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Urgent Is My Baby Okay? Praying for Good News at My Ultrasound Today!

In summary, Kelly is prepping for her ultrasound and is scared about the results. She is reassured by her friends and family.
  • #51
Congratulations Kelly. I have three boys also and really wanted a girl for my last one, however, God knew better.

Again, congrat's!
  • #52
Congratulations Kelly!!!!!
There is nothing better than being the mom of boys (sorry to all you girl-mamas)
When we had the US for my 2nd son and they told me it was a boy. I was really upset. I called my mom and SHE was all upset. Then a few months later, out popped this skinny, wet, shivering boy with a mop of black hair and a look in his little eyes that said "Love me!" and I have been putty in his hands ever since.
Boys love their Mama...with all their hearts...forever.
Welcome to the Boy's Club!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #53
pamperedpals said:
Congratulations Kelly. I have three boys also and really wanted a girl for my last one, however, God knew better.

Again, congrat's!

I trust Him completely. I knew that no matter what, that God already knew how this little one would fit into our family, and that it would be a perfect fit!
  • #54
Congratulations Kelly! I am so happy everything went well for you today!
  • #55
Congratulations Kelly! I'm so glad that you have some proof to make you feel better. I thought of you all morning as well, especially while I was having my 36 week exam. :eek:)
  • #56
KellyTheChef said:
Many of you know that I wanted a girl....but I prayed about having peace about whatever happened today. I knew that even if something was WRONG, that God would get me through it. I am so happy and thrilled that he looks healthy and is growing the way he should...that I can't be upset it's not a girl!

I had it in my head that I wanted to have a close Mom-Daughter relationship with my child. I could see me being a supportive Grandma through a pregnancy and all. Now I will have to keep praying for a Godly wife for all THREE of my boys (one step son, two mine) and a Godly DH for my step daughter.

Yep. No mistaking it! It's a boy!


I wanted a girl this time too. We agreed this was our last, so, this was my last chance. I am so close to my mom and wanted a little girl to have that relationship with but God aslo knew better. I was a little upset over it but I knew that was His will and was so thankful everything was fine and he was healthly. Plus, I think God knew Luke's heart and there was no room for a sister in his thinking, he wanted a boy or nothing. I think God knew that things would be easier for Luke to not be th eonly one anymore when he got what he wanted.

God Bless Kelly!
  • #57
Congratulations Kelly! I am so glad everything is ok with your baby!!
When are you due???
  • #58
Congrats Kelly.that is such wonderful news -- a healthy boy :) Hard to be disappointed as soon as you see him wiggling and waving on the ultrasound, right!?!
  • #59
merego said:
Girl, you are bad, that was not nice to keep us all on the edge of our seats :)
Yeah, a boy, I have 2 boys a 1 girl, I prayed for that girl and she is drama queen handful. My boys are as sweet as the days are long and so much easier. I love my sweet daughter, but I have my hands full :)
I am so happy for you :)

OH MY GOSH!!! Meridith, you took a page out of my book of life!! LOL! My daughter is the one I prayed for like crazy too! I got pregnant with my son easy but I miscarried between my two kids and it took 18 months to get pregnant, then I miscarried, and then another 4 months. I had placentia previa with my daughter and spent the last 6 weeks in the hospital! And let me tell you what, she is the biggest drama queen! She is so full of emotion and passion and she lets you know about it ~ good or bad! She's loud, busy, dramatic, super social and such a handful! So I understand! How old is your daughter?
  • #61
My 4 yr. old daughter is the same way...such the drama queen. But I guess it is to be expected with 3 teenage brothers. She is definitely a handful but totally worth it.
  • #62
MissChef said:
OH MY GOSH!!! Meridith, you took a page out of my book of life!! LOL! My daughter is the one I prayed for like crazy too! I got pregnant with my son easy but I miscarried between my two kids and it took 18 months to get pregnant, then I miscarried, and then another 4 months. I had placentia previa with my daughter and spent the last 6 weeks in the hospital! And let me tell you what, she is the biggest drama queen! She is so full of emotion and passion and she lets you know about it ~ good or bad! She's loud, busy, dramatic, super social and such a handful! So I understand! How old is your daughter?

She is 27 months and my LOUD, dramatic, wild child chatterbox. I wanted a girl to dress up, paint nails with play barbies with. I was sick for almost 9 months, on bed rest, just had a heck of a time. My 1st pregnancy was easy ( my 15 year old son), I had 2 miscarraiges then lost a daughter in my 8th month of pregnancy, then got divorced, got re-married several years later and had DD and then 3 months after she was born, I got pregnant with DS. My boys are so easy going and sweet. Regan is something else. When she is good, she is very very good, but when she is bad..... holy moly look out!! She is very much a girly girl, loves to have her nails painted, is obsessed with
shoes ( just like her mommy), loves clothes and purses. On days I am ready to lose my mind DH says, you prayed for that :) ha ha, love her, wouldn't trade her, couldn't live without her.... but my mom tried to tell me, have all boys if you can, it is so much easier :) How old is your daughter?
  • #63
Congratulations, Kelly!
  • #64
KellyTheChef said:
Sorry about the suspense...I am just so happy that I had to tease y'all just a bit!

Good one Kelly! LOL And, congratulations!!!!!! That is so awesome. I'm very excited for you and your family!!!! :D:love:
  • #65
Hurray for answered prayers!
  • #66
Oh Yeah - I just got back in and had to read thru to see if Kelly posted the real news!!! Yipee another boy!! How great for your son to have a brother!!!! You know I have five kids, 3 DD and 2 DS - Well, 3 being teenagers now - give me my sons!!!! DD's (19, 16, 9 1/2) have Daddy totally wrapped! My boys (well, I call them Mommy's little men (14 and 8 1/2) are my pride and joy! Don't get me wrong - LOVE my daughters, but there is just something about a son/mother relationship and a father/daugther..........

CONGRATS Kelly - hope you are feeling well!
  • #67
Congrats Kelly!! I am glad that you were able to find some inner peace before you got there. Good to know why you are not feeling so much!! Take care of yourself and your little guy!
  • #68
Congrats Kelly :)

Girls are a handful BEFORE they are even born (with nasty morning sickness - IMO) - they are MUCH more emotional than boys.

For those of you who have DS - you only have ONE to worry about - people who have DD have ALL the boys to worry about :D

j/k .................... sort of...............
  • #69
Kelly- I'm so happy that you are having a baby boy! I love boys and cannot wait until God blesses me with a whole mess of them! :)

I have a prayer for you that you can pray when you feel like it...

Father, in Jesus' name, I thank You for my unborn child. I treasure this child as a gift from You. My child was created in Your image, perfectly healthy and complete. You hace known my child since conception and know the path he will take with his life. I ask Your blessing upon him and stand and believe in his salvation through Jesus Christ.

When you created man and woman, You called them blessed and crowned them with glory and honor. It is in You, Father, that my child will live and move and have his being. He is Your offspring and will come to worship and praise you.

Heavenly Father, I thank and praise You for the great things You have done and are continuing to do. I am in awe at the miracle of life You have placed inside of me. Thank You! Amen

give belly hugs to your new little Sprout for me!
  • #70
Beautiful Kacey :)
  • #71
KellyTheChef said:
Many of you know that I wanted a girl....but I prayed about having peace about whatever happened today. I knew that even if something was WRONG, that God would get me through it. I am so happy and thrilled that he looks healthy and is growing the way he should...that I can't be upset it's not a girl!

I had it in my head that I wanted to have a close Mom-Daughter relationship with my child. I could see me being a supportive Grandma through a pregnancy and all. Now I will have to keep praying for a Godly wife for all THREE of my boys (one step son, two mine) and a Godly DH for my step daughter.

Yep. No mistaking it! It's a boy!

Hmmmmm....never say never...or in this case never say 'no mistaking it!' LOL

At my ultrasounds (I had 2 for my DD who's now 13) we were told AND shown she was a boy. NO mistaking it as you said. Right there before our eyes - and her/his hands weren't anywhere near there so 'it' wasn't a finger. Both ultrasounds were the same way.....and then out comes my daughter! Guess I must have blown that bugger off because 'it' was now gone LOL ;):D:D

Congratulations on a healthy baby girl/boy for you anyway. I'm really glad the ultrasound could give you piece of mind! :)
  • #72
merego said:

She is 27 months and my LOUD, dramatic, wild child chatterbox. I wanted a girl to dress up, paint nails with play barbies with. I was sick for almost 9 months, on bed rest, just had a heck of a time. My 1st pregnancy was easy ( my 15 year old son), I had 2 miscarraiges then lost a daughter in my 8th month of pregnancy, then got divorced, got re-married several years later and had DD and then 3 months after she was born, I got pregnant with DS. My boys are so easy going and sweet. Regan is something else. When she is good, she is very very good, but when she is bad..... holy moly look out!! She is very much a girly girl, loves to have her nails painted, is obsessed with
shoes ( just like her mommy), loves clothes and purses. On days I am ready to lose my mind DH says, you prayed for that :) ha ha, love her, wouldn't trade her, couldn't live without her.... but my mom tried to tell me, have all boys if you can, it is so much easier :) How old is your daughter?

My daughter is 8, she just turned 8 on June 8th! She is going into 3rd grade next year and let me tell you what, you think your DD is a drama queen now!!! Get ready girl!!!
Almost your whole story is like mine, minus the divorce and I only had one miscarriage! And what happened to you with your other daughter at 8 months along, gave me pain in my heart!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!
I'm glad you re-married and were able to be blessed with 2 more kids!
Get ready, you think she's loud and a chatter box now!!! I thought Jessica was at 2 also..... I hadn't seen anything yet! She is such a challenge to me, but yet I understand her like no one else does. She makes me crazy sometimes, but I'm actually very close to her! It definetely is different relationships between boys and girls and their parents! My son was so dang easy going and just simply easy! Still is, for the most part, he's 12, and luckily we are still close too, but I don't understand him very much!! I grew up with my sister, and boys were strange to me! But he's my boy, and no body had better mess with his Mama! Even his Dad, that DH of mine can be a jerk sometimes and my son calls him on it!! In a respectful way but still calls him on it and hates it when I'm upset! Both kids are actually like that, but Jessie cries and Ryan gets mad when my DH upsets me!
I just love my kids, my gifts from God!:love:
  • #73
Congrats Kelly! I'm so happy you were at peace today, that everything is JUST fine like we all knew it would be and that you found out he's a boy (even though you teased us! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #74
smspamperedchef said:
Congrats Kelly! I'm so happy you were at peace today, that everything is JUST fine like we all knew it would be and that you found out he's a boy (even though you teased us! :)

DH is naming him...we had a deal. I would name a girl, he names a boy. Right now he likes Nicholas, but he loves the name Talon. Talon may end up as a middle name...or even a first name. Not sure yet!
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  • #75
Kacey...thank you for the beautiful prayer!
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  • #76
kcjodih said:
Hmmmmm....never say never...or in this case never say 'no mistaking it!' LOL

At my ultrasounds (I had 2 for my DD who's now 13) we were told AND shown she was a boy. NO mistaking it as you said. Right there before our eyes - and her/his hands weren't anywhere near there so 'it' wasn't a finger. Both ultrasounds were the same way.....and then out comes my daughter! Guess I must have blown that bugger off because 'it' was now gone LOL ;):D:D

Congratulations on a healthy baby girl/boy for you anyway. I'm really glad the ultrasound could give you piece of mind! :)

Wouldn't THAT be a funny surprise!!
  • #77
KellyTheChef said:
Kacey...thank you for the beautiful prayer!

You are welcome...however something in my spirit says you are having a girl.

Sorry- at this time I don't agree with the ultra sound. I had the same issue when my aunt was pregnant--- all ultra sounds showed a boy- I insisted it was a girl...and out came little Hannah Jule (Jewel) and she is now going to college to be an engineer! (must've gotten so smart from all those books I read her as a child when I babysat her!) :)

so that's my two cents worth- I'd quietly pick out some girl names you like, too....
  • Thread starter
  • #78
Kitchen Diva said:
You are welcome...however something in my spirit says you are having a girl.

Sorry- at this time I don't agree with the ultra sound. I had the same issue when my aunt was pregnant--- all ultra sounds showed a boy- I insisted it was a girl...and out came little Hannah Jule (Jewel) and she is now going to college to be an engineer! (must've gotten so smart from all those books I read her as a child when I babysat her!) :)

so that's my two cents worth- I'd quietly pick out some girl names you like, too....

Oh...I have LOTS of girl names picked out! Since my mom passed away two years ago, I wanted to use her name (Lou-Ann) as the middle name. I have been gathering names that I like, and that go with Lou-Ann as the middle name...


My favorites are bolded...
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  • #79
Haley and Grace (Gracie) are my favorites. Only one problem...a girl at my church has a 2 month old named Gracie...but that is still my favorite!
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  • #80
Cathy and Meredith...

I am so sorry that both of you went through miscarriages. I can't even imagine what you had to deal with...and it makes my heart so sad for both of you! I am glad that God blessed you both with wonderful kids even through that!

  • #81
Congratulations Kelly! I am so happy to hear that all is well.
  • #82
KellyTheChef said:
Cathy and Meredith...

I am so sorry that both of you went through miscarriages. I can't even imagine what you had to deal with...and it makes my heart so sad for both of you! I am glad that God blessed you both with wonderful kids even through that!


I agree. My heart goes out to both of you! I've been there as well and it's horrible. Thank goodness you were both blessed with more wonderful children! I too had miscarriages etc. - 2 miscarriages - one in the first trimester, one early in the second. Then my DD. Then a tubular pregnancy and then a 6 month miscarriage at which time we found out my darling baby also had spina bifida and so then after 5 pregnancies with only one child we gave up resigning ourselves to loving our little girl and a year later uh oh! here we go again/can we handle this/I can't take anymore heartbreak/etc and we got our DS. 6 pregnancies, 2 children and I'm sooooo done!
  • #83
Kelly, I'm happy to hear the baby's healthy! This is the first chance I've gotten to read this thread. What a bunch of turns it's taken (of course I'm not surprised - it IS Chef Success, after all!)

Prayers coming your way for continued health for your little boy (or girl :rolleyes:)!
  • #84
Kelly, Congrats!!!
I speak from experience that more than 1 boy will definately keep you on you toes, but after the two you don't notice any more than that.
:rolleyes:That may be the reason I have 4:eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #85
krzymomof4 said:
Kelly, Congrats!!!
I speak from experience that more than 1 boy will definately keep you on you toes, but after the two you don't notice any more than that.
:rolleyes:That may be the reason I have 4:eek:

Ack! NO!

This is #4 for DH and #2 for me. Once this one is born and healthy, DH will be going to see Dr. Snip-Snip!!
  • #86
KellyTheChef said:
Oh...I have LOTS of girl names picked out! Since my mom passed away two years ago, I wanted to use her name (Lou-Ann) as the middle name. I have been gathering names that I like, and that go with Lou-Ann as the middle name...


My favorites are bolded...
I love the name Oliva! I also like Emily, Grace and Kalyn- and Katelyn and Sophia and Alyssa. My sister likes the name Haley..
  • #87
Why are we talkin girly names??? You don't want the poor child to be tortured. My brother's middle name is Ashley and is constantly tormented (by his sibs) He was named after someone in Gone with the Wind.
  • #88
KellyTheChef said:
Cathy and Meredith...

I am so sorry that both of you went through miscarriages. I can't even imagine what you had to deal with...and it makes my heart so sad for both of you! I am glad that God blessed you both with wonderful kids even through that!


Thanks Kelly, but I truly believe ( now) that it happened for a reason. I feel as bad as it was and as sad and heartbreaking as it was, it just wasn't the right time. My marriage was falling apart and it wasn't the right time. Had I had her, I may have never met current DH and had Regan and Parker. I just think God has a plan and that was the plan for me. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about her, but I know she is at peace.
I like the name Nicholas, but we went through name association and we knew a Nick in school and people called him Nick the D_ _ K, and that did it for me on the name for my child. We did that alot with naming all the kids, funny how you like a name until you think of a person or knew someone that you didn't care for or people name called :)
  • #89
MissChef said:
My daughter is 8, she just turned 8 on June 8th! She is going into 3rd grade next year and let me tell you what, you think your DD is a drama queen now!!! Get ready girl!!!
Almost your whole story is like mine, minus the divorce and I only had one miscarriage! And what happened to you with your other daughter at 8 months along, gave me pain in my heart!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!
I'm glad you re-married and were able to be blessed with 2 more kids!
Get ready, you think she's loud and a chatter box now!!! I thought Jessica was at 2 also..... I hadn't seen anything yet! She is such a challenge to me, but yet I understand her like no one else does. She makes me crazy sometimes, but I'm actually very close to her! It definetely is different relationships between boys and girls and their parents! My son was so dang easy going and just simply easy! Still is, for the most part, he's 12, and luckily we are still close too, but I don't understand him very much!! I grew up with my sister, and boys were strange to me! But he's my boy, and no body had better mess with his Mama! Even his Dad, that DH of mine can be a jerk sometimes and my son calls him on it!! In a respectful way but still calls him on it and hates it when I'm upset! Both kids are actually like that, but Jessie cries and Ryan gets mad when my DH upsets me!
I just love my kids, my gifts from God!:love:

I am truly blessed, I had cancer as well, so having 2 more children after all I went through is an amazing gift for me. My 15 year old brings me joy some days, but alot of stress most of the time. I know he will grow out of it and we will get through it. He is a good kid, I remember how I was at 15, so I try and cut him some slack. Parker is very much a momma's boy and Regan is a daddys girl. I grew up with a sister and we aren't even close, always wanted a brother. Kyle is very protective of the little ones and he says no one better ever mess with them, although Parker is going to be bigger than Kyle I have a feeling. I had placental abruption and that is what caused my baby not to make it so late in the pregnancy, but I now believe it was gods way of telling me it just wasn't the right time. Sorry Kelly, not to be a downer on your happy thread , all is happy in my life and I have no regrets :) For a long time I wondered what if, what if, but I finally realized that you can't live in the past and everything happens for a reason, good or bad.
  • #90
Kitchen Diva said:
I love the name Oliva! I also like Emily, Grace and Kalyn- and Katelyn and Sophia and Alyssa. My sister likes the name Haley..

I love Olivia, but had 3 friends with an Olivia, also like Lily, but had 3 friends with a Lily. I wanted Grace for a middle name, but DH got to pick the middle name. I don't like Sophia only b/c that is DH ex GF name and she still has the hots for DH and has caused us alot of problems. There is that dang name association again :)/COLOR]
<h2>1. Is it normal to feel anxious before an ultrasound?</h2><p>It is completely normal to feel anxious before an ultrasound. It is a big milestone in your pregnancy and it's natural to worry about the health and development of your baby.</p><h2>2. What will the ultrasound technician be looking for during my appointment?</h2><p>The ultrasound technician will be measuring your baby's growth and checking for any potential abnormalities or issues with development. They will also be able to determine the sex of your baby if you choose to find out.</p><h2>3. How often should I feel my baby move at 20 weeks?</h2><p>Every pregnancy is different, so there is no set number of times you should feel your baby move at 20 weeks. However, it is important to pay attention to your baby's movements and report any significant changes to your doctor.</p><h2>4. What can I do to help ease my anxiety before the ultrasound?</h2><p>Some things you can do to help ease your anxiety before the ultrasound include talking to your partner or a trusted friend, practicing deep breathing or relaxation techniques, and reminding yourself that worrying won't change the outcome.</p><h2>5. What if the ultrasound reveals something is wrong with my baby?</h2><p>If the ultrasound reveals any concerns about your baby's health, your doctor will discuss the next steps with you. Remember to stay positive and trust in your healthcare team to provide the best care for you and your baby.</p>

Related to Is My Baby Okay? Praying for Good News at My Ultrasound Today!

1. Is it normal to feel anxious before an ultrasound?

It is completely normal to feel anxious before an ultrasound. It is a big milestone in your pregnancy and it's natural to worry about the health and development of your baby.

2. What will the ultrasound technician be looking for during my appointment?

The ultrasound technician will be measuring your baby's growth and checking for any potential abnormalities or issues with development. They will also be able to determine the sex of your baby if you choose to find out.

3. How often should I feel my baby move at 20 weeks?

Every pregnancy is different, so there is no set number of times you should feel your baby move at 20 weeks. However, it is important to pay attention to your baby's movements and report any significant changes to your doctor.

4. What can I do to help ease my anxiety before the ultrasound?

Some things you can do to help ease your anxiety before the ultrasound include talking to your partner or a trusted friend, practicing deep breathing or relaxation techniques, and reminding yourself that worrying won't change the outcome.

5. What if the ultrasound reveals something is wrong with my baby?

If the ultrasound reveals any concerns about your baby's health, your doctor will discuss the next steps with you. Remember to stay positive and trust in your healthcare team to provide the best care for you and your baby.

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