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I've Reached My Multi-Tasking Limit.... :(

In summary, DH has been traveling A LOT these past 2 months and I've had a very full plate. I haven't been able to give anything my full undivided attention and now I'm paying the price for it. I thought having my friend's show shipped to the wrong address was bad - until I spilled iced tea on my laptop last night :cry: (unsweet so at least there was no sugar). I was able to connect an external keyboard and all was good.....so I thought. I backed-up everything I could think of. Well, this morning when I turned it on all I got was a loud ringing alarm bell and a black screen :cry:
Gold Member
DH has been traveling A LOT these past 2 months and I've had a very full plate. I haven't been able to give anything my full undivided attention and now I'm paying the price for it. I thought having my friend's show shipped to the wrong address was bad - until I spilled iced tea on my laptop last night :cry: (unsweet so at least there was no sugar). I was able to connect an external keyboard and all was good.....so I thought. I backed-up everything I could think of. Well, this morning when I turned it on all I got was a loud ringing alarm bell and a black screen :cry: :cry: . I called Toshiba and he said that was not a 'bad' sign that it showed 'life' but to turn it off, unplug and remove the battery and take it to a service center. Of course, it is out of warranty too :cry: I've got a great friend who is a computer genius so hopefully he will be able to help.

Another lesson learned - always have a lid on drinks near the computer. Funny thing, I always use my Tervis Tumbler with the lid and last night I didn't.

Supersticious people say things come in 3's. What's next? :(

I just want to cry right now! Losing my computer info has been my greatest fear. My friend just sent me a back-up program and I just bought an external drive so I could back-up ALL my data - guess what we were planning to do on Monday :cry:
Oh LInda,


You need to go and take a nap! No seriously, my daughter spilled her apple juice in my keyboard like 2 weeks ago and I just had to buy a new keyboard since it was my regular computer.

Good luck with your laptop and stop trying to do so many things at once. See, now i'm going to walk away and get a cup of coffee!!

It will get better girl!! Put your chin up!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks Kristi! I know it will get it fixed and it's not the end of the world - I'm just not looking foward to how much it will cost and how long it will take. Figures this would happen on the weekend and we are leaving town later in the week.
of course! Just remember to take one day and one event at a time! That's what I keep telling myself.
Ahhhhhh Linda {{{{{HUGS}}}}} ~ take a step back...you need some "Linda" time!
{{{{hugs}}}} It will get better :) How about going and just sitting outside and watching that garden grow :)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thanks everyone. I'm still sad and worried about it. My friend is a 'desktop guy' so he couldn't really help me. My neighbor's son works for a computer place (not the "Geek Store" or whatever it's called, but something like it) and he is supposed to stop by later this afternoon. I'm sure he'll have to take it to the shop, but at least he's someone I can trust.

DH called and I told him what happend, he feels pretty bad too b/c he knows how stressed I've been trying to handle everything lately. He'll only be home for 2 days, but he promised to take over and give me some down time (which means that I can do all the stuff I haven't been able to do....LOL! Is there really such a thing as downtime?!
Linda...hope things get less stressful for you soon!

Let me tell you something my DH told me a long time ago (back when we knew each other as Manager's at Wendy's and we were SUPER busy and understaffed one day....)

I was ready to sit down and bawl and he looked at me and said "Hey Kelly! How do you eat an elephant?" I looked at him like he had lost his marbles and barked back at him (I was in no mood for jokes!) "WHAT?!!?" He just looked at me, winked, and said "One bite at a time!"

He is very good at calming me down in stressful situations....when I feel overwhelmed I remember that day and try to slow down and take things one at a time...


Oh, Linda- HUGE southern wanna-be HUGS to you! :)

Poor thing! I totally know what it's like to have a DH that travels. Mine had to go away for 3 months once- I was miserable...and I don't have kids, so I can only imagine that you are stretched to your limit in every way.

I will pray for strength for you to get through the next few days and for miracles to be done on your computer. I'm so sorry that you spilled tea on it.

I did that the other day, too- but thankfully I just ruined a lot of papers on my desk and my favorite adding machine....and mine WAS sweetened (no surprises there) so all the keys in my adding machine stick. :(

Hang in there- DH will be home soon. I noticed when DH was gone anything that could go wrong did go wrong, and the minute he got home, all was well again! Love ya and hang in there!!!
  • #10
That sucks, Linda, I'm sorry. :( Hopefully you get your PP all backed up so you don't lose anything too time-consuming! Don't forget to backup any photos or music you have saved!
  • #11
KellyTheChef said:
Linda...hope things get less stressful for you soon!

Let me tell you something my DH told me a long time ago (back when we knew each other as Manager's at Wendy's and we were SUPER busy and understaffed one day....)

I was ready to sit down and bawl and he looked at me and said "Hey Kelly! How do you eat an elephant?" I looked at him like he had lost his marbles and barked back at him (I was in no mood for jokes!) "WHAT?!!?" He just looked at me, winked, and said "One bite at a time!"

He is very good at calming me down in stressful situations....when I feel overwhelmed I remember that day and try to slow down and take things one at a time...


Your DH rocks!! And you can tell him I said so. Cause I'm the official person that knows who rocks and who doesn't. kidding....end of hijack...

BTW- Linda, check your email inbox, I sent you something. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Update on my laptop:

I just dropped it off with my neighbor's son. He's taking it to work tomorrow and will check it out. When I explained to him what happened he had a bit of a grimace :( on his face. (not very reassuring). He said he'd see what he could do, but told me that it might be less expensive to buy a new one :cry: depending on what was wrong with it :cry:

Everyone please send happy positive vibes for my computer!
  • #13
Sending LOTS of positive vibes to you & your laptop, Linda!:)

BTW, I understand your pain about how much $ to fix it...DH's laptop's motherboard died...$600 to repair it.:cry: And we found this out after spending $150 for a new hard drive & usb case to retrieve the old one.
  • #14
That is exactly why I won't let my kids eat or drink at my desk... I'm terrified they'll ruin my computer! Fortunately, we have our two computers networked and DH's computer is the "server", but even with that, we have everything backed up (daily, I think) to an external hard drive... which is kept in DH's office and the kids know they are NOT allowed in there for any reason.
  • #15
Oh Linda, I'm so sorry. I hope your week gets better. And hopefully it will be good news about your laptop. Hopefully he can fix it without replacing it and that it won't cost too much. Prayers said for you!
God bless,
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Thanks ya'll. I got a really great deal on it last year. It was mismarked at Office Depot so I got a $1400 computer for less than $600! I will probably consider paying a good bit to have it fixed before I buy a new one. I guess the upside (if you can call it that) is that this is now considered a business expense. ugh! I want my pc back, I am almost lost with out it.
  • #17
I can definitely relate w/DH traveling. So far this year he has had about 10 trips w/4 more on the way. We have 4 kids that drive me crazy (most of the time) while he is gone. Actually, they pretty much do that even when he is home. I guess that just comes with 3 teenage boys & a 4 yr. old girl (daddy's little angel).

Just hang in there. I hope your computer is ok. I can't seem to live w/out mine either.
  • #18
Kitchen Diva said:
Your DH rocks!! And you can tell him I said so. Cause I'm the official person that knows who rocks and who doesn't. kidding....end of hijack...
BTW- Linda, check your email inbox, I sent you something. :)

Yeah....he does!

Linda, I hope they are able to fix it CHEAPLY!!
  • #19
I hope you get it fixed & soon, and thanks for the reminder about drinks near the laptop. DH always reminds me---(he travels a lot too)---so whenever I do bring a drink I hear him in my head (and now I have your visual to go with it!).
  • #20
Oh wow, BEST of luck! The good news is that at the very least you can probably get your data back. Your hard drive is probably okay. It's the motherboard I really worry about. That's the main "guts" of the computer. Just so everyone knows, if you ever get a component wet, turn it off ASAP and leave it off at least until it's 1000% dry. That's the most important thing. I'm a computer geek for my first job, pampered chef is now my second job!
Linda, I'm sending you happy computer vibes!! I hope they can dry it out, put it back together and get you back up and running!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thanks for all the Happy Get Well Vibes for my laptop. I think they worked. The 'good' news is that it's just the keyboard - wahoo! The bad news is that it will still be @ $150 for parts and labor - better than buying a new laptop though! I'm leaving town in a few days so they are tryimg to get the new keyboard overighted to them (= more $$).

Big lesson learned!
  • Thread starter
  • #22
sk8rgrrl99 said:
Oh wow, BEST of luck! The good news is that at the very least you can probably get your data back. Your hard drive is probably okay. It's the motherboard I really worry about. That's the main "guts" of the computer. Just so everyone knows, if you ever get a component wet, turn it off ASAP and leave it off at least until it's 1000% dry. That's the most important thing. I'm a computer geek for my first job, pampered chef is now my second job!
Linda, I'm sending you happy computer vibes!! I hope they can dry it out, put it back together and get you back up and running!!!
Also REMOVE the Battery! (learned that I 'should' have done that too, might have saved my keyboard)
  • #23
Linda- I searched HIGH and LOW to find out how your laptop doctor appointment went! I'm so glad it is doing well and just needs a new keyboard! :)

  • #24
I'm so glad you didn't end up having to replace it (the whole laptop). I know any extra money is not fun but it could have been worse. So at least it was fairly minor. I hope they get it fixed for you before you leave.
God bless,
  • #25
sk8rgrrl99 said:
I'm a computer geek for my first job, pampered chef is now my second job!


sk8rgrrl99, Pampered Chef is NOT your second job - it's your own business!;) :love:

By the way, what time is your show on Thursday? I want to be able to lift you up in prayer.

  • Thread starter
  • #26
Wahoo, I just got my pc back from the Laptop Surgeon!


(yes, I know this is not a laptop, but I couldn't resist the dancing banana!) LOL

All is good, so far (at least I haven't found any more problems).
  • #27
Whew! That was a close one. Glad the laptop surgeon was able to cure your laptop.
  • #28
LOVE the dancing banana on the PC! :) Too funny!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Kitchen Diva said:
LOVE the dancing banana on the PC! :) Too funny!!!
I did it just for you! It was either that or Burt......bahahahahahaha!
  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
I did it just for you! It was either that or Burt......bahahahahahaha!

Bless your soul for sparing me from having to see Burt! I can't tell you how happy it makes me that I did not have to end my day trying to figure out where his body hair ended and the bear skin rug began...
Last edited:
  • #31

that was more than I could take Diva............
  • #32
chefmeg said:

that was more than I could take Diva............

Sorry, I just repeat what's given to me by the little voices in my head.

  • #33
Oh, and I doubt I'm the only person wondering that, too! I was just bold enough to verbalize it! :) In some countries that makes me special!

  • #34
Kitchen Diva said:
Sorry, I just repeat what's given to me by the little voices in my head.


here is what to tell the voices....
  • #35
chefmeg said:
here is what to tell the voices....


That made me sad....
  • #36
Kitchen Diva said:

That made me sad....

awwww...don't be sad............you have entirely too much to be happy about, just let the voices know who the boss is!
  • #37
but I like the voices- they keep me company...and they know me...

  • #38
Linda I am so glad that the computer is fixed. Just remember to breathe!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Kitchen Diva said:
Bless your soul for sparing me from having to see Burt! I can't tell you how happy it makes me that I did not have to end my day trying to figure out where his body hair ended and the bear skin rug began...
I could probably tell you....;) ...LMAO!
  • #40
Since you've so conveniently mentioned the infamous Burt photo, I'll tell you what I saw on TV this morning. It seems that Mario Lopez has been named People's Sexiest Man (or maybe it was bachelor). The photo spread has him copying several famous scantily-clad photos. One is the Burt-on-a-bearskin-rug pose. I thought of you when I saw it.They kept showing it. The Furry Guy got really curious what I found so funny about that picture, so I told him about what's been happening here. As usual, he just shook his head and walked away.
  • #41
raebates said:
Since you've so conveniently mentioned the infamous Burt photo, I'll tell you what I saw on TV this morning. It seems that Mario Lopez has been named People's Sexiest Man (or maybe it was bachelor). The photo spread has him copying several famous scantily-clad photos. One is the Burt-on-a-bearskin-rug pose. I thought of you when I saw it.

They kept showing it. The Furry Guy got really curious what I found so funny about that picture, so I told him about what's been happening here. As usual, he just shook his head and walked away.

I saw that too! It was hilarious - but probably only to us Cheffers! Seeing how Linda has immortalized Burt on the Bear Skin for us.....:rolleyes:
  • #42
Yeah, I'm sure we're not the only ones who are interested in the picture, we're just probably the only ones who find it giggle-worthy.
  • #43
Yeah for your computer!


(This nana is to match those of us with rainbow stars...he-he)
  • #44
Showoff! LOL!
  • #45
My brother used to work for a computer repair center. He said they got the weirdest calls.
One time a lady called and said she broke her coffee holder. After much digging, she snapped her disc drive because she thought it was a place to hold her coffee cup.
  • #46
krzymomof4 said:
My brother used to work for a computer repair center. He said they got the weirdest calls.
One time a lady called and said she broke her coffee holder. After much digging, she snapped her disc drive because she thought it was a place to hold her coffee cup.

Oh, I can give you a list of those. My favorite was teaching a bunch of "seasoned" ladies in the warehouse how to use a PC versus a terminal. One walked in the room, grabbed the mouse and put it under her right foot. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "Well, I thought it was the power pedal." (Like on a sewing machine...)

Also, for "point and click" many picked up the mouse, pointed it at the monitor like a remote control and tried to click...
  • #47
janetupnorth said:
Oh, I can give you a list of those. My favorite was teaching a bunch of "seasoned" ladies in the warehouse how to use a PC versus a terminal. One walked in the room, grabbed the mouse and put it under her right foot. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "Well, I thought it was the power pedal." (Like on a sewing machine...)

Also, for "point and click" many picked up the mouse, pointed it at the monitor like a remote control and tried to click...

THAT made me laugh out loud!:D
  • #48
ChefBeckyD said:
THAT made me laugh out loud!:D

You, try keeping a straight face and explaining politely to her what it is for. I about died! :D I'm sure I had a slight snicker hidden somewhere...
  • #49
There is (or at least used to be) a website full of stories from tech support people. LOTS of them were like those - people who didn't know how to use the mouse, who shoved coins into the slots on their machines (specifically the old IBM desktops), etc. I remember a really funny one about a woman who, when told to point and click, pointed at the screen with her finger and clicked the big button (the space bar). Of course, it took the tech on the other end of the line about 20 minutes to figure out that's what she was doing.
  • #50
pampchefsarah said:

sk8rgrrl99, Pampered Chef is NOT your second job - it's your own business!;) :love:

By the way, what time is your show on Thursday? I want to be able to lift you up in prayer.


Maybe some day is can be my ONLY source of income... this 9-5 thing is for the birds! ;)

My show is 6 - 8 PM EST. It's all friends this time, I'm doing an open house at my home. Some people are bringing friends. I hope to book some shows from it. I'm having another one the 30th. I'm also going door to door in my neighborhood dropping off flyers to the door mats - my recruiter gave me a great flyer and I modified it a bit. I made it double sided with the July specials on the back. The front is "Did you know there's a pampered chef consultant in your neighborhood" with the June and August specials summerized and all my contact info. Yippeeeee!!! :)

Related to I've Reached My Multi-Tasking Limit.... :(

1. "What happened to your laptop?"

Unfortunately, I accidentally spilled iced tea on it and now it's not functioning properly.

2. "What did you do to fix it?"

I tried turning it off, unplugging it, and removing the battery as recommended by Toshiba. But since it's out of warranty, I'm planning on taking it to a service center or asking my computer-savvy friend for help.

3. "Did you lose all your data?"

Thankfully, I was able to back up most of my important data before the incident. But losing some of my recent work is still a possibility.

4. "What lesson did you learn from this experience?"

I learned the importance of always having a lid on drinks near the computer and the importance of regularly backing up my data.

5. "What's next for you?"

I'm hoping that this is the last of my string of bad luck and that my computer can be fixed. But in the meantime, I'll be more cautious and diligent in protecting my belongings.

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