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London Trip - Personal Question for Moms

In summary, Jen is having a difficult time deciding whether or not to go on her trip to London, and she's worried about the many logistical challenges involved.
I have been struggling for weeks trying to make a decision, and no matter which way I decide, people tell me I'm crazy. So, I figured that all of you might have an opinion on the subject. =)

I earned London this year, with TPC on top of it (so, an extra day in London, plus an extra $100 towards meals from PC), and boy was I excited! I've always wanted to go to London....

but I'm having a baby (my third) on March 12, and the London trip leaves the US on April 6. That's 3 1/2 weeks... after a C-section. I'm not an easy healer in the first place. I don't know if I'm going to feel up to it, if I'm going to be able to find a place to nurse or pump (I have some trouble with nursing usually, but I still pump every few hours) while in the airports and on planes for 12-15 hours, I am not sure if I can get a passport for the baby in time to go - or if I even want to try running around to get that done (I'd need the birth cert right away, probably a ss#, and then passport). I'm also not sure about bringing a 3 1/2 week old baby on a crowded plane for 15 hours, breathing in all that recirculated air and all. So I'm not sure!
....but it's London. And it's free!

There's always the possibility that complications could occur during birth, or something could be wrong with the baby, and we wouldn't be able to go no matter what, but then I would pretty much lose the trip and most of the value of the gift card. (They subtract out what they've already spent on plane tickets and give you what is left on a gift card.) But if course, I don't anticipate that...

Would you attempt to go?

(We've already decided that DC is not really an option for us, for various reasons... so I've narrowed down the choices to either London or the $1500 Visa Gift Card.)

I have seen the thread with someone who was considering going to NC 3 weeks after a baby, and opinions were varied. But... this is not NC. This is a vacation for 2 to London, so no workshops, no general sessions, no babysitter needed. But still...

I'm really struggling. I had decided NOT to go, and then decided TO go, and then decided NOT again. Now I don't know what to do. My mom has said that she will stay home with my older 2 kids (3 and 6 yrs old) if we go, so that's not an issue. I would definitely not go if I couldn't bring the baby. I am going to have the issue of trying to transport pumped milk through airports, and finding a private place to pump it while in the airports. And of course, healing from the C-section (my THIRD. They are NOT fun.)

What would you do?
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It's a once in a lifetime- You earned it and depending on how you and the baby feel--You will know it within 2 weeks after delivery---Just go with your gut and follow your heart---Plan on it---You can always take insurance on the trip even if PC doesn't offer it---
Congrats Jen on earning a monster trip in such a short time--
If it were me, I would not go. Try and remember what is was like when you had your other 2 children in those first couple of weeks & months. On top of that a c-section (I had one too). You will be very sore and you won't have full use of your stomach muscles by then either. Plus, don't forget about all the 'other' post-baby things :yuck: that you body is still doing. Earning what you did is an honor, but I think you should take the $$ and stay home.
Oh boy...well, first of all a HUGE congratulations on earning London plus TPC!! Now on to your dilemma. I am not sure you'll be able to get Baby a passport that fast. Last year, for Atlantis, I appleid in early February for my passport and literally, the DAY BEFORE we were to leave, I had to drive out to the FedEx warehouse-place and pick it up...and that's only because I sat on phone after phone call struggling and arguing and begging them to push it through for me. You can't even start working in Baby's passport until Baby is born which only leaves you 3 and a hlaf weeks for processing. These's simply NO way they can do it that fast. :( I'm sorry :(
I know you said DC is not an option...are you sure??? DC is not until June, thus giving you more time to heal and adjust...and you could ALL go (just buy in the baby)...and you can hang out with US there!!
As a mother of 3 (all c-section babies), I really think I would take the $$. You could always put it towards a vacation somewhere else (whether with or without the kids!) once you feel completely healed & ready for a vacation!
My youngest was 2 1/2 months old and I was trying to decide whether or not to go to NC, to take her, to leave her, to not go. I ended up not going and I'm glad I made that decision. (The airplane germs definately helped in that decision making....)
Of course, this is my opinion, and if I would have earned a trip somewhere, I may have felt differently about it! Good luck with whatever you decide. I'll pray that you have peace about your decision!!
Have you talked to your doctor about the issues of taking the baby on the plane, nursing, the surgery, etc? That would be my first step. Not a very fun choice to make though! Congrats on earning it!

That is a tough decision - having been through 3 c-sections myself - I know what a train wreck you feel like while you're healing. I personally would probably take the gift card only because what if you aren't healed and have any complications while on the trip for yourself - I personally would hate to be in a foreign country without my own doctor. - what if the baby has colic (obviously hopeful this won't happen and cries the whole time - or obviously is nursing constantly)

Ask yourself - will you totally enjoy yourself on this trip when you will be pretty exhausted from recovering and getting adjusted to a newborn again? Will you be able to see as many sights as you would like to? Or will the plane ride make it hard (cause it's a long one with the stipulations of 3 hours at the airport before the flight even takes off). Will your husband enjoy it as well since he will be helping you with the baby (but let's face it- the mom generally does most of the work the first few months especially nursing moms!)

Maybe you can take the gift card option and use it toward another great trip that you plan for you and your husband once the baby is a bit older and you can really enjoy it - just the two of you. Or maybe reconsider about DC since the trip isn't until June?

Hope you figure this out - and do what you feel is best for you. Just wanted to offer my opinion:)
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  • #8
Carolyn - There is a regional passport office about an hour from here... I've already called them, and they have confirmed that there IS a way to get a passport within 1-3 days IF you are traveling within 2 weeks (you need plane tickets to prove it and everything). They said I would need the birth cert for SURE at minimum, which the city is telling me takes minimum 2 1/2 weeks from birth to get. So, it WILL be a tight squeeze on time - but I am sure that if I NEEDED to get it done, I could.

In addition, with a child that young, BOTH parents need to be present in the passport office to rush this through. So I can't even just send my husband to get this done, I actually have to go there. Will I FEEL like running around to do all that? Definitely not. =) But it's the only option if I am going to go.

So, I know it can be done... but it's one more factor in my decision, for sure.
Just curious - do you have to go when PC says?
Trips are still a very new thing to me so I'm just wondering.

Congrats on the trip - that's an amazing accomplishment!
I've never had a baby, so I don't know what it's like afterwards, but from what I've heard from friends who've had munchkins, I'd say take the money and stay home. Yeah - it's an amazing opportunity, but I'd hate to see the little one get sick or you not be able to enjoy London.
  • #10
I just thought of another thing Jen (which I'm sure you have as well) - will your doctor approve of you flying so soon after surgery? I know they don't like us driving for 2-3 weeks after surgery - definitely something to consider. By the way, congratulations on earning this trip - it's a great accomplishment:)
  • #11
redsoxgirl said:
Just curious - do you have to go when PC says?
Trips are still a very new thing to me so I'm just wondering.

Congrats on the trip - that's an amazing accomplishment!
I've never had a baby, so I don't know what it's like afterwards, but from what I've heard from friends who've had munchkins, I'd say take the money and stay home. Yeah - it's an amazing opportunity, but I'd hate to see the little one get sick or you not be able to enjoy London.

I'm probably a worry-wart, over-protective mom, but my first thought is that with a baby that small, if taken sick, would be in a foreign country.....with a completely different medical system....THAT would make me nervous!
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  • #12
Wow -

Thanks so much for all the input so far! Replies to specific questions -

Lindsay - Yes, I have to go when PC says. It's a group travel incentive trip, so they have everything set up really nice for us there.

Morfia - I probably will know within 2 weeks of birth whether I will feel up to going. However, I can't decide 2 weeks after birth, I have to decide by late Jan/early Feb. If I decide to register for the trip, and then later decide I don't feel up to it, I will lose almost the entire value of the trip/gift card. I'd rather not lose it, unless there was some sort of unexpected complication with me or with the baby and it is unavoidable.

Gina - My doctor has approved of me flying, and says I SHOULD be feeling okay enough to fly, to walk, etc by then. He says I'm not allowed to carry any luggage, though, or even walk far carrying the baby. My husband will be able to do all of that, though.

Becky - Yes, I worry about that too. Different germs in foreign air, lots of different types of people on the planes and in the airports... But they do have hospitals and doctors in London, in case anything happens... it's definitely not ideal, but it would suffice in case of an emergency. It does make me nervous, though! =)
I am just really not sure what to do. It seems that a lot of you think I shouldn't go, which is where I've been leaning for the past few days... but I am willing to look at any and all advice! I KNOW I'm not a good healer.... and I always have nursing issues... and I am worried about the airport thing, especially with transporting pumped milk through the airports (will they make me dump it out?) and especially finding a place to pump - even a place to plug in a pump. (I guess I could go buy a battery one or a hand pump if I needed to.)

So, keep posting. I'm listening. =)

Thanks for your help so far, everyone, really. Some of my non-PC friends, while trying to be helpful, just hear "free vacation" and don't really consider all of the other issues I'm trying to work through. I'm so glad you are all here!

=) Jen
  • #13
Call your local airport and find out about the breast milk. They will be able to tell you what the guide lines are. You may also have to check out the stipulations abroad to see what they say.
  • #14
There is a LOT of walking to do in London, and for the premier trips they have other activities for you...
As a c-sec mama here too, I'd definately suggest that you take the gift certificate and do something fun with it for your whole family. You can even do something that your other little ones would enjoy.
London isnt going anywhere -- there will probably be another chance to go at some point in your life. But you can never get back that 3.5 week old baby experience, and you'd probably kick yourself if he/she got sick on the trip... KWIM? :)
  • #15
First, congrats on earning the trip! It may seem a once in a lifetime thing but London will always be there. The birth of your child IS a once in a lifetime experience and personally, I went natural with both my kids but no WAY would I have been up to any kind of travel, with or without baby - I couldn't imagine doing any of that after major surgery. You simply can't anticipate anything happening with giving birth, having surgery and adding the stress of a trip... I just don't think I'd put myself through that. It's AWESOME that you earned the trip - it's MORE awesome to me, the arrival of new life to this planet. Plus, international travel is stressful... delays and transfers can be long and hard. Having a newborn is stressful... sleep can be hard to come by, hormones are still in flux and your body is still adjusting to the birth experience (add in surgery recuperation), let alone any issues with baby, nursing or your healing. I can't tell you what to do but if I were you, I'd spend that time connecting with the new baby... London can wait.
  • #16
Having had to take a child to the hospital in another country... I need to tell you it is VERY costly and your insurance will more than likely NOT cover it. And we had to pay cash or use a credit card... before they would see our daughter so please take this experience into consideration too. I know your prayer would be that you would not need a Dr. or hospital but you have to plan that it could be necessary as well.
  • #17
I would not plan on going. Take the gift card & plan a vacation with that. It would just be way more than I would want to deal with.
  • #18
I have to go with Stacy's advice. Take the $$ and use it on a different vacation when you are feeling better. You may still get to go to London, just put a little of your own $$ towards it.
  • #19
whatever you decide will be the rite decision for you and your family---
If you do go take out an insurance policy for health care and cancelation--
  • #20
There is no way in hell I would go...I had a c section as well 4 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. On top of all that, I don't really think it's fair to take a newborn on a trip across the ocean...I'd take the money, stay home and relax and think of the things to do w that money once the baby is a little older and you can actually enjoy it.

Not trying to be judgemental, but I do agree w/ the others who have said what if the baby gets sick or something is wrong while you are away? It could happen, especially being around all the people on the plane, outside, etc. Heck, I didn't leave my house for over a month after I had my daughter for fear of giving her something! I wouldn't even go to the grocery store!

I'd be scared to death to go on that trip...and I'd start saving to go at another time since you'd miss this one.
  • #21
Wow...reading through all of these replies, but ESPECIALLY YOURS...I think you have already made the decision in your heart.

I didn't even take my youngest ouf of the house for anything except for drs. visits for EIGHT WEEKS! Not even to church...where I am a worship leader. We stayed home, recovered, and got our feet under us.

Obviously, each person is different...so your decision is for you and DH to make. I pray that God leads you to a concrete decision and for both of you to have peace about that decision!
  • #22
Jen -

Like everyone else, first let me start off by saying congratulations on earning a rockin' trip! That being said, I agree with those saying take the $$. I had my DD (11 mo. today) natural, which recovery time is quicker than with a c-sec, but I know I wouldn't have been up to walking around London - or sitting on a plane for that long. Not to mention the sheer exhaustion!!! Or the crying (of both baby and momma when baby cried :)) My DD cried constantly when she wasn't sleeping (but it turns out she had a medical reason for it - now she's a bundle of sunshine).

I would hate for you to take the trip and it be miserable for both you, your husband, and the baby. As a PP said, London will always be there, but the special time with your DH and baby to bond is short and fleeting. I would stay home, relax, and enjoy snuggling, sleeping (when possible), and loving on your new precious little one.

Could you use the money for another trip? Or perhaps go to DC? I don't know what your reasons are - my reasons for not going to DC (if I had the option) would be I live less than 4 hours from there and have been several times...but if unable to go to London, maybe pampering in DC would be fun.

I'm sorry you have this decision to make...

Oh yeah - I shudder to think of taking my DD to a hospital out of country - even in England. Besides not knowing the level of care, it would be insanely expensive and insurance would probably make you cover it. *shudder*
  • #23
I have to say I am one of those moms who goes to church the week after my kids are born (crazy I know) but I honestly dont think I would feel up to traveling to London. I havent had c-sections but you are saying you take longer to heal I would definitly take that into consideration. And as you also mentioned the whole breast milk on the plane and stuff I would be afraid of hevong them make me dump them and then look at all that milk that you wasted. Good Luck. Also think of the nights you will be up with your baby will you feel up to walking around all day and then being up 1/2 the night? Congrats on earning the trip
  • #24
I'm not a mom so I don't have any opinions on that side. However, there was a remark made that it is a once in a lifetime trip. While that could be true, PC has been to London at least twice before, so it could come up again.
  • #25
I would be having the same dilemma as you are having because I would really not want to give this trip up. I can just imagine the conversations you're having with yourself in your head, especially because your doctor is saying you'll be fine. It would be sooo hard to give this up. But, because I'm not in your situation, I can be objective. My advice is: don't go.
Just want to chime in about the passport issue. I went to the post office to get my passport. I had to make an appointment, and the guy told me it could be three weeks. He looked at the book and there was one in an hour. I took that appt. I had already gotten my picture taken. I took my picture into the appointment, applied, and paid. ONE WEEK LATER, I received my passport in the mail. One week after that, I received my birth certificate back. I was completely amazed. Everyone said it could take months. I did this in December or maybe late November 2007.
  • #26
WowFirst let me congratulate you also!! What a wonderful job you did in earning the trip in the first place. What a great achievement!!

Second I also am on the side telling you not to go, but as someone else already stated, I think you already know that you won't be able to go and enjoy it, but you just want to hear it from others!! LOL

I'm the same way. I have never had a C-section but have heard it's painful and requires much more healing time and time in bed not doing anything but occasionally feeding and changing baby.

Stay home, use your money on another trip. I know this might sound cheesy but you have the ability to earn another trip this year. You won't go home empty handed, and if you do decide to go and then change your mind, subtracting the plane tickets from the gift card would be a big loss to you. You said yourself your not a good healer, so relax and enjoy the money at home for meals out and another trip as someone suggested when you are healed and ready to go and enjoy it. Good luck on whatever y0u decide, I hope it works out for you.

Debbie :D
  • #27
You might also want to consider the time change between where you live and London.

Another thing too (and I'm not saying this to be mean) If your baby is one that cries alot people around you won't be happy. Are the airplanes going to London chartered by PC? Will there only be PC consultants and ther family on them? If you are flying with 'the general public' they might not be as understanding as PC moms who know what you had to do to earn that trip. I feel for you. It's a tough situation and only you can make that call. I said before that I knew what I would do, but really, I'm not in your shoes and I don't have to make that decision. It's a lot easier for an outsider to make a decision that doesn't affect us. Good luck!
  • #28
Have you checked into a trip to London at a later date???? Using the gift card to pay for it. Maybe you could get something comparable....I know it will not be the same but it could still get you to London. You might be surprised on what kind of trip deals are out there.
  • #29
My first was born in England. As a newborn, we travelled home. (there is a way to rush the passport) for a visit. The airplane ride was fine, and she slept almost the entire way. I was a nursing mom, and that was no biggie.

As for London with a newborn, I did fine. We were only an hour away, and we went often. I remember once I had to nurse in front of Buckinham Palace. We took a photo (I was completely covered with a blanket), just because we thought it was so funny. I'd just put her in a sling, and we did the London tube, trains, everything.

Of course, I'm a military spouse who has lived overseas for both my kids' births. So, things that seem very normal to me may not to others. :)
  • #30

CONGRATS!!! I don't know if you remember, but we sat together at New Director Breakfast at National last year.

As for the trip, I would take the GC. You are a very committed and successful director, so you will surely earn another trip to Europe (hello, Paris?) and with all they money you'll make this year, you can pay for a little extension to London.

Stay home and enjoy your babymoon and heal in a familiar place.
  • #31
Sounds to me like the struggle is between your gut and your head. Your gut is telling you to stay and your head is telling you to go. In my experience, although difficult, it has always been better to listen to my gut. You have to do what is in the best interests of the baby not you. So if that means that you have to give up a trip to London, then it is worth it b/c you will have a beautiful baby and none of the stress of traveling (which will hinder the healing process).
  • #32
I agree with most everybody else. Having a baby is a big deal, c-section or not. I have had 3 (not c-sections) and I rarely took them anywhere. (but that's me) I just don't think it would be much fun with a newborn baby, especially after a c-section. It would be way more work than it's worth. And babies need to be home as much as possible. It's fun to get out, for short periods. But they know the difference between home and other places. It's a long time to be away from home when you're that little. And in a hotel room, you just don't have the comfort that you need with a newborn. They can sense your tension if you are feeling stressed and they can become more difficult.

It is a great opportunity, but at least you get the $$. London isn't going anywhere, but you only get one chance to have this time at home with your baby. $1500 is still a lot to work with.

Chalk it up to bad timing...there's always next year!
  • #33

I'm not a mom, but if it were me, I'd take the GC for purely selfish reasons. You could always take the card and use it towards a romantic trip to Londonl later, just you & the hubby, and you can do all of the "adult" things you wouldn't get to do while toting a small child (I'm talking late night dinners at quiet, or rowdy for that matter, pubs, spontaneous decisions to train out to Bath or Stonehenge, or take in one of the fabulous plays. I guess I could be talking about other "adult" things too, but that's strictly your call :).)

If you wait long enough, you may decide that you need a break from three small children, and that GC would be just the ticket to get you the well-deserved break you need.

If, however, you wait long enough and decide that you need a break from three small children AND a husband, I happen to speak the native language of London and would be happy to go along with you to translate! (I realize we've never met, but what better way to get to know me :D )
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  • #34
Thanks to everyone who replied. It sounds as if most of you think I should just stay home. As much as I hate to give up the trip to London (I've ALWAYS wanted to go there), I suspect you are all right. I should just stay home - and heal - and enjoy the baby. I can't predict how I'm going to feel 3 1/2 weeks after a C-section anyway... probably pretty yucky... so I think I will just take the gift card option and be done with the decision.

Thank you all so much for your input! It's great to have such a supportive community to run things like this by!

=) Jen
  • #35
Wow~congrats to you!
What a tough decision for you to make. I remember how I felt after my c-section....I can't imagine traveling to another country that soon. I'm sure with the GC option, you can have a nice family vacation when you're feeling well:)
  • #36
Glad we could be of help Jen - enjoy your new baby - there's nothing like it:)
  • #37
I just had my second child at the beginning of November. The delivery was seriously 100 times better than I could have expected and I was in my own clothes by the day after and moving around.I can't imagine going to London 3 1/2 weeks later. We went to my in-laws for Thanksgiving 3 1/2 weeks later and I thought I was going to go crazy (I get along with them and it was a short trip - the in-laws wasn't the issue!).With a little bit of legwork you could get yourself there and back and a few nights hotel with the $1500. It wouldn't be going PC style, but it would be London. And if you used it to extend onto a PC Paris trip next year? London would be QUITE fabulous!
  • #38
Jean DeVries said:

I'm not a mom, but if it were me, I'd take the GC for purely selfish reasons. You could always take the card and use it towards a romantic trip to Londonl later, just you & the hubby, and you can do all of the "adult" things you wouldn't get to do while toting a small child (I'm talking late night dinners at quiet, or rowdy for that matter, pubs, spontaneous decisions to train out to Bath or Stonehenge, or take in one of the fabulous plays. I guess I could be talking about other "adult" things too, but that's strictly your call :).)

If you wait long enough, you may decide that you need a break from three small children, and that GC would be just the ticket to get you the well-deserved break you need.

If, however, you wait long enough and decide that you need a break from three small children AND a husband, I happen to speak the native language of London and would be happy to go along with you to translate! (I realize we've never met, but what better way to get to know me :D )

Oh Jean - thanks for my first "coffee-spewing" moment of the day! You are so funny!:D

(and BTW - I have met Jean, and she is a lot of fun.)
  • #39
not sure if you have made your final decision - but here is my thought and i just moved back from london!! i LOVE it there - it is very family friendly and i would have moved there in a heartbeat!!!


a 3 1/2 weeks is very young for a baby to be exposed to things. it would be one thing if you didn't have a choice for some reason - but i personally would not expose my child to so much outside 'germiness' so young. and i am not a germaphobe - we have traveled the world with my little boy - but i know how i felt 3 1/2 weeks after a c/s - exhausted!!!! and cannot imagine such a long flight with a little one. i would be so uncomfortable - it just wouldn't be worth it!

if you do decide to go - and i noticed you will be breastfeeding - yeah!! out some milk in your baby's nose. i know it sounds crazy - but my pediatrician who happens to be one of the very few male certified lactation consultants told me about this as did some others - and we always did and my child never got sick. and we fly a lot!!!

good luck to you first with your c-section!! and second on making this big decision!! it is difficult - but i personally think life decisions are somewhat easy in that if it seems too much - it probably is and something is telling you to take it easy! ;)
  • #40
I had a c-section and did not feel normal enough to even have adult conversations until about 10 weeks later. I think you've made the right decision:)
  • #41
Wow - Level 4 and TPC with 2 kids and one in the oven!!

I am in the "take the cash" camp. I vividly remember both the C and healing and that was 11 years ago! I agree with everyone else's concerns too.

Another thing to remember is that every year PC offers a spectacular trip - Austria, London, Paris.....When the time is right, you will again earn the trip and TPC and you will have a wonderful time with your husband.

Take the money and start college savings accounts for your little ones.

Congrats again -
  • #42
Just FYI...and I'm sure there are different schools of thought on this.
Your newborn carries mom's immunity for about the first 3-4 weeks of life. As baby is out and about during those first few weeks getting exposed to the normal germs around them, they start to build their own immunity while hiding under the safety of momma's.
Unless a baby is immunocompromised, they should be passed around and loved by everyone while they are building their immunity. At least that's what I was taught as a post partum nurse a few years back.
I would've been as torn as you have been...London would be amazing. I was thinking it thru for you: Nurse baby on plane on demand(helps colic and ear popping), sling baby thru London, take naps....
but you are probably better off with the gift card. The pain was gone two weeks after my section, but I was still really tired from nursing every two hours thru the night. I loved the post about using it to add on to the Paris trip next year!! GL!
  • #43
Congrats on your huge accomplishment. Go with your heart. I myself had 3 c-sections. After 3 c-sections, as much as I'd want to, my body would say otherwise. I know sitting for long periods of time (the plane) would not be comfortable. The baby on the plane is a new experience. When we took my son on the plane as a baby for the first time, the steward had to give the guy next to us free drinks. Our son was a plane cryer. Yikes. We were the ones that really needed the drinks. Ha Ha.

Enjoy your time at home with your new addition.
  • #44
Personally, I felt like crap for several weeks after my child was born. (i had epidural migraines). I would take the $ and put it towards a vacation for you and hubby when the baby is a little older. London is once in a lifetime but honestly, do you think you will be able to enjoy any of it with a newborn. You'll constantly be worming around trying to find a quiet place to go nurse in. I wouldn't go.
  • #45
Not that you need any more people telling you to stay home, but stay home! Even if you feel great by the time the trip comes around, taking care of and nursing a newborn are so much easier at home. I haven't had a c-sec but did travel with a 7 wk old on a business trip (my 1st child, I really didn't know any better). She was wonderful on the plane and slept the whole way but once in the hotel, began to cry non-stop. A hotel employee even came to the door and offered to help me find a pharmacy or doctor!:blushing:

If you just go on and admit what you already know (that you should stay home), you will finish up your pregnancy with much less stress and a bunch of money for anything you want!

Congratulations on baby and earning the trip!
  • #46
Wow! Earning the trip, AND TPC, AND being pregnant, too? I totally salute you!!

But, as the others have said, definitely stay home!! I have 3 children, none were c-sections. But...each time, of course, I was a little OLDER than the last one. You're not going to bounce back as fast, just for that fact alone, not to mention the "don't heal too fast" part!
Your baby will be an adult before you know it, and yes, London will still be waiting for you. But, as great as you must be with your business, I have a feeling you won't be waiting that long to get there!!

Also, just a personal experience...When my daughter (firstborn) was 6 months old, we went on a cruise with my husband's former company. We asked, and were allowed to take her along, because I was nursing. Jessica was a really good baby, not fussy, etc. We were with a large group, so some other "mommy" was always close by, willing to hold her for me, etc. The cruise was to the caribbean, and was beautiful. Overall, it was a great trip! That is, until the plane ride home. By then, my beautiful daughter had just totally had enough, and cried and cried on the plane. ALOT! I was so embarassed! Now, that being said, our plane ride was probably a total of about 3 hours. I was exhausted from that alone!! She was already 6 1/2 months old when we experienced this. Now, I cannot imagine how horrible I would've felt if everyone had to "endure" it, especially me, for 12-15 hours?? Especially after just giving birth!!

Earning TPC? Awesome! Going on a paid vacation for two to London? Amazing! Staying home and bonding with a precious new baby? Priceless!!

God bless you! Be sure you post about your feelings, once you've delivered! I just know you're going to be so happy you stayed home!!

Best wishes!
  • #47
I'm pretty sure your decision is made, but wanted to let you know that PC is great about having to "cancel" a trip. Last year my mom and I were going to San Francisco when my dad got really sick about 3 weeks before. We decided we couldn't both be gone across the country (we're in VA) and I didn't know what to do. I called PC and they told me they would have to find out if the tickets I bought were refundable or not. If they weren't then I would receive two tickets that I could use with in the year, but if they were I'd just lose $100 of my Gift Certificate. It ended up that I was lucky and the tickets were refundable. I got to pick my GC for $800. I REALLY enjoyed the gift certificates. I still have a little money on a few of them.

I have to tell you though, through this experience I learned what an amazing company we work with. I got a call about two days later at home from a lady in meetings and incentives calling to check on my family and my dad. I was amazed...it meant the world to me.

Good luck in making this VERY tough decision :)

Related to London Trip - Personal Question for Moms

1. Can I bring my newborn on the London trip?

While it is ultimately up to you and your personal comfort level, we recommend consulting with your doctor and carefully considering the potential risks involved with traveling with a 3 1/2 week old baby. Keep in mind that the trip involves long flights and potentially crowded areas, which may not be ideal for a newborn.

2. Is it worth it to go on the London trip, even with a newborn?

Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Consider the value of the trip and the potential challenges and risks involved with bringing a newborn on the trip. Also keep in mind that complications during birth or with the baby could prevent you from going, in which case you may lose the value of the gift card.

3. Are there any accommodations for nursing or pumping on the trip?

We recommend reaching out to the trip organizers to inquire about any accommodations that may be available for nursing or pumping. Additionally, you may want to research the airports and airlines you will be using to see if they have designated nursing or pumping areas.

4. What if I am not able to go due to complications with the birth or the baby?

If you are unable to go on the trip due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend reaching out to the trip organizers to discuss your options. They may be able to offer a solution or provide more information on the gift card value in this situation.

5. What are the potential challenges of going on the London trip with a newborn?

Some potential challenges to consider include long flights and crowded areas, the need for accommodations for nursing or pumping, and the physical recovery from a C-section. It may also be more difficult to enjoy the trip and participate in activities with a newborn in tow.

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