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Moral Delima: Is This "Stealing" a Show?

In summary, the host originally asked the speaker to do a show for her on a specific date and time, but the consultant who was supposed to host the show cancelled. The host then marked out the original time and put a new time on the invitations, but the consultant later wanted to change the date entirely. The host is now not willing to call all the guests to change the date, so the speaker has agreed to do the show. However, the speaker is feeling guilty because they think the original consultant will think they stole the show, and they're worried about rumors starting. The host has agreed to be the "bad guy" and tell the consultant they found another speaker. Some suggest the speaker should contact the original consultant, but others think the
Gold Member
I had a host call me asking me to do a show for her a week from Friday. She said that she's already sent out the invitations & the consultant canceled on her. Thinking that the Consultant just flaked out, I said okay.

Then the host elaborated & said that the original show time was 6 PM. The Consultant called and said she needed to change it to 6:30, so the host marked out 6 PM and wrote in 6:30 PM on all the invitations. Now that the invitations have been sent, the Consultant called wanting to change the date. The host is angry & not willing to call all the guests to tell them that the date has changed. She wants to hold the show at the date/time that was sent out on the invitations.

Now I'm feeling guilty that I agreed to the show. I know that the original consultant dropped the ball on this one! If I wasn't able to do a show this close to the date, I'd have called around & found another Consultant to step in & do the show to keep from inconveniencing the host. When I asked her what the excuse was, she said she wasn't given one ... just told that the date didn't work for the Consultant. I know that I should be morally okay with this. But I just feel like the original consultant is going to feel like I stole the show from her. :(

I'm on a military base in Japan. I've never met this consultant, but it's still a small island and word gets around. I'm afraid that rumors may start that I "steal shows". :rolleyes:

At this point, I'm not going to cancel on the host, but I did tell her that I feel uncomfortable and I don't want the other Consultant to think that I stole her show. One of the guests has already submitted an online order with the other Consultant so the host has to call her to cancel the order. She said that she's going to be honest & tell the Consultant that she needs to do the show at the date/time that was sent out on the invitations, and that she went in search of another Consultant and found one. She apparently doesn't mind being the "bad guy" in this situation.

So be honest. Do you think it's okay under the circumstances to do this show or do you think I should have withdrawn my offer to do the show after having heard the original Consultant was trying to reschedule vs. canceling?
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  • #2
Oops! :eek: Did I really just spell "dilema" wrong? LOL I have a 1 month old in the house, can I blame that on lack of sleep??? ;)
No since the original Consultant changed the date/time twice on the Host, I don't blame her at all. If possible, I would find out the Consultant's name and contact info and call her yourself. As you said, it is a "small island" and you don't want her to bad-mouth you. I can understand the Host not being too happy about the changes etc. Go for it and good luck! Also don't forget that the Past Host that the Show was booked off of gets the Host Special there. The booking follows the Host not the consultant!
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  • #4
pcchefjane said:
Also don't forget that the Past Host that the Show was booked off of gets the Host Special there. The booking follows the Host not the consultant!

Yup! I had already thought of that, but the reminder is always appreciated!!! (Especially with Mommy Brain kicking in!)
I'm with Jane. I don't blame the host at all. The other consultant dropped the ball. Since the host is willing to be the "bad guy", I can't imagine the other consultant being miffed at you. I'm not sure about contactint the other consultant. I understand that you don't want to step on toes, I just wouldn't know what to say to a her if it was me. Good luck with the show!
I would have her call the consultant and explain to her since you have had to switch times and the date, I feel I can no longer work with you. I have since found another consultant and she's available to do my show.

I don't think you're stealing the show, I think you're "Saving" the show.

Good Luck!
PampMomof3 said:
I would have her call the consultant and explain to her since you have had to switch times and the date, I feel I can no longer work with you. I have since found another consultant and she's available to do my show.

I don't think you're stealing the show, I think you're "Saving" the show.

Good Luck!

I agree. I wouldn't call the consultant. That would be awkward and she might take it personally against you, and not the host. It was the host who contacted you and it was ultimately her decision to back out of wanting to work with that consultant. You are stepping in to save her show.
You didn't steal anything. A host came to you to save her show. I wouldn't contact the other consultant, but I'd be ready with a response in case she tracks you down.
I wouldn't contact the other consultant either. This is between the host and her and the host and you. Let the host contact her like she said she was going to and leave it at that.

BTW, I don't think this is 'stealing' a show either. Go have fun, have a 1K show and get lots of bookings and maybe a recruit lead or two. Good luck! :)
  • #10
Sheila said:
I'm afraid that rumors may start that I "steal shows". :rolleyes:

You didn't steal the show, you rescued it. :)
  • #11
I agree, you didn't steal the show. You are keeping this host as a PC customer. Otherwise she may not have purchased from PC again!
  • #12
I agree you are helping keep up the good name of PC. Let us know what happens!!
  • #13
I agree you are not stealing the show. Not that this changes if you should save the show for the host, but I think if I were in this situation, I would want to know as mucha background as I could. Was this show booked off of another host?
  • #14
You're not stealing the show.... The other consultant wasn't available on the date your host wanted. So, she is using your services instead of the other consultant. That's business!
  • #14
Ok, quick question....I'm extremely new, this is my first month. And the consultant that recruited me is doing a show for which my close friend is going to host. But now that I too am a consultant she want me to do it for them. Should I ask the consultant for the show or let her do it for and my friends and family (This is a lift time friend, so are families are intertwined)? I do think that would be "stealing" a show. But where else am I supposed to start, if not MY family & friends?
  • #15
L.Paz said:
Ok, quick question....I'm extremely new, this is my first month. And the consultant that recruited me is doing a show for which my close friend is going to host. But now that I too am a consultant she want me to do it for them. Should I ask the consultant for the show or let her do it for and my friends and family (This is a lift time friend, so are families are intertwined)? I do think that would be "stealing" a show. But where else am I supposed to start, if not MY family & friends?

ABSOLUTELY your friend should have YOU do her show, not your recruiter, your recruiter should have GIVEN you that show upon you signing your agreement. I always give my shows to my new recruits. ALWAYS.
  • #16
I am also in agreement with everyone else. You are rescuing her show. I would also have the host be the one to contact the other consultant.
  • #17
What Brenda said... :)
  • #18
chefsteph07 said:
ABSOLUTELY your friend should have YOU do her show, not your recruiter, your recruiter should have GIVEN you that show upon you signing your agreement. I always give my shows to my new recruits. ALWAYS.

I totally agree! You may need to stand up to your recruiter (nicely of course) and let her know you need to count this show as one of your first 4 shows.
  • #19
chefsteph07 said:
ABSOLUTELY your friend should have YOU do her show, not your recruiter, your recruiter should have GIVEN you that show upon you signing your agreement. I always give my shows to my new recruits. ALWAYS.
And if you feel weird about approaching your recruiter about it, have your friend/host tell her "Now that she's a consultant, I'd really like to let her be the consultant on this show so I can help her out with getting started."
  • #20
I would leave it up to your friend. If she would rather you do it to help you get started then great! I think she should be the one to let your recruiter know though so the recruiter doesn't have ill feelings towards you. The hosts are entitled to book with whoever they want. She really should have given it to you in the first place though. JMO
  • #21
I agree with most - you didn't steal the show, but instead saved it - and I would NOT contact the consultant. It sounds as if the host is already going to be doing that and she's not "the bad guy" either.....she's just being honest with the consultant that didn't do her job very well. I had an instance where 1 day before a show a family emergency came up and I called the host and explained to her that I wasn't able to do the show but that I HAD called others in my group to see if someone else could pick up the show for me. There ended up being someone else that could do the show for me. Sure, I lost the sales and the bookings, but the customer/host wasn't inconvenienced and that was more important to me.
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  • #22
Thanks ladies! I still have a feeling that the original Consultant won't see our side of the story. :rolleyes:

But it makes me feel a little better to know that you all think it's okay and are not saying that I'm doing the wrong thing. ;)
  • #23
We have you back! ;)
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  • #24
:D Woo Hoo! I feel so loved! :love:
  • #25
I to had to "save" a show recently I had an issue with it for about 10min, worried that the consultant would be mad etc. but I'm sorry if you never call your host then what do you want its lousy costomer service.I got a call from the hosts sister asking if I could do a show for her sister on such and such a date the sister had booked a show at a fair and gotten a host packet set up a call time with the consultant, well consultant never called she also only gave her half a host packet so I sent out a complete host pack! The show is now over $600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm closing it tomorrow (was supposed to close today but since CC is down :( I cant get on my website to retrieve the order thats there!)I understand that you are on a small island but if that consultant dropped the ball then its on her try not to care what she thinks!
  • #26
I'd find the consultant's name so that if you ever meet her at a meeting or training, you'll be prepared. You could even say, "oh, yes, you're the one the Sarah rebooked the show with. I know you felt bad that you couldn't help her with that original date and hope that you don't hold it against me." Or, you could chose to ignore it but now why she's giving you strange looks.
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  • #27
I was provided the name of the other consultant, but I have no plans to contact her. I don't see how it could be beneficial. I've never met her before but learned that we do have some mutual friends.

- - - - -

Oh, and ya'll are not going to BELIEVE what the Consultant has done. The host told her to cancel the online orders. She e-mailed the host back & said that she didn't know how to cancel them! :eek:

Um, how about deleting the online show! :rolleyes:

The Host thinks that she's going to submit the orders anyway & the Host has asked me for help on how to stop her from submitting the orders. I recommended that the host forward the Consultant's e-mail to the solution center (cc'ing the Consultant of course) and ask the solution center to help the Consultant with instructions on how to cancel the orders :p Hopefully that would deter her from submitting them after she's been asked to cancel them. If she submits them anyway, we would of course, request for TPC to refund the guests money ASAP. ;)

I wonder what TPC would do to her if she submitted them anyway? :confused: Anybody know???
  • #28
Sheila said:
...I'm on a military base in Japan. I've never met this consultant, but it's still a small island and word gets around. I'm afraid that rumors may start that I "steal shows". :rolleyes:...

I don't feel you are "stealing" the show, but being a military wife who has been stationed on a small military post overseas...I think you should have thought this one through a bit more.
Since you are on a small post, you live in close quarters with gossipy women. I love my military spouses, but we all know how gossip/rumors fly. I probably would have handled it differently but what is done is done. You will be confronted by someone on this issue so be prepared with an honest, logical explanation.
I agree with the group in that I wouldn't contact the original consultant unless she says something totally out of line. Good luck!
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  • #29
The host took my advice & forwarded the e-mail to Corporate. Hopefully they will intervene & keep the consultant from submitting the outside orders.

Related to Moral Delima: Is This "Stealing" a Show?

1. Why is this situation considered a moral dilemma?

This situation is considered a moral dilemma because it involves conflicting moral values and ethical considerations. On one hand, the original consultant has disappointed the host and potentially put their reputation at risk by canceling last minute. On the other hand, by agreeing to do the show, the new consultant may be perceived as "stealing" the show from the original consultant and causing potential harm to their reputation.

2. Is it morally acceptable for the new consultant to do the show?

There is no clear answer to this question as it ultimately depends on individual morals and values. Some may argue that it is acceptable as the new consultant is providing a solution to the host's problem and fulfilling their commitment to the guests. Others may argue that it is not morally acceptable as it may harm the original consultant's reputation and potentially create tension and conflict within the industry.

3. What are the potential consequences of doing the show?

The potential consequences of doing the show include damaging the relationship between the new consultant and the original consultant, negative perception from other consultants in the industry, and potential harm to the new consultant's reputation. It may also create tension and conflict within the industry and could potentially harm the host's relationship with the other guests if they feel misled or deceived.

4. Is it ethically right for the host to cancel the order with the original consultant?

The host has the right to cancel the order with the original consultant as they are in control of their own event. However, it may not be considered ethically right if the host is doing so solely to accommodate the new consultant and potentially harm the original consultant's business. It is important for the host to communicate openly and honestly with both consultants and consider the potential consequences before making a decision.

5. What could have been done differently to avoid this moral dilemma?

In order to avoid this moral dilemma, clear communication and honesty are essential. The original consultant should have communicated their need to reschedule in a timely and professional manner. The host could have also reached out to other consultants in the area to prevent last-minute cancellations. Additionally, the new consultant could have discussed the situation with the original consultant before agreeing to do the show to avoid any potential conflicts or harm to their reputation.

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