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Non-Payment: What to Do When a Cheffer Refuses to Answer?

In summary, there is a discussion about a cheffer not paying for an item and not responding to messages. Some members suggest giving her the benefit of the doubt, while others suggest warning others about her. One member mentions a similar situation with another cheffer who has scammed multiple people. The moderator is notified, but the post is not taken down and some members feel guilty for not calling the cheffer out. The conversation shifts to discussing how some people can be deceitful and make "friends" but not respond when questioned. The idea of letting HO (Home Office) know is suggested. Some members are curious about what is going on.
What would you do if you sold something to another cheffer and to date has not paid and refuses to answer anymore e-mails regarding the non-payment?
The cheffer is a prominent poster; in fact I just sent her 2 private messages and she's online right now. BTW, no response on the PM's!
I would warn others.
Wow, that's a tough one. First, I'm sorry you had this experience. Most cheffers are very reliable (I've sold a few items and haven't had any problems). I can't believe a cheffer would knowingly not pay for an item received (I'm assuming she has the merchandise?).

I would say that if she's online now, she'll see this thread and will respond to you immediately. If not, I hate to say this, but maybe NAME HER. That will get her attention!

Good luck, and I hope you get this resolved!
Yes YesPlease Please let others know!! It gives the rest of us a bad name when people are not honest. I placed an order with somebody on here a long time ago and never received my stuff.

I tried again and ordered through Ginger and received my things, I was so happy!!! I sure do hope you receive payment. It was nice of you to go out of your way for somebody.
I would give them one last chance to answer your messages before you say anything to damage their reputation on here. It could possibly be that they're having an e-mail problem and aren't receiving your e-mails. If you just sent the PM's tonight, they may not have refreshed their screen to see them yet. I don't know, i guess i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But if they still don't respond soon, I'm not sure what I'd do. That's a pretty sticky situation... Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
Yes, you could give them the benefit of the doubt, but I am sure after they see this thread they will respond back to you! I agree that most people on this site are honest, but there have been times where I sit and wonder about some others......
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thanks for your responses. Yes she does have the pink quick stir pitcher in her possesion. I've corresponded with her in PM's since January and have not had an issue with those emails but she has yet to answer the last one 2-23 and these 2 new PM's today.
I will give her til tomorrow to respond.

Hmmmm Funny how as soon as I posted she went off or invisible!
There is a cheffer that has scammed eveyone ( 30 anyway). If you think you might have been scammed call Pampered Chef, they will confirm it and help you. The legal deparment is looking into it. She has definately lied and more$$$

I notified the moderator when I saw what was happening. The post was not taken down. I made a suggestion that could have helped her get out of trouble, but was slammed. Now I feel guilty for not calling her out.
pamperdawn said:
Hmmmm Funny how as soon as I posted she went off or invisible!

:eek: She TOTALLY is reading this then! Thats just too coincidental!:eek:
  • #10
ChefJesssica said:
:eek: She TOTALLY is reading this then! Thats just too coincidental!:eek:
OMGosh How did she go invisible:confused: Is that why some names are red and others are not bold?
  • #11
Chefgirl2 said:
There is a cheffer that has scammed eveyone ( 30 anyway). If you think you might have been scammed call Pampered Chef, they will confirm it and help you. The legal deparment is looking into it. She has definately lied and more$$$

I notified the moderator when I saw what was happening. The post was not taken down. I made a suggestion that could have helped her get out of trouble, but was slammed. Now I feel guilty for not calling her out.

I think I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I noticed it too and I actually agreed with your idea (of course, I never shared that and I should have because everyone seemed to disagree with your thoughts) I am going to look back and see if I know what I am talking about!
  • #12
It is scary how some people are evil. They make "friends" but when questioned they don't answer because another statement will be put in that the reader forgets the statement.

Makes you realise how nasty people can be.

Let HO know. They will deal with it.
  • #13
CAmomCookin4U said:
OMGosh How did she go invisible:confused: Is that why some names are red and others are not bold?

Hi Laurel!
I think the red names are "Gold Supporters", meaning they paid extra for their membership.

Now you've all got me intrigued as to what is going on around here!...and afraid to sell anything for fear of being duped!
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  • #14
FyiWithout going into detail, I explained my situation, and yes feel absolutly horrible about the circumstance I have put her (pamperdawn) in. I did respond to her pm and apologized for the absent mindedness on my part. I really truly am sorry. I had responded asking for an address in which to mail payment now that my ordeal was cleared up. This afternoon, I finaly just paid by paypal instead of sending a check. It cleared my account and I have the confirmation email from paypal saying so. I have sent this to her also.

I take responsibility in this. I should have taken care of this sooner, but I did take care of this and the last think I want to do is leave a bad taste in someones mouth. I really hope that she sees that in no way was I trying to screw her out of product or money.

If anyone else feels the need to start a smear campain, feel free. Nothing is going to stop you.
  • #15
rebeccastt said:
Hi Laurel!
I think the red names are "Gold Supporters", meaning they paid extra for their membership.

Now you've all got me intrigued as to what is going on around here!...and afraid to see anything for fear of being duped!
Oh that always confused me that some would be dull while others were bold:confused: I still cant' figure how to post a photo directly in the link even tho KG gave me detailed instructions. I guess I will stick to the photo libraby :(
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Smear campaign it is NOT! I just wanted my money and wanted it since Jan 13th. Unfortunately this is the only way I actually got my money. How come you didn't respond to my last email over a week ago or my private messages just this evening.
  • #17
Like I said, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Everyone is absent minded at times, and besides, from what I've read you've had a lot going on over the last few months Darby. Hopefully now that it's all cleared up she will see it the same way. Mistakes happen!
  • #18
pamperdawn said:
Smear campaign it is NOT! I just wanted my money and wanted it since Jan 13th. Unfortunately this is the only way I actually got my money. How come you didn't respond to my last email over a week ago or my private messages just this evening.

I have responded. I PM you everytime I see you online. I have PM'd others also with no response either, so I dont know. I had asked for an address, explaining that my situation was as cleared up as it was going to get and apologized for such the delay. Never heard a thing, so this afternoon, I saw that you were on here and shot over the payment by paypal. Glad to know that you finally received it, but still feel just terrible for you being in limbo dealing with all my issues. Ugh...sorry again, really.
  • #19
I don't understand why you would send product without payment first.
  • #20
Darby,I've been there, too. I was in an emotional funk for about 4 months and didn't really know it...just think of 4 months with no cycle and NOT pregnant and you'll understand...Anyhoo, I sold an 8qt bowl to SarahMarie for a Christmas present. I think she paid for it at the end of October and I didn't get it out to her until December. The horrible part is that the label I used got torn off. Luckily I used a box that had previously been shipped to me with something else in it, so it was sent back to me. The post office was gracious enough to resend it without charging me again, but because of me taking so long to send it originally and because it was sent back, it did not get to her on time for Christmas. She ended up getting something else in it's place. I felt so bad!!!!
  • #21
thechefofnorthbend said:
I have responded. I PM you everytime I see you online. I have PM'd others also with no response either, so I dont know. I had asked for an address, explaining that my situation was as cleared up as it was going to get and apologized for such the delay. Never heard a thing, so this afternoon, I saw that you were on here and shot over the payment by paypal. Glad to know that you finally received it, but still feel just terrible for you being in limbo dealing with all my issues. Ugh...sorry again, really.

Was the situation the stolen show?
  • Thread starter
  • #22
I sent it because she sent payment via Pay Pal, so I sent her the product. Three days later, the payment was reversed (not sure why; that was on her end.) I have PM'ed her my address on Feb 1 (I still have it in my sent box), and inquired many times after, with NO response at all, until my thread tonight.

I am done with this thread; I have my money, I'm happy (well, sort of; still not a good experience). I'm just sad that it had to come to this.

Thank you all for your responses and support!!
  • #23
I want to make this clear that in no way is this pamperdawns fault. I had a horrible expierence with my finacial institution back in CA where I came from (online acct hacked, thousands of dollars gone, bad credit EVERYWHERE, holds on ALL my accts until this thing was cleared, still not toaly cleared...ugh...). She sent it to me in total trust and I flaked (unknowing ly and then just made it worse by being even more flaky...ugh, again) And yes, I knw ALL about the emitional rollercoaster. I am IN IT. Thrust into menopause at 34 after total hysterectomy, just found out that I have cushings syndrome and may have a thyroid issue...ah the joys of womanhood. Not making any excuses for it, it just SUCKS!! And again I apologize (I think I will be doing this for quite sometime...):eek:
  • #24
Dawn,I'm glad it worked out. I do know Darby pretty well and she did have a really difficult month. Not that that is an excuse, but it is totally out of character for this to happen. I hope you don't hold it against her as well as anyone who might read this post.K
  • #25
cmdtrgd said:
Was the situation the stolen show?

Oh, thats not the 1/2 of it...but it sure was the icing on the cake, let me tell you!
  • #26
thechefofnorthbend said:
Oh, thats not the 1/2 of it...but it sure was the icing on the cake, let me tell you!

Was it? Thats not what I heard. Anyone can call Pampered Chef and find out the truth. Have you called them yet? Please quit making others feel bad for questioning you. In fact no one had mentioned your name.

Unfortunately, they have to wait until Monday.

PEOPLE CALL!!!!!!!!!!
  • #27
Well I have to say this
pamperdawn said:
I sent it because she sent payment via Pay Pal, so I sent her the product. Three days later, the payment was reversed (not sure why; that was on her end.) I have PM'ed her my address on Feb 1 (I still have it in my sent box), and inquired many times after, with NO response at all, until my thread tonight.

I am done with this thread; I have my money, I'm happy (well, sort of; still not a good experience). I'm just sad that it had to come to this.

Thank you all for your responses and support!!

I think that she has apologized, you have your money....deep breath..ooosssfabbaaa LET it go. She was big enough to step up, except responsibilities for her action and apologize. Enough said
  • #28
I am one hundred percent behind Chefgirl2 on this one. Open your eyes people.
  • #29
smarteez2 said:
I think that she has apologized, you have your money....deep breath..ooosssfabbaaa LET it go. She was big enough to step up, except responsibilities for her action and apologize. Enough said

Go back and really read the Holy Sh** post... then call HO and reccomend her for an award...see what PC says.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Yes, things we're just not adding up between the lines.
  • #31
I'm a little confused by the attacks against Darby. I've read the post your referring to, and I don't see the big deal. She never asked for money, people offered it to her because they wanted to help her out. After her ordeal was resolved, it seemed that the majority did not want their money returned, and were fine with her idea of donating it, as she did. The only one that said otherwise was you. If you wanted the money you donated back, that's a matter for you to discuss with Darby. I don't see the need for all of the attacks against her. As for this situation, people are human, they make mistakes. She apologized and it has been resolved. Let it go.
  • #32
What about the other post which was removed inviting people to her "party" which was really just her other direct sales company and she was just taking more money from thoughful, helpful people.
  • #33
There is ALOT going on here.
  • #34
I think that there may be more to this than we all know (I don't know ANYTHING about the other DS party). I have to admit, I just went back over the "Holy..." thread and things don't add up quite right to me either, from either that thread or this one (I was one who donated money and didn't ask for it back - I'm happy it went to a shelter). I've never had a Fed Ex guy leave me a note saying this is where he left my packages as we agreed to (and why was the note sitting there all by itself - wouldn't it have been attached to a box?). But I don't know, maybe my Fed Ex guy is a slacker (whole 'nother thread).

For this thread, it sounds like pamperdawn had her facts straight; she just wanted her money and she's being made out to be the bad person here. As Elaine said, no one named names. She was looking for help on what to do, and I don't blame her. I would have done the same thing to get the person to react.

Things do happen, people get absent-minded, stressed, etc., and I do hope that's all this was...
  • #35
If you're referring to my posts, I certainly wasn't meaning to make pampereddawn out to be the bad guy. I understand that she was just trying to get the situation resolved. She never named names or made attacks against anybody. Others did. I just hate to see people attacked unfairly, and I'm not seeing where it is all coming from, that's all.
  • #36
I think I read somewhere that some Cheffers have two screen names... Please look at this carefully. Especially when you look at the responses between this thread and Holy Sh**

All You need to do is call HO for the facts.
  • #37
dianevill said:
I think that there may be more to this than we all know (I don't know ANYTHING about the other DS party). ..

The other DS party thread was removed by Greg, so I probably sound like a fool bringing it up, it just really irked me. Just trying to squeal more money out of us all.

The real issue is the Holy S*** thread. And what has happened to pamperdawn.
  • #38
Okay, clearly this is getting misinterpreted. I'm going to follow pampereddawn's idea and be done with this thread. I don't want to start any fights here on CS, and I certainly don't want to offend anyone unecessarily. I do not know Darby, but she has contributed great advice to many threads and I feel that I have benefited from her being here. I stuck up for her for that reason. None of us know what really happened, it's all speculation, and I feel that it's not getting us anywhere, so I'm done.
  • #38
chefbritt said:
Okay, clearly this is getting misinterpreted. I'm going to follow pampereddawn's idea and be done with this thread. I don't want to start any fights here on CS, and I certainly don't want to offend anyone unecessarily. I do not know Darby, but she has contributed great advice to many threads and I feel that I have benefited from her being here. I stuck up for her for that reason. None of us know what really happened, it's all speculation, and I feel that it's not getting us anywhere, so I'm done.

Okay, Darby, whatever you say............
  • #39
ChefJesssica said:
Okay, Darby, whatever you say............


Everyone look at the thread Holy Sh** If you sent money in then Call HO because there is such a thing as mail fraud. I'm not sure about the pal pay but those that snail mailed call PC. Print out your check stub from the internet and get the signature!
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  • #40
Chefgirl2 said:
I think I read somewhere that some Cheffers have two screen names... Please look at this carefully. Especially when you look at the responses between this thread and Holy Sh**

All You need to do is call HO for the facts.
What two names:eek: I am sooooo out of the loop:confused:
I have enough trouble finding things I've posted for one name much less TWO:confused:
  • #41
These unfair attacks are exactly what I was talking about. I could provide you with my name, contact info, consultant number, etc. but I don't feel like it will help because you will continue to think what you want. I chimed in on this thread because I thought I would stick up for a fellow cheffer, and I am sorry I did. Attack me all you want. I can't make you think any differently.
  • #42
ChefJesssica said:
There is ALOT going on here.

I'm almost afraid to step into this but I've got to support Chefgirl2 and ChefJessica in this. I'm afraid this is going to turn into a big bashfest with people taking sides.

From the very beginning the "Holy Sh**" thread caught my attention because the answers she said she was getting from HO completely went against everything I have ever heard come from the HO. I was also concerned about what this would mean to my consultants and customers. I DID NOT go into this looking to "out" someone for lying.

This site is full of SO many compassionate and caring people I was becoming more and more upset for their sakes as I realized this looked like we were being misled. Due to some of my posts in that thread, I was contacted by another consultant that had contacted the HO for answers. I am still hoping for an email response from HO (the consultant that contacted me has received a few phone calls from HO but you can't post a phone call ) so that something could be posted "in writing" from the HO regarding EXACTLY what happened. Many of you will support Darby because that is your nature to protect someone you feel is being attacked. While it is an excellent quality to have, please don't be naive and trust blindly.

I have read through the ENTIRE "Holy Sh**" thread more than once. There are some MAJOR discrepancies in many of her posts. The one that comes to mind is where she talks about contacting her director. (The following are IN ORDER and cut and pasted from the thread.) Darby's words are in red.

(1) Ok, left a message for my director to call me back. Lets hope she can pull some weight and get some better answers.

(2)Total Loss For Words...
Just got of the phone and you'll never guess...she agree's with HO. Says that once it leaves the company, is out of their hands, but she also says she does not understand why I havent fallen upon a sympathetic ear. (Maybe cause they all think like HER).

So there you have it. She says she will try and give it a go for tomorrow but for me not to get all my hopes up. Says "sometimes these things can just happen...rare, but sometimes"

(3)I spoke to my hospitality person because my director is over an hour away from me. I cannot seem to make it the monthly meetings and I didnt want to burden her with "Hi, I know I can never manage to make it to the meetings, but can you help me with something..." sounds so impersonal. I will be on the phone with my director ASAP in the morning, though. I am so distraught about this. This was such a good show for me, up until the delivery thing, you know...

The thread is full of this. You can choose to believe it, re-read it, whatever you want. I just felt I needed to support a side that I feel is going to end up getting slammed in this whole process.
  • #43
Are you saying that Chefbritt and Darby are the same person? I am so confused!! Chefbritt has a PC website, and that would be pretty stupid to pay for just to have a second identity. I need some more info!

What the h#ll is going on??

Elaine- clear out your PM box so we can talk!
  • #44
When you post it that way there are some discrepencies. I tend to be a trusting person, so I really didn't analyze the post that carefully. I do feel like I was unfairly attacked because I expressed my opinion though. I guess it all comes down to the fact that this is the internet, and as much as we all feel like family sometimes, you never really know someone. It's sad to think that someone like Darby might not be who we thought she was. But facts are a better way to fight this. Thanks georgia peach for providing some more insight for me.
  • #45
gilliandanielle said:
Are you saying that Chefbritt and Darby are the same person? I am so confused!! Chefbritt has a PC website, and that would be pretty stupid to pay for just to have a second identity. I need some more info!

What the h#ll is going on??

Elaine- clear out your PM box so we can talk!
Thank you I am soooo confused too. I was just going to leave this thread:confused:
  • #46
I can reassure you that we are not the same person. I truly do exist up here in NH. Ask Harriet, we've had several conversations about the area.
  • #47
gilliandanielle said:
Are you saying that Chefbritt and Darby are the same person? I am so confused!! Chefbritt has a PC website, and that would be pretty stupid to pay for just to have a second identity. I need some more info!

What the h#ll is going on??

Elaine- clear out your PM box so we can talk!

Gillian! You are right. My apologies to ChefBritt, I got carried away and didn't do my research. ChefBritt is a real person with her own website. So, oops on me! I was the one with the snotty comment and I am really sorry. I do believe Darby has more than one name, but I don't think it's ChefBritt!
  • #48
I am not accusing you of anything Brittany- I am just really confused!!
  • #49
Thank-you for clearing my name on this one. I honestly was just trying to defend what I thought to be an innocent person. I don't know what's going on. Darby truly could be who you say she is. I don't know what to make of this anymore.
  • #50
I responded to a thread that was deleted. Hopefully, I jumped the gun. I did go back and ask if they wanted me to delete my response since I saw hers was. That's when I learned I needed to empty my account...

I do wonder why Darby's emails had times posted that are ahead of ours?
<h2>1. What are my options if a cheffer refuses to pay for an item I sold them?</h2><p>If a cheffer has not paid for an item you sold them, your first step should be to reach out to them through email or private message to remind them of the payment and ask for an update. If they still do not respond or refuse to pay, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.</p><h2>2. What should I do if a cheffer is not responding to my emails regarding non-payment?</h2><p>If a cheffer is not responding to your emails regarding non-payment, you can try reaching out to them through a different method such as a phone call or a private message on a different platform. If they still do not respond, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.</p><h2>3. Can I take legal action against a cheffer who refuses to pay?</h2><p>If all attempts to reach a resolution with the cheffer have been unsuccessful, you may consider taking legal action. However, it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication first and only pursue legal action as a last resort.</p><h2>4. How does Pampered Chef handle non-payment issues between cheffers?</h2><p>Pampered Chef takes non-payment issues seriously and has a dedicated customer service team to assist with resolving these types of issues. They may reach out to both parties involved to gather more information and help mediate a resolution.</p><h2>5. What should I do if the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community?</h2><p>If the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community, it may be beneficial to reach out to them privately first before escalating the issue. They may have a valid reason for not paying and it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication before involving others or taking legal action.</p>

Related to Non-Payment: What to Do When a Cheffer Refuses to Answer?

1. What are my options if a cheffer refuses to pay for an item I sold them?

If a cheffer has not paid for an item you sold them, your first step should be to reach out to them through email or private message to remind them of the payment and ask for an update. If they still do not respond or refuse to pay, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.

2. What should I do if a cheffer is not responding to my emails regarding non-payment?

If a cheffer is not responding to your emails regarding non-payment, you can try reaching out to them through a different method such as a phone call or a private message on a different platform. If they still do not respond, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.

3. Can I take legal action against a cheffer who refuses to pay?

If all attempts to reach a resolution with the cheffer have been unsuccessful, you may consider taking legal action. However, it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication first and only pursue legal action as a last resort.

4. How does Pampered Chef handle non-payment issues between cheffers?

Pampered Chef takes non-payment issues seriously and has a dedicated customer service team to assist with resolving these types of issues. They may reach out to both parties involved to gather more information and help mediate a resolution.

5. What should I do if the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community?

If the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community, it may be beneficial to reach out to them privately first before escalating the issue. They may have a valid reason for not paying and it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication before involving others or taking legal action.

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