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Increasing Sales at Shows: Debbie Seeks Advice

at least...$150 then it wasn't a show. If the host is insistent that it was a show then I would go ahead and close the show, but don't count it as a sale unless it's at least $150. Good luck.Debbie and Dennis,I think it's important to be honest with your host about the situation. If you have done your research and know that the show isn't going to be a success without more orders, then it's important to be straightforward about it. If the host is determined to have a show, then you may need to close it with less than the minimum amount of sales. However, if the host is willing to try to get more orders
Hey Everybody,
I need some advice, I have the bookings but not the sales. The sales at my shows aren't very good. I did a show last night, got 2 bookings, but the show was only $200.00. She said she was going to get more outside sales and there was 2 people at the party whom are giving their order today. How do I increase sales? Is it maybe because I don't have that many higher priced items to demo? Any advice would help.

Your Super Starter kit should have included a few higher dollared items. Then there should be a couple recipes in the Seasons Best that use these items. Talk about the items you are using and give hints on other ways you can use them. Make sure customers talk about their favorite items...people love it when others talk about their items, then they know they are worth getting. Also let the customers know about the warranty on the product compared to other stores. Ours have from a 1 yr to a lifetime..which means alot, so they are not having to replace the items soon and in the long run spending more on it! Good Luck and let us know how your next shows go!
Encourage your hosts to get as many outside orders as possible, even if this means waiting a few more days before closing the show. I had a show that was only 200-300 dollars at the show but after the host got all of the outside orders to me the show closed at $735! You might even offer something like "Get 10 outside orders and get and extra $10 off your order." Good luck.
What I realized to be true this weekend was that you sell what you use!! I did a completely different kind of show this weekend, and there was no cooking involved at all, and even though we talked about the stones/cookware/etc, I sold a TON of what I actually used!!
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  • #5
Thanks EverybodyI think I might use the get 10 outside orders and get $10 off your order. That sounds like it may work. Thats a great idea Amy.

Thanks alot,
One thing that helps is to try to focus on how the products will help people in their kitchen. I know I find myself sometimes giving how the product works, but forgetting to sell the product for everyday use. For example I can tell the guests everything about stones, but if I don't remember to go to how it will help them I don't sell a single one!

And as Chefloriray said always get others there to share. The other guests will sell the products for you. And people at the show will tend to listen to another guest more intently than to you b/c the other guest is not making $$ selling it.

Also ask if there is anyone who wants to try it out. If they try it and like it they will be more likely to buy it as well.

Hope this helps. Good luck...
Hello Debbie
I'm in SS2 and what I have learned is to really have qualified prospects, people that love to cook and entertain. A true understanding of the Pampered Chef is vital, through host coaching.
I had someone co-host with a friend and they shared the products. Work on prospects-not suspects.

Outside orders can make the show!!I had a great show on Saturday, and her guest sales were around $300. She wanted to get some outside orders from people she hadn't had a chance to see yet, and we closed last night at $701.02! That's $400 in outside orders! She couldn't believe she got so much free and half price...and neither could I!!
I have the same problem as Debbie with a show I did on Monday. There were 5 guests there but the sales isn't even at $100 yet. She said she had one person that wanted to make an outside order and maybe one more. I'm suppossed to call her back tonight to see what she's come up with and maybe close the show. I'm worried the sales won't even be at $150. Thats never happened to me before so I don't know how to approach my host with the fact that she needs more orders for it to count as a show. I tried getting my own outside order for her but the contact I had ended up not wanting to order right now. How do you ladies deal with a show like this? What do you do if they can't get any more outside orders to make it a $150 show?
  • #10
I tell her just what you posted. If you don't get to $150 in sales, you will not get any free items. I really want you to get some free products. Let's brainstorm who you could call and get 2-3 more orders.

Then brainstorm with her. Use your list of 100 for ideas.
  • #11
I just talked to the hostess I mentioned whose show sales were low and she got a $126 outside order just from one person. Whew! I was a little worried there for a little bit. She is going to get another outside order as well. I would still love for my show sales to be higher though. I was suppossed to have a show tomorrow and this past Tuesday I called her and she has to reschedule for July. :( Its good for me for July but I really wanted that show so I could earn more fall products and also get more bookings for the rest of this month and in July. I also can't put another show in this show's place since they cancelled the same week. I need to start including that letter I found on this website about hosts cancelling at least 2 weeks beforehand in my hostess packets.
  • #12
One tip I heard to do when a host cancelles in the same week as her show is to call your friends, family anyone you know and invite them to your house. Tell them about the host that cancelled and explain to them that you had this date set aside for PC and you do not want to let it go to waste. You wouldn't have to do an actual show if these are people who have been to a few of your shows before, but let them use the tools for themselves - especially the new BBQ tools! You never know, you may find that you have some orders to turn in after all.
  • #13
DebbieSM said:
How do I increase sales? Is it maybe because I don't have that many higher priced items to demo? Any advice would help.


Going back to your original question, Debbie, I'd suggest really focusing on visualization. It helps customers remember the items, and even if you don't have the piece with you, they can see it in their minds. Although not a high priced item, I always sell a lot of scrapers because I tell the (true) story about an aunt who left her scraper in a coffee percolator for 8 hours and when she finally remembered it, the scraper was still in perfect shape. For the food chopper, I describe my cupboard above my stove that holds my food processor along with the four things it's buried under, and that for the amount of time I took getting it down I could have had my onion chopped using my food chopper. For cookware, I describe the Thanksgiving my father served mashed potatoes. What we thought were flecks of potato skin was actually the non-stick coating coming off the cheap Wal Mart pan.

Listen to the stories your customers tell you, and use them! Your director probably has a few good ones, and I'm sure the more you use your products the more stories you'll come up with. Good luck and hang in there. I certainly have my share of low sales shows, too, but then I remember that it's an exception, not the norm! :)

  • #14
Host Coaching is the best way I've found to increase sales. This includes sending out all (or more) 40 postcards. Encourage you host to call those that can't attend! I had a host that had 20 odd people show up for the show date, but she also collected 34 outside orders! Her guest sales were just under $900 dollars. Remind them of what they want for free and what their sales need to be to get that! It's a great motivator for them! Remind all of your hosts that a $1000 party is not unattainable. I know I had a hard time with this until the $900 dollar party mentioned above! Good luck! HTH!

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  • #15
Thanks!!Thanks Diane and Brook,
Diane I think I'm going to use the potato speck story because that has happened to me with my Mom's mashed potatoes. Can you use beaters in the cookware pots? That's even more leverage.

Thanks again,
  • #16
You shouldn't use any metal utensils in the cookware.
  • #17
Beaters and Cookware don't go together very well!Definitely don't use beaters! My dad used a nylon masher and STILL the coating came off the Wal Mart cookware. Also, beware: a customer told me she was watching Semi-Homemade Cooking on The Food Network and the host said you CAN use metal on non-stick cookware. I always bring this up at shows as well, because who knows how many other people think it's ok.

  • #18
Hi I have been selling pc for about 4years and have problems getting bookings but not sales. My average shows are $475-500 sometimes higher sometimes lower.I am not sure if it is too late to answer your question about how to get your sells up but what I do is on the first call I ask the host what she wants to get for free and I usually try to steer them to at least a $500 level and then I tell them to get to that level you only need to get 15 orders for $34 and you will have a $500 show! That usually does not seem as overwhelming for them and they are like ya I can do that. Once they hit that level I say you know you are only----- away from whatever the next level is and then I tell them how many more orders than need to get I just gently push them to get more orders. I just did a show and the hostess only had 3 people there 2 of the three order over $100 and then I told her to call everyone that was suppose to come and the ones she had not heard back from her show is closing at $609. She did awsome and I always make sure I let my hostess know how great they are doing. Also before your demo make sure you total up the products you will demo and make sure you will show at least $200 in products and really play up the expensive products make sell the sizzle! Good luck you can do it!

Related to Increasing Sales at Shows: Debbie Seeks Advice

1. How can I attract more people to my Pampered Chef shows?

One effective way to attract more people to your shows is to offer a special promotion or incentive for attending, such as a free gift or discount on orders placed at the show. You can also utilize social media to advertise your shows and invite friends and family to attend.

2. What can I do to increase sales at my shows?

To increase sales at your shows, it's important to engage with your guests and make them feel excited about the products. Offer cooking demonstrations, samples, and interactive games to showcase the versatility and quality of Pampered Chef products. You can also offer bundle deals or limited-time discounts to encourage guests to make a purchase.

3. How can I upsell and cross-sell products at my shows?

One strategy for upselling and cross-selling is to bundle complementary products together and offer them at a discounted price. For example, you could bundle a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat. You can also make personalized product recommendations based on your guests' interests and needs.

4. What is the best way to follow up with potential customers after a show?

Following up with potential customers after a show is crucial for closing sales. One effective way to follow up is to send a personalized thank-you email or message, along with any relevant information or links to order products. You can also offer a special discount or promotion for those who attended the show.

5. How can I make sure my Pampered Chef shows are successful?

To ensure the success of your shows, it's important to plan and prepare ahead of time. Create a theme or focus for each show, and make sure to have all necessary supplies and ingredients ready. Additionally, it's important to follow up with guests, provide excellent customer service, and continue to promote and market your shows to attract new customers.

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