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Livingfemale.com to Be Discontinued

In summary, the conversation discusses the discontinuation of livingfemale.com and the relocation of its threads and data to chefsuccess.com due to low traffic and activity. Some members express concerns about this move and suggest simply deleting the material instead. They mention feeling pushed off of chefsuccess.com in the past and feeling unwelcome there. The primary reason for keeping the content is to preserve it for search engine indexing, but some members still wish for the long chat threads to be deleted. The conversation ends with someone stating that the members' opinions and feelings do not seem to matter in this decision.
Afraid to lose DirectorshipI became a Director July 1, 2007. Things were going good, we had some awesome months and some BAD months.
Well it has been getting worse.
I usually take care of hitting the $4000 we need in cluster sales. But for April, I just couldn't do it.
I had the shows set up to make it but of course things change. I got back from the cruise to find out 2 had to re schedule. Then 2 catalog shows needed more time.
So my personal sales were only $2453 for April. OUCH!! I pulled up my cluster this AM and only 1 , yes 1 person submitted sales. Sales of $367.
I had one gal who needed to submit to stay active.We talked prior and she thought she had a catalog show closing. Looks like she didn't and I can't reach her. So she will be inactive now. Bringing me down to 5. I had 10 at the end of the year and it has changed fast.
I'm so worried about it all, that I don't know where to begin. I have 2 more months before I would lose my directorship, right? ( assuming I read that correctly)
Any advise from you experienced directors will be greatly appreciated.
( my director is not one I can easily get support from) :mad:

I promoted at the same time as you and I understand your frustration. My team is very touch and go, so each month it's always a struggle to see if we meet the requirements. I actually had one month last fall where we didn't, but since then we've been able to maintain. You do have 2 more months before you would lose directorship, but you have 3 months after that to re-promote before your consultants would be reassigned. If you have any leads, use this month's great recruiting incentive to add new members to your team, which would give you a little breathing room.

Also, wait until the end of the day and check the IPT again. Sometimes things take a little longer at the beginning of the month to finally update.

Good luck and let us know how things go for you!!
and take a deep breath! If you are like me it is really disturbing to think about loosing what you have worked so hard to earn. But you aren't there at this point. Like Mary said it can take a while for the IPT to update. And remember, it is only one month.
Now is a good time to really push HWC with your team, get them excited. Maybe you can do a mystery hostess party to get some extra sales in for May, so you won't have to worry about it so much. We have all been there, I had almost the exact same thing happen when I came home from the cruise, and I was sweating it also.

Hang in there!
Melissa, it's gonna be OK! Our company allows for just what happened in April to you. That is why we have the 3 months to get it back on track~much of our business depends on the actions of others so you have to know that these kind of months will happen. I was very surprised to learn just how frequently most Director's do go into the relinquishment period.
Take a deep breath, get on the phone with this great recruting promo and don't look back!
We promoted @ the same time :) I was very close last fall & was really nervous but it all worked out.
You just need to find new people......that's the lesson I've learned & it's working get some new blood & hopefully they will inspire the rest of your team.
One hard lesson for me was to focus on the performers & not worry about the "whole" team.

It will all work out in the end you have 2 months to get back on track!!!

I know what it's like not having support there for you too.....
  • Thread starter
  • #6
ShanaSmith said:
and take a deep breath! If you are like me it is really disturbing to think about loosing what you have worked so hard to earn. But you aren't there at this point. Like Mary said it can take a while for the IPT to update. And remember, it is only one month.
Now is a good time to really push HWC with your team, get them excited. Maybe you can do a mystery hostess party to get some extra sales in for May, so you won't have to worry about it so much. We have all been there, I had almost the exact same thing happen when I came home from the cruise, and I was sweating it also.

Hang in there!

Lucky for me, I have 10 cooking shows and 4 catalog booked for May. Plus the 3 April's still open. So I'm thinking we will def. have the sales in May. Now to keep everyone active. :pray:
  • Thread starter
  • #7
annew said:
We promoted @ the same time :) I was very close last fall & was really nervous but it all worked out.
You just need to find new people......that's the lesson I've learned & it's working get some new blood & hopefully they will inspire the rest of your team.
One hard lesson for me was to focus on the performers & not worry about the "whole" team.

It will all work out in the end you have 2 months to get back on track!!!

I know what it's like not having support there for you too.....

I do have a list of interested, somedays. So my focus this month is to work on them. Gosh if I could get 2 of the 6 I'm working on to sign.
Good luck Melissa!!! I'll be crossing my fingers for you. It's too bad when things get this stressful!! If only we could clone ourselves.:approve:
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I like that clone ourselves. That would be so cool.
  • #10
Melissa, I am down to 4 active consultants for March AND April...I have a list of 17 people to call and offer this opportunity to for the May promo! Talk about having to build up my team, huh!? The thing is..I am not a strong recrutier....never have been...but once they are on board, they have longevity. I am hoping that several take me up on the promo and once they get started, they see the benfits and stick around. All we can do is keep building. I am dreaming that even if only half sign and qualify, that is a whopping 32,000 points! I will take what I can get! How 'bout you!?
  • #11
Hang in there ladies!!!! :)
  • #12
I ALSO promoted July 07!! Too funny!!!

You can do it!! Are you doing the contact blitz at your next meeting?
  • #13
chefkugler said:
I like that clone ourselves. That would be so cool.

I have wanted to clone myself since I started this business!!! :D

I can only give you the wise words of wisdom from my Director and my Exec Director...if you can't change your Team, CHANGE YOUR TEAM!

I am constantly focused on recruiting (a good show schedule helps, too). Just as 1 in 10 will sign, only 1 in 10 will produce. They ARE out there, by the way. It's a numbers game.

I try to recruit 1 each month to take over for the 1 (or 2) who inevitably drop off. I have recruited 20 people in my 30 months with Pampered Chef and have only 8 currently active -- I'm always on the brink!! Ok, one of these days it will all pay off....

  • #14
Oh, and one GREAT thing I heard yesterday at a meeting --

"If the horse is dead, DISMOUNT!"
  • #15
jwpamp said:
Oh, and one GREAT thing I heard yesterday at a meeting -- "If the horse is dead, DISMOUNT!"
That was great Janice! Good to see you, BTW!
  • #16
jwpamp said:
Just as 1 in 10 will sign, only 1 in 10 will produce. They ARE out there, by the way. It's a numbers game.

I am so grateful that someone told me this before I started building a team. It helped me realize it was 'simply normal' when consultants chose to step away (or worse, fade away) from the business.

Don't despair Melissa, we all face the ups and downs. My Feb sales dipped to less than $300 :bugeye:. The hardest thing I did, was give myself permission to 'move on' if I didn't have my business back up and running by the London trip (I don't think I've shared that here before). That decision took a huge amount of pressure off me and allowed me to focus on building my business versus loosing it.

My director suggested I go back to the basics of why I love being a consultant. It was good advice. My March ended up being over 4K...and a host decided to become a consultant.

So remember, you already know how to build your business...you've proven that by making director. And you have us: support group, fan club, and fellow compadres. :)
  • #17
What great advice she gave you!!
it's the truth if we just focus on the things we love then things seem to fall into place :)
  • Thread starter
  • #18
You guys rock!
I love having you all for the support. It put me in a better mood and I'm ready to go up hill from here.

Now if I could get my director to be supportive.:rolleyes:
  • #19
chefkugler said:
Now if I could get my director to be supportive.:rolleyes:

Melissa, I have struggled with a less than stellar director as well. I wallowed and waited for her to help me for a while. That was a mistake. I am in charge of my business, not her. Find other people to believe in you and forget about your director. I have that now in my upline and in other sister directors. It's okay to break away from your director.
  • #20
jwpamp said:
I have wanted to clone myself since I started this business!!! :D

I can only give you the wise words of wisdom from my Director and my Exec Director...if you can't change your Team, CHANGE YOUR TEAM!

I am constantly focused on recruiting (a good show schedule helps, too). Just as 1 in 10 will sign, only 1 in 10 will produce. They ARE out there, by the way. It's a numbers game.

I try to recruit 1 each month to take over for the 1 (or 2) who inevitably drop off. I have recruited 20 people in my 30 months with Pampered Chef and have only 8 currently active -- I'm always on the brink!! Ok, one of these days it will all pay off....


I thought I was the only one!! :) It is a numbers game and you have to constantly make up for the ones that drop off, as long as they are active you have their first 90 days to keep your Directorship. With all of those shows you have booked you should be fine and recruit quite a few with this promotion! Don't forget about the ones that dropped off either, I have had about 5 come back after leaving for months! I keep in contact with them and let them know about the new promotions as well as share success stories. Some will be inspired to return and give it another go.
  • #21
I am sorry to say we will be discontinuing livingfemale.com and moving the threads/data to chefsuccess.com :cry:

Unfortunately over the past few months traffic and activity have grinded to a halt. If there is no demand then we must move on. I expect livingfemale to be no more within the next 30 days.

Thanks to all the members who participated! :thumbsup: :)
  • #22
Thanks Greg for trying this out. I pop in every now and then but when no one responds to any posts its hard.
  • #23
I wish it went better I do like the site but I will admite I spend more time on chefsuccess. Thanks for trying it out.
  • #24
Greg, some people have expressed concern about relocating the threads over to CS for a number of reasons. I wonder if simply deleting the material would be a better option since it has been inactive for so long anyhow? PM me if you want more specific detail on the nature of the concerns.
  • #26
friday PM me your concerns
  • #27
I can not use the PM's. It just loads and loads and finally kicks me to an error page.
  • #28
The primary concerns that have been expressed to me all involve the incredible negativity that brought about the advent of this board. Many of the ladies who freqented this board initially felt very personally hurt with the comments of many ladies on CS. We- myself included- felt chased off and rejected. It was clear that a vocal group did not appreciate this kind of social, chattery posting on CS. The comments that referred to our group cropped up on CS in a very negative manner from time to time even after we were ejected- further contributing to the hard feelings and widening the divide. To re-stir the pot by splicing this group to that- opens the concern that the negativity will flare up again and be even more hurtful than the first time.
Personally- had I known that this board would be re-spliced to CS in the end- I would never have begun participation in it.
  • #28
Thank you for speaking so eloquently, friday. I'd have to agree with her, Greg. I also felt pushed out, and still feel very unwelcome at cs. I hope you will not resplice this site back to cs. I think it would be better for everyone in the long run to just delete it all, if that's possible. But, if you feel it to be necessary to resplice LF to CS...you will not have any membership from me anymore. Not that my measly $5 is going to crush you. You were kind enough to create this site for us, the least you could do is be kind enough to honor our wishes.

Thanks. It was a great run.
  • #29
I agree with friday and Chris. I felt pushed off of CS even though there was another group that had chat threads that were ok. We made the best of it and came over here. We talked about personal issues because it was mostly just our "group" that was posting. I would just grately appreciate it if you would delete these threads. The other CS members never came over here and if they were interested in what we had to say they would have. So why tie up more bandwidth? Thank you.
  • #30
My primary reason for keeping content is to preserve the data for search engine indexing. When we merge the content in you'll never know it or see it. All threads are too old to be on the first several pages. I wouldn't sweat it.
  • #31
so why even bother merging them? The CS people were never over here so they have no need to search for any of our topics.

Once again I guess our opinions and feelings do not matter.
  • #32
Can we at least just delete the long chat threads? I am positive that the smaller opinion threads are of no concern to anyone. Just the ones in which we shared our daily lives. I am also sure that those threads would be of no assistance to any search engines. Please??? I would delete just my own entries but there are way too many to even know where to begin.
  • #33
Nikkijo said:
Once again I guess our opinions and feelings do not matter.

"You" abandoned LF. That is why we are closing down.

Brandi said:
Can we at least just delete the long chat threads? I am positive that the smaller opinion threads are of no concern to anyone. Just the ones in which we shared our daily lives. I am also sure that those threads would be of no assistance to any search engines. Please??? I would delete just my own entries but there are way too many to even know where to begin.

Sure I'll do that.

Related to Livingfemale.com to Be Discontinued

1. What is Livingfemale.com and why is it being discontinued?

Livingfemale.com is a website that used to provide resources and support for women in business, specifically those in the Pampered Chef industry. It is being discontinued due to declining usage and a shift in the company's focus.

2. Will the discontinuation of Livingfemale.com affect my Directorship with Pampered Chef?

Yes, it is possible that the discontinuation of Livingfemale.com may have an impact on your Directorship with Pampered Chef. It is important to stay informed and adapt to any changes that may occur.

3. How long do I have before I would lose my Directorship due to the discontinuation of Livingfemale.com?

According to the information provided, you have two more months before potentially losing your Directorship. However, it is important to speak with your upline or another experienced Director for guidance and support in this situation.

4. What can I do to maintain my Directorship during this uncertain time?

Firstly, it is important to focus on your personal sales and try to meet your monthly sales goals. You can also reach out to your team and offer support and encouragement to help them meet their sales goals. Additionally, try to connect with other Directors and seek guidance on how to navigate this situation.

5. Any advice for a Director who is afraid of losing their Directorship due to the discontinuation of Livingfemale.com?

My advice would be to stay informed, stay positive, and stay connected with your team and other Directors for support. Remember that change is a normal part of business and it is important to adapt and find new ways to succeed. Don't be afraid to reach out for help and support from your upline or other experienced Directors. Together, we can overcome any challenges that come our way.

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