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No Orders? Check Your Website to See If It's Worth It

In Browser" link. If they click on that link, then you can see how many times the page has been viewed.
I have advertised my website and I know that people have looked at it but know one has ordered anything. I should get an e-mail if they placed an order right? Just wondering if the website is worth it.:confused:
How long have you been using it?Are they opening the web invites? (There's a way to look & see.)I'm on a military base overseas. Everyone here shops on line most of the time. So a website is crucial here. Plus it allows the friends/family in the states & on other bases around the world to shop online & it count toward my host's show. They LOVE that they can collect stateside orders & have them count. I do have shows with no web orders, but then I have shows with lots of web orders. It's definitely worth it to me. It looks like you are fairly new to the web page. Just give it some time! I advertise it on my business cards, flyers, catalogs, etc. Anyone who looks at any type of marketing material of mine sees it. It's even on the back windshield of my car AND my husband's car! LOL
also: I'm doing a monthly newsletter now which is sending lots of business to my web page.
ponvn591 said:
I have advertised my website and I know that people have looked at it but know one has ordered anything. I should get an e-mail if they placed an order right? Just wondering if the website is worth it.:confused:
Please be careful when advertising your site. HO has very strict rules about how we can do that. If by advertise, you actually mean "promote" by including information in messages to your family, friends and current customers, then you're OK. The policies are downloadable from Consultant's Corner, and should be read by every consultant.
The best use of your website is for outside orders on shows. Make sure your hostesses are using it to their advantage.Beyond that, it takes time to build up your customer base and just get those random orders. I've been a consultant for 4 years now and get those random orders only about 2-3x a month, if that.I also send out a monthly newsletter and make sure I tell EVERYONE about the Online Outlet.
chefann said:
Please be careful when advertising your site. HO has very strict rules about how we can do that. If by advertise, you actually mean "promote" by including information in messages to your family, friends and current customers, then you're OK. The policies are downloadable from Consultant's Corner, and should be read by every consultant.
I was thinking the same thing about people advertising their websites. I was googling something before and it took me to a consultant's blog page and there was a PC logo that took you to her website with "book a cooking show or order online" below it. Then below that it said: * The Kitchen Store that comes to your Door!I didn't think we were allowed to do this?
No, we're not allowed to do that. And besides that, it's the old tag line, anyway.
chefann said:
No, we're not allowed to do that. And besides that, it's the old tag line, anyway.

I noticed that, but it is a very current blog. The consultant was at the 2009 conference.
DebbieJ said:
The best use of your website is for outside orders on shows. Make sure your hostesses are using it to their advantage.

Beyond that, it takes time to build up your customer base and just get those random orders. I've been a consultant for 4 years now and get those random orders only about 2-3x a month, if that.

I also send out a monthly newsletter and make sure I tell EVERYONE about the Online Outlet.

What she said. :D

It is priceless for gathering outside orders on a show. . .you just have to be sure you tell people how. I include this step-by-step information in every invitation I send (and I send all my host's invites).

I get random online orders (especially now that I'm getting home office leads) from time-to-time and more after I send my monthly newsletter.
  • #10
chefjeanine said:
What she said. :D

It is priceless for gathering outside orders on a show. . .you just have to be sure you tell people how. I include this step-by-step information in every invitation I send (and I send all my host's invites).

I get random online orders (especially now that I'm getting home office leads) from time-to-time and more after I send my monthly newsletter.

Ummm, yeah - and again - What she said. :D
  • #11
How can you look and see if people are viewing your website or opening e-vites? Thanks.
  • #12
takamk said:
How can you look and see if people are viewing your website or opening e-vites? Thanks.

Go to your website from consultant's corner and click on working with your shows. Click on the green arrow next to where it says:

VIEW: Open Shows Closed Shows

and it will show you your shows. choose which everyone you want and it will show you what is going on.

Hope this helps.

Danielle :chef:
  • #13
takamk said:
How can you look and see if people are viewing your website or opening e-vites? Thanks.
I don't know if there is a way to see if people are looking at your website, but as far as opening the e-vites...go into the Guest List, and on the column "last email sent", click on "View more" under the date/timestamp. At the TOP of the page, a box pops up and shows you if they have opened the email or not.The only pain about this box, is that if you have a list of 40 names in the Guest List..the box always stays at the top of the page- so you have to scroll up/down between clicking on "View More" and the box to see.it is handy though- because it's not uncommon for 1/3 or more of the e-vites to never get opened. Probably dumped in Spam folders...so I encourage my hosts to try to invite personally or give me their mailing address too for a postcard invite.Tip though: if YOU are doing the invites or entering the guests into the PWS for evites...log into your PWS as the host and do them. Otherwise, when you send the e-vite, or when the reminders go out automatically (if you leave that option on)..it will go out as YOUR name/email, and not your hosts! That makes no sense why they programmed it that way- it should always default to the HOST's Name or Email in my opinion- but that's not how it works. You have to be logged in as her host ID on your PWS. I learned that the hard way- several folks got MY email reminders and either didn't now who I was and ignored it, or it went to a blocked folder because I wasn't on their allowed-sender list.
  • #14
Ummm, yeah - and again - What they said. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #15
SO when someone is putting an order for a show on my website, what do they do? I know they find the item they want and click on the link that say something about how to purchase and then they go and click on the host's name,right? Well after their order is complete do I have to put their order on Pampered Partner Plus for them to get it or is their order complete when they did it?
  • #16
Their order is directly put into P3, which makes it really nice. Their order will then be shipped to the host, or directly to them (if they marked this option, which is slightly higher shipping, but necessary if living out of state). Website is definitely worth it. I'm really working wedding registries. They are so easy. Orders come in, are already paid for, and are shipped out from HO. How easy is that?
  • #17
ponvn591 said:
SO when someone is putting an order for a show on my website, what do they do? I know they find the item they want and click on the link that say something about how to purchase and then they go and click on the host's name,right? Well after their order is complete do I have to put their order on Pampered Partner Plus for them to get it or is their order complete when they did it?

They do not automatically transfer to P3 if they are associated with a show. You have to review the order first (I recommend adding them as a contact at this point too), then go to P3, open the appropriate show & click the "Copy PWS Orders" link (it's on the top half of the screen, you may have to scroll right to see it depending on how small you have your screen. It's in the same section where you would choose if the person is the host, co-host, consultant acting as host, etc. Once you transfer the orders, the host benefits will reflect the update.

When you receive an individual order (not associated with a show), you will get an e-mail notification (which is delayed! These are not instant from the time the person hits submit) and then a couple of days later you'll see it show up in P3 under your Online Order tab (in the section where you choose Contacts, Shows, Non-Commission orders, etc.)
  • #18
I love my website- I have been getting a lot of web/outside orders! give it time :)

Related to No Orders? Check Your Website to See If It's Worth It

1. What does "No Orders? Check Your Website to See If It's Worth It" mean?

"No Orders? Check Your Website to See If It's Worth It" is a reminder for consultants to regularly check their personal website to ensure that it is updated with current promotions and products. This can help drive sales and increase the chances of receiving orders from customers.

2. How often should I check my personal website?

We recommend checking your personal website at least once a week to make sure it is up to date. This will also give you the opportunity to make any necessary changes or updates to keep your website fresh and engaging for customers.

3. What should I look for when checking my personal website?

When checking your personal website, make sure all product information, prices, and promotions are accurate and current. It's also a good idea to review your website's layout and design to ensure it is visually appealing and easy to navigate for customers.

4. Will regularly updating my personal website really make a difference in my sales?

Yes, regularly updating your personal website can make a big difference in your sales. By keeping your website up to date and showcasing new and relevant products, you are more likely to attract and retain customers, leading to potential sales and increased business.

5. Can I update my personal website on my own?

Yes, as a Pampered Chef consultant, you have the ability to update your personal website on your own. You can easily make changes to product information, prices, and promotions through the consultant portal. If you need assistance, our customer service team is always available to help.

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