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No Contact After Inactivity: How My Pampered Chef Recruiter Let Me Down

I was feeling overwhelmed and didn't know how to market or sell. I remember telling my director at the time that I felt like I was completely alone in this - that I was getting a lot of support on the forum, but I didn't feel like I could talk to her about it. It was then that she told me that she was pregnant and was going to be taking a break. She told me that she would still be there for me and to let her know if I needed anything. She was amazing. Fast forward to now... I'm almost finished my 6th month and I'm feeling really good about things. I've been able to get a lot of leads and have been
Silver Member
ok so i went inactive 2 weeks ago. since then i have been thinkng about whether or not i need/want to pick it back up again. several shows that was supposed to happen didnt....story of my business!! but what makes me mad and really hurts my feelings is that since i went inactive my recruitor/director has NOT CONTACTED me one time!! i mean come on i though that she of all people would want to know what happened and if she could help in any kind of way. that is one of the reasons i have been thinking of not trying to re-activate. i know its my business and i dont want a babysitter but if i had someone on my team that went inactive i would try my best to help in some way. i have met a lot of selfish people associated with PC (no not on here) and its really making me doubt the whole company. i love PC and the products and i love doing the shows. it just really irratates me that she cared as long as she was getting an override off me and soon as i wasnt making her any money she just dropped me!!
That is too bad, you are right she should have called you. But you should not quite because of her. It's your business and if you want to reactivate yourself then do it for you. But maybe if you call her she can help you, I know my director is great anytime I am feeling down I call her and she always has great advise. Good luck.
I am sorry you do not have a great Director. I only see mine at meetings and that is it. She never calls to say " good job, great party, good month, bad month" nothing. If it was not for this site I would not be as successful as I am. Whenever I have a question I go here, not to her. I just learned not to depend on her and not to look her way for encouragement. I do think your Director should have called you and asked if there was anyway to help you get back on your feet.
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  • #4
i dont know i guess what bothers me is when i signed she was rude to begin with but i thought it was because my show didnt turn out the way i had hoped. but i still signed and never heard from her. i emailed her a month ago and still have yet to hear from her. she said the ngiht i signed that i wouldnt have to do this alone but yet i have. i dont want someone to hold my hand but i would like a little support. its not her thats making me hesitant....its alot of things. i just feel like she used me.
First of all, big hugs to you! {{{HUGS}}}

I had a similar situation to you - I didn't go inactive, but my Director was seriously MIA. I was pretty pi$$ed about it too - this is my second time giving the business a try. The first time, my director and recruiter were in a different province - they did try their best to support me, but it was hard. Also, the timing was just off - so I ended up going inactive.
Fast forward to a couple of years later. I broke a piece of stoneware and wanted to replace it. I went to TPC website and got the name of a director in my area. She called me and we chatted and I told her that I used to sell PC. Turns out that they were having a cluster meeting the next night and she invited me to go. I did end up going - I figured what the heck? We had just moved to the area and I had just had our 3rd child (he was 6 weeks old) and thought it might be a way to meet some new people. I really didn't have the intention of starting again.
After the meeting I chatted with the Director and told her why I stopped the first time around. I had never heard of TPC when I became a consultant - I have never even been to a show before. The first show I was at was my first show as a consultant! I felt that I would have benefitted tremendously from cluster meetings, and knowing fellow consultants in the area, having an involved director.
She assured me that she would be there for me and I was excited by the prospect of doing this again. So I signed up. The first few months were rough, because I was in a new neighbourhood, but I kept at it and got some bookings. :) My director would call now and again, but I never had any "new" consultant training or much suppport.
About a year into it, my Director pretty much dropped off the face of the earth. I was really mad, because she knew[/] what my reservations were - having no support - and she treated me like that anyway. She ended up giving up her Directorship this past January.

At first I was so mad and dissapointed that this woman who had been making money off my back, treated me so badly - especially when she knew that was my big fear.

Then I had to take a step back and think - in the grand scheme of things, does this really matter? What was important to me?
I love doing PC shows - I am good at it!! I love it when a host or guest comes to me at the end of the evening and tells me that that was the best show she'd ever been too and that she's had so much fun.
I love the products - they're awesome. I have the best stocked kitchen and most of it was FREE!!
I love my paycheque!! It pays for a lot of little extras that we wouldn't otherwise get.

Was it worth giving all of this stuff up over a sh*tty Director? NOPE.

Sorry that this post has taken on epic proportions. It sucks that you are not on your Director's radar since you've gone inactive. It also sucks when you come across people who are only out for number one. Unfortunately, life is like that.
Does that mean that you should give up something you love? Definitely not! If you truly love TPC and want to continue, don't let small, petty people stop you!
I'm sorry your director is not pushing you to stay active. If I were you I wouldn't worry about what she/he does or doesn't do. I would do what I wanted. If you want to sell Pampered Chef then you need to go for it. If you want help--- then ask for help. Don't wait for someone to offer it. Ask .... just like we ask hostesses and customers. .... My question is there another director in your area that you could visit their team meetings? I don't know the rules but if you don't work well with your director I would definitely think about seeking someone else or another alternative. My director is great and if she weren't who she is I would of quit in the first month. I just enjoy going to her team meetings. She works at what she does and encourages us to work hard to. Her experience is a huge grace to me in my job. Luck to you whatever you do.
Oh Monica, I am sorry you are going through this. It's not fair that you have to be stuck with a crappy director either. Something that has helped me (granted my director is great and we speak at least every other week if not more...but, she is in Las Vegas and I only get to see her once a year) is that I am doing this business for me, in fact my recent push to get director is so that I can have my own meetings and support my team in my way by doing what is best for them and not through the ways of my hospitality director.

By the by, have you thought about asking for a hospitality director? Maybe they could give you the support you need. We all need support, whether it's just someone to vent to or to give us great ideas. I firmly believe that our PC community and our sharing is what makes us great consultants. You need to do what is best for you and what is deep within your heart. I can also bet that none of us here want you to leave!
If this director has made you question the company as a whole, just look around this site. We should be representing this company as a whole!! We are what TPC is all about!!

I have gone inactive several times over the years, it's not that big of a deal. I only met my Director once!! That was only because I was purchasing a discontinued item from her!! I have never had a cluster meeting or anything of the sort. I went inactive when my dh and I moved overseas. I sent her an email to ask what I needed to do to get my name changed with the business and to get started over here. She gave me the short quick answer and poof was gone again!! So what?? I still love the products, I still love getting my stuff either free or at a discount, so I put in a $200 show and bahm I was active again!!!

I wouldn't worry about being inactive. If it's something you want to do, do it! You have the best resource right here!! We can do just as much for you as she could....and we aren't making anything off you!!!

Don't worry about the rest of it. Do what is best for you and your family. If you have specific questions, you can find the answers right here!! We are here to support you in your down times and cheer you on when you do something great!!

You can't let anyone hold you back from what you want to do!! Light that fire and get out there and out sell, out recruit and out PC your director!!! Success is the best retalliation!!!!
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  • #9
you guys are so great and i really do appreciate your kind words of support. let me try and remember some of the questions i read. as for a hospitality director there are none. my recruitor is my director and she is about an hour from me...everyone else is even further. right now i have so much on my plate. to some of you it might seem like no big deal to go inactive but for me it makes me feel like i failed at something again. this is what i told my husband. in the 10 yrs we have been together when have you ever seen me be successful at somethign i tried to do? and he was honest and said nothing. that is my life...i have never been able to be successful at anything i tried...not the military, college, etc. so when i started this i was like i love to cook and i am a good sales person this is what i should do. it was somethign i was passonate about!! i have not made much money diong this which isnt a great big deal for me since i wanted the products...but when you set goals for yourself and dont even come close to it....how are you supposed to feel? i know it sounds like i am looking for a pity party and i truly am not. i just have so many mixed emotions right now. i am angry and depressed and just dont know what to do.
  • #10

I don't even know you and I can name at least one thing you have had success with in the last 10 years. Your marriage!!!! You have obviously been a great wife. Do you know how many marriages don't make it to 10 years?????

Do you have kids?? I bet you are a great mom!!! That's 2 things!!

You put your mind to having a successful marriage, you can put your mind to this too!!! You can do anything, just keep telling yourself that!!! You can do anything!! You can do anything!!!

Try setting 'baby step' goals. That way you get to start meeting goals everyday, several times a day. Like sitting down to make calls to past hostesses, check. Then making some OOB calls for your last show, check. Putting together a plan to get your next booking, check. Then a plan for your next show, check. SEE??? You can do it!!!!

Start believing in yourself!! You can do this if you really want it!!!
  • #11
It seems that this isn't only happening to me... unfortunately.
I signed up 5+ yrs ago under a lady I had never met two states over...
She was semi supportive at first, nothing great, ...of course I didn't know what to expect... Here it is the end of March, and I haven't gotten a call, email, NOTHING since August... and that was shortly after National Conference '05 which was the first time I saw her face to face, so she tried a bit harder then.

Being Hospitality isn't the best... I have a supportive hospitality group, but it isn't the same as being in a actual group. The best part is that I could get information, and encouragment from both teams... IF my actual director was there...
When I have a $1000 show, or a $2000 month (great for me!) I don't hear from my director...she doesn't send my stats to my Hosp. Dir. so I basically have to tell the group how I did > myself... otherwise no one knows!

COME ON PC HO... whip those directors >who don't direct< into shape!!!

But that is why I'm on HERE every day... If they don't give us support we have to get it other ways... and I agree with some of you who said that we do this for US, not for our directors - it's just unfortunate that they still make money off of us!!

Let's all join together and say .... "YOUR WELCOME!!"

OH I also want to say... if you are about to go inactive... ask HO for a SALES WAIVER... you get 3 a year. This way you don't loose those valuable career sales and any recruits! If my director would have called me when I was about to go inactive, I would have had my $15,000 in career sales MUCH SOONER!!
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  • #12

First, I wish I lived closer so that I could give you a big hug. You sound like you need it.

Second, make yourself a few lists:
1. What I like to do.
2. What I like about me.
3. What I like about my PC business.
4. What I don't like about my PC business.

Third, pray. I know that you are close to God. Your tag line says so. He can do all and will help you. Give it to Him.

Use the above information to figure out where you need/want to be. The answer will be there!

If I felt better (I just got out of 3 hours in the dentist's chair) I would look through your posts and find all the great advice you've shared here! You have shown through your participation here that you care about others - very admirable!!

I hope you decide to continue with PC and if you do be sure to go at it with a positive, happy attitude. People can feel "needy" or "anxious". Whenever I feel like I need or like I'm failing I pray. I give it to God - "If this is what I am to be doing then it will work. If not then another window will open." I truely believe that that helps me to approach potential hosts, recruits and guests with a more relaxed attitude and things always work out - maybe not in my time or how I thought I wanted it - but they work out!

I also want to say one other thing to you - please do not take offense. Capitalize your I!! I know it's a small thing but it tells me that you don't value you. I believe that's your first step to success.

You are in my prayers.
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  • #13
I am sorry Monica, I know what you mean though, in the past few years, I have went inactive several times. For several different reasons. Never once had I received a call from my recuiter or director. They are a few hours away, but I would have thought a phone call or a short note would have been nice. The only time my "director" called me was while I was in the hosp. when my son was born. (she had no clue) She had just gotten back from conference and "wanted to tell me all about it". Needless to say "that" was the last thing on my mind when I got home and checked the messages. :confused: :confused: Now I am with a hospitality director in my town, who is great!! I can email her and get a response. When I finally got back in the swing of things, she sent me an email saying congrats. Hang in there, maybe you could call H.O. and ask to be switched.. I know that my new director had a hard time getting a hold of my old one, and said after 4 emails and several unanswered phone calls she might have to get H.O. involved..Just remember that we are your support team!!:) :)
  • #14
you CAN do it!I've only been coming to this site for a couple of months, but aren't PC gals the best?! Just look at the signature under your name! It really is true. All you need to do is believe in yourself and you can do it. Maybe you can get on the phone with someone who's had a good show for you in the past, let them know your'e looking for bookings, and see what happens. If they say know, try another person! The phone can be intimidating, but it really is your best friend in your business. I've learned you can't take it personally what others say or do, just believe in yourself and you will succeed!
Keep your head up:)
If you're the only consultant around for miles, you definately have great potential to get shows! I know, my sister lives outside Houston MS and she did a catalog show for me. She said she didn't think anyone there sold. Wear PC logo and remind everyone you sell!
  • #15
lacychef said:
...aren't PC gals the best?!...
Um, the guys aren't so bad, either. ;)
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  • #16
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Um, the guys are so bad, either. ;)
OOOOOOOOO, I soooooooooo have you KG, guys ARE so bad???:rolleyes: no kidding, you didn't have to tell us that.;)
  • #17
jdavis said:
OOOOOOOOO, I soooooooooo have you KG, guys ARE so bad???:rolleyes: no kidding, you didn't have to tell us that.;)
:p :p :p :p :p
  • #18
I had to, just couldn't resist, it was just screaming catch me.
  • #19
jdavis said:
I had to, just couldn't resist, it was just screaming catch me.
*shrugs* Those who live by sarcasm die by sarcasm. Good catch.

  • #20
but when you set goals for yourself and dont even come close to it....how are you supposed to feel?

Monica, you are supposed to feel like "Hey, I guess this way isn't working, I should try something else!" Meaning, maybe the way you are doing things isn't getting you where you wanted to be, so try a different way. This business is YOURS to run the way you want!

You aren't a failure just because you try something and it doesn't go EXACTLY as you thought it would. They have a name for those people - they're called QUITTERS! You aren't a quitter! You are a Pampered Chef Kitchen Consultant and WE DON'T QUIT!!!

If this is something you WANT to do - then keep at it. Keep making calls - and when you feel like you are sick of the phone and sick of rejection - KEEP making calls. Law of averages says that if you ask enough people you are BOUND to get a YES. Go inactive if you need to, but KEEP MAKING CALLS. Don't ever quit something if it's what you WANT to do. If you do, you'll never have anything to show for your life but regret.

I have had a sucky winter. No shows in December, just enough individual orders to stay active, no shows for January, only ONE show in February and ONE show in March. I'd love to be doing four or five shows a month. Until that happens, I will keep ASKING people.

As for your Director - well she sounds like she sucks. I would email her and ask her to set you up with a Hospitality director. If you don't get a response, I would call HO and tell them you've requested her to do so and she hasn't done it. They will contact her for you and I guarantee you she'll do it then. Don't let HER control the direction of your business.
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  • #21
its not so much she is directing my business....i have been at it for almost a year without her anyways!! it just really hurts to have someone say they believe in you and then leave you hanging.

where in Ms. does your sister live laceychef?

Beth you made me cry because you are so right. confidence is something I am lacking and have for quite a while. i have fasted and prayed all day tuesday and continue to pray..i know the answer will come. i have a few options in mind that i am trying to decide on. what i have come up with so far is I will try to pick PC back up again....heck i have a whole 12 months right?? surely something can happen in that period. i'm going to try and have a show at my house next month ......DH wants the griling stuff. i have an amazing friend that has helped me out several times and she is trying to do a show for me. i have thought about doing some other things along with PC just to keep me going. i really dont know what i would do without all of you here.....lots of love and hugs your ways!!!
  • #22

It sounds like you are formulating your plans. That is good! You are worthy! You are God's child and He loves you! He doesn't make junk so be proud of yourself and have faith (confidence)!

More ideas for you: Are there any fairs coming up in your area? that's a good way to get new leads. What about realtors? Have you contacted them about using PC as their gift to clients who purchase homes through them?

Talk to people! Today in the dentist's office I was waiting for my son and was going through PC paperwork and commented on something out loud (didn't realize I was talking...). The woman sitting near me said "huh?" and I apologized and said I was talking to myself. We laughed and then she asked me what I was doing. I told her "PC..." and the conversation went from there. She said she had a stone and loved it. I asked what she makes on it and she said pizza. I gave her several ideas and other tips. She was thrilled and it looks like she'll book a show soon. You never know!

Related to No Contact After Inactivity: How My Pampered Chef Recruiter Let Me Down

1. What does "no contact after inactivity" mean?

"No contact after inactivity" refers to the lack of communication from a Pampered Chef recruiter or team leader after a consultant has been inactive for a certain period of time.

2. How long does a recruiter typically wait before contacting an inactive consultant?

The length of time varies depending on the recruiter or team leader, but it is typically around 90 days of inactivity.

3. What are some reasons for a lack of contact from a recruiter?

Some reasons for a recruiter not contacting an inactive consultant could be that they are busy with other responsibilities, they may have lost track of the consultant's contact information, or they may not have an effective system in place for keeping in touch with their team.

4. Is it common for a recruiter to let a consultant go without any contact?

Unfortunately, it does happen in some cases. While not all recruiters operate this way, there are some who may not prioritize keeping in touch with inactive consultants.

5. What can a consultant do if they experience "no contact after inactivity" from their recruiter?

If a consultant is experiencing a lack of contact from their recruiter, they can reach out to their team leader or a higher-up in the Pampered Chef organization to express their concerns and ask for support. They can also consider finding a new recruiter or team to join within the company.

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