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offTopic- Need Advise on Cursing

In summary, according to Gary Martin's website, the phrase first appeared in print in 1891 and no one really knows the origin. Charles Earle Funk (as in Funk & Wagnall's) published a book called Heavens to Betsy! and Other Curious Sayings in 1955. He said no one knows who Betsy was and the origin of "Heavens to Betsy" will never be solved.
cookin to the top
Gold Member
I now have a two year old, who is in the "parrot" phase. My immediate family and I need some alternatives to our sometimes colorful language... do you remember phrases your grandparents (or parents, or even you) used, instead of cursing? Do you have any good ones that have stuck in your mind that we can possibly implement? Thanks!
Well, gosh darn it and gee whilikers, I can't think of any.
When I went to confirmation camp, we were given a word to use. Each camp had their own. Our's was "masla" which is butter in Russian.
I've always liked "BEECH nut tree!" :)
You know, I say all kids of stuff from "holy cow" which came out of my 2 year old today at the safari park when the ostrich pecked the car window as HO D COW! - to "For the Love of Monkey's" - no idea where that one came from but it's gotten me through some rough times!
oh fruit loops, shittake mushrooms, fudge cake,
Just remember...
Heck is for those who don't believe in Gosh...
  • Thread starter
  • #9
One I use a lot is "dag nab it", but in the heat of the moment.... lol
  • #10
It was pointed out to me recently that I say "poop" or "oh poop" for just about any bad thing that happens. Do not ask me why I say it.. because I have no clue.. but I guess it is better than saying something else! LOL
  • #11
I say sugar or sugarplums a lot instead of the s word or crap (still not great, but better!), gosh darnit or gosh darned instead of GD, and I generally just say "jerk" instead of the b or a word :)
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  • #12
Learn another language that helps.
  • #13
We say "Poops-a-tari" a lot.
  • #14
"This is a dad-burned outrage!"
--Gabby Hayes
  • #15
I am glad someone posted this. My most difficult is when I'm really angry and I say very bad things but am so mad I don't care! Adjustment needed...
  • #16
I usually say, "Seriously?!" or "Oh my word!" When I am trying not to swear, which is not often. LOL
  • #17
hubbies a sailor, try teaching the kids not to swear is fun here are the changes I use: son of a bisquick, fudgesicles, dag nab it, sugar I think there is more but he is away at school now.
  • #18
Jeez O Petes!!! My neighbor says it all the time so now I do!
  • #19
dkitten13 said:
I am glad someone posted this. My most difficult is when I'm really angry and I say very bad things but am so mad I don't care! Adjustment needed...

It's a very difficult habit to break, especially in the heat of a given moment. My first wife used to leave the house when I told her I was about to embark on a plumbing project. She always said I used words she had never heard before. :)
  • #20
My great aunt used "heaven's to Betsy" I still don't know who Betsy is.
  • #21
tmseiling said:
My great aunt used "heaven's to Betsy" I still don't know who Betsy is.

LOL - My Grandma and Mom used that too - along with "Oh, for Pete's Sake"....

Who are these people?
  • #22
According to Gary Martin's website, The Phrase Finder, the phrase first appeared in print in 1891 and no one really knows the origin. Charles Earle Funk (as in Funk & Wagnall's) published a book called Heavens to Betsy! and Other Curious Sayings in 1955. He said no one knows who Betsy was and the origin of "Heavens to Betsy" will never be solved.(I think Pete and Betsy used to own a pub somewhere.)
  • #23
Shut the front door! I use that one a lot, and my friend says sugar and fudge.
  • #24
My neighbor says "Cheese and rice" a lot.
  • #25
"Sweet baby cheeses!" always lightens the moment.​
  • #26
Fudge and Crud are two favorites!

'Gosh durn it' comes out of my mouth too.... I'm so bad :)
  • #27
most of mine are while driving.... blooming idiot .. or I found idiotville again..
  • #28
My dad always says, "For Pete's Sake!" I always jokingly ask him who Pete is :) Hubby and I love Battle Star Galactica and he always says Frak now (which was their F-word on the show.)
  • #29
A girlfriend of mine says: "H E double hockey sticks"

I say "Shoot" and "Darn It" now and then. Never really been one to swear. I'll never forget the first time I ever said the "f" word in front of my DH his mouth just dropped to the floor-he was shocked.
  • #30
I say "for the love of Bea Arthur" and "Oh Mylanta!!" Instead of OMG, and Seriously?!?-Really?!?...I actually use those two quite a bit, along with I'll be jiggered, and What the Fluff for a stronger version of What the Heck. :)
  • #31
Holy Cow, fudge puppies (no idea where that came from, and not sure how tasty fudge puppies would be, but it does make my kids laugh sometimes). I also have not-really-words-just-random-sounds thing. It's always the same, but since I'm not upset right now, I can't think of what it is!!
  • #32
I'm curious (don't kill me, but I don't have kids and I don't know what I would do in this situation) but if you are using a word in place of a curse word, isn't it the same thing? We as a society determine what "bad" words are, but it is the intention behind them that makes them harmful. So, if the intention is still there....
  • #33
I remember the time that my Mom, when really angry about something, used the word "sh!t" in front of us kids. We all went for the jugular of course - "Ah, Mom - you used a bad word!", etc...

Mom informed us that sh!t wasn't a swear word, it was a Family Word.

Meaning - you can only use it when it's just family around. We all laughed, and we never let her forget it! :D:D:D
  • #34
I can still remember my grandmother saying "Oh, sugar!" and "Oh, fudge!" I can't ever imagine her saying the real curse words!! LOL! ;)
  • #35
W.C. Fields slipped past the censors by using "Godfrey Daniel!" as an expletive. He had a couple other choice ones, too, and also used "DRAT!" in a melodramatic way.But "Godfrey Daniel!" is still one of my favorites, probably just because he was able to get it past the Hayes office without anyone there knowing what it meant.
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  • #36
My mom was annoyed by my little one who was whining, and asked her, "what are you b#*&*ing about?" I couldn't believe she said that!!! Mom saw my face, and said, "what, that's a bad word?" DUH!!!
  • #37
When my son was young he said a curse word and I remember telling him that he is not allowed to talk like that. He wanted to know why daddy can use those words and he cannot. Well I told him daddy had a special license that only grown ups can get to use those words.
  • #38
Kate, I'm right with you. I have been trying to figure that out for years. That said, I also alter my language around my kids. Not that I usually swear that much.

My son likes to say "Oh tarter sauce!" and "Oh barnicals!" - he watches Sponge Bob.
  • #39
My 2 year old is in the 'parrot' phase, too. My DH & I do not frequently curse but sometimes the sudden phrase slips & she catches on quite quickly! When she says "Da**it" we turn around, stomp our foot & say "dag gone it" in a silly voice! Same w/ sh*t (which my 16 y/o brother taught her) & we say "Shoot Fire". Which she thinks is hilarious.

We've also turned 'crap' into 'crud nugget'.

But we frequently say "Oh, Poopy Doopy" "Turd Nugget" & "Holy Cannoli"

I think anything funny or silly works!
  • #40
"Well butter my biscuits"
"Dog my cat"
Now that my son is 19 and not around much...I talk like a sailor sometimes!

My Dad used to say "friggin"...which I don't like! That is why as a small Catholic girl I thought my Protestant father was going straight to hell.:( But now that I am grown up I realize now what "the 50's, a pregnant Catholic girl and a Protestant boy" meant back then!!!! And given what was going on with our priests, now I know my :angel:Dad:angel: is definately heaven material!!!)

If you don't make too much of a fuss about it, they will not think that it is worth repeating because it didn't get much of a reaction. What really floors me is when I hear people thinking it is "cute" to teach little ones curse words to see the expression on other adults faces.
  • #41
Go watch A Christmas Story again, especially the segment about Ralphie helping change the tire, and losing the lug nuts.

I think the scene with the voice over went...

Ralphie: Oooh fuuudge!
V/O: [narrating] Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!
Mr. Parker: [stunned] *What* did you say?
Ralphie: Uh, um...
Mr. Parker: That's... what I thought you said. Get in the car. Go on!
V/O: [narrating] It was all over - I was dead. What would it be? The guillotine? Hanging? The chair? The rack? The Chinese water torture? Hmmph. Mere child's play compared to what surely awaited me.

Mother: All right. Now, are you ready to tell me where you heard that word?
V/O: [narrating] Now, I had heard that word at least ten times a day from my old man. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master. But, I chickened out and said the first name that came to mind.
Ralphie: Schwartz!

V/O: [narrating] Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. My personal preference was for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness. Life Buoy, on the other hand...
Ralphie: YECCHH!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Too funny! I have to watch that movie again....
  • #43
I am a nanny so cursing is a big no no! One family I worked 4 would yell oh pickles after their daughter showed them how much they used the F bomb! So now my 2 year old will correct family & friends when she hears timeout words reminding them to say oh pickles!
  • #44
Triciascucina said:
hubbies a sailor, try teaching the kids not to swear is fun here are the changes I use: son of a bisquick, fudgesicles, dag nab it, sugar I think there is more but he is away at school now.

this reminds me of what my cousin used to say... she would say "son of a biscuit eater"...lol
  • #45
Q: What did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall?


We have a radio personality here (I can't call him a disc jockey - who has disc jockeys anymore?) who will not say the name of a town northwest of here, named Beaver Dam. He always says "Beaver Darn."
  • #46
My friend introduced me to "mother-father"...

Also "Judas Priest"

And since Battlestar Galactica resurrected it, I use "frack" alot....
  • #47
elizabethfox said:
It was pointed out to me recently that I say "poop" or "oh poop" for just about any bad thing that happens. Do not ask me why I say it.. because I have no clue.. but I guess it is better than saying something else! LOL

LOLOLOL....I say "poop", too! But, I also like to make up nonsense words when I'm about to swear, especially if I'm in front of the little ones! I'm actually good about holding my tongue when children are around. Just make up w word on the spot. Say something like..."Oh wheeziepoofies". It may make you laugh, and then you won't be as frustrated as you were before you said it. It just made me laugh!!!

Hope that helps!!!!

Related to offTopic- Need Advise on Cursing

1. "Do you have any tips for getting my two year old to stop repeating curse words?"

One effective way to discourage a child from using curse words is to simply ignore it when they do it. This helps to avoid giving them attention for their behavior, which may encourage them to continue using the words. Instead, try to redirect their attention to something else, such as a toy or activity.

2. "What are some good alternatives to using curse words around children?"

It can be helpful to come up with alternative words or phrases to use when you are tempted to curse around your child. Some ideas include "darn it," "oh my goodness," or "fudge." You can also try using silly made-up words, such as "flibbertigibbet" or "noodlehead."

3. "Do you have any suggestions for how to handle cursing from other family members around my child?"

It can be difficult to control the language of others, but it's important to set boundaries and expectations for how you want your child to be exposed to language. You can have a conversation with your family members and explain that you are trying to limit your child's exposure to curse words and ask them to be mindful of their language around your child.

4. "Are there any consequences I should use if my child continues to use curse words?"

It's important to establish consistent consequences for using curse words, but it's also important to remain calm and not overreact. One approach could be to have a "swear jar" where your child has to put in a small amount of money or a token every time they use a curse word. This can help them understand the impact of their words and also provide a way for them to "pay" for their actions.

5. "Do you have any personal experiences with using alternative language around children?"

Yes, as a Pampered Chef consultant, I have had to be mindful of my language when hosting parties and having children present. I found that using alternatives and redirecting my language was effective in keeping the environment family-friendly and avoiding any awkward situations. It also helped me to become more conscious of my language in general and find more creative ways to express frustration or surprise without cursing.

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