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My First Booking Blitz: How Did It Go?

In summary, a booking blitz is a challenge where consultants make phone calls to potential booking leads in a specific time period, trying to book as many shows as possible. It can be done individually or as a cluster, with the goal of filling up the consultant's calendar with bookings. This idea was shared at a conference and has been successful for some consultants in getting bookings. It is also a way to overcome the fear of making phone calls and growing the business.
I am participating in my first booking blitz tonight and I'm actually nervous!! :rolleyes:

So, how many of you have done this and what were your results?
I did it for myslf after conference, and I got 4 bookings. 3 for August and 1 for spetember!!!
Can you explain - what is a "Booking Blitz?"
I wanna know too!!
What I was told, is you get on the phone for a half hour or hour and call all your booking leads. Tell them that you are doing a booking blitz challange and need their help to win. Also tell every person that they were the first person you thought of. They told us this bookings to fill your calendar class at conference.
Some people set timers, so your on the phone for the whole period.You can also do this as a cluster challange and reward the person with the most bookings. I hope this makes sense.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
We are doing it as a cluster. We are on a conference call first to go over what to say and then we have an hour to make our calls and then everyone is to get back on the conference call to report their results!!!
If you want an "excuse" to make calls, you can have a pretend blitz. . .or call a P-chef friend and challenge him or her. That way you can say, as you are making your calls, "I'm in a contest".

I may have to do this myself as I am having a VERY difficult time making myself get on the phone. Ugh.
Jeanine (& others),

It's almost encouraging to see that you have 5 years doing this & still feel like that. I've really been dragging my feet, too, about getting on the phone.
It's a great idea, though. It's kind of late now, but maybe some of us could do a challenge tomorrow amongst each other(?). OR . . . I will try to find someone here to do this with.

There aren't many people in my cluster and everyone has another job. I still feel like a beginner bc I haven't done very many shows in 2 years' time, and don't know many people bc I'm not from this area.

I _REALLY_ appreciate this site, bc I feel I need more encouragement or comraderie than I get from my director/cluster. I just happened upon it a few months ago, then almost forgot about it and found it again. (Whew! Thank God!) This is actually the first time I've written anything, but want to say again how thankful I am for all of the very, very, helpful posts I have been reading.

WOW.....that is a great idea I will have to try that and see how that works for me.
  • #10
Great idea! I'll tell ya, conference really gave me a new perspective on calling. I HATE the phone (even calling people I know) & REALLY hated calling customers, hosts, etc. I always found an excuse not to. But after seeing everyone walk (yeah you!), I realized that I have to if I want my business to grow. First day I called after conference, I got an August booking! I've made a list in my Franklin Covey planner each day for who I'm calling & I just call. I don't care what they say-I'm more pleased with myself that I'm actually calling! It really is getting easier each day & I don't dread picking up the phone anymore! So just make yourself start & it'll get easier!
  • #11
Thanks Christy. That's really encouraging. It helps to know HOW you overcome something that seems hard.
  • #12
pamperedgirl3 said:
Great idea! I'll tell ya, conference really gave me a new perspective on calling. I HATE the phone (even calling people I know) & REALLY hated calling customers, hosts, etc. I always found an excuse not to. But after seeing everyone walk (yeah you!), I realized that I have to if I want my business to grow. First day I called after conference, I got an August booking! I've made a list in my Franklin Covey planner each day for who I'm calling & I just call. I don't care what they say-I'm more pleased with myself that I'm actually calling! It really is getting easier each day & I don't dread picking up the phone anymore! So just make yourself start & it'll get easier!

I am soo in the sambe boat as you! (Hate talking to anyone on the phone really) but I came to the realization just last night that I need to pick up the phone (no matter how scared I am Or dread the idea) and just start making those calls to grow my business! It's nice to read I am not the only one who's trying to overcome this phone phobia! Thanks for your words of advice and encouragement!
  • #13
re: booking blitz's
heat123 said:
I am soo in the sambe boat as you! (Hate talking to anyone on the phone really) but I came to the realization just last night that I need to pick up the phone (no matter how scared I am Or dread the idea) and just start making those calls to grow my business! It's nice to read I am not the only one who's trying to overcome this phone phobia! Thanks for your words of advice and encouragement!

We did this at our Valley wide meeting (I live in the LRGV of S. TX) anyways, I love the phone, but hate making these types of calls, but the minute I said I was in a booking blitz / contest I had a great turn out. I thought of saying that many times just not too much to the same customers, but to try and get more shows.

I've done great primarily doing catalog shows, but sure would like the higher sales so I'm trying to gear myself up for more home shows.

I used to love to cook, but it's a real pain now. My hardest parts of PC are getting the doughs to cooperate, I rarely get them rolled/stretched whatever and if I have such a hard time at home, how in the world will I be at someone else's home??? LOL I really need to find some very simple things to start off with and have a home show at the end of the month too.

Good Luck everyone!
  • #14
It's nice to know I'm not alone in my dread of the phone! Or should I say former dread of the phone!
  • #15
If you have a hard time with french bread dough, like I did, an Exec. director told me that you can substitute pizza dough for any recipe that calls for the french bread dough. It is much easier to work with.

I also love the idea of a booking blitz. I had almost forgot about this idea. Our cluster usually does this as a cluster challenge in the winter. Very spur of the moment type thing. Our director calls us all of a sudden during the "big " snow storm when we are all stuck in our houses( and so is everyone else) and it gives us something to do and we don't get as many answering machines. People are also itching to get out, so asking them to get together with friends just seems to fit. It is usually very productive.
  • #16
gchef and everyone else,

We have never done a booking blitz and I would love to do one today with anyone who wants to participate. Another thing I read on one of the threads was saying that you have a certain goal and you only need a couple more people to help you meet that goal. People like to feel like they are the one to help you make it to the end. Of course we've always got to keep stretching our goals.

I don't know what the best way is to do a blitz with everyone here. Maybe just have it all day instead of a short time period and then check in tonight or tomorrow morning to see how everyone does? Rather than a physical prize I'd say the prize is the kudos we all get from each other for getting out there and getting on the phone!

I've been surprised how hard I make this sometimes! It's either too early and people are having dinner, it's getting too late and they may be getting kids to bed, the moon is full...I can always make an excuse for not just picking up the phone and calling!

  • #17
I am heading out of town for the day, so I will miss the BLITZ, but I am going to do it tomorrow- anyone game for tomorrow? Or I can use a make-believe blitz. Something else I realized, if I do not kick it into gear, I am going to miss out on my incentive trip. I will probably make the San Fransisco trip if I keep up my momentum, but I had myheart set on the Bahamas. I think during my blitz, I will mention that I really need their help, not only to win the challenge, but to make the trip !!!
  • #18
OK, did anyone participate in the blitz today? I hope so since I made myself sit down and get on the dreaded phone;) . I had one customer that talked for over 20 minutes:eek: ...I really have to learn to get through those faster! She did give me a wedding registry lead with her niece and is thinking about a show though.

So got four shows booked in September and two calling me back this weekend with dates...definately want to do September or October shows so I would say it was a big success! I also got ahold of recruiting leads and am putting together my own opportunity night next Tuesday night and have three ladies showing up...not any of the ones that booked a show as they may use it as a jumping off point for their own business.

Really helped me get back on track after pretty much taking the summer off.

Hope everyone else had success as well!
  • #19
I seem to only be able to steal time to make calls. I am always uneasy about calling. I just put on my happy voice & go gung ho! I Blitz about 1-2 x per month personal & group. It always works! you also get to catch up on what your customers are doing ~ using their new/not so new products? need recipes? customer care? friends, brides, fundraisers. I pack a lot into a 10 minute call. :) If someone is short, I just say, try you back soon. Thanks. So far, knowone has hung up on me... yet. :p
  • #20
Congrats, Michele! I think I may try that next week. I have a show tomorrow night & don't really want to do it over the weekend. Great ideas, everyone & thanks! I've been trying to get on the phone more & a contest is a great way to call those maybes!
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  • #21
Thanks for this idea! I am mailing out invites for my sneak peek this week and I am going to follow up this weekend or Monday night to get more RSVP's and turn it into a booking blitz! I love the idea of saying it is a contest. Technically if you make a goal for yourself of how may shows you want you could be in a "contest" with yourself to make it to your goal!!
  • #22
I told my director about it.. and at our next cluster meeting we are doing our own booking blitz. I will let you guys know how it works out!!!
  • #23
Our cluster does this. I unfortunately have never been available when they do it, but I hear and see how everyone benefits from it! My director gets a conference call going (we dial into a number) and she tells everyone what to say, and gives us all goals, and then we're all supposed to call and book shows. It has proven pretty successful to everyone! I wish I had the time or availability when they did it! :( Maybe next time!
  • #24
gchef said:
Jeanine (& others),

It's almost encouraging to see that you have 5 years doing this & still feel like that. I've really been dragging my feet, too, about getting on the phone.
It's a great idea, though. It's kind of late now, but maybe some of us could do a challenge tomorrow amongst each other(?). OR . . . I will try to find someone here to do this with.

There aren't many people in my cluster and everyone has another job. I still feel like a beginner bc I haven't done very many shows in 2 years' time, and don't know many people bc I'm not from this area.

I _REALLY_ appreciate this site, bc I feel I need more encouragement or comraderie than I get from my director/cluster. I just happened upon it a few months ago, then almost forgot about it and found it again. (Whew! Thank God!) This is actually the first time I've written anything, but want to say again how thankful I am for all of the very, very, helpful posts I have been reading.


We are so glad you decided to post to us! Report back with your results after your hour!

I'm trying to make sure I spend:

15 minutes making booking calls
15 minutes making recruiting calls
15 minutes - customer care (how do you like your chopper? would you like a recipe? How about a show or a fundraiser)

15 minutes - organizing my stuff
  • #25
Does anyone want to join me for a booking blitz this afternoon? We could say we are in a contest- the prize? A fantastic Fall selling season !!!
  • #26
Well shoot, I did a mini one of these and didn't even mention a contest and managed to book 2 shows last night off the folks from a show I did July 9th. None of them had wanted to book at the show. September's looking up!
  • #27
I just printed off my sheet of 100 no's (attached) and am going to use that while I do my booking blitz. I also forwarded a copy to my team, and issued a challenge to see who can be the first to get out 100 no's.


  • 100 NOs.doc
    40.5 KB · Views: 534
  • #28
Has anyone had any luck with one of these on the weekends?
  • #29
When our cluster has them, they are usually on Sunday evening about 7-9 PM. They have not had one in awhile.
  • #30
"See the people"
krzymomof4 said:
Has anyone had any luck with one of these on the weekends?

I don't think it matters if it's a weekend or weekday. You'll miss people anytime you call. I suggest you make a script for your phone calls. You'll need two. One for if they answer and one for the answering machine -- you want to be ready either way. Look at the Customer Care Call Scripts for ideas. With the new selling season ahead, there is plenty of information to share.

Don't spend more than 15 minutes creating your script -- I know you. You'll perfect your script and then run out of time to make the calls. :rolleyes: (Do I sound like the voice of experience?)

If you're like most of us, the most important thing is that you pick up the phone and make the calls. In the words of Belinda "see the people" (or at least talk to them).

  • #31
Have your 30 second commerical ready has Belinda would say !!!! Here is a copy of my notes from her workshop that I attended at confernce!!!


  • 90 Days to the business that you want.doc
    33.5 KB · Views: 394
  • #32
My cluster did a Booking Blitz in May to get our bookings for the June Sell-a-thon!!! I made a TON of calls, got several bookings, and had my best month EVER in June!!!!!! I made level 2 :)

And I'm going to do a booking blitz of my own this next week. I took July off for family reasons and need to kick up my August and September to get me rolling right into fall. It will be my 1 year anniversary with PC in Sept, so I think I'll be offering specials for my hosts :)
  • #33
soccermoma, Do you want to do a blitz with me Sunday evening? I am going to try to put one together with my recruits. Monday evening I am going to a ball game, so that will not work.
  • #34
Hey ya'll,

I did make some calls this week, but it took me a couple of days to work up to it, then a couple of hours before I actually picked up the phone. I got mostly voice mails, but one lady called me back, then said no to a show. I approached them more as customer care calls bc I'm way behind on that and haven't spoken with some people in a while. I also spoke with 2 other people who said no. Then it was Friday evening and I thought it was probably not the best time to be calling. Besides, I wasn't reaching anyone. I think a lot of people here are not home on Fri. nights and Saturdays.

I'm glad the question was asked about calling on the weekends, bc I've wondered the same thing - esp. about Saturdays. I think I'll pick up the phone again tomorrow night - Sun. Even tho' I may sound discouraged (am trying to resist that), since Conf., I have a better understanding that it takes some nos before you get to a yes. Plus, reading your posts helps to keep me motivated. Thank you!
  • #35
mrssyvo said:
soccermoma, Do you want to do a blitz with me Sunday evening? I am going to try to put one together with my recruits. Monday evening I am going to a ball game, so that will not work.

I'm going to say "Maybe"... LOL Email me ( [email protected] ) with your details... Sundays are kinda weird for me. I do a lot of pre-week cooking and baking and spend time with My John and the kiddos...

I forgot earlier though... I meant to give ya'll my best tip for doing booking blitz calls....

Have your envelopes, stamps, letterhead stationery, and host packs ready to go. While you're on the phone with each customer, fill in their address! Make sure to either put in the envelope what you've promised to mail (recipes, tips, etc) or write it under the flap of the envelope so you won't forget.

When you do this, it makes your life so much easier. Because now you have your mailings all ready to go, and didn't have to waste more time at your desk getting them ready!!!

I use the Host Pack Envelopes from Merrill, and fill in the show info on it. THen when the host gets it, that info is right there in front of her and she can use the envelope for gathering orders and money :)
  • #36
soccermama said:
I'm going to say "Maybe"... LOL Email me ( [email protected] ) with your details... Sundays are kinda weird for me. I do a lot of pre-week cooking and baking and spend time with My John and the kiddos...

I forgot earlier though... I meant to give ya'll my best tip for doing booking blitz calls....

Have your envelopes, stamps, letterhead stationery, and host packs ready to go. While you're on the phone with each customer, fill in their address! Make sure to either put in the envelope what you've promised to mail (recipes, tips, etc) or write it under the flap of the envelope so you won't forget.

When you do this, it makes your life so much easier. Because now you have your mailings all ready to go, and didn't have to waste more time at your desk getting them ready!!!

I use the Host Pack Envelopes from Merrill, and fill in the show info on it. THen when the host gets it, that info is right there in front of her and she can use the envelope for gathering orders and money :)

that's a very good idea, though I do my host packets a little bit differntly......... but as long as they get done that is what is important!!
  • #37
My own personal booking blitz!Our cluster did a booking blitz last weekend and I couldn't participate, because I had a show. So I made time tonight (hubby bathed the kids and put them to bed) to do my own booking blitz! Another reason I wanted to do it is my director is doing weekly Business Building phone calls with each of her 1st line consultants and she challenged me to book 2 shows before our next call, which is tomorrow morning!

Result: 1 catalog show and 2 cooking shows!! One for August and two for September! YAY!!

I'm so excited! 1 was a past host who re-booked, the other two were customers, but have never hosted before.

I also dread making phone calls and NEVER made customer care calls my first year in the business. Well, my sales reflected that!

Now I plan on making calls every Monday night!
  • #38
Cat, I did one tonight too! Our team had one scheduled. I must say, even though I've done a similar concept at my day job, I was a little nervous.

WELL...I got a referral, 4 kitchen shows and 1 catalog show! WHOO HOO! (Of course, I saved up a few leads I'd gotten in the last week to call tonight, but it's all good).

This is definitely worth it, but I'm glad our team will only do about once a month. I have been busy as a bee with my day job and volunteer work, and it will prolly take me until later in the week to get all the packets out.

My fears about my business not taking off (I'm in SS1) are starting to diminish!
  • #39
Good for you Lisa! I am really excited to have one of these. I never know what time of day to make the calls. At 4 I fear it is too early so I wait until 6. Then I think that all my contacts are eating dinner at 6 or 7 so I wait until 8, then I think it is too late! Arrg! What time of day do you make your calls?
  • #40
gilliandanielle said:
Good for you Lisa! I am really excited to have one of these. I never know what time of day to make the calls. At 4 I fear it is too early so I wait until 6. Then I think that all my contacts are eating dinner at 6 or 7 so I wait until 8, then I think it is too late! Arrg! What time of day do you make your calls?

Unless I know someone is home during the day, I call from 7-9:00. Around here, most people are done with dinner by 7:00. If I know they have little kids, I try to call before 8:30.

Most important, don't stress the time -- JUST MAKE THE CALL. :D

From a CD I'm listening to (actually, I think this is Jana's quote), don't ask if this is a good time to talk ask "is this an okay time to talk?" Okay is good enough!
  • #41
I usually try to do 7-9 too.
  • #42
We did 7:30-8:15 last night. I didn't have to leave a single message!

I also used, "do you have a few minutes to chat?" Made it seem more casual and friendly, I think. It worked on everyone anyway!
  • #43
I called from 8PM-9:15PM, but the calls after 9 were to people I knew pretty well. (Friends and family who were past hosts). I did get 2 or 3 answering machines, but I'm putting them back on my list to call next week!:D
  • #44
Conratulations on all the booking blitz'You are all so very encouraging and I am going to take your leads and do my own booking blitz tomorrow night. I am very curious though as to what you have all said during these calls. What has been the most successful language that you have used? Does anyone have a script that they may be able to post for us cowardly sorts?:eek: I appreciate everyone's input.
  • #45
Tracy, my August is pretty full so I used it as a chance to let them know the new catty is out in Sept and I am booking Sept & Oct...and I wanted to be sure to call them early to give them priority pick. They liked that!

I also told them about the host & guest specials for the months, though most I didn't get past stoneware! (One had a lot already so she opted for Oct and she wants something new and the knifes are perfect!)

I then promised to mail a packet later this week and be in touch soon after to help them earn the most free stuff they can :) HTH

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