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Oh, This Is a Good One!! My Phone Rang at 10:30 P.m. Tonight

In summary, the woman who called last night said that she wanted to book a show with the Pampered Chef but the woman who answered the phone said that she didn't want to do the show anymore.
I didn't recognize the number, so I didn't pick up.

The machine goes on and then I hear someone yelling in the background.

Some woman says "It's that dam Pampered Chef lady!" (I'm mispelling it on purpose so I don't get censored) :)

My only guess is that she is a BRU lead from last month that I've tried to call. I looked up the number in PP and I can't find who it is. I have a feeling it's this one woman...I talked to her sister and she told me that the woman in question wanted to book and she gave me her phone number to call her. I guess she didn't want to have the show after all??

Oh well.

Part of me wants to call back just to be rude. I mean, c'mon! First you call me at 10:30 at night and THEN you swear about me on my machine?

But really I should let it go and move on, I know, I know.....like I'd really want to work with her anyway!?!?!?
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HOW RUDE! Some people have nothing better to do...
LMAO!! That is hilarious! I love how rude people are when they asked you to call them (or in this case was a referral). Um, HELLO??? You asked me to call you!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
gilliandanielle said:
LMAO!! That is hilarious! I love how rude people are when they asked you to call them (or in this case was a referral). Um, HELLO??? You asked me to call you!!

Exactly, Gill!!! Why the heck did she give me her number if she didn't want to be called!!!!!

Oh, people....gotta love 'em!
Heheh....call her back and say "Yes, I am the Pampered Chef lady, but I have nothing to do with holding back water. Also, I would appreciate it if you would call at a more reasonable time as I try to do."Then give her a big raspberry and hang up.
That is just crazy. I'd call back tomorrow and say, "Hi, this is Deb, the dam Pampered Chef lady you called last night?"
Diane - I love it! Follow up with "is there anything I can help you with?" Just be totally sincere and bubbly!
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  • #8
I just checked my redial list...I didn't try to call her tonight. I haven't really been calling customers since Thursday or so....busy with weekend shows. So I really have no idea when I called her or who she is. LOL!
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  • #9
dianevill said:
That is just crazy. I'd call back tomorrow and say, "Hi, this is Deb, the dam Pampered Chef lady you called last night?"

Tempting, very tempting....
  • #10
Maybe she was drunk! lol

Did you call her and never left a message?

I would call her first thing in the a.m like 5:00!:D
  • #11
dianevill said:
That is just crazy. I'd call back tomorrow and say, "Hi, this is Deb, the dam Pampered Chef lady you called last night?"

Oh yes!! Definitely!!!
  • #12
That is really Hilarious Deb! I can see your jaw hitting the floor and saying Honey, come listen to this! :D I would totaly call her today.

CALL HER! CALL HER! CALL HER! and then let us know what happened!!!:D
  • #13
dianevill said:
That is just crazy. I'd call back tomorrow and say, "Hi, this is Deb, the dam Pampered Chef lady you called last night?"

I was thinking this same thing Diane!! I think this is a good idea, Deb!

This is just too funy!:D
  • #14
Call her!I would call her but not to be mean or rude back just to state how I feel about having someone call so late and then cuss on my machine. I really don't like to go to a grocery store, gas station, etc and have people cuss in front of me and my kids.
I have asked several people to please watch their language when they are speaking in front of me or my children. People will then get ashamed and apologize (mostly men). Where are all the gentlemen?? They don't even offer their seats to pregnant women anymore, I should know I am pregnant!
Anyway that's another thread, but as for this one. I would definitely call her and tell her. Look I am sorry if you didn't want me to call, it is something I do to show good customer service. I call my customers to see if their products are ok, if they are interested in purchasing anything else or having their own show. It is something I do to everyone who purchasing PC products from me. If you would have said please don't call me again, I am not interested, I would have been happy to remove you from my list. You called me at 10:30 pm, I never call anyone after 8 pm because it's too late and people are asleep. You also cussed on my machine and I am glad my children were not there to hear it. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use that language when you called my phone. I only called to see if you were pleased with your products. So how are they working out for you? LOL
Hopefully she will feel ashamed and apologize. When people are usually confronted with their wrong doing it's hard to not admit guilt and apologize unless she is just really mean and immature. If she is rude, tell her you have removed her from your list. Thank God for call notes!! I hate answering machines!

Debbie :D
  • #15
DebbieSAChef said:
I have asked several people to please watch their language when they are speaking in front of me or my children. People will then get ashamed and apologize (mostly men). Where are all the gentlemen?? They don't even offer their seats to pregnant women anymore, I should know I am pregnant!

Debbie :D

Tell me about it! We were at Disney recently & were riding on one of the buses. It was late & the bus was completely full & we ended up having to stand. I ended up having to HOLD my 2 year old on a moving bus & my friend with me was visibly pregnant. Not ONE person asked if we would like to sit down. And it was not a short ride.
  • #16
I guess this is one place where Alaska is 10 years behind in a good way, LOL! I am treated like a goddess when I am pregnant, but the second you have a newborn no more special treatment. I have two toddlers, so when I go to the groceries store I have to get one of those huge "car" carts. When I leave the store I have to get the door open, but the cart is too heavy to open the door then pull the cart through. My belly is HUGE and I can't fit throught the door next to the cart, so I HAVE to rely on someone to open the door for me to get the cart through. People are really nice about it and have always helped, but from past experience I know once I have a baby carrier on there too people won't care.

When I was pregnant with my son all my friends made me returnstuff to the store that they couldn't return for whatever reason. I never got turned down...:)
  • #17
I was very pregnant and holding an upset 3 year old in my arms while waiting for a table at Trail Dust. The place was full of cowboys and not one offered me his seat!! UGH!

Oh well, it just makes us stronger for pushing the baby out, right?
  • #18
I wouldnt be happy about the 10:30 phone call either.
I also hate phone calls at 7:00 in the morning I got a call one day at 7:30 and he said this is _____ from the Sheriffs Office I heard that When he said thaqt my heart skipped wondering what I did wrong but he wanted to book a show.
I must live in a good town also we had to take my DD to the dr for her wrist and we had 3 people offer us thier chairs cause we had a newborn and one crying daughter and my son
  • #19
pamperedgirl3 said:
Tell me about it! We were at Disney recently & were riding on one of the buses. It was late & the bus was completely full & we ended up having to stand. I ended up having to HOLD my 2 year old on a moving bus & my friend with me was visibly pregnant. Not ONE person asked if we would like to sit down. And it was not a short ride.

When we had Leadership in Long Beach, CA a few years ago I was riding on a bus and all the seats were full. I'm pretty short (4'11 1/2"...don't forget the "half", it's important!! :D ) I had to stand holding one of those loops in the middle. I was too short to hold it AND have my feet firmly planted on the ground. I was dangling and swinging like a side of beef at the butcher's!! I was RIGHT in front of a guy (seated, of course) that had to be at least 6'5". I just kept looking at him thinking he'd get the hint and offer me a seat...NOPE! Ah...chivalry has died :(
  • #20
GeorgiaPeach said:
When we had Leadership in Long Beach, CA a few years ago I was riding on a bus and all the seats were full. I'm pretty short (4'11 1/2"...don't forget the "half", it's important!! :D ) I had to stand holding one of those loops in the middle. I was too short to hold it AND have my feet firmly planted on the ground. I was dangling and swinging like a side of beef at the butcher's!! I was RIGHT in front of a guy (seated, of course) that had to be at least 6'5". I just kept looking at him thinking he'd get the hint and offer me a seat...NOPE! Ah...chivalry has died :(

I am SURE that was not funny at the time, but I gotta tell you, you just gave me quite a laugh! I can just invision you dangling trying to hang on for dear life! So many people nowadays just don't have common curtesy! I pray that my kids don't grow up and act like that!
  • #21
The mental picture I have made me literally laugh out loud too!! Thanks for the laugh!!
  • #22
Manners seem to have been thrown out the window. People don't remove their hats when they are in a building, they say anything and everything, some people don't even stand when the National Anthem is played. My husband was in the military and he gets really angry when people don't stand for the National Anthem. He has even told people about it.

As far as the message on your machine goes...she may not have even realized what she said. Perhaps she was drunk, maybe she had just returned from a long trip, maybe she was tired. I have found that most people who cuss, do so out of habit. Most of the time they don't even realize they did it. It is really sad.
  • #23
KellyTheChef said:

I am SURE that was not funny at the time, but I gotta tell you, you just gave me quite a laugh! I can just invision you dangling trying to hang on for dear life! So many people nowadays just don't have common curtesy! I pray that my kids don't grow up and act like that!

At the time it was very embarrassing AND painful but now it really is funny. So go ahead and laugh :)
  • #24
You will be happy to know that there is at least one young man who has manners. My 20-year-old son will rush ahead of others to hold the door for a lady. He would NEVER THINK of allowing a lady to stand when he has a seat. He's gotten joking marriage proposals from women of all ages. (At least, I think they were joking.)
  • #25
raebates said:
You will be happy to know that there is at least one young man who has manners. My 20-year-old son will rush ahead of others to hold the door for a lady. He would NEVER THINK of allowing a lady to stand when he has a seat. He's gotten joking marriage proposals from women of all ages. (At least, I think they were joking.)

When my husband was in undergrad years ago, he & a girl he didn't know were going to reach a door at about the same time. So he tried to be polite & opened it for her. She actually YELLED at him! Luckily it didn't deter him from ever doing it again!
  • #26
Women like that are, well, odd.
  • #27
I'm very self-sufficient but will let a guy get the door if I see him going for it. Actually it is so cute, I take my daughter and my friend's two boys to school each a.m. The 8 yr. old boy ALWAYS has to get the door for all of us and the 7 yr. old boy ALWAYS wants to carry my 5 yr. old daughter's backpack for her from the vehicle all the way up to her class. ...I teach her to let him! :) (At the same time teach her to be independent too...you can have the best of both worlds!)
  • #28
we are definitly trying to teach my son manners. He is only 5 but sometimes he can do good and other he is like why? It is mostly when his sister is involved when he doesnt do good
  • #29
That's understandable. Sisters aren't really girls. They're sisters.
  • #30
raebates said:
That's understandable. Sisters aren't really girls. They're sisters.

Yeah, that's what my brother still thinks!
  • #31
That reminds me of a story about my brother. Five or so years ago my DH and I went to a Tigers game with my younger brother, John. We were in our seats, I was in between DH and DB. John decides he wants peanuts. The vender is yelling/selling them maybe 10 rows up from us. John yells back he wants some. The vender throws them, I happen to turn my head and WHAM, get smacked in the side of the face with the bag of p-nuts. It didn't hurt, just startled me. The vender has the OMG look! John is not a big guy, but my DH is. DB yells up to the vender, "It's okay pal, it's just my sister!"
  • #32
Sounds like something my brother would do. Glad you weren't hurt. Peanuts can be dangerous. Just ask anyone with a jar of Peter Pan from the 2111 lot.
  • #33
I have to say that I am very lucky, my DH is very polite. Opens doors and always lets me in the car first, pulls out chairs, helps with jackets. He gets upset if I get up for tea, he likes to do that for me.

As for the phone call I would call her back for sure.
  • #34
Did you call her back yet Debbie?? I am DYING to hear her excuse for being so rude!!
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  • #35
Nope, not yet. Still mulling over whether I should or not because I have NO idea where I got her number! I just went through my slips from a couple fairs I've done recently and she's not on there....I'm totally stumped!
  • #36
I just hope she didn't get your number from her church mailing slot. :p
  • #37
britishchef said:
I just hope she didn't get your number from her church mailing slot. :p

LOLOLOLOL that is too funny!:D :D
  • Thread starter
  • #38
britishchef said:
I just hope she didn't get your number from her church mailing slot. :p

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :p
  • #39
Oh, LISA! You just made me laugh out loud! My husband wanted to know what was so funny. I could totally envision this as I'm not much taller than you (5'2") and could see something like this happen.
  • Thread starter
  • #40
Okay, so I called them.....it was my host from last Friday who flaked out. Long story....two sisters that I met at BRU in January. Sister #1 set a date at the store and was super excited! I gave her a packet and everything. Then I called sister #2 (who had entered my drawing) to tell her she won a free show without knowing that she was her sister. That totally confused them since the one had already set a date. I suggested that they cohost and I would still do the party for free.

They were all consumed with sister #1's baby shower, so I told them I'd call them back after the shower to make plans but they just needed to invite everyone in the meantime. They told me the people they would be inviting would all be at the shower, so they would just tell them at that time. Sister #2 kind of took over as the main host at that point and I told her I'd call her the next week once the shower was done. She seemed okay with that.

Then they went totally AWOL on me. I had tried and tried and tried to call both of them. I left multiple messages for sister #2. I had a bad number for sister #1, but she had given me her work number, so I called there (she works at a Kmart store) and left a message. Apparently she just got the message and called me back because she didn't know who it was from. I guess some idiot took the message and didn't write my whole name down. In the meantime, I had emailed both of them and got a response from sister #1 that sister #2 was out of town and the party was not going to happen, so she was totally pissed off that I had called her at work when she had already responded to my email.

Now neither of them are interested in hosting (go figure) and I'm not really interested in working with them either!

I didn't say anything about the calling at 10:30 at night or cussing on my machine. I was trying to be nice. :)
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  • #41
Well, at least you figured it out! Man, you were much nicer than me!!:D
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  • #42
Well, when she got on the phone, I did say I was calling because SOMEONE from this number called me at 10:30 last night. I don't know if she caught my point, but I tried to do it tactfully without calling her out on it.

Bless.....and release........WHO IS NEXT?????
  • #43
Sounds like a dramatic family...better off not in the middle...!
  • #44
I don't know that I could have been as nice as you were...I probably would have been gracious on the phone, but things would have been FLYING when I hung up the phone! Some people's kids...jeesh! Gotta give you an "A+" for your effort!
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  • #45
Thanks, Chris!!!
  • #46
pcchris said:
I don't know that I could have been as nice as you were...I probably would have been gracious on the phone, but things would have been FLYING when I hung up the phone! Some people's kids...jeesh! Gotta give you an "A+" for your effort!
Wow, NO Kidding.
I was going to post previous in the thread that I had a girl call my house asking me who I was (at 9:30pm while I was putting my kids in bed).
Well when I told her that my name was Melissa, she started cussing and chewing me out like crazy. Then hung up on me.
Well, I called her right back. I knew who she was, and when I told her that she just called my house, she just about died!
She was extremely appologetic, and kissing my butt.
Anyways, I dropped her from doing a show with, because I don't need to be treated in such a manner, even if it was a mistake.
So as you said...
Bless and release.
  • #47
gilliandanielle said:
When I was pregnant with my son all my friends made me returnstuff to the store that they couldn't return for whatever reason. I never got turned down...:)

Life is grand when we are preggers. :D
  • #48
Great job Deb. No need to ruining your good vibes for HER. ;)
  • #49
I bet she hund up thinking "OMGoodness I bet she heard me call her the dam PC lady!" Great job!!!

Related to Oh, This Is a Good One!! My Phone Rang at 10:30 P.m. Tonight

1. What is "Oh, This Is a Good One!!"?

"Oh, This Is a Good One!!" is a popular phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to describe a frustrating or interesting experience they have had while working their business. It is often used in a humorous or lighthearted manner to share anecdotes with other consultants.

2. Why did the consultant not answer the call at 10:30 p.m.?

The consultant did not recognize the number and therefore chose not to answer the call. It is common practice for individuals to not answer calls from unknown numbers, especially late at night.

3. Who was on the other end of the phone call?

The person on the other end of the phone call was a woman who was yelling in the background. It is unclear who she was or why she was yelling.

4. Why did the woman refer to the consultant as "that dam Pampered Chef lady"?

It is possible that the woman had a negative experience with the consultant or the Pampered Chef brand in the past. It is also possible that she was simply frustrated with being contacted by the consultant.

5. Should the consultant call the woman back?

It is up to the consultant's discretion whether or not to call the woman back. However, given the late hour and the woman's negative reaction on the voicemail, it may be best to let the situation go and move on. It is important to maintain professionalism and not engage in rude or confrontational behavior, especially with potential customers.

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