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It's Been Several Years Now Since the Worst Attack on America Was

In summary, KG said that Americans should reflect on what happened six years ago and that patriotism is important. He also said that children should be more patriotic now than they were before the attack.
Silver Member
It's been several years now since the worst attack on America was perpetrated by some illegal aliens with box cutters. http://www.911-remember.com/images/911-3.jpgI'm terribly disappointed in my fellow Americans who have lost their outrage and anger over this vile attack. I'm disappointed in, and I'm angry with, our elected "leaders" who trivialize the entire situation. If these weaklings had been in charge all those years ago, they would have surrendered to Japan on December 8, 1941. I'm even more angry with the disgusting group that put that awful full page ad in the New York Times yesterday - that group and their supporters should be ashamed of themselves.Today, instead of worrying about whether or not Brittney Spears is self destructing, instead of wondering about who is going to be voted off what island or what some actor or actress is wearing to the next plastic event, let's remember the people who died 6 years ago today. Let's remember those brave men and women who are fighting for, and those who have died, to give you the comfort, and the right, to worry about such meaningless drivel.And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
Who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up... next to you
And defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land!
God Bless The USA!


Thanks KG!
I will never forget. Thanks KG. Lets all put some time aside today and remember all the families affected by this horrible tragedy. I can't believe so much time has passed. It seems like only yesterday.

I agree, KG. But then again...do you expect anything else from the one-sided NY Times?? Ugh. It really is nauseating.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
It was George Soros AND the Times.
Well put!!
I don't read the NYT. What was the full-page ad?
I'll always remember, I was watching tv and saw the second plane hit, so sad =(
Our lives are forever changed because of that terrible day.
Friends and family lost will always be remembered.
My thoughts are with all who lost someone that day.
God bless us and have mercy on us all.
  • #10
While many of us were not in NY, PA or Washington on that dreadful day, we are all vicitms, and I don't think that will ever go away. But like many tragedies in ones lives, we try to move on and not dwell; however, I don't think that minimizes the tragedy at all. The anniversary is always a time to reflect and pray and thank God we have so many men and women willing to fight and protect us and our freedoms.
  • #11
Thank you KG. You just said what a lot of people are thinking. As stated on another thread I was in the Air Force when this happened and scheduled for discharge 9/8/02. I remember thinking that I wouldn't be able to get out on time. God allowed me to get out when I was supposed to but had he not then I would have done as the AF asked me to do. I also want to thank all of the people on this site who support our military. I was on my way to work this morning and heard Toby Keith Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (Angry American) and I cried. I for one have become more patriotic since that day and I think that it is very important that we all remember that day and even what you were doing when you heard the horrible news.
  • #12
Thank you KG. You just said what a lot of people are thinking. As stated on another thread I was in the Air Force when this happened and scheduled for discharge 9/8/02. I remember thinking that I wouldn't be able to get out on time. God allowed me to get out when I was supposed to but had he not then I would have done as the AF asked me to do. I also want to thank all of the people on this site who support our military. I was on my way to work this morning and heard Toby Keith Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (Angry American) and I cried. I for one have become more patriotic since that day and I think that it is very important that we all remember that day and even what you were doing when you heard the horrible news.
  • #13
wearing red white and blueall 5 of my kids decked themselves out in red white and blue today...I didn't even have to say anything...they just all came out of their bedrooms dressed in patriotic colors!
They are realizing much more these days as 3 of my nephews are are deployed to Iraq as of right now....and my brother returned from an 18 month tour last November....
Remember always and please continue to pray for all our troops over there defending each of us for our freedom.
  • #14
I just want to add one more thing. I heard an interview with Toby Keith this morning and he said something that I think that everyone should keep in mind. He said that he is not political as most people think that he is due to his stance on issues and also the way that he goes to sing for the troops all over the world however he said that he is not political he is "Pro-Troops" I thought that that was an interesting choice of words. So I think that we can all learn from that. Whether you are political or not, if you agree with this war or any other war for that matter, Please just remember to be "Pro-Troops", they need our support.
  • #15
I'm right there with you KG. Every time there is a fire reported my mind goes to 9/11 and all public servants and military who serve everyday... and those who sacrificed their lives for us and ours. I agree wholeheartedly with your disgust over the trivial things the media focuses on.
  • #16
Saying a prayer for all our military, their families and anyone who lost someone during the attacks on 9/11. that is a day I will never forget I was on the phone to a neighbor as we both had the tv on and saw the coverage. (I guess like the people who remember JFK's death).
It was awesome to get up this morning and see my husband had already put our flag out. (thats usually my job)

By 8 this morning every house on our street will be be flying Old Glory. Our neighborhood woman's group initatiated a flag program a few years ago, it is so touching to see them blowing in the wind on flag holidays.
  • #17
Thanks for the post, KG... it is disgusting that people forget their outrage and get all mamby pamby about us being out to fight terrorism. It bums me out that there arent more flags waving on people's homes. Right after 9/11, you could drive up and down the streets of just about any neighborhood and see flags on almost every house. Now... just "holidays".
We bought spotlights for our flag so that we could fly it night and day. Every day.
  • #18
karlene said:
all 5 of my kids decked themselves out in red white and blue today...I didn't even have to say anything...they just all came out of their bedrooms dressed in patriotic colors!
They are realizing much more these days as 3 of my nephews are are deployed to Iraq as of right now....and my brother returned from an 18 month tour last November....
Remember always and please continue to pray for all our troops over there defending each of us for our freedom.
We're all wearing Red White and Blue too!:D
  • #19
Excellent post KG. Even though I have not had a chance to watch much tv...when I do, I see practically nothing on the anniversary of 9/11. I tease my boyfriend for watching CSPAN sometimes but when he fell asleep one night they televised a dinner with those that are determined to find ou the REAL answers to questions that our government will not answer. Ed Asner was leading the charge as well as a survivor of one of the Twin Towers. I did not get to catch it all, but the concept alone was a sad statement of our government.

I also listen to Public Radio at times. Someone commented on the fact that when Richard Nixon was in the White House they covered up their crimes claiming that the president has the "right" to do just about anything. They said today that the Bush administration is not covering up their crimes and that Bush has taken the "right" to decide decide what he wants to decide to an extreme none have seen before in history. (ie, wire tapping without a court order)

I am not bashing any party and I do not wish to get into a political debate about my comments. I will admit I am not a fan of our current government, however, if they have enough evidence that they need to wire tap a suspected terriorist...be my guest. It is just that there is no one to oversee that these wire taps are indeed being used on the proper people.

Also, I am friends with many military families serving in Iraq and Afghanastan (sp) with our military post being so close by. I am so proud of them for sacrificing thier lives and giving up precious time with their young families. For their sakes, I hope this war is not all in vain. So far, the bringing down of Sadam, his murderous sons and administration has been a clearly a success. Now to find Osama. The problems won't go away, however, when they do find him.

Thank you for letting me ramble and bless the men and women who defend our freedom and the right to express our feelings.
  • #20
I couldn't have said it any better ~ thanks for the post KG!
  • #21
pamperedlinda said:
I don't read the NYT. What was the full-page ad?
I may have to google it!!
  • #22
I was in Washington DC sitting on a bench in front of the White House on at 9am on the morning of 9-11. I was fortunate that the plane failed to hit the White House. I am fortunate everyday when I wake up alive because of others sacrafices.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
The full page ad was an outright personal attack on General Petraeus before he even had a chance to read his report. It is indicative of the kind of people who have hijacked the Democratic party away from the rank and file membership.While I'm at it, if I lived in Ohio, I would be spearheading the campaign to have Dennis Kucinich recalled. He is a disgrace to our nation, to his party, and to the people who elected him.
  • #24
May we never forget what this day means... and remeber those lost their lives that day!!! But rejoice in the peace, and thank god for the men and women willing to fight and protect our country and freedoms!!!

  • #25
Amen Leah!
  • #26
many US flags flew beside cdn flags today at half staff
i will always remember exactly where i was when the news hit the radio about the first plane
and the chills i get every time i hear the toby keith song or reports of that day
remembering the 24 canadians and everyone who was lost on this day


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  • #27
heather9892 said:
many US flags flew beside cdn flags today at half staff
i will always remember exactly where i was when the news hit the radio about the first plane
and the chills i get every time i hear the toby keith song or reports of that day
remembering the 24 canadians and everyone who was lost on this day

Like Heather, I'm thinking today of the Cdns and Americans who were affected by that day. I'm especially mindful of the first responders, including my brother, who worked for days hoping to find survivors. While I'm not thrilled with how things have unfolded since that horrible day, I am happy that the women of Afghanistan are now afforded many more freedoms now, thanks to a global effort to overthrow the Taliban.
The anniversary of 9/11 should not be viewed (by wither side) as a political opportunity, IMO.
I, for one, will never forget watching the Today show as they cut to the first crash site in NYC and seeing the 2nd plane hit as I was on the phone trying to reach my brother who worked in Manhattan. Thankfully, my loved one was okay. So many families lost loved ones or have had loved ones injured / made sick by those cowards.
Thanks to all the troops (from all nations) and first responders who work tirelessly to make our world safer.
  • #28

Governor Ted Kulongoski of Oregon ordered ALL flags be flown at half-staff today in rememberence.

I could go on and on about what 'should' happen in our nation, and what the American people 'should' stand up and believe in.... but I'm not brave enough to kill this thread... lol

  • #29
Thanks KG. I am depressed today. 9/11 and my grandfather had a stroke. I know we will all pray for the families of the 9/11 victims --please add on Ralph-my PaPa.
  • #30
It awes me to hear all the words of patriotism spoken since 9/11. I know we may not do enough to acknowledge our rememborance in some people's eyes, but I have also spoken to some who want to leave it a terrible memory but continue to look forward with renewed patriotism, caution, and strength. Regardless, none of us truly forget.

The mix of emotions the anniversary of that day brings me is so hard to describe. I was still active duty AF and was in Germany, as I am now. I had taken a week of leave just because and my son and I were in the Ramstein Base Exchange at the coffee shop when I looked up at the TV. My son was only 4 then so he couldn't understand what was going on as we all stood there in silence, seemingly frozen in place. I finally tore myself away as the second tower fell. That motherly protection mode kicked in and I wanted to be nowhere but home. I remember walking out to my car and running into my ex-husband. His job was in the Air Terminal Operations Center but he hadn't heard yet. When I told him what had just happened, he took off running as he grabbed his cell phone to call his office. So many others didn't know yet as they were carrying on their daily routines.

By the time we got home, off base, they had locked down the entire base. No could enter or leave. I remember feeling so lost. I didn't know what to do with myself. I checked in with my squadron but then the only thing I could think to do was sit and stare at the TV. My Germany neighbors stopped by to offer condolences and make sure I was OK. They offered to watch my son if I got called in to work.

For weeks the entries to the base were unbelieveable. It could easily take up to 4 hours to get onto base because they were thoroughly searching EVERY car. Add the fact that many shops were going to 12 hour shifts and it was crazy. The base in this areas that is second in size to Ramstein had been an open base forever. There were no gate guards and everyone, military or not, could come and go freely. That ended immediately and it's never been the same since. They must have closed down about 20 entrances. It has never been the same here.

I know I've rambled but I guess this is my way of dealing with all the emotions. If you actually read all of it, thank you. And thank all of you for renewing my faith in the continued patriotism in our great nation!!!

Related to It's Been Several Years Now Since the Worst Attack on America Was

1. What happened in the worst attack on America?

The worst attack on America occurred on September 11, 2001, when terrorists hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania. This event is commonly referred to as 9/11 and resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people.

2. Who perpetrated the attack?

The attack was carried out by members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden. The hijackers were primarily from Saudi Arabia, with a few from other countries in the Middle East.

3. How did the attack occur?

The terrorists used box cutters to hijack the planes and gain control of the cockpits. They then crashed the planes into their intended targets, causing extensive damage and loss of life.

4. How have Americans responded to the attack?

Many Americans were outraged and angry after the attack, and there was a strong sense of unity and patriotism in the aftermath. However, over time, some people have become desensitized to the event and the political climate has caused some division in the country.

5. What can we do to honor the victims and prevent future attacks?

We can honor the victims by never forgetting the tragedy and the sacrifices made by first responders and ordinary citizens. We can also work towards promoting peace and understanding among different cultures and religions to prevent similar attacks in the future.

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