people into a show wherever we can put them, you just want their money=Free stuff for her.

Hope this helps some & good luck to you! :)
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ThanksThanks alot I did send her a email this morning telling her thanks for her efforts and to email me with all her orders so we can see how far she is and how much more she needs to reach her goal. So I hope she will. I will use this as a learning show I guess. I still am not sure about not having a dessert that microwave cake sounds like my kind of thing could you email the recipe to me?

  • #18
Microwave cakesI e-mailed you 2 versions :)
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chefjulie_sc said:
I e-mailed you 2 versions :)
Julie thanks I got your emails the cakes sound yummy!
Oh by the way the hostess emailed me her orders so far and she has $304 in product total so far. I think she will order a good bit too she loves to cook so maybe everything will work out. I am going to try to encourage her to get more orders. Now I have to get on the phone and get some more bookings!


Related to Ok Hostess Is Excited About 3-4 People Coming to Show!

What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef show with 3-4 guests?

Hosting a Pampered Chef show with 3-4 guests is a great way to earn free and discounted products! As a hostess, you will receive 10% of the total show sales in free products, plus an additional 10% off any item of your choice for every guest who books a show of their own. With a smaller group, you will also have more time to chat and try out product demonstrations.

What can I expect at a Pampered Chef show with 3-4 guests?

At a Pampered Chef show with 3-4 guests, you can expect a fun and interactive experience! Our consultant will demonstrate a variety of products and recipes, and you and your guests will have the opportunity to sample and purchase them. There will also be games and prizes for everyone to enjoy.

How can I maximize my rewards as a hostess with only 3-4 guests?

Even with a smaller group, there are still plenty of ways to maximize your rewards as a hostess! Encourage your guests to bring a friend, and offer incentives for them to book their own shows. You can also share your show link on social media to reach a wider audience. Additionally, you can earn additional rewards by hosting a virtual show or by adding on a fundraiser component.

What type of products can I expect to see at a Pampered Chef show?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of kitchen tools, cookware, and pantry items. Our products are designed to make cooking and entertaining easier and more enjoyable. From our famous stoneware to our versatile knives and gadgets, there is something for everyone at a Pampered Chef show.

What if I have more than 3-4 guests interested in attending my show?

If you have more than 3-4 guests interested in attending your show, that is fantastic! The more the merrier. Our consultant will be happy to accommodate a larger group and ensure that everyone has a great time. Plus, with more guests, you have the potential to earn even more rewards and free products.

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