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January Soup and Bread Show: Cookware and Stoneware Highlights

In summary, the author is thinking of doing a Stoneware Sensations show highlighting cookware and stoneware. They are thinking of doing the pull apart bread and the Smashed Potato Soup from It's Good For You. They are also thinking of doing the Greek Lemon Chicken soup from It's Good For You. Lastly, they are thinking of doing Fondue and Slippers.
For January, I was thinking of doing "Soup and Bread" Shows highlighting the cookware and stoneware. For those of you who have done this before, do you have the soup ready before you get there and demonstrate making the bread? I have only been doing one recipe lately and was concerned this might be too time consuming. I am planning on doing the beer bread in the loaf pan or pull aparts in the fluted pan. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
That was just in the Weekly Bites. Feriale Yan does this for January shows. I wonder if someone could email her to ask for more info.
I was thinking of doing the pull apart bread. It's so easy & always gets rave reviews. Then I was thinking if I do the bread in the stoneware & the soup in the cookware, I'd be hitting both of them. I haven't planned far enough to know whether I would demo the soup or not.
I'm making the Smashed Potato Soup from It's Good For You and a micro cake in the fluted pan. I was thinking of adding making bacon in the medium bar pan...mine needs to be seasoned anyway. That way they get ideas of how to use the stoneware and get to see the cookware and cooks tools.
The Greek Lemon Chicken soup in It's Good for You is a fabulous soup, and shows a lot of product. We just had it at our cluster Christmas party, along with Greek salad, Spinach and Artichoke Ring (from All the Best) and homemade baklava. The soup only takes about 20 minutes once you get all the ingredients in and get it simmering, so there's really no difference between that and baking a ring at a show. Plus, it's great for January, since it's in the "healthy" cookbook, and so many people want to start the year eating right.
My director offers a Soup and Slippers show for January. It's basically the same idea as mentioned here, except she puts on the invites to bring your favorite slippers. The best slippers get a prize.
Does anyone know if there are any ways to make soup in any of the stoneware pieces. I do not have any cookware besides the 8" saute pan, and really like the idea of the soup and slippers shows. Any ideas short of buying a stockpot?
oooo...i want to know that too!
I'm pretty sure that floating out there in cookbook is a recipe for a baked stew, and I've seen recipes too for Baked Chili......I'll just need to find them!

The other thing - I will often make chili/stew in my family skillet, or in the Executive Stir-fry pan - they hold quite a bit...and because I've already browned meat etc...in them, I just use those - only one pan to wash then!;)
  • #10
In the old Stoneware Sensations and More Stoneware Sensations books there were 2 stoneware "soup" recipes, a chili and a stew. They used the Rectangular Lid/Bowl or Baking Bowl as the vessel, but the new Covered Rectangular Baker should work just as well (depending, of course, on the quantity). I'm at work and don't have the recipes here, but they were both really good. I don't know that they'd be a good show recipe, however, because they took longer to cook in the oven. (It has to do with how the heat transfers on the stovetop vs. in the oven.)

You might want to bite the bullet and order a stockpot.
  • #11
chefann said:
In the old Stoneware Sensations and More Stoneware Sensations books there were 2 stoneware "soup" recipes, a chili and a stew. They used the Rectangular Lid/Bowl or Baking Bowl as the vessel, but the new Covered Rectangular Baker should work just as well (depending, of course, on the quantity).

Well with the info you gave us I was able to find the recipes over on the MSN WLWC2. Thanks Ann.

I've also included the recipe for cheese fondue as that would be another great winter recipe and the show could be called "Fondue and slippers". For fondue dippers I love to take any old bread loafs lying around (french, italian, challah, artisian), put it on a stone (use parchment paper), spray lightly with oil, sprinkle onion and garlic powder on bread, toast until just starting to brown, slice into cubes/chunks, serve either warm or cold with the fondue.


  • Cheesy Cheddar Fondue.doc
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  • Favorite Oven Beef Stew.doc
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  • Hearty Oven Chili.doc
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  • #12
Tasha, you rock!
  • #13
chefann said:
Tasha, you rock!

You are going to miss me while I'm away aren't you? Hey, you only need 3 more posts and you get your stripped star. :p
  • #14
I know. I'm geeked!

Only 2 more! :)

And we'll ALL miss you while you're away.
  • #15
I love the idea of a soup show for January. And of course the pull aparts would go great. The slippers sounds fun too!
  • #16
Ann, congrats on the star! I think we would all agree that you've earned it!

DebbieJ- I am going to search my files right now, but I am pretty sure that I have info on Feriale Yan's shows and this might be included. I'll see what I can do!
  • #17
I found my doc on Feriale Yan but it doesn't include anything along these lines. It is very imformative though, so I will post it anyway!!


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  • #18
This year (or/and the year before) I did a soup and bread show in January. I did a corn chowder from the Soup, Stew and Chilis recipe cards and made the beer bread from our mix. I made the bread at home and demoed the soup. It is a simple recipe and feeds alot of people. At my Jan shows (I'm glad it has worked this way and hopefully will again) my hosts have 15+ people in attendance. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by the chowder. I don't think most people make soup at home.
  • #19
I looked up the Smashed Potato Soup that ChefAnn says is so good....it also looks very simple! I have everything in the house to make it, so on this busy "Day before Christmas Eve" , I'm going to make it for supper! I'll let everyone know how it turns out!:D :D
  • #20
I thought it sounded good too- let us know! It sounds really good today, but I don't think I have all the ingredients needed :( We are expecting 8-12 inches of snow today, and my DH plows roads. Good for the checkbook, not so good when you want to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with your husband!!
  • #21
ChefBeckyD said:
I looked up the Smashed Potato Soup that ChefAnn says is so good....it also looks very simple! I have everything in the house to make it, so on this busy "Day before Christmas Eve" , I'm going to make it for supper! I'll let everyone know how it turns out!:D :D
My Exec Director makes this all the time and it really is good! You can also have toppers in the SA bowls as well - Bacon, chopped green onions, shredded cheese.....

I think I may offer this in Jan too! Make beer bread in the stoneware while I'm demoing the soup....yummy!
  • #22
pamperedlinda said:
My Exec Director makes this all the time and it really is good! You can also have toppers in the SA bowls as well - Bacon, chopped green onions, shredded cheese.....

I think I may offer this in Jan too! Make beer bread in the stoneware while I'm demoing the soup....yummy!

That's exactly what I was thinking Linda! I saw in the recipe that you could have all of the toppings - what a great way to easily showcase Cookware, Stoneware, and SA - all at the same time!!
  • #23
sillylittlechef said:
Does anyone know if there are any ways to make soup in any of the stoneware pieces. I do not have any cookware besides the 8" saute pan, and really like the idea of the soup and slippers shows. Any ideas short of buying a stockpot?

I just got a book from the library on clay cooking and it does say you can in the stones! Do a search on line for "Clay Cookery".
  • #24
tlennhoff said:
Well with the info you gave us I was able to find the recipes over on the MSN WLWC2. Thanks Ann.

I've also included the recipe for cheese fondue as that would be another great winter recipe and the show could be called "Fondue and slippers". For fondue dippers I love to take any old bread loafs lying around (french, italian, challah, artisian), put it on a stone (use parchment paper), spray lightly with oil, sprinkle onion and garlic powder on bread, toast until just starting to brown, slice into cubes/chunks, serve either warm or cold with the fondue.

Those look yummy. Here's the one my directors make


  • quick black bean chili.doc
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  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
I looked up the Smashed Potato Soup that ChefAnn says is so good....it also looks very simple! I have everything in the house to make it, so on this busy "Day before Christmas Eve" , I'm going to make it for supper! I'll let everyone know how it turns out!:D :D

Okay - I made the soup - it was very good, but here are some changes I made to it!;)
First, I only added about 10-11 ounces of the Chicken Stock, as I thought it was getting thin at that point, and I didn't want runny potato soup. I added 2 cloves of garlic, and also some chives. It definitely needs the "optional" toppings for that "WOW" factor. I used regular bacon, also - since I've never cared for turkey bacon. Oh and I sauteed the carrots and celery in a bit of oil (along with a little chopped onion) and then added the potatoes and milk and stock. I think this will be my soup show for January - but most of my shows have over 10 in attendance, so I will have to make a double batch for shows. It was good though - and definitely tasted like comfort food!
  • #26
Does anyone have a flyer for the Soup and Slippers show? My director and I are going to do this, but would like to include a flyer with our host packets.
Thanks in advance!!!

  • #27
I tried the Lazy Lasagna Chili from the Soups recipe cards yesterday. It was really good. I made garlic pull apart bread with it in the fluted pan. I am also trying the Corn Chowder from the same set of cards & the Greek Lemon Chicken Soup from It's Good for You. I'm going to offer Soup & Slippers shows next month. I'm planning on making soup in cookware & bread in stoneware.
  • #28
Soup and Slippers - Does anyone have an invite already done up??Does anyone have an invite for this theme show done up that they would like to share with us, that would be GREAT!

Wave 1
  • #29
Another variation of the Soup & Bread show is to make the Lazy Lasagna Chili recipe from the Soups, Stews & Chilis recipe card set. I bring the bread already made and the chili is very quick as a recipe. Since my three kids devour it and it is so easy, I really promote it as a great but hearty recipe to moms on the go or working professionals who want a quick dinner.
  • #30
Would someone mind posting the Lazy Lasagna Chili recipe please.
  • #31
mmm mmmm mmmmThese all sound good. Thanks for reminding me I have the recipe cards for chili's and stews :eek: ..Now I wish I had a show or 2 in January.
  • #32
I know this theme sounds really fun! I am hoping my 2 shows who booked in OCt still want their Jan shows and I can talk them into doing this one! And hopefully my "maybe" leads and postponements will want them too!
  • #33
Sounds too good and it's almost dinner time!You all made me very hungry here. I have been doing the Lazy Lasagna Chili for the last cuple of winters and it went over great! Easy, great to demo and tastes great. I do a variation on the beer bread. I make it at home though. I add 2 tablespoons of our Italian Seasoning, 3/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese and two cloves of garlic, pressed. Fantastic! I do four mini loaves then keep one at home for later. I slice the three I take and place them like whole breads on the SA rectanlge in the woven tray or on the stand. I use an SA Samll Bowl for the butter and put the Spreader in it.
But I gotta know about the Greek Lemon Chicken Soup. I have a show on the 14th and want to do that soup, this bunch has had the Lazy LAsagna Chili already, and it sounds awsome! The problem, I won't have time to try it out first!
  • #34
January SoupsHi Deb
[email protected] This is Feriale's e-mail I do see and talk to her ,she is in my up line she will e-mail you back or I can call her for you if you have a question just let me know She is pretty awsome so are her shows
Doreen Zaino
[email protected]
252326 WAVE 2 :eek:
  • #35
amya said:
My director offers a Soup and Slippers show for January. It's basically the same idea as mentioned here, except she puts on the invites to bring your favorite slippers. The best slippers get a prize.

I'll be doing this at my shows in January too. I don't have a stockpot, but my hospitality director is going to graciously lend me one for the month. She has 3 of them! ;) Most directors (I think anyway) have at least a couple since most earn and buy new products. Anyway, I'm glad I came across this thread! I was going to just pick up a bag of Pillsbury rolls to use on a stone (I'm doing the Soup and bread thing, AND just having everyone show up in slippers!), but I think the beer bread would be a better idea! Then I'm demonstrating a food product too! Thanks for the tips!

I'm in search for an invite too. The host already has her packet, but I may email her a flyer she can email out to her guests....

That is another thing, do you guys as consultants send out invites, or do you have the host do it? Just curious!
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  • #36
Ok, I have a flyer! I can't take credit for it, but I've included it here for you all to enjoy. I think I'd get this printed on card stock paper for invites. I'm sure you could tweak it any way you'd like. But these would be great for post card invites too!


  • Soup and Slippers.doc
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  • #37
Thank you so much! I just was thinking of a one page deal...but this is way better!
Thank you!!!!!
  • #38
Thank you so much for the great ideas and the flyer :)
I think we should let each other know how this theme worked at our shows.
I'll post
  • #39
Suggestion-add soup and chili recipes to your websites.I just added 6 can chili and enchil. soup to mine.

  • #40
I'm also doing the Soup and Slippers theme for January. I still want to offer a dessert though. What would you all suggest to go along with this theme that wouldn't drag the show out too much?
  • #41
Here is the recipe for lazy lasagna chili.


  • Lazy Lasagna Chili.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 285

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