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Missing Out on Conference: My Struggle as a New PC Sales Rep

In summary, the author is not going to the conference because they have bills to pay and cannot afford to go. They also feel like they are not involved in the conversation because they do not go to conference.
I'm not going to conference. This is my 2nd year selling PC and I wasn't able to go last year either. For me, the reason is money. All of my commission goes to paying bills, which is one of the reasons I signed up in the first place. Hopefully next year I may get to go, but for now, I feel alone in reading and hearing about all the excitement and not joining in.
You're not aloneI can't go either. Money reasons here too. I didn't go last year either. I spend all my money on bills too, or stuff for other people. Never get a chance to get anything for myself unless I charge it which I hate to do. Hopefully next year!!
You're not alone...I'm not going either. I just signed up in March. I'm only in ss2. I'm a mom of four so going to conference is out of the question. I didn't even hear about conference until April. Don't feel bad about not going. I'm sure that there are a ton of us who aren't going. They are posting a lot because they have something fun to talk about. ( I am so Jealous!!) Are you going somewhere else this summer? How about we start posting about where WE are going! I'm going camping with the family. Two ten day trips to the lake. One in July and one in August. We're busy saving for our new house so we are going light on the vacations. (That's why I started PC):D :D :D
I can't go eitherand it's not because I don't want to or because I've been feeling down about my business since last night. I just plain can't afford it right now. I want to go so bad. I'm hoping to go next year.
I'm not able to go either. I can't take off from my full time job and I just plain don't have the money. I might go next year...if I have the $ then!
I am not going either. I have been selling for 5 years and have gone to conference twice. I love it, but I have 3 children, a full time job, and my husband has his own business and farm. So, I can't afford to go every year. And, I try to take my kids on a nice vacation at least every other year. This year we won't get to do that either because of my husband's new restaurant, but I am trying to get them a swimming pool installed.
I am not going to conference either. Money is one of the reasons but Pampered Chef is not my full time job. I also work at a school, have 3 boys and we have a farm that sells black raspberries. I sometimes feel out of the "loop" because I choose not to go. I have been selling PC for over 2 years. I also feel like people think that I am not committed to this business because I choose not to go to conference. I think that you can be 100% involved in PC without going to conference. Thank you for letting me "vent".
This is a great site!!!
Jodi Hoover
I also am not going my biggest reason is that I will be 3 weeks away from delivering baby #3
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I think I am the only one that has replied that is going. It's my first conference, and the first time away from my son (who will be almost a year). But what I was going to say is that when I was doing PC in atlanta a few years back, I didn't go to conference. My job wouldn't allow me and I was newly married with no money. Yeah, I was sad that I couldn't go, but you can't beat yourself up about it. Maybe start saving a little each month for next year. And earning that January incentive helped too. I started budgeting for conference when I restarted my business back in October. I might not go every year and I'm okay with that. (And DH has already said I can't go to both conferences every year, so I might have to alternate).
  • #10
Jennie4PC said:
I also am not going my biggest reason is that i will be 3 weeks away from delivering baby #3

  • #11
For those of you that can't go for money reasons, I hear ya! I missed the first 3 conferences, then I went last year & don't want to miss again. I earned 1/2 off registration, and if you use conference club, that helps with cost. I've had 15 taken out of my checks since Feb. I'm also waiting tables at my parents restaurant for extra spending money. It is definately worth it if your budget can allow it next year! (plus you can use all the expenses for tax time)
  • #12
I went last year for the first time... I've been with PC since December 2000. It was great, I enjoyed it! Though it wasn't all I had expected since I had heard sooo many woooonderful things about it! But it was still worth it.

But I chose not to go this year... I don't HAVE to go every year now... I skipped out on 4 other conferences, why do I think I now have to go to every one??!!
My husband is from overseas... so we thought we'd take a trip to visit his mother... but she decided to come see us and we are going to a wonderful all inclusive resort in Mexico... just south of Cancun... never been to Mexico... the MIL hasn't either - or my husband and kids for that matter! We are so excited!
I promised myself to buy some of the tapes/DVDs from conference, and USE the knowledge and really grow my business regardless of going to NC...

I plan on going every other year, and will definitely miss not going this year! Just looking forward to next year!
  • #13
I am not going either!! It's too far of a commute for me, since I am overseas. I just can't justify spending all that money on a plane ticket and hotel when I could be traveling in Europe instead. That's just too much for me to spend on one weekend. I hope to go sometime after we get back stateside.
  • #14
I am going...but...I am going, but almost wish I wasn't. Money is really tight for us right now, and I went last year.

I am already committed to share the cost of the hotel, and I won't stick the others for my share, and I won't pay for my share without being there, so, off I go.

I know I will get lots out of it, just a major money crunch...
  • #15
I wish everyone on the site could go just because it would be great to meet everyone. I'm going to take the plunge and go this year but I'm fortunate that we considered this a great opportunity for extras so as long as I earn the costs I'm O.K. Besides, my family is in St. Louis so we're going to take a vacation there and use it as a jumping off point for the Chicago trip. Nicole, I'm sorry that things are tight right now and I'm sorry you're in wave two :). I've enjoyed some of your posts and sharing great insights. I know in our cluster and hospitality cluster besides myself the only ones going are the directors. I probably won't make it an every year thing either.

It sounds like there are some really fun vacations everyone has planned! Mexican resorts and trips to the lake.

While conference will be fun it is just a small part of the summer!! I hope everyone gets time to enjoy some of the lazy days of summer.

  • #16
I got laid off in FebruarySo even though I had signed up for conference club as soon as you could I just couldn't afford to go. I'm still looking for a full time day shift M-F job. They are few and far between here on the coast. I do have a full time NIGHT shift job making much less that what I was and it includes the weekends!:( We wont' be camping much this year with me having this job.

But we do have a camping trip planned for a week in August that I let them know of when I was first hired so I can go to it. It is a family camping trip.

Theresia Aylward
  • #17
Heh, we don't go on vacations! My husband is a computer programmer - doesn't like to go outside if he doesn't have to! And I run the City Parks and Rec Youth Drama and Science programs during the summer. This IS my vacation! :)
  • #18
I'm with you.
I probably shouldn't be going either. Money is tight for us also. I have never been and am having a rough time of getting my new business going. I want it to be a success. I must continue to try and I hope conference will help me with it all.
I feel guilty going though when money is tight.
So I understand totally!
And I signed up without thinking it through financially. So I to will not back out on the room and etc....

nikked said:
I am going, but almost wish I wasn't. Money is really tight for us right now, and I went last year.

I am already committed to share the cost of the hotel, and I won't stick the others for my share, and I won't pay for my share without being there, so, off I go.

I know I will get lots out of it, just a major money crunch...
  • #19
I am not going to conference. I was planning on it but I ended up with a bronchial infection earlier this year and took tons of time off from work. I have some really good friends in my cluster and they will be calling the whole time to let me know what is going on. They are also going to call as soon as they find out what the new fall products are. I will be going to Wells Beach, Maine for vacation in August for a week. All is not lost. my recruiter isn't going this year either because she is having a baby in July. Your all definitely not alone.
  • #20
Me either.

I wanted to go and so did my director what me to go. I have been a consultant since September 2005. My problem is money also but another reason is that my 6 year old daughter will be going though alot of medical things during the school break. My daughter Lucy was born with a cleft lip and palate and they are starting to finalize some of her surgeries. Her first surgery was when she was at 3months and two since then. Now they want to do some more work on her before school start back up. I just don't want to be away from her just before or just after her surgeries. My director is very understanding but she thinks that I can tell the doctors that they should rearrange her surgery around the trip but I can't do that.

Maybe I will see all of you next year.

Sorry for the long message
  • #21
We just bought a house!!Well we just moved into our new home this weekend!! It's really great!! I love this house and I could not justify spending so much money going to conference unless it was FREE, or in my city.
With four children and possibly number five on the way (I will know for sure first week of next month) there is no way I would want to spend that much money to go to conference.
I mean don't get me wrong, it sounds fun and like something that will boost anyone's business but I can't stand being away from my hubby and kids for that many days.
By the way does conference change locations every year? Have they already had a conference in San Antonio, TX recently?
If I didn't have to worry about plane tickets, meals, and hotel it wouldn't be so bad.
Hope you all have a great time!! There will definitely be some charged up cheffers ready to take on the world with their new found wisdom!!
Teresa I am sorry to hear about your daughter's surgeries. There's nothing like Momma's love to help a child feel better!! I think it will be a great thing for you to be with her before and after her surgeries. She'll feel confident and secure with you around. Keep us posted on how it goes! You and your little one will be in our prayers!!
  • #22

National Conference is always in Chicago.

Leadership Summit, open to Future Directors and above, changes locations every year. January 2007 it is in Dallas.
  • #23
I haven't missed a conference since I started in 1998 but I agree it is a big chunk of money. What helps me out is that it can be spread over a couple of months so I don't feel such a big hit. I use conference club for registration...buy the plane ticket in Apr/May...then the hotel in July.

I totally agree with not beating yourself up over not being able to go. There are a few ways to take advantage of conference without really being there. I love the idea of purchasing the CD's. You can usually get the whole set for under $100. Also, make plans now to attend a cluster meeting immediately following conference. The people that attended will be so pumped up and excited, you will feel like you were there and you can help fuel your business off of the created excitement :) Plus, you will get to see the new stuff!
  • #24
going to conferenceHi ,
I have been with Pc for 5 1/2 years I have gone 2 times this will be my 3rd time , Yes it is a great experiance and you do learn alot. But If you can not go DON'T BEAT YOUR SELF UP . when all the peolpe come home this Post lights up with all of the energy and info as if you did go . And the peolpe form your cluster will be sharing too. you will get all fo the exciting news that there is to know .
Don't let anyone make you feel bad about not being able to afford to go if you are planning to get any DVD'S get Belinda Eilsworth she is going to be at conf this year again her tape are soooo motivating and with the new fall info you will not have any problems keeping your buisiness going
Good luck with your buisiness and keep your ears open to all info you hear and you will be the beat at PC if you go to Conf. or not
Doreen Zaino 252326
[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Thanks everyone:) :) I guess I already knew that I couldn't be the ONLY ONE not going, but I still really wish I could.

I'm really hoping for next year. My husband's company just hired me to do some outside work for them - data entry from my home at $150-250 a project!! My goal is to start putting away some of that money at the beginning of next year so I'll be able to go. Wish me luck!
  • #26
I'm not going either. I just signed up, June is my SS1. But I plan on going next year. Could someone tell me what's included? Are we responsible for airfare and hotel reservations or does the registration fee take care of all that? I don't even know how much it is....LOL But I know I want to go next year.
  • #27
It'll be 4 years I've been in PC this summer, and I've never gone. I love to listen to the workshops on CD, I feel that this is comparable. I've still managed to be successful, went on the 7 day cruise and earned TPC. I plan to go in 5 years or so when my youngest is old enough for camp while I'm away.
  • #28
chef.katie said:
I'm not going either. I just signed up in March. I'm only in ss2. I'm a mom of four so going to conference is out of the question. I didn't even hear about conference until April. Don't feel bad about not going. I'm sure that there are a ton of us who aren't going. They are posting a lot because they have something fun to talk about. ( I am so Jealous!!) Are you going somewhere else this summer? How about we start posting about where WE are going! I'm going camping with the family. Two ten day trips to the lake. One in July and one in August. We're busy saving for our new house so we are going light on the vacations. (That's why I started PC):D :D :D

Hey there! This is my first year going to conference...and just wanted to say...I have four kids too...and it is hard to work out scheduling...but if you are able to go next year and need any tips, please feel free to contact me. Anything is possible! :) Hope you have a good summer. If I come across any tips for moms of four at conference I will pass them along!
  • #29
Going to conferenceI am not going to the conference because money is way too tight.
I know that they hold the conference in Pampered Chefs home state ,but would they get more people to come to these if they would move to these to different states each year, or would doing a mini conference in several different states at different times of the year. Maybe this would help some of us that couldn't afford to go or maybe have a schedule conflict.
I know with a program we have through school they have a conference and they set up a city in say Texas and then you travel to what city they have it in.
What could happen in this case? Have someone come with you and let her get involved in the conference. Possible recruits.:D
  • #30
They do coduct Regional meetings and there is Leadership conference. However, these events do not compare to National Conference. Leadership is AWESOME!! At National conference we are able to do the Home Office tours because we are in the same town as the home office and there are alot more Home Office staff on hand that we can ask questions or voice concerns to.

I think it is very beneficial to go to conference if you can go, but don't stress about it. There will be a conference next year and the year after so if you want to go just start saving a little bit now and every month until the year your life allows you to attend.
  • #31
Do not feel bad I am new to the PC and I will not be attending the event cause my son will be celebrating his 7th b-day about that time and I want to do some shows that month ( Like My Open House) that all my neighbors can not wait for. So we all can sit and chat while every one is at the conference. My upline will be calling me to tell me what is going on there so I will keep ypu posted
Victoria Grissom

Related to Missing Out on Conference: My Struggle as a New PC Sales Rep

1. Why are you not attending the conference as a new PC sales rep?

The main reason I am not attending the conference as a new PC sales rep is because of financial constraints. As a new sales rep, all of my commission goes towards paying bills, making it difficult for me to afford attending the conference.

2. Is this your first time missing out on the conference?

No, this is actually my second year in a row missing out on the conference. Last year, I also couldn't attend due to financial reasons.

3. Do you feel like you are missing out on important information and opportunities by not attending the conference?

Unfortunately, yes. As a new PC sales rep, the conference is a great opportunity to network, learn about new products and strategies, and gain valuable insights from industry experts. Not attending makes me feel like I am missing out on important information and opportunities.

4. Are there any alternatives to attending the conference that you have considered?

Yes, I have looked into attending virtual conferences or webinars, but they do not provide the same level of interaction and hands-on experience as an in-person conference. I have also tried to connect with other sales reps who are attending the conference to get updates and insights, but it is not the same as being there in person.

5. Do you have any plans to attend the conference in the future?

I am hopeful that next year I will be able to attend the conference. I understand the value it can bring to my career and I am determined to make it happen in the future. Until then, I will continue to make the most of my current situation and strive to be successful in my role as a PC sales rep.

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