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Maximizing Bookings: Tips and Experiences from Real Consultants

cookware! And everyone laughs.It's a fun way to get people interested in hosting and to make it seem like it's not just a sales pitch. I try to make it seem like it's not just about the cookware. I also hand out a drawing slip at the end of my show.
What has been ya'lls experience with the bookings slide? I've used it with all my shows thus far, and each time...I felt a "vibe" change in the room. Either an "Oh no, now here comes the sales pitch" or (if they knew me well) a "haha, yeah we know what you REALLY want." I showed it to my husband who thinks it's probably the paper equivalent of "throwing up" all over people (lol). So I'm thinking of ditching it and just telling people that I'm looking for people who are willing to host shows - if they like what they see they can talk to me about it after the show. What do ya'll think?
Oh no! I hope not. I am using mine for the first time tonight. Expecting 20-25 people - so I am really hoping for bookings. Hope I don't get the same reaction...
I haven't had that experience at all. In fact, it's been very well received. People come to come expecting to be asked about hosting. It's a given, as that's the only way we are going to stay in business.

In fact, at my last party, when I did the bookings slide, one lady pulled out her drawing slip & changed her answer. She had originally marked no & then changed it & we set an April date.

When I do my slide - I make it all about the current host. If I know something that the host is wanting, I pull that in as well.

PS - I've seen my bookings go from 0 or 1 per show to 3, sometimes 4 per show. It's given me the confidence that I need & I think that's why I'm seeing the difference.
I've used it once (my calendar's REALLY empty). My host thought it was cool, and I didn't get that vibe from my guests either.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I wonder if it may entirely depend on the group of people - or even how many people. I've not had great success at booking large parties thus far, so maybe small parties feel more "pressure"... ?
crystalscookingnow said:
I haven't had that experience at all. In fact, it's been very well received. People come to come expecting to be asked about hosting. It's a given, as that's the only way we are going to stay in business.

In fact, at my last party, when I did the bookings slide, one lady pulled out her drawing slip & changed her answer. She had originally marked no & then changed it & we set an April date.

When I do my slide - I make it all about the current host. If I know something that the host is wanting, I pull that in as well.

PS - I've seen my bookings go from 0 or 1 per show to 3, sometimes 4 per show. It's given me the confidence that I need & I think that's why I'm seeing the difference.

I was hoping to do that too. As I go through it, I will use the host's name and what she was trying to earn. I don't think she'll have a problem with it - she has been very vocal on the cookware she wanted with the 60% off.
What are the "words" you are using when you bring it out?
Sometimes either how we feel about it or how we talk about it determines the reaction.
My team loves it, personally it doesn't fit in well with my show. Funny I tried it at 3 shows and at 2 of them I signed a girl at the party. Hmmmm.........where is that slide! LOL
Had to laugh about "throwing up" all over people. I haven't gotten that vibe either. I try to make light of it and call it my "powerpoint" presentation. I just say "Who here has seen or made a powerpoint presentation?" Wait for response. "Well, since I don't really have a projector or a big screen monitor, I thought I'd make my own powerpoint presentation to show you how the host benefits work!" Roll out the slide. Usually gets a laugh. I emphasize that I'm a visual learner and thought this would help people really understand the host benefits program. I've gotten a few bookings out of it! Keep trying it. You'll get more comfortable with it as you get along! Good luck!
When I used it it was a big hit! I really played up the mystery. After we were done putting the recipe together I handed the host the SB we were using, (always my host gift to say "thank you") and I said, "But Andrea gets lots of cool things from TPC as a thank you for inviting me here tonight, too." I hold up the slide, folded up, so they can only see the top, then I said, "Here are the benefits to having a cooking show." and I whip it out dramatically. They all gasped and thought it was pretty cool. My host was standing right next to me and talking about the things she wanted regarding those gifts. Mine is printed on bright pink paper.

I think I'm a little dramatic and silly anyway, though, so maybe they were expecting it from me. If you're flipping it out completely unaffected they won't be interested. Until we stop thinking that THEY'RE thinking we're predators, we won't stop seeming like predators ;) You're offering them a cheap, FUN way to get together with friends and learn great cooking tips. We have a great service to give and they very much appreciate that.
  • #10
I haven't had that problem at all I am getting totally different responds of people booking and when I use it at my show I usually get anywhere from 2 to 4 shows booked and I don't fling it out there I let me hostess do it and I talk it like "Susie is getting all of these benefits just cause she booked a show tonight" and they all seem to have good attitude with it. I am sorry to hear you aren't getting a good respond out of it.
  • #11
IMHO, as Crystal said, people come knowing you'll be looking for bookings at the show, so I make sure I transition from demo to the booking/recruiting talk and let them know it's time for my spiel (usually that gets a laugh or two and they're expecting it).

Then as I bring out my slide, I let them know that I know everyone thinks the show is about what the consultant can earn and that while that is a pretty great thing, the show is actually all about the show. Then I whip the slide out and get the oohs and aahs before I start going through the benefits (and folding it as I'm reviewing each slide).

It's worked very well...even my smaller shows have ended up with at LEAST one booking. My advice...don't give up on it. If you haven't been using it long, give it a couple of months before you make your decision. It took me 6 months before the interactive shows got comfortable and fun for me.

  • #12
You could change it too and make it more "fun"...
Have the paper glued onto cardboard and give it out to people in the room... tell them each to hold it up when you point to them.... I hope that gives a good visual! That is it more "interactive" and less of the "paper throw -up".
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Good ideas! I think I'll keep trying at it - maybe I was doing it too seriously or something and just need to make it a little more dramatic and "fun" like so many of you said. I have a show tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes!
  • #14
Honestly - I used the Bookings Slide for 3 months, and I was never able to really get into it. I also felt a strange "vibe" when I would whip it out. It just isn't me. I actually got better bookings with the bookings coupons I've been using all along. I stopped using them to do the Bookings Slide - and I went into that change willingly and with a positive attitude.

There is nothing wrong with not using it. The same thing isn't going to work for everyone. If you feel like you've given it a good chance, and it's still not comfortable for you, then maybe it's not you. Find what works for you!

This is what works for me:


  • booking coupons.doc
    167 KB · Views: 792
  • #15
How do you go about using the coupons Becky?? Do you hand them out at shows to everyone, or just what? I have never seen these.

Kelly V
  • #16
KellyRedHead said:
How do you go about using the coupons Becky?? Do you hand them out at shows to everyone, or just what? I have never seen these.

Kelly V

I sure wish I knew who first posted these - because I would love to give them credit! I've just sorta taken them and made them my own.

I printed them out and laminated them. At some point during the show (depending on the show, it can be at different times) I thank my host for inviting us all to her home, and then I do something that would be similar to the bookings slide, only with the coupons...and with the help of my host.

I'll say something like "You know, it's so great that Susie invited us all here, and this cookbook (SB) is just the beginning of all the great gifts she is going to get just for having some friends over for a fun evening. I've found that often people don't totally understand why someone would want to host a Pampered Chef party - so I have these handy little coupons to help me explain it for you. Anyone here like a good coupon? YEAH! Coupons are a language we all understand! Susie - come on up and help me out with this! (then there are usually some jokes about Susie Host being Vanna...etc....) First, the avg. host for shows that I do will receive at least $90 in free product (hand that coupon to Susie). Now, we all know that Susie is waaaayyy above average, so she'll probably be getting much more than that!
Next, after Susie spends her free money - she will also get to choose at least 2 items in the catalog for 50% off - any 2 items that she would like, she can get for 50% off! (hand the next coupon to Susie...) and then I go through every coupon like that. I make it sound exciting, and light-hearted, and fun. People always love it - and at every show, I can visibly see the light bulb come on for people as I am handing the coupons to the host.

At the end of the coupons, I then lean over and in a stage whisper say "Now, Susie, can you give me back the coupons? I need them for my next show....:D I'm cheap, and colored printer ink is expensive!"
  • #17
Thanks Becky! That sounds like it is fun to use. Your right, everyone loves a coupon, especially for free items! :love:

Kelly V
  • #18
MrsCaleb said:
What has been ya'lls experience with the bookings slide? I've used it with all my shows thus far, and each time...I felt a "vibe" change in the room. Either an "Oh no, now here comes the sales pitch" or (if they knew me well) a "haha, yeah we know what you REALLY want." I showed it to my husband who thinks it's probably the paper equivalent of "throwing up" all over people (lol). So I'm thinking of ditching it and just telling people that I'm looking for people who are willing to host shows - if they like what they see they can talk to me about it after the show. What do ya'll think?

Just curious, what do you say or what is your reaction when you do it? I have used it at my last couple of shows and had great results. You could say something along the line like, look at all these host benefits!! Then go through them. I have mine on colored paper, and they are laminated, 3 ring punched, and connected with circle rings. Just be excited!! Make it fun!! Practice throwing it out, and what to say!! Let us know your update.

  • #19
I'm trying mine for the first time tonight. I think that I will practice on the kids a couple times before I go :)
  • #20
StephsKitchen said:
Just curious, what do you say or what is your reaction when you do it? I have used it at my last couple of shows and had great results. You could say something along the line like, look at all these host benefits!! Just be excited!! Make it fun!! Practice throwing it out, and what to say!! Let us know your update.


I'm finding if YOU are excited about something (product, tips, recipes, recruiting, booking, etc) then they are too. I've had GREAT success. The first time I used it I got 6 bookings (10 people there) and 3 recruits leads!
  • #21
I agree with Ginny!!
If you are excited, THEY will be excited!!
Also your Host should be excited too!!!!
I have been getting oohs and ahhs..
I usually say something like " Do you want to see what "Host's Name" is receiving for hosting tonight?!" and I always plug that she benefits from others hosting within 6 months!!!
  • #22
Does anyone have a version of the bookings slides in color or with pictures attached? I went to a hospitality meeting last weekend and they showed one copy with the pictures and then one plain copy. The pictures were muuuuuch cuter!
  • #23
cindykl2009 said:
Does anyone have a version of the bookings slides in color or with pictures attached? I went to a hospitality meeting last weekend and they showed one copy with the pictures and then one plain copy. The pictures were muuuuuch cuter!

I have one, but I'm at work right now. I made it myself. I'll come back on in a couple hours and post it. Mine is in a binder though and the 60% off slide has the feb/mar/apr specials on it. I can just take it out and replace it. You might want to change that if you put it in the accordian lay out.
  • #24
I had to chuckle at your husband's description too!! The first time I used mine, I was SO nervous. The audience were people from my teeny tiny hometown. The host's Mother thought she was nuts having a party (uhem...it was a $1000 party!!) so when it came to using the slides, I started with...you know, some of you may be wondering if Kelly was nuts to host this party...FLIP...but let me show you why she is a smart cookie!!

No bookings (trust me, 3 of the people in the crowd of 5 were 70 and over!). But I always use it as a chuckle moment.
  • #25
I've used the slide a couple of times, but I can't totally commit to it because I've been to 2 Lia Sophia shows within the past 6-7 months and the consultant did the EXACT same booking slide but for Lia Sophia. The 1st time I saw it I loved it and wanted to do it for PC, but the 2nd time it was very old news to me. Her show was basically the same both times too so that is probably why I was bored the 2nd time. I know that I will keep the slide, but will try not to repeat it at shows with the same/similar audiences or at least not back to back if I can help it/keep up with it. I've had good response from it but agree you need to get excited about it (or anything you do in regards to bookings/recruiting). Sorry for the ramble:rolleyes: I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. :D
  • #26
cindykl2009 said:
Does anyone have a version of the bookings slides in color or with pictures attached? I went to a hospitality meeting last weekend and they showed one copy with the pictures and then one plain copy. The pictures were muuuuuch cuter!
I have one for booking and recruiting...but they were created (my a sister Director) in MicroSoft Powerpoint. File is too large to post. PM me with your email address if you want it. Please do not post a "send it to me" on this thread since I won't be checking it...PM only please!
Last edited:
  • #27
missyciccolella said:
I've used the slide a couple of times, but I can't totally commit to it because I've been to 2 Lia Sophia shows within the past 6-7 months and the consultant did the EXACT same booking slide but for Lia Sophia. The 1st time I saw it I loved it and wanted to do it for PC, but the 2nd time it was very old news to me. Her show was basically the same both times too so that is probably why I was bored the 2nd time. I know that I will keep the slide, but will try not to repeat it at shows with the same/similar audiences or at least not back to back if I can help it/keep up with it. I've had good response from it but agree you need to get excited about it (or anything you do in regards to bookings/recruiting). Sorry for the ramble:rolleyes: I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. :D

I think this was part of my issue too. I didn't see it done, but at several shows when I did it, I had people say "Oh, I've seen this same thing at a jewelry show"......sorta took the wind out of my sails.:rolleyes:
  • #28
You know, even seeing it at a jewlery show, I doubt their host bennies are the same as ours. I'll be hosting a Stamping Up party in April, and I just can't help but rechecking the host bennies and thinking.... Is that really it? JMHO

I think that showing how much more PC gives the host could hardly be a bad thing. Execpt maybe in a repeat crowd....
  • #29
princessmeshelle said:
You know, even seeing it at a jewlery show, I doubt their host bennies are the same as ours. I'll be hosting a Stamping Up party in April, and I just can't help but rechecking the host bennies and thinking.... Is that really it? JMHO

I think that showing how much more PC gives the host could hardly be a bad thing. Execpt maybe in a repeat crowd....

I had a L.S. jewelry show and yeah the host gets a lot of free stuff, BUT your guests have to spend the bucks! And you have to have a lot of people order. Several of their pieces broke right away.....anyway, I think you get a lot better value for your money with PC. And with the economy, who can justify spending $$ on themselves. At least with PC, guests are spending for themselves and their family to save $$ and time in the Kitchen. So much smarter, IMHO.
  • #30
I tried it for the first time last night and it seemed to go pretty well. My hostess was excited about all the benefits that she didn't know that she was getting. She has done quite a few shows lately and she said of all of them PC has the best hostess benefits! The other guests seemed to like it too. I got 2 bookings.
  • #31
I've used the booking slides cards for a while and I usually get good response. I've decided I'm going to start focusing more on the 50% off up to 4 items much more then what the monthly special is! I'm just learning this after 4.5 years in the business (LOL)! I got so many bookings for this month because of the 60% off, and I started thinking - they always get 50% off! I don't think I have mentioned this as much. I always start off w/what the monhtly special is!

I'm going to try this for a while and see if it makes a difference. I usually get 1-2 bookings at shows, but when I've talked about the 60% off I've gotten 4 at shows!
  • #32
You have a good point Rhonda!

I know when I have mentioned the 60% off any one item in the catalog, I had hosts really wanting to do shows. They asked the specials for Feb and for March and although March specials are great, they really like to pick what they want for the 60% off then having it chosen for them.

Kelly V :chef:
  • #33
ChefBeckyD said:
Honestly - I used the Bookings Slide for 3 months, and I was never able to really get into it. I also felt a strange "vibe" when I would whip it out. It just isn't me. I actually got better bookings with the bookings coupons I've been using all along. I stopped using them to do the Bookings Slide - and I went into that change willingly and with a positive attitude.

There is nothing wrong with not using it. The same thing isn't going to work for everyone. If you feel like you've given it a good chance, and it's still not comfortable for you, then maybe it's not you. Find what works for you!

This is what works for me:

These are what I use as well - but they are very similar to the bookings slide. I just explained them wrong:rolleyes:!
  • #34
I did the Booking Slide at my show tonight for the first time. I made it with florescent paper instead of white (bright pink, orange, purple, and yellow), but used what is on CC. I also add a cut out picture (from the catalog) of the consultants kit.

Anyway, the party was small...only 6 people, 7 including the host. I left with 4 bookings!!!! I am super happy. I think the colors helped a lot. I got a couple WOWs and Ohhhs. I felt so pumped. I made it all about the host and what she was getting!

I have NEVER gotten so many bookings at a show, let alone a small one. YEAH!
  • #35
Sounds like you had a great show and the booking slide worked well for you!

I have 2 shows this week and I am going to try it and also highlight the 1/2 price items the hosts can get.
Everyone loved the fact they got 60% in February, but many forget the items they can get at 50% too!

Wish me luck this week!
Kelly V. :chef:
  • #36
I'm trying it for the first time tomorrow night...I also am doing the bright colored paper. Hoping it works!! I'm trying to book my spring break up in March and start getting April and May booked!

Related to Maximizing Bookings: Tips and Experiences from Real Consultants

1) What is the "bookings slide" and how does it work?

The "bookings slide" is a tool used by Pampered Chef consultants to help maximize bookings at their shows. It is typically a slide or visual aid that is presented to guests towards the end of the show, highlighting the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef party. It includes information such as host rewards, special offers, and how hosting a party can help earn free products.

2) Have you found the bookings slide to be effective in increasing bookings?

Many Pampered Chef consultants have found the bookings slide to be an effective tool in increasing bookings. It helps to clearly communicate the benefits of hosting a party and can spark interest in guests who may have been on the fence about hosting a party. However, every show and audience is different, so results may vary.

3) What has been your personal experience with using the bookings slide?

I have personally used the bookings slide with all of my shows and have found it to be helpful in generating interest in hosting a party. However, I have also noticed that some guests may have a negative reaction to it, feeling like it is a sales pitch or being too pushy. It is important to read the room and adjust your approach accordingly.

4) Do you think the bookings slide is necessary, or is there a better way to approach booking parties?

This can vary for each consultant and their style. Some may find the bookings slide to be an essential tool, while others may prefer a different approach. Ultimately, the key is to communicate the benefits of hosting a party in a genuine and non-pushy way that works for you and your audience.

5) Should I ditch the bookings slide and just mention booking opportunities at the end of my show?

This decision ultimately depends on your personal preference and the reaction you have received from your guests. If you feel that the bookings slide is not working for you and may be turning off your guests, it's worth considering other approaches. You can still mention booking opportunities at the end of your show, but it is important to do so in a natural and non-salesy way.

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