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Maximizing Points: Reaching 25,000 by December 31st

  • #51
GEEZ Kristi I just figured and after you get the 2,000 points and the 3,000 points we are just about the same in points totals. Does that include your June sales too?
  • #52
I am at 59,138! I have a friend that is walking in wave1 for earning level 3 already! She got me motivated to do more shows a month and to treat this as a full time job.

Laura is right about recruiting being the way to earn the trips.

I really want to go to London, but we promised the kids DC. So I am aiming for Level 4 with TPC. They will be 13 and 11 so they should be able to handle the museums maturely...I just hope they appreciate it
  • #53
smspamperedchef said:
GEEZ Kristi I just figured and after you get the 2,000 points and the 3,000 points we are just about the same in points totals. Does that include your June sales too?

Weird Sharon!! Yes, it includes my sales up until my show last night. With my 2,000 and my 3k and my 600 from last nights show, it puts me at 33,863!!

We are right at the same point!! Too cool!! you are also in Wave 2, right? I really hope to meet you!:D
  • #54
I only have a goal of 12,000 this year, but next year, I definitely want to work to earn a trip. 2009 will be my 10th anniversary and I REALLY want to take my hubby somewhere. Hoping this is my building year to build the customers/relationships to reach that goal in 2008!
  • #55
PampMomof3 said:
Weird Sharon!! Yes, it includes my sales up until my show last night. With my 2,000 and my 3k and my 600 from last nights show, it puts me at 33,863!!

We are right at the same point!! Too cool!! you are also in Wave 2, right? I really hope to meet you!:D
YEP! WAVE 2 for me and am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to get organized. My Stepdaughter's wedding is right before that so I feel so disorganized. I want to pack and get things ready for Conference but have to do the wedding stuff first.
  • #56
I only have 5,996. :( I want at least 23,000 but I seriously doubt it. I have tried recruiting to get more points but so far that's not happening. I will get over 1500 this month but still so far from 23,000.
  • #57
Chef_2_Four said:
I only have 5,996. :( I want at least 23,000 but I seriously doubt it. I have tried recruiting to get more points but so far that's not happening. I will get over 1500 this month but still so far from 23,000.

You can do it April!!! It honestly can be done!! I did it in my first year and I sold 8 months!!! We took the GC for Home Depot and got all the landscaping rocks for the front of my yard.;)
  • Thread starter
  • #58
If I can do level 3 in 10.5 months you can totally do it, April! There is still half a year left! Go for it! :D :D
  • #59
Thanks for the encouragement ladies!! I hope to make it!! I really want it!! Sooo maybe if the desire is there.....:D
  • #60
this quote helped me last year:

When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it.

So how badly do you want it?......=)
  • #61
Ooohhh, I like that quote!! You should have it in your signature!
  • #62
21,184... a couple shows still open for this month...
one recruit...not yet qualified... another host took kit credit...she's excited...but wants her shows scheduled close for her first 30 days...and another recruit potential...(sounds very promising)...and a 4th recruit moving tomorrow...and wants to settle then sign! ! ! ! If I could get those four all signed and qualified...and keep up my sales...(after a month off for conference and a trip overseas for 3 weeks...) I'll be happy!

Seeing the trip slide show at conference was the thing that kicked me in gear! OMG...to be able to take my kids...or even just husband...on a trip like that!! WOW...
  • #63
Hey ChefNic - I see you changed to Wave 2 also. Do you have a hotel room already?
  • #64
We need to send our kids...so we'll recognize each other...
by the way...where are your kids? Didn't you used to have them as you avator? and you are an industrial eng...right? refresher...lol...

I need to post my pic so maybe I could run into some of you!
  • #65
Whats this all about?I am a new Independent Kitchen Consultant with The Pampered Chef...I have no idea how all this trip stuff and points works...would someone mind explaining it to me?? Any other advice anyone may have would be great to!!!
  • #66
Hi Kati! Welcome to The Pampered Chef and Chef Success! You will earn points (1 $ in sales = 1 point.) The more you do in sales, the more points you get...we can earn trips and other incentives based on our sales. Your director should be able to tell you more....and I'm sure that there are many wonderful people here that will help you out if you need it! Other advice?? Feel free to post any questions/concerns, etc here...we're all one big family here! Welcome to the family!
  • #67
Now that you're new and excited about the bus., you can share that excitment with others and get them signed up!!! Every recruit gets you 2000 points towards your trip! (or gift certificate, leve one). Congratulations on getting started!
  • #68
OK..... ya'll ready to laugh with me?

My goal is DC for my family.....

I currently have 16,683 points...........

yeah, that's not a huge goal, huh?!?!?!

Level 1 is totally attainable..... possibly level 2, if my fall is as busy as I'm hoping it to be..... level 3 can happen if my TON of fence-sitters would just SIGN UP ALREADY!!!!!

My kids will be 11 & 9 next summer, which should be great ages for a trip to DC..... I don't think I'd be able to go on the cruise (not a good time with my other job.... :() so I really want DC!!!!!!

Sooooooo...... if I can't get my fencer sitters to sign up, and I do it on just my sales..... I need to sell $8,759/month from now til December..... um, this month I will not even make it to $2,000 (well, unless my one day sale tomorrow goes WAY beyond my imagination!!!) and my highest sales EVER was last June at $3,000.......

I AM still keeping it as my goal. I never give up on my goals!!!!!!!! ;)
  • #69
soccermama said:
OK..... ya'll ready to laugh with me?

My goal is DC for my family.....

I currently have 16,683 points...........

yeah, that's not a huge goal, huh?!?!?!

Level 1 is totally attainable..... possibly level 2, if my fall is as busy as I'm hoping it to be..... level 3 can happen if my TON of fence-sitters would just SIGN UP ALREADY!!!!!

My kids will be 11 & 9 next summer, which should be great ages for a trip to DC..... I don't think I'd be able to go on the cruise (not a good time with my other job.... :() so I really want DC!!!!!!

Sooooooo...... if I can't get my fencer sitters to sign up, and I do it on just my sales..... I need to sell $8,759/month from now til December..... um, this month I will not even make it to $2,000 (well, unless my one day sale tomorrow goes WAY beyond my imagination!!!) and my highest sales EVER was last June at $3,000.......

I AM still keeping it as my goal. I never give up on my goals!!!!!!!! ;)

What a great attitude to have!! :)
  • #70
ChefLoriG said:
this quote helped me last year:

When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it.

So how badly do you want it?......=)

I love your quote Lori and I made something out of it - it's attached here.

We took the kids to see Evan All Mighty last night...what a GREAT movie!
Anwyay - it takes place in and around Washington DC. And it made me THAT much more motivated to earn the DC trip so I can take my kids with us to see our nationa's capital. So - I made the attached flyer and am posting it up in my office / our playroom so that it is a constant reminder to all of us my I need to work HARD!!!


  • Washington DC Reminder.doc
    58 KB · Views: 235
  • #71
I'm at 22,727. I'm shooting for the cruise this year. DS will be 6 by then and I think he would love it. DH will enjoy it too.
  • #72
pamperedlinda said:
I'm at 22,727. I'm shooting for the cruise this year. DS will be 6 by then and I think he would love it. DH will enjoy it too.

Linda!! Shoot for DC...a 6yo would love that, too!! And then if you don't make it, you'll still have the cruise!! But aim HIGH!!!
  • #73
dannyzmom said:
Linda!! Shoot for DC...a 6yo would love that, too!! And then if you don't make it, you'll still have the cruise!! But aim HIGH!!!
Yeah, I guess you are right. I emailed my Director and SD last week and told them that I was shooting for TPC for next year in Sales and Recruiting and I wanted them to help keep me on-track and accountable......so I guess I already set myself a pretty high bar! Okay, DC it is. Now, I just have to get some more shows and recruits!
  • #74
pamperedlinda said:
Yeah, I guess you are right. I emailed my Director and SD last week and told them that I was shooting for TPC for next year in Sales and Recruiting and I wanted them to help keep me on-track and accountable......so I guess I already set myself a pretty high bar! Okay, DC it is. Now, I just have to get some more shows and recruits!

Ok then we can be incentive buddies - I am going for TPC in sales AND recruiting for the 07-08 year...we can push each other along!!!
  • #75
pamperedlinda said:
Yeah, I guess you are right. I emailed my Director and SD last week and told them that I was shooting for TPC for next year in Sales and Recruiting and I wanted them to help keep me on-track and accountable......so I guess I already set myself a pretty high bar! Okay, DC it is. Now, I just have to get some more shows and recruits!
Linda, if you're aiming for both sales and recruiting TPC, then unless you plan to do it all in the first half of 2008, DC is definitely within your reach!

(You may take that however you want, since it's coming from the person who has never earned a PC trip...)
  • #76
ChefNic said:
We need to send our kids...so we'll recognize each other...
by the way...where are your kids? Didn't you used to have them as you avator? and you are an industrial eng...right? refresher...lol...

I need to post my pic so maybe I could run into some of you!

Yup - looking for #4 for our room.

Kids are on file. ;) I was impersonating KG last night along with Ann and then this picture was the handiest to pull up after that. I'll put them back up tonight probably...or maybe dig up one of me...

Yes, I'm an IE - you remember correctly.
  • #77
Just remember, you can't spell "geek" without double-e.
(That's my electrical engineer DH's favorite engineering quote.)
  • #78
chefann said:
Just remember, you can't spell "geek" without double-e.
(That's my electrical engineer DH's favorite engineering quote.)

GROAN.... It hurts....
  • #79
chefann said:
Linda, if you're aiming for both sales and recruiting TPC, then unless you plan to do it all in the first half of 2008, DC is definitely within your reach!

(You may take that however you want, since it's coming from the person who has never earned a PC trip...)
Yeah, I figured that if I can earn TPC, then the trip is a given! That way I only have to focus on one thing!
  • #80
And with TPC you get an extra day on the trip!!
  • #82
pamperedlinda said:
and some nice bling!

Oooh yeah baybee!
And they also give you special little gifts on the trip when you've esrned TPC - in Atlantis we got TPC notecards and a great PC visor.
  • #83
I'm at 7,400 right now. I want to get to Level 1. Last year I was so close. June was supposed to be an awesome month, but I had two shows cancel. Two of the shows I had 8-10 were supposed to show up, and two people showed to one and three to another. Luckily they are collecting outside orders. Oh well. I am going to work my fanny off and get Level 1. I haven't earned anything yet and really want to get to Level 1.
<H2>1. How many points do you have so far?</H2><p>I currently have 49,000 points.</p><H2>2. What are you aiming for?</H2><p>I am aiming for Washington DC for 4 (with TPC extra day/extra $100).</p><H2>3. How many points do you need by December 31?</H2><p>I need 25,000 points by December 31.</p><H2>4. When do you want to have the points earned by?</H2><p>I want to have it earned by Thanksgiving - or maybe Halloween? - LOL... so I don't stress out! :p</p><H2>5. What is the deadline for earning 25,000 points?</H2><p>The deadline for earning 25,000 points is December 31.</p>

Related to Maximizing Points: Reaching 25,000 by December 31st

1. How many points do you have so far?

I currently have 49,000 points.

2. What are you aiming for?

I am aiming for Washington DC for 4 (with TPC extra day/extra $100).

3. How many points do you need by December 31?

I need 25,000 points by December 31.

4. When do you want to have the points earned by?

I want to have it earned by Thanksgiving - or maybe Halloween? - LOL... so I don't stress out! :p

5. What is the deadline for earning 25,000 points?

The deadline for earning 25,000 points is December 31.

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