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Obama Is Not Pro Life and He Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

In summary, the article discusses how Obama is not pro life and his campaign is trying to convince people that he is. The article also talks about how Obama wants to allow minors to have abortions without their parents' permission and how FOCA will invalidate any law requiring parental notification.
  • #101
Hathery said:
I agree that it is SOMETIMES an unborn child. I do believe it's a glob of cells in the very beginning, and I don't believe that's a person. But that's my own belief.

Citizens shouldn't have the right to steal, murder, etc. because that effects other citizens. Abortion doesn't effect me one bit. If I were ever forced to make that choice, it would effect me. What others choose to do does not.


So killing a child down the street affects you but the mom next door killing her unborn child doesn't?

What about when she has depression or another mental illness dealing with it...does that affect you yet?

I'd get into that discussion more but if you truly believe it doesn't affect you and you can't see the big picture, discussion won't help.

Abortion is as selfish as suicide to me...it is the easy way out for that person but it affects many, many people.

I know you'll say this is a stretch but what if that aborted child would grow up to find the cure for a disease that you have in 20-30 years? Does it affect you yet?
  • #102
janetupnorth said:

So killing a child down the street affects you but the mom next door killing her unborn child doesn't?

What about when she has depression or another mental illness dealing with it...does that affect you yet?

I'd get into that discussion more but if you truly believe it doesn't affect you and you can't see the big picture, discussion won't help.

Abortion is as selfish as suicide to me...it is the easy way out for that person but it affects many, many people.

I know you'll say this is a stretch but what if that aborted child would grow up to find the cure for a disease that you have in 20-30 years? Does it affect you yet?

Yep, exactly. Someone killing their unborn child doesn't affect me at all. Sounds crass, but it's true. I'd much rather it not get to that point, though. I'd much rather people take responsible measures to prevent such things from ever happening, but proponents of such garbage as "abstinence-only education" or moral opposition to oral contraceptives of the morning-after pill will continue to make abortion a necessary evil.
  • #103
Hathery said:
I agree that it is SOMETIMES an unborn child. I do believe it's a glob of cells in the very beginning, and I don't believe that's a person. But that's my own belief.

Citizens shouldn't have the right to steal, murder, etc. because that effects other citizens. Abortion doesn't effect me one bit. If I were ever forced to make that choice, it would effect me. What others choose to do does not.

What about affecting the baby inside the womb that is murdered and painfully extracted in an unnatural process. And I have talked to many women who still live with the guilt, the shame, the fact they were lied to and watched as a tiny child was extracted from them instead of a blob of tissue, the pain of not being able to conceive anymore and many, many more.
It affects us as a society because as we grow numb to this and ignore it how much easier will it be to dispose of elderly people, disabled people, mentally ill people and other people who society feels are not needed. Euthenasia is becoming a problem in our society. It also teaches people that they don't have to deal with consequences for their sin (fornication, adultery)!
It was a consequence when I was 18 and pregnant out of wedlock. But I kept my first child because I thought I was going to get married to the father. My second child I wanted to abort because it was inconvenient and I didn't want to have to deal with another child at 19 still out of wedlock. But I was too far along to get an abortion in my city. I didn't have a way to abort my daugher or I would have. But I would have missed out on the joys of my children. Was it hard? Sure it was, I even had to work long hours and not go out as much as I was used to but that taught me to be responsible. When the Lord saved me, I appreciated my kids and learned to love them unconditionally like Christ loves me.

Debbie :D
  • #104
Ah, so support of abortion is your way of saying morality and purity in our sexual lives shouldn't exist and I should get to do what I want because it is fun.
  • #105
DebbieSAChef said:
What about affecting the baby inside the womb that is murdered and painfully extracted in an unnatural process. And I have talked to many women who still live with the guilt, the shame, the fact they were lied to and watched as a tiny child was extracted from them instead of a blob of tissue, the pain of not being able to conceive anymore and many, many more.
It affects us as a society because as we grow numb to this and ignore it how much easier will it be to dispose of elderly people, disabled people, mentally ill people and other people who society feels are not needed. Euthenasia is becoming a problem in our society. It also teaches people that they don't have to deal with consequences for their sin (fornication, adultery)!
It was a consequence when I was 18 and pregnant out of wedlock. But I kept my first child because I thought I was going to get married to the father. My second child I wanted to abort because it was inconvenient and I didn't want to have to deal with another child at 19 still out of wedlock. But I was too far along to get an abortion in my city. I didn't have a way to abort my daugher or I would have. But I would have missed out on the joys of my children. Was it hard? Sure it was, I even had to work long hours and not go out as much as I was used to but that taught me to be responsible. When the Lord saved me, I appreciated my kids and learned to love them unconditionally like Christ loves me.

Debbie :D

Thank you Debbie. It's better to hear it from someone who's lived it.

I also have worked with women who have dealt with the shame of abortion. I've never met a woman who has had an abortion and not had all kinds of emotional and physical heartache as a consequence.
  • #106
janetupnorth said:
Ah, so support of abortion is your way of saying morality and purity in our sexual lives shouldn't exist and I should get to do what I want because it is fun.

No, I don't recall saying that.
  • #107
Hathery said:
I agree that it is SOMETIMES an unborn child. I do believe it's a glob of cells in the very beginning, and I don't believe that's a person. But that's my own belief.

Citizens shouldn't have the right to steal, murder, etc. because that effects other citizens. Abortion doesn't effect me one bit. If I were ever forced to make that choice, it would effect me. What others choose to do does not.

But someone stealing from me doesn't affect you. Or someone murdering me, or raping me. Oh, but you'd feel bad about it because it is wrong, because I am a person?

Someone aborting a pregnancy *does* affect another person (I'm not going to use the word citizen, because I am not one, but I think I count as a human being!). As well as affecting the mother, who is often scarred both physically and emotionally by the abortion, it very much affects the baby. A person with no voice, no rights, no vote, and no-one to stand up for it and advocate for it. Unless it is lucky enough to be wanted. Because if it is unlucky enough to be unwanted, then who cares...

Why should any baby have to be wanted to be stood up for? It makes no difference if it is 5 mins old, 5 mins before delivery, 1 day before that, 1 day before that day, etc etc until conception. Even before there is a heart beat, that embryo has the potential to be born. I don't understand how it makes a difference how many days before delivery (or post conception) it is, how can it have worth one day, but not the day before?
  • #108
BethCooks4U said:
Obama is not the devil nor is he the anti-Christ. I am appauled that so many are even going there. It shows desperation. Sad, really sad, that someone has to be crucified in such a vile way to try to get your own side elected. All this "Christian" talk mixed with this character assassination and stretching of a thread of truth into such blatent lies and scare tactics would be almost comical if it wasn't so sad. This kind of talk is what's scaring me. I thought this country was beyond this kind of lynching.

I am praying for you all. And for peace in our country. This kind of talk will only incite racial discontent. Shame.

Onto the subject of the thread: Obama is not pro-abortion he is pro-choice and has said that he wants to work toward cutting down on the number of abortions. He voted against the bill that you guys like to cite because that bill wasn't going to do anything to change things and because there was already a law protecting those babies on the Illinois books.

Ok, I am just a little confused. Who on here called him the anti-christ or the Devil? I know I have not but I do question his past friends, religion, pastor, and associates. No matter what I do not see how anyone can think it is ok for a 16 year old to drive to a clinic and get an abortion but can not have an X-ray if they get hurt playing ball with out a parent???? where is the logic?
  • #109
Hathery said:
No, I don't recall saying that.
Once again...I said that IS YOUR WAY of saying...not that you said it...that is what can be gleaned from it based on everything you have said...I'm trying to glean the source of the non-chalant, it doesn't affect me viewpoint.
  • #110
janetupnorth said:
Once again...I said that IS YOUR WAY of saying...not that you said it...that is what can be gleaned from it based on everything you have said...

I'm trying to glean the source of the non-chalant, it doesn't affect me viewpoint.

If that's what I meant, I would have said it.
  • #111
Hathery said:
Yep, exactly. Someone killing their unborn child doesn't affect me at all. Sounds crass, but it's true. I'd much rather it not get to that point, though. I'd much rather people take responsible measures to prevent such things from ever happening, but proponents of such garbage as "abstinence-only education" or moral opposition to oral contraceptives of the morning-after pill will continue to make abortion a necessary evil.

Hathery said:
If that's what I meant, I would have said it.

I think you did...
  • #112
janetupnorth said:
I think you did...

Fine. I'm glad you know what I meant better than I do.
  • #113
Ok guys..chill out...
  • #114
chefsteph07 said:
Ok guys..chill out...

Gladly! I'd just once like to have the discussion be logical without this holier-than-thou attitude creeping in from some people. I'm glad that people like God, but that doesn't mean it has to be brought up at every single turn. It gets so OLD.
  • #115
Hathery said:
Yep, exactly. Someone killing their unborn child doesn't affect me at all. Sounds crass, but it's true.

What if your mother had of aborted you? It would have affected you then.
  • #116
Hathery said:
I'm glad that people like God, but that doesn't mean it has to be brought up at every single turn. It gets so OLD.

In my life, then it will just have to continue to be old b/c when God is a part of my everyday life then I bring Him up. All I can do is pray that one day you will come to believe in His saving grace as well and see where we as Christian are coming from.
  • #117
DebbieSAChef said:
What about affecting the baby inside the womb that is murdered and painfully extracted in an unnatural process. And I have talked to many women who still live with the guilt, the shame, the fact they were lied to and watched as a tiny child was extracted from them instead of a blob of tissue, the pain of not being able to conceive anymore and many, many more.
It affects us as a society because as we grow numb to this and ignore it how much easier will it be to dispose of elderly people, disabled people, mentally ill people and other people who society feels are not needed. Euthenasia is becoming a problem in our society. It also teaches people that they don't have to deal with consequences for their sin (fornication, adultery)!
It was a consequence when I was 18 and pregnant out of wedlock. But I kept my first child because I thought I was going to get married to the father. My second child I wanted to abort because it was inconvenient and I didn't want to have to deal with another child at 19 still out of wedlock. But I was too far along to get an abortion in my city. I didn't have a way to abort my daugher or I would have. But I would have missed out on the joys of my children. Was it hard? Sure it was, I even had to work long hours and not go out as much as I was used to but that taught me to be responsible. When the Lord saved me, I appreciated my kids and learned to love them unconditionally like Christ loves me.

Debbie :D

Oh Debbie this has me in tears. I am so thankful that God worked it out for you to not have the abortion b/c knowing your love for children now, I know how painful that past would have been for you. But I know God's grace would still have been sufficient.

I sure hope my words came out the way I meant for them.
  • #118
OK. I really should not say anything here but I want to ask a question. OF all of you who posted out here as Pro Life, how many adopted children do each of you have then? I figure, if you are going to preach it, you have to own it too. So I am curious.
  • #119
Pro Life doesn't mean you have to adopt children to "preach" it. I personally don't have many but have helped teens with kids, have friends who adopt and much, much more. That's like saying if I'm against stopping alcoholism I need to take in an alcoholic...It doesn't fit the debate.Unfortunately in the United States, it is easier to adopt from a foreign country than from within the United States.
  • #120
Personally, 3 natural, strongly considering adoption for numbers 4 and 5, if we go that far. Probably would adopt internationally older kids.

Anyway, If I understand rightly, there is no shortage of adoptive parents for newborns, but there are many, many older kids who desperately need good parents to adopt them.

And it is not easy for everyone to adopt a baby - just ask Kacey...

Personally, I do know alot of people who have adopted kids, but I do not think you should do it because you are pro-life, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have your own biological children.
  • #121
Pro-life and adoption are not the same issue. I have 3 beautiful children and I also had a miscarriage. I have tried to adopt a child before but the system wouldn't let me because of race issues...she was native american and I am white. However, there are tons of couples out there that want to adopt children but the system doesn't work correctly and those children stay in foster homes for years and years. They are pulled out of their homes, put back into their homes, pulled out of their homes, put back into their homes...until they don't trust anyone and think nobody loves them. I see it every day. This is part of what is wrong with our society. But, I guess my biggest complaint is that if you don't want any children...keep your clothes on or take extreme preventive measures, such as sterilization. Castorate rapist and child molestors as legal punishment and women who don't take care of their children should be legally forced to get their tubes tied. This sounds extreme, but you can bet that if we took this kind of legal stand that their would be many less unwanted children being born and they wouldn't have to be aborted. But, we don't want to infringe on the right of a woman and force her to stop having children and letting the rest of the country take care of them, so we will just incourage her to infringe on the right of her baby and the rest of society. Give me a break! Abortion is murder no matter how you look at it.

As far as bringing God up...well, you always talk about the important things in your life. God is important to me...I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I talk to God every day and he is my best friend. So, it is only natural that God and Jesus are mentioned in most of my conversations with people. If you are a party person, then the wild party you attended over the weekend will be what you talk about. The things you love are what you talk about.
  • #122
Hathery said:
Gladly! I'd just once like to have the discussion be logical without this holier-than-thou attitude creeping in from some people. I'm glad that people like God, but that doesn't mean it has to be brought up at every single turn. It gets so OLD.

Sorry you view anything related to Christianity or morality that way.

I view what you appear to be a logical discussion as an exercise in moral relativism.

People like Debbie who are quoting beliefs in God are also sharing personal experiences that brought them to that belief in God. Ask Debbie where God fit in when she was young and making those decisions, He didn't! She's shared that.

If God is "getting old" to you, I'd ask yourself why you are so bothered by it? Is it really their viewpoint or mention of God or is it something deeper? Only you can answer that.
  • #123
gingertannery said:
:angel::angel::angel: OK.. I have an answer. hopefully. Please spread the news.. My cousin in California sent this to me via e-mail. What a great idea. Let's all pray together -in doing so can make a greater impact... and ask God to help us in our cause!! I don't know about you.. but I feel defenseless against our future.. I know one vote may not make a difference.. especially as everyone is not thinking correctly and supporting Obama in his lies and evilness. So what do you think?? Please tell everyone you know.. copy and send to friends.. talk about it in church. We can make a difference with God's help!! My time to pray is 8:00 (central) Please join me!!:angel::angel::angel:

The e-mail as sent by my cousin Beth:

Will you join me in prayer? I'm believing your answer is YES.

> This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever
> faced, and from the looks of the polls,
> the Christians aren't voting Christian values. We all
> need to be on our knees.
> Do
> you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His
> name, then stand
> back and watch His wonders unfold. This scripture gives us,
> as
> Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to
> call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do that. We
> have never been more desperate
> than now for God to heal our land.
> This
> election is the scariest I remember in my lifetime. 2
> Chronicles 7:14.
> 'If my people, which are called by my name shall humble
> themselves, and
> pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
> then will I
> hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal
> their
> land.'
> During
> WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill, who organized a
> group of
> people who dropped what they were doing every night at a
> prescribed
> hour for one minute, to collectively pray for the safety of
> England,
> its people and peace. This had an amazing effect, as
> bombing stopped.
> There is now a group of people organizing the same thing
> here in America.
> The
> United States of America, and our citizens, need prayer
> more than
> ever!!! If you would like to participate, each evening at
> 9:00 P.M.
> Eastern Time (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific),
> stop whatever
> you're doing, and spend one minute praying for the
> safety of the United
> States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world,
> the upcoming
> election, that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws
> governing
> our land, and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.
> If
> you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass
> this along.
> Someone said if people really understood the full extent
> of the power
> we have available through prayer, we might be speechless.
> Our prayers
> are the most powerful asset we have. Thank you.
> Please pass this on to anyone who you think will want to
> join us.
> God Bless You!!!

Here is the prayer I was talking about. Let me know if it doesn't open and I'll just cut and paste the words in a separate post.


  • Prayer for USA.doc
    27 KB · Views: 226
  • #124
JAE said:
Beth, again, you are really blind to the facts. What Obama says he will do if he becomes president will make it easier to have abortions. The number of abortions will go up. Do you understand the Hyde amendment? Do you understnad FOCA? I don't think you do if you still say that Obama wants to work to lower the abortion rate.

I personally do not believe Obama is the anti Christ or devil, BTW.

I don't think he's the anti-christ or the devil either... I've seen the devil... and he ain't Obama. However, I do believe that Obama has some major moral and ethical flaws- and rather large ones at that.
  • #125
Hathery said:
I happen to believe that people ARE just animals. Mammals, to be exact.

I've already stated how useless I feel it is to bring "God's Law" into a debate, so I'm not going to refute that portion of your post.

Veeerrrryy Interesting...

(anyone who's ever watched Martin Rowlan's Laugh-In knows what that means) ;)
  • #126
Hathery said:
I've already stated how useless I feel it is to bring "God's Law" into a debate, so I'm not going to refute that portion of your post.

"useless".... To me personally I must say that is sad. Nothing about God is "useless" :confused::(

It was asked why must God be brought into things, well a Christian lives by God's rules, laws and has conviction of Christ in their heart at all times. My God never leaves my side and is always with me so that is why so many people keep Christ in their post and conversation. Because Christ is the only way for me and for many others. I make mistakes and I am not not "holier than thou" which the word "thou" means "you" and will never deny my Saving Father especially when it comes to how I live my life.
  • #127
krzymomof4 said:
Okay, so I will probably get slain here, but IMHO it is not just an abortion issue. It is a moral character issue. It is to the point where you have to choose the lesser of 2 evils so to speak. For me it not just abortion, but marriage as well. I will be basing my vote on trying to get the country back to a point where we are blessed not priviledged. I am in no way a religious "nut", I won't even open that can of worms...but as the morality of this country has declined so has the other things that have now become "issues" in this election (i.e. financial, war, etc.)

That was nicely stated! :)
  • #128
unfortunately, it is WAAAY easier to abort a child (and YES~life begins at conception) than it is to adopt one.....

I just don't understand why the Obama supporters are Ok with a man that lies so blatantly being President? Didn't you guys see what happened with Clinton???
Can someone that supports him explain to me why you are ok with the obvious lies????
  • #129
pampered1224 said:
OK. I really should not say anything here but I want to ask a question. OF all of you who posted out here as Pro Life, how many adopted children do each of you have then? I figure, if you are going to preach it, you have to own it too. So I am curious.

Um, that is faulty logic my friend.

But- since you brought up such a painful issue, let me tell you WHY I have NOT been able to adopt.
#1- my husband is over the age limit for both local and foreign adoptions and has been for a couple of years.
#2- we do not have between $20,000 and $50,000 dollars to pay for adopting a child, or obtaining an adoption attorney in order to adopt a child.
#3- the waiting lists for local children (not just babies) is over 7 years long- with no guarantees
#4- when my husband was within age limits, we were raising a very troubled teen (my DH son, that his ex wife drove 50 miles from their house, told him to get out, and drove off- he walked to a gas station, called us, and we went and got him) that threatened that if we adopted a child- he'd make sure that we failed our home study.

I hope those are enough reasons for you- I'm personally unable to type any more... I've been trying for over 12 years to have a child, and would gladly adopt if given the opportunity- but I think I've shown how that just isn't possible for us.
Last edited:
  • #130
AnnieBee said:
Personally, 3 natural, strongly considering adoption for numbers 4 and 5, if we go that far. Probably would adopt internationally older kids.

Anyway, If I understand rightly, there is no shortage of adoptive parents for newborns, but there are many, many older kids who desperately need good parents to adopt them.

And it is not easy for everyone to adopt a baby - just ask Kacey...

Personally, I do know alot of people who have adopted kids, but I do not think you should do it because you are pro-life, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have your own biological children.

Thank you AnnieBee- you just made me break out in tears... (not in a bad way, but in that you remembered!!!) I heart you!!!
  • #131
Wow- I think I killed the thread... :(
  • #132
Kitchen Diva said:
Wow- I think I killed the thread... :(

Ok, I'll crack a joke since I know you will laugh despite your past circumstances. ;)

I realized tonight watching our lovely TV and commercials why you don't have a kid Kacey...you don't desire German engineering! :p

I've been trying to get that stupid commercial for a week - now it makes sense! :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #133
Just got home and read this thread since I posted last. Wow, that was fun, but the debate is on so I'm out of here for now.
  • #134
janetupnorth said:
Ok, I'll crack a joke since I know you will laugh despite your past circumstances. ;)

I realized tonight watching our lovely TV and commercials why you don't have a kid Kacey...you don't desire German engineering! :p

I've been trying to get that stupid commercial for a week - now it makes sense! :rolleyes:

Oh, but I do!!! I'm GERMAN!!! I would love a little farvegnugen! :)
  • #135
JAE said:
Just got home and read this thread since I posted last. Wow, that was fun, but the debate is on so I'm out of here for now.

I'm sure it'll get funner... Yes, I said funner, it's how I roll. ;)
  • #136
I am not sure why I opened this thread and continued to read it other than it's like a train wreck, you don't want to look, but can't look away either. I am speechless and that is not a bad or good thing, I am still trying to comprehend it all. I am Pro-Choice and I have my reasons which some may not understand, but I do not believe abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

Janet, I still don't get that commercial :confused::confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #137
Kitchen Diva said:
I'm sure it'll get funner... Yes, I said funner, it's how I roll. ;)
My husband is convinced that "funner" is a word. Maybe it is a word, now. Words are added to the dictionary every day. Now, I must get back to watching the debate. Stop distracting me while Obama says we will need to cut programs that need to be cut, while I know he wants to add funding for abortions.
  • #138
merego said:
I am not sure why I opened this thread and continued to read it other than it's like a train wreck, you don't want to look, but can't look away either. I am speechless and that is not a bad or good thing, I am still trying to comprehend it all. I am Pro-Choice and I have my reasons which some may not understand, but I do not believe abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

Janet, I still don't get that commercial :confused::confused:

I haven't seen the commercial..
  • #139
  • #140
JAE said:
My husband is convinced that "funner" is a word. Maybe it is a word, now. Words are added to the dictionary every day. Now, I must get back to watching the debate. Stop distracting me while Obama says we will need to cut programs that need to be cut, while I know he wants to add funding for abortions.

Yer funner! :)
  • #141
janetupnorth said:

Duh- I have seen it! It's is hilarious!!! And, that lady has my name! :)
  • #142
Kitchen Diva said:
I haven't seen the commercial..

Personally, I don't think the commercials are funny, I just don't get them, but again I don't get much. I was trying to find my short bus pic ;)but can't find it and my kids need to go to bed.
  • #143
merego said:
Personally, I don't think the commercials are funny, I just don't get them, but again I don't get much. I was trying to find my short bus pic ;)but can't find it and my kids need to go to bed.

Do you mean this one? :p;)
  • #144

I did not read the entire thread. It is from Focus on The Family- some of you will view this as biased, to which I say...to each his own... I just wanted to post it as something that people can read...

I don't want any crap either for posting this, if you don't agree with it. If you don't agree- say so and leave it at that. Leave all the "right wing biased" comments to yourself.

I also don't want to be skewered for not reading it fully- because my back pain meds have kicked in, and my eyes are all blurry... thankfully I can still type. :)
  • #145
Kitchen Diva said:

I did not read the entire thread. It is from Focus on The Family- some of you will view this as biased, to which I say...to each his own... I just wanted to post it as something that people can read...

I don't want any crap either for posting this, if you don't agree with it. If you don't agree- say so and leave it at that. Leave all the "right wing biased" comments to yourself.

I also don't want to be skewered for not reading it fully- because my back pain meds have kicked in, and my eyes are all blurry... thankfully I can still type. :)

Oh Kacey! I'm right there with you. I twixed my back badly this weekend getting ready for Rick's party...and it just keeps getting worse. I did something after dinner this evening, when I reached out to water a plant on the bay windowsill. (not up, not down, just out) and now I am in excruciating pain. I'm on my way to take Vicodin right now.....wanted to wait until after the debate before I drugged up.
  • #146
"Republicans tout themselves as being "pro-life." Yet, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for six years and did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe or end abortion-on-demand. If the Republicans were really serious about being pro-life they could have already ended legal abortion in America. Obviously the Republican Party and most GOP politicians are not serious about ending abortion, but are, regrettably, simply content to perpetuate the issue to manipulate pro-life voters." --Chuck Baldwin
  • Thread starter
  • #147
For those of you who are sure of who you are going to vote for, you really need to support your candidate. If you have any money, you need to give it, especially McCain supporters. Even the RNC is pulling ads in key states, not just McCain. If you are pro life, give money to Right to Life for advertising. If the money was equal for advertising between campaigns, this campaign would be a dead heat or McCain could be ahead. Too bad I can't have a fundraiser show for McCain.
  • #148
Darcia said:
"Republicans tout themselves as being "pro-life." Yet, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for six years and did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe or end abortion-on-demand. If the Republicans were really serious about being pro-life they could have already ended legal abortion in America. Obviously the Republican Party and most GOP politicians are not serious about ending abortion, but are, regrettably, simply content to perpetuate the issue to manipulate pro-life voters." --Chuck Baldwin
Well, that is the most flawed statement I've ever read. The Congress has absolutely NO power to overturn Roe V Wade. That can only be overturned by the Supreme Court. Which right now is controlled by judges in favor of Roe v Wade.Maybe we need a lesson in how our government is set up and works?The reason that the incoming president is so important is because he will, in all likelihood, be able to appoint 2 new judges, and change the balance of the court. THAT would be the only way to overturn Roe v Wade.
  • Thread starter
  • #149
Darcia said:
"Republicans tout themselves as being "pro-life." Yet, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for six years and did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe or end abortion-on-demand. If the Republicans were really serious about being pro-life they could have already ended legal abortion in America. Obviously the Republican Party and most GOP politicians are not serious about ending abortion, but are, regrettably, simply content to perpetuate the issue to manipulate pro-life voters." --Chuck Baldwin

Supreme Court Justices have quite a lot to do with this.

It seems like I posted this somewhere on CS before, but here is part of a letter I sent to someone who is now voting for Obama because of the same issue you've just stated:

I understand your frustration that the conservative presidents who have been in office haven't been able to do anything about reversing the decision of Roe V. Wade. But having Obama as president will only make it harder, if not impossible to ever do that. If there is a conservative president in office, he will be able to appoint more conservative justices. There isn't a conservative majority right now, as I'm sure you know, but if McCain is elected as president he is more likely to appoint strict constructionist, conservative justices, to the court. Obama will certainly appoint liberal justices, and with the liberal legislative branch in power, he will succeed. And, it will affect much more of our lives than the abortion issue. http://www.judicialnetwork.com/cgi-data/press_releases/files/76.shtml#chart"

Besides, you are wrong that Republican presidents have done nothing to promote the pro life agenda. President Reagan wrote a book during his presidency called Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation. He also announced the "Mexico City Policy", he battled infanticide around the 1982 Baby Doe case, he prohibited funding of experimentation on unborn children, he supported congressional efforts to limit funding of abortions, and "he worked to enforce congressional directives to prevent so-called 'family planning' programs from advocating abortion as a means of birth control as part of Title X" ( from nrlc.org).

Here is a link to President George H.W. Bush's record on pro life issues. http://www.nrlc.org/Records/bush41record0608.pdf

As for President George W. Bush, he signed into law the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" on August 5, 2002. In July of 2006 a bill to require federal funding of the type of stem cell research that requires killing human embryos died when President Bush vetoed the bill and 193 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted to sustain his veto. There may be more, but I'm running out of time to keep looking. Again, National Right to Life has the information.

As for Obama's record on abortion, he is definitely not pro life. Though I am not a one issue voter, the fact that Obama chooses over and over to give no rights to pre born babies, tells me he would not follow in the footsteps of any of the republican presidents who followed before him, the presidents who were pro life, even if Roe v Wade was not overturned. http://www.nrlc.org/ObamaBAIPA/ObamaBornAliveAssertionsFacts.pdf
  • #150
OMG!! I just got back from work and read this post.. I still don't understaYournd why people KNOWING THE TITLE OF THIS POST.. get on and attack the ones posting.
Hathery.. abortion does effect more than the mom.. it effects that sweet little baby kicking and sucking it's thumb. Yes they suck their thumbs around 6 weeks after conception. It effects the future of the world.. maybe the founder of the cancer cure was just aborted a few minutes ago.. and maybe the founder of the cure of MS was aborted yesterday... the irony would be if you got one of these diseases or your loved one and you supported the abortion of that person. Hathery.. I don't go on the strand that supports Obama.. because anything I would say would not be supported and I would look like an idiot getting on a site from the other side.
I know this really sweet lady at my previous church.(I moved) She was always helping and in the middle of things. Very good Christian. Well we got to work together at Sunday school. She had a blind eye. One day she brought up her disability (eye). So we talked about it. What she said changed my life.. I still cry when I think of her as I am doing now. She said her eye got damaged when she was born.. See, she was aborted by her bio mom.. and she was a botched abortion. Her mom and Doctor in aborting her stuck an instrument in her eye trying to kill her... it went in her eye instead her brain.. they both left her bleeding to die in the trash after being delivered. The person to throw her out swept her up and took her to others to care for her... she was nursed back to health... and her new mom adopted her. She grew up knowing the truth and shared it with me.. It changed my life to personally know someone so wonderful that God saved. No.. anyway you look at it if you follow God's laws..you will support "Thou Shalt Not Kill" There is no fine print on that one.. It is clear.. abortion is wrong. and anyone who condones /supports it is breaking God's law.
I guess I am pro-choice.. I think the baby should choose.. it is the baby's life that we are talking about.. the baby's future.. the baby.
<h2>1. What is the "Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)" and how does it affect abortion rights?</h2><p>The "Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)" is a bill that would establish a federal abortion right, allowing for abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy for any reason. It would also prohibit any level of government from restricting access to abortion services, including funding, services, and information. This would essentially make abortion a national entitlement and invalidate any state or federal policies limiting funding for abortion. </p><h2>2. Why is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops warning against FOCA?</h2><p>The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is warning against FOCA because it would not only establish a federal abortion right, but also sweep away hundreds of anti-abortion laws and policies. They believe this would lead to an increase in abortions and go against the Catholic Church's stance on the sanctity of human life. </p><h2>3. How does Obama's support for FOCA contradict his claims of wanting to reduce abortions?</h2><p>Obama's support for FOCA contradicts his claims of wanting to reduce abortions because the bill would essentially make abortion an unlimited right, with no checks or restrictions. This goes against the idea of working towards reducing the number of abortions, as it would make it easier and more accessible for women to obtain them.</p><h2>4. What is the Hyde Amendment and why does Obama want to repeal it?</h2><p>The Hyde Amendment is a federal law that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion, with a few exceptions (such as in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's life). Obama wants to repeal this amendment, which would allow for federal funding of abortion and potentially lead to an increase in abortions. </p><h2>5. How does FOCA affect parental notification laws for minors seeking abortions?</h2><p>FOCA would invalidate any state laws requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortions. This means that minors would be able to obtain abortions without their parents' knowledge or consent. Obama has consistently voted against legislation that would give parents notification rights in these situations.</p>

Related to Obama Is Not Pro Life and He Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

1. What is the "Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)" and how does it affect abortion rights?

The "Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)" is a bill that would establish a federal abortion right, allowing for abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy for any reason. It would also prohibit any level of government from restricting access to abortion services, including funding, services, and information. This would essentially make abortion a national entitlement and invalidate any state or federal policies limiting funding for abortion.

2. Why is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops warning against FOCA?

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is warning against FOCA because it would not only establish a federal abortion right, but also sweep away hundreds of anti-abortion laws and policies. They believe this would lead to an increase in abortions and go against the Catholic Church's stance on the sanctity of human life.

3. How does Obama's support for FOCA contradict his claims of wanting to reduce abortions?

Obama's support for FOCA contradicts his claims of wanting to reduce abortions because the bill would essentially make abortion an unlimited right, with no checks or restrictions. This goes against the idea of working towards reducing the number of abortions, as it would make it easier and more accessible for women to obtain them.

4. What is the Hyde Amendment and why does Obama want to repeal it?

The Hyde Amendment is a federal law that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion, with a few exceptions (such as in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's life). Obama wants to repeal this amendment, which would allow for federal funding of abortion and potentially lead to an increase in abortions.

5. How does FOCA affect parental notification laws for minors seeking abortions?

FOCA would invalidate any state laws requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortions. This means that minors would be able to obtain abortions without their parents' knowledge or consent. Obama has consistently voted against legislation that would give parents notification rights in these situations.

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