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Is Nancy's Closing for Good as Merrill Takes Over PC Products?

In summary, PC is switching to Merrill as their exclusive apparel vendor. This means that Nancy's will be done as of 8/31. PC is also announcing that Vista Print will be getting more business.
Silver Member
OH MY GOSH ... just got an e-mail from HO. Merrill will be exclusive PC products. Nancy's will be done as of 8/31. :(
Sad isn't it I love her stuff!
OH No - I just saw the e-mail I am going to miss Nancy's Merrill is really going to have to step up the plate to fill the void
AND take down the prices!!!
I am pissed!!! I love Nancy's and I think Merrill is way too overpriced. It just went from bad to worse. I was excited about the posability of getting a new clothing vendor, but not I am so mad. I can barely type. I think we need to start a petition to keep Nancy. They are priced so reasonably and I just can't think of how much I will be paying for something so similar. Ugh!!:(:(

I am gonna go sulk now, that I got this out!
I am not happy either! Merrills is expensive, and their customer service cannot hold a candle to Nancy's....so very disappointed!
What I don't understand is why get rid of them when they just redesigned some cards and designed new ones, too!
I am mad too. What, is PC getting a kickback for going with Merrill as an exclusive vendor? Unless, of course Nancy's is quitting PC? I guess that could be the case, but I have gotten such great products and customer service from Nancy's. I love the whimsy feel of many of Nancy's products. There is no whimsy with Merrill. I can't afford Merrill's prices expecially if I am going to have to wait a month before I get my stuff!
Maybe we should email the HO! and complain.
OY! I really prefer Nancy's business card style! I guess I'll have to order a whole bunch of them so I can have enough until someone else comes out with better ;)

And then of course, there's the stickers!!!!! I LOVE THE STICKERS!!!! The PHD ones are my fave..... and I don't have extra $$ right now to order a bunch :( Oh well..... I'll survive, I suppose......
  • #10
We don't have Merrill in Canada. There is one place that we can get business cards/stationery stuff, but Nancy's is the only place that we can get other stuff like stickers and rubber stamps and stuff. I wonder if we'll be getting access to Merrill here? Maybe I should stock up from Nancy's in case we don't have anything...:(
  • #11
I wonder if we are going to have those options with Merrill with stickers and stamps... I am stocking up soon!!!
  • #12
I'm totally bumming here too:mad: ............what is PC thinking, we're all NOT made of money, matter of fact, I'm in this business to MAKE money for my family :eek: and not to have to pay a fortune for busniess supplies.

So I think probably Vista print will be getting LOTS more of our business.

I'm wondering who owns Merrill??? One of the PC family members?? Warren Buffet?? I think their products are WAY to expensive and can't justify paying the price for their products, and I was hoping the clothing would become more reasonable, I'm guessing we're all going to be wrong on that one. :confused:

GRRRR, guess I'd better get some that remain on clearance from VIP, and I'm sorry some of their clearance prices I don't like, lol.

I've also got to get $ around to get stickers from Nancy while they are still here.

Going to get my tissues now.

  • #13
Here is the email (for those who haven't gotten or seen it yet). Says Merrill is the new exclusive apparel vendor now too - so the secret it out (I thought it was going to be announced at Nat. Conference??

Dear Consultant,

We’re pleased to share with you that Merrill Corporation will become the exclusive licensed vendor for all Pampered Chef® logo merchandise, including custom apparel, stationery, promotional items and other business development materials. Merrill will also be offering an exclusive Director Company Store and Upper Level Store.

With this move to a single vendor, all of your Pampered Chef® items — from business cards to sweatshirts to pens — may now be ordered from one source, saving you both time and shipping costs. We’re excited to offer you Merrill’s extensive product line, customized to your needs.

Merrill will have many of its BRAND NEW logo apparel and business development tools available for viewing and sale at National Conference. Stop by the Merrill booth and check them out! Merrill’s e-store will be updated on July 23 with all of the new items.

The transition to Merrill follows the recent decision by VIP to redirect its business. Given Merrill’s full line offering, Nancy’s Artworks will be available only through August 31.

Over the next few months, Nancy’s Artworks will be offering its Pampered Chef® logo merchandise inventory at incredible savings. All sales will be final. There will be no returns, exchanges or refunds. Visit the Web site at www.nancyweb.com.

We wish both VIP and Nancy’s Artworks all the best in the future.

The Pampered Chef®
  • #14
I actually prefer the more casual approach of Nancy's for the postcards and such
  • #15
I will sign any petition to save Nancy's as a vendor and I am emailing home office to save it!
  • #16
I am not thrilled with the quality of Merrill's stuff...not to mention their unaffordable prices.
  • #17
If you're not happy with Merrill solely ~ there's a place on Consutlant's Corner to voice your concerns

Managing Your Business --> HO Emails --> Licensed Merchandise Vendor Comments

I personally it's a shame we don't have "choices" plus I can see Merrill INCREASING prices since they'll be the sole provider for us. As I like Nancy's, but my feeling is "give us OPTIONS" ~ I'll be sending an email today!

  • #18
Wow! I just went to nancyweb.com and stocked up. I know if I would have waited I probably could have saved some $$, but I want the stuff before she runs out of inventory (kinda like VIP did). I'm very sad. I love Nancy's stuff. Who knows, I might order more in a month...she does already have a LOT of buy 1, get 2 free specials...fyi.
  • #19
We wish both VIP and Nancy’s Artworks all the best in the future.
Oh, I just BET they do.Doris steps down, we get new leadership that decides we have to project a more "professional image." New logo, new tagline, dump the old vendors.Are we next to get dumped? Why not? The new leadership keeps proving that nothing is sacred.
  • #20
Still MadThis was not a day to release any info to me like this. I am cranky and think I might be coming down w/ something. Ugh!

Anyways I just sent an email to Nancy's this is what it said:
I don't know if you are leaving the pampered chef or if they are not continuing services with you as one of their authurized vendors, however I wanted to let you know that You will be missed.

I love your products and the prices can not be beat. Thank you for serving us, you are great!! If there is anything we can do to help continue the service please let us know!!

I am not good w/ words but HO is going to hear from me and I honestly think we need to sign a petition about keeping Nancy's. I am w/ everyone else I can't afford to use Merrill. I would like to make money not waste it.

My Director is not picking up her phone how dare her. I don't think she knows yet. Done venting for the second.

Did I tell you I am not getting any work done? Oops!
  • #21
Great message...keep us posted if youget a reply!
  • #22
I like her stuff becasue it is fun!! Maybe she will still sell stuff for consultants like sticking to business... and a few other sticker companies.... at least one would hope!
  • #23
Time and time again, I have seen new ownership/leadership take over a company that operates just fine and makes money. The new management always seems to have a desire to put their own stamp on it. The result is usually not very good.If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • #24
pamperedalf said:
I am pissed!!! I love Nancy's and I think Merrill is way too overpriced. It just went from bad to worse. I was excited about the posability of getting a new clothing vendor, but not I am so mad. I can barely type. I think we need to start a petition to keep Nancy. They are priced so reasonably and I just can't think of how much I will be paying for something so similar. Ugh!!:(:(

I am gonna go sulk now, that I got this out!



:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • #25
sillylittlechef said:
What, is PC getting a kickback for going with Merrill as an exclusive vendor?
Kickbacks are not legal, but exclusive contracts happen all the time in business, always in ways that can't be proven that it makes up a trust.

Welcome to the real world.
  • #26
I sent my email to HO...anyone else? Either emails or phone calls...VOICE you opinions...my ED told us awhile back...phone calls are the way to go ~
I'm doing both!

Here's what I sent:

I received the email regarding the discontinuous of Nancy's Artwork as a vendor (and of course, VIP not a choice either).

Here's my concerns:
1) Merrill prices are already ridiculous ~ I feel that since they will be the only provider for us, I can see them increasing the prices even higher because they KNOW they're the only approved vendor for us.
2) What happened to "choices" ~ I don't understand why HO had taken this position for all of us consultants. I'm disappointed on the choice HO has made for us.
3) Is HO getting a kick back (monetarily) from these vendors? Is that the reason?

  • #27
I know kickbacks aren't legal ~ but I put it in my email since it kind of gives them a sense of where I stand.


....waiting for their response...
  • #28
I miss Doris and Julie! I miss the family feeling of the whole thing. It is too much like a "business". I guess that is the way they see PC growing. I agree that Merrill's is too expensive and it takes WAYYY too long to get an order. I don't like Merrill's fonts and stuff, the print is too small on alot of their items. I wonder about the clothing line. I'm sure it will be nice, but EXTREMELY expensive!! I could barely afford VIP!!

It is becoming harder and harder to justify staying in business. Not just because of this decision, but because of many others. I'm not sure I like the direction the company is going.
  • #29
Disappointing:( I just got off the phone with Nancy’s and I am so mad I could cry. I just asked if it was a mutual decision. It was not. I knew it wasn’t but I was hoping maybe…

I can not believe PC would do this. Nancy loves PC have you ever met her at conference? She is one of the nicest people and she truly wants our business to succeed!! The lady on the phone said they have been flooded with calls all day, she sounded sad.

You can not beat Nancy’s prices and then she always gives away free stuff! I can not even imagine Merrill throwing in a pack of stickers for a $25 order!
I am very disappointed!
  • #30
Which e-mail address do we use for this reason

I want to e-mail them something, for my business, I like using items that are more homemade because it looks more sincere when I send them, the stickers are so eye catching, Merrill has never done things like these since I have been with PC, the prices are so affordable for me. Merrill is way to expensive for my budget and if someone from PC tells me to do more shows to be able to buy Merrill stuff - that will not make me happy

I am not sure what I am going to say but I want to make sure it get to the right people.

I need the correct e-mail address

  • #31
pamperedalf said:
I am pissed!!! I love Nancy's and I think Merrill is way too overpriced. It just went from bad to worse. I was excited about the posability of getting a new clothing vendor, but not I am so mad. I can barely type. I think we need to start a petition to keep Nancy. They are priced so reasonably and I just can't think of how much I will be paying for something so similar. Ugh!!:(:(

I am gonna go sulk now, that I got this out!
I totally COMPLETELY and utterly agree w/ you.
Merrill is WAY OVERPRICED!!!:mad:
  • #32
whiteyteresa said:
Which e-mail address do we use for this reason


I chose Merrill ~ since my email were the concerns I have with them being the ONLY provider.

I guess I should send another choosing Nancy's...to KEEP them!

  • Thread starter
  • #33
Since Merrill will be our only vendor, doesn't this constitute a monopoly? We all like choices. If HO wants all of our business cards the same, just say so. It does make us all more recognizable and uniform. But the postcards that Nancy's supplies is a personal choice in our business' and aren't we in the business for ourselves? Maybe Nancy's will still supply postcards that will still be useable for us. I know they just can't use the logo but we all know there are ways around that. Other companies do it. Merrill better make lots of changes. First is price ... second is tiimely shipping ... third is cost of shipping. I don't want to make any snap decisions right now until I see what they have to offer/say at conference. I have always been told (in my personal life and business life) DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR EGGS INTO ONE BASKET!!! Looks like HO IS putting all the eggs into one basket. Hope it doesn't turn around to bite them "you know where".
  • #34
Still Mad are you??Okay finially got a hold of my Director, she thinks that Nancy's will still sell us post cards, stickers, everything she has w/o the Pampered Chef Name. Because Pampered Chef can not tell them to sell to us because it doesn't have a name & other DS can use these materials as well. I will be happy if I can still get post cards and stickers.

Anyways I need good verbage to send to HO. I don't want to send a buch of I'm pissed.... which I am, but would like to appear a little more professional.
  • #35
Sorry that I explain myself good enough but what e-mail address at HO should a use to voice my concerns and wishes to
  • #37
I want to send them an email as well... this is stupid!!
  • #38
I just sent an email...I sure hope they listen...
  • #39
So much for "Your business Your Way"How can it be my business my way, when they've just taken the best choice I had away???

I'm working on composing my email and trying not to flame, but I'm so mad!!

  • #40
Feel free to copy my email (edit of course) :
I am writing this letter in hopes to change the Home Office’s mind regarding the decision to not renew Nancy's contract.

My entire team as well as hundreds of other Consultants relies specifically on Nancy’s Artworks for our host coaching & encouragement postcards.

I am heartbroken over losing such a great homespun business to associate with for my business’ use. It's been a real concern that The Pampered Chef Home Office was going "too commercial", and especially with the insane prices/shipping charges of Merrill Corporation, I am really shocked and discouraged at this news.

We, Pampered Chef Consultants in the field, DO NOT want Nancy's Artworks to go away.

Those of us who have been using Nancy's postcards and materials for YEARS do not like this decision one bit! My customers and hosts compliment me all the time on using Nancy's postcards. So please...reconsider!!

Thank you
Laura Wells
Independent Sales Director, TX
  • #41
I sent a copy of your letter Laura.. edited of course.......
  • #42
You know what, my feelings on this is if they want to change completely over to merrill then they need to raise our comission SO that we CAN afford the products. This is ridiculous. I know that Home Interiors as only Merrill and it sucks worse than ours does. I will be sending them an e-mail as well. Just my 2 cents.
  • #43
As I posted in another thread about this:

Its a shame about this because Nancy's is a company like this once was: built by one woman. I still think this is a great company, but I took some heat a little while back for making the comment, "You can tell Doris isn't in charge any more." about another issue. Please know, that I'm not trying to upset anyone by bringing it up. And, I'm not saying Doris was perfect or was always right, but you could at least respect her decisions because it was her business, that she built from the ground, up. I just think when a company is run by someone other than the person who built it, its rarely better. Case in point: How many times do you hear how some people built a business and then their kids took it over and ran it into the ground? I'm not saying that that's what will happen here, but I can say that there have been lots of changes but not any huge improvements since Doris left.
  • #44
Ok....I'M PISSED!!!!!

I took Laura's email and tweeked it and sent it on. Is there anyway to send emails directly to Doris and others in the company besides going through these general email boxes??

Here is my letter:

I am writing this letter share my disappointment in the decision Pampered Chef has taken regarding the contract with Nancy's Artwork.

Many consultants rely specifically on Nancy’s Artworks for our host coaching & encouragement postcards. She provided us the variety in marketable material at an affordable and reasonable price.

I am heartbroken over losing such a great homespun business to associate with for my business’ use. It has been a real concern that The Pampered Chef Home Office was going "too commercial". Now with an exclusive contract with Merrill, the prices and shipping charges of Merrill will no doubt increase. They are already too high. A MONOPOLY does not create competitive and reasonable pricing.

I am really shocked and discouraged at this news. We, Pampered Chef Consultants in the field, DO NOT want Nancy's Artworks to go away. Those of us who have been using Nancy's postcards and materials for YEARS do not like this decision one bit!

This is very disappointing and I am discouraged at the direction Pampered Chef has taken. I am having second thoughts about my decision in which I recently resigned with this company. I find it increasingly difficult to support a company whose direction is towards the bottom line and not towards it's customers and consultants. At one time, Pampered Chef was a well respected "Family" business. This company is quickly losing all that made it that way.

I am asking that you reconsider your decision. There is plenty of room for two vendors. Please don't disppoint the thousands of consultants you currently have. I forsee a sad and bleak future for Pampered Chef on the horizon.

Thank you
Tammi Duzan
Independent Sales Consultant
Springville, IN
  • #45
Send it to:
Your entire upline
Your sales manager
Solution Center
Licensed Vendor Email
Career Solutions
  • #46
I just sent one too. Here it is

I am writing this in regard to your no longer allowing Nancy's Artworks to be a licensed dealer.

I personally cannot afford Merrill's prices on their products already. I think it is unhealthy for a company to take away competition and variety of products that a consultant can order. I am in the PC business to make money, not to have to spend all of my commission promoting my business because PC decided to give all merchandising rights to one company. I like to have choices in the things that I can purchase to promote my business.

I do not agree with breaking a relationship with a vendor that has been with a company for many years unless the consultants are not satisfied with what they are getting. The feedback I am receiving from other consultants in NO WAY is against Nancy. Everyone I have talked to is outraged with the change!

I hope that you will take in the view of the consultant's and allow Nancy to continue as a vendor. If not, I hope that you put into Merrill's contract the right to have some control over their prices so that we consultant can afford their items if we are forced to have no other option to choose. Of course, we can choose the option of not ordering from them at all if we are not happy with them.

I have been with PC a little over a year and love the way consultants' opinion are heard and how PC treats their consultants. I hope that you will take our opinion to heart in that matter as well.
  • #47
Pampered Laura said:
Send it to:
Your entire upline
Your sales manager
Solution Center
Licensed Vendor Email
Career Solutions

I cannot find Career Solutions on CC. Where am I missing it?
  • #49
Your not the only one Jennifer... I cant' find it either!
<h2>What does the e-mail from HO about Nancy's closing mean?</h2><p>The e-mail from HO states that Nancy's, a line of products offered by Pampered Chef, will no longer be available after August 31st. This means that customers will no longer be able to purchase Nancy's products from Pampered Chef.</p><h2>Why is Nancy's closing?</h2><p>The specific reason for Nancy's closing has not been disclosed. However, it is likely due to a business decision made by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>Will any Nancy's products still be available after the closing date?</h2><p>No, all Nancy's products will be discontinued as of August 31st. Pampered Chef will no longer offer them for sale.</p><h2>Will Merrill be the exclusive provider of Pampered Chef products?</h2><p>Yes, according to the e-mail from HO, Merrill will be the exclusive provider of Pampered Chef products. This means that all Pampered Chef products will only be available through Merrill, and no longer through Nancy's or any other retailer.</p><h2>When will the exclusivity with Merrill begin?</h2><p>The exclusivity with Merrill will begin on August 31st, the same date that Nancy's products will be discontinued. From that point on, Merrill will be the only retailer offering Pampered Chef products.</p>

Related to Is Nancy's Closing for Good as Merrill Takes Over PC Products?

What does the e-mail from HO about Nancy's closing mean?

The e-mail from HO states that Nancy's, a line of products offered by Pampered Chef, will no longer be available after August 31st. This means that customers will no longer be able to purchase Nancy's products from Pampered Chef.

Why is Nancy's closing?

The specific reason for Nancy's closing has not been disclosed. However, it is likely due to a business decision made by Pampered Chef.

Will any Nancy's products still be available after the closing date?

No, all Nancy's products will be discontinued as of August 31st. Pampered Chef will no longer offer them for sale.

Will Merrill be the exclusive provider of Pampered Chef products?

Yes, according to the e-mail from HO, Merrill will be the exclusive provider of Pampered Chef products. This means that all Pampered Chef products will only be available through Merrill, and no longer through Nancy's or any other retailer.

When will the exclusivity with Merrill begin?

The exclusivity with Merrill will begin on August 31st, the same date that Nancy's products will be discontinued. From that point on, Merrill will be the only retailer offering Pampered Chef products.

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