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I Need Some Encouragement & Ideas!

In summary, Debbie is having a tough week and needs help from her virtual cluster. She has one show left in November and two in December. She is worried about her January show.
Hey ladies- I am having a tough week and needed to reach out to my virtual cluster for help! If you don't know I am almost 9 weeks pregnant and I feel like crap. I had shows set up for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th and two cancelled and one resceduled for January. That only leaves one show on the books for all of November. I don't feel well, but I know I am not going to feel like this forever and I don't want my December and January schedule to suffer because of how I feel now.

I have no energy to make calls even! I didn't even care when my shows cancelled, but I just don't want to go inactive. I have three recruits and am really close to my $15000, so I just have to get my $200 shows in! Please help me get motivated and give me some ideas how to save my business when all I want to do is lay on the couch!!

P.S. I asked my director to help me with the above and she said AND I QUOTE "You're pregnant? That's okay...you'd better not go inactive!" Thanks, that helps!
Snugs. May you feel better soon.

2 things I thought of:

Pick your top 5 hostesses and contact them about ordering for the holidays.

Or the $1000 "host appreciation/mystery host" show (http://chefsuccess.com/showthread.php?t=12465) ? You email/call and get 10 people each to commit to getting you $100 worth of orders and then you pick 1 or 2 people to get the host benefits. People have been getting good responses from this.

The advantage of this is that it does not require a whole lot of effort on your part - email your top 10 saying you need to know if they are in by x day and that orders must be in by x. Then as you get a no you pick the next most likely "candidate".
Gill, so sorry your director wasn't more understanding. How was your October? You just need to have the $200 by December as far as I understand to stay active.

Okay, I'm not preggers like you, but I feel my Nov is falling apart too. I have a MAJOR event at work in 2 days, so I haven't been able to keep up w/hosts as much as I could. I have one for the 12th that should be fine, but the rest are just so so or falling apart/rescheduling. It just happens I guess!

Take time to take care of yourself and the business will come if it's meant to be {{HUGS}}
Don't panic!Gillian don't panic! Breath, ok now grab some ice cream and read this:

First: You have been doing a great job!! Just being pregnant and continuing with your business is worthy of a CONGRATULATIONS!

Second: Forget what your director says, sometimes we have off months and sometimes we have GREAT months. This business fluxuates so much. But don't throw in the towel yet.

Third: Get on that phone even if you don't feel like it. Try to reach as many people as you can in one day so the next day you can lay on the couch and relax. Call past hosts, customers who purchased $60 or more in the past, and people who checked off something positive on your door prize slips, like maybe, yes or nothing at all. That's positive to me, at least it's not a NO!

Fourth: Be honest with your situation when you are on the phone. Tell people that you are pregnant and need to get some shows on your calendar since you had cancellations and later on you probably will be very pregnant and not in the mood to do more than 4 shows a month (right??).

Fifth: Your one show in November could be big and keep you set until December. Try to do a catalog show and offer specials via email.

You are doing a great job Gillian, and don't feel so bad about cancelled shows, maybe the good Lord knew you needed to rest and stay home!

Debbie :D
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I had an okay October, I had around $1400 in sales. The show on the 15th is for my mom, so I know she won't cancel and can help me bring my crate in. She will have a good show, but I am bummed that I won't get anywhere with the sellathon. I have one more possible show in November or December and one in January. I am okay with just having one show a month to stay active, but I am worried that I won't even be able to pull that off! Thanks for your well wishes and support!
Yes U Will Gill!!
gilliandanielle said:
I had an okay October, I had around $1400 in sales. The show on the 15th is for my mom, so I know she won't cancel and can help me bring my crate in. She will have a good show, but I am bummed that I won't get anywhere with the sellathon. I have one more possible show in November or December and one in January. I am okay with just having one show a month to stay active, but I am worried that I won't even be able to pull that off! Thanks for your well wishes and support!

YOU ALWAYS KEPT ME POSITIVE, NOW HOPEFULLY I CAN HELP YOU STAY THERE TOO. Most likely I won't be traveling to AK anytime soon, but still hope to in the future.

Take Care and just do what you need to do to stay active and you may even surprise yourself as I did this past Aug. When I won the Mid Season products, I was thrilled. I like winning anything just about!!!

Good Luck :)

Oh Gillian,
Just reading your post brought back so many memories of being pregnant, tired, sick, and trying to keep my business running! I too remember even being thankful when my shows cancelled....it was this time of the year for me too - your baby must be due in June!:D And I wasn't trying to chase around 2 toddlers at the same time! You have a full plate right now, so make it your goal to just stay active until you feel better - at your Mom's show, see if you can get a couple people to do catalog shows for you - you have until Dec. 5 to submit shows for the sellathon, or submit them by Dec. 15, and earn some products that way. Or I remember doing a couple "NO-COOKING" Kitchen Shows.(any food smells made me violently ill!) I used the batter-bowl celebrations brownies - had the host bake them ahead of time, and then I just showed people how to layer them in the batter bowl, and use them for gifts...and talked thru the catalog and other gift ideas....all while sitting around the table with the guests. I was just really honest, and let them know that my morning sickness seemed to be lasting 24 hrs a day....women are so understanding of that, and actually they were all helpful and protective of me during that time! I have one host (who's daughter is now one of my recruits!) who still likes to tell people about how sick I was at her show! We actually formed a great friendship all because I was pregnant and sick as a dog at her show!
AWW, Gill, I feel for ya! Those first few months of pregnancy are tough! Hang in there though. Everyone has already given you some great advice so I don't have much to add....I just wanted to give you my well wishes:) Your biz has really taken off lately, so don't give up! If your body is telling you to rest, then that's what you should do. Taking care of yourself & your little one is more important than earning those freebies. (though I know it's a bummer when you don't earn them!) Heck, you're so close to becoming director, you could still earn them that way if you've had 1250 sales for 3 months before they're available;) Just stay your positive self & I know it will get better for ya! I think that mystery host $1000 catalog show is a great idea for you...maybe try that?
If I had one of those cute smilies giving hugs I'd add it here! Just pretend:) {{{{{{hugs}}}}}
Gill, so sorry your director wasn't more encouraging. I've read enough of your posts to feel as though I know you, so I'm going to treat you like one of my buddies.

First, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm excited for you and your family. What a blessing.

Second, relax. You know as well as anyone that these things happen, and usually at the most inopportune times.

Third, I know you don't feel like making calls, but you know you need to. Like Nike says, Just Do It. Put on your most excited voice and let them know how much it will benefit THEM.

Finally, did you know you can request a leave? This is a last-resort kind of thing, but it protects your career sales. The HO would have more details. Heck, I'm guessing dozens of people here have more information. I'm sure you would prefer to simply remain active, and I'm certain you can do that. Just something to keep in mind in case. . .
  • #10
I understand what you are saying I am sort of in the same boat where I had a show reschdule for Jan or Feb which leaves me with one cooking show and I to have been feeling to yukie to make calls and get more show booked, on the other hand I am not prego and I have two catalog shows this month. But I know that you will be fine, and you will get over the feeling of all you want to do is curl up and sleep! I have been through it twice and it passed both times. Good luck
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thanks guys! I have two recruiting calls to make and I don't even want to make them because if they both sign then I will feel guilty about trying to get them qualified so I can make director.

My energy had been a little better this week, but my DH always gets the kids up before he leaves for work so I can sleep in, but today he had a headache, so he asked me to get up with them. I feel so sick today and have been up since 6am. My morning sickness is really bad when I don't eat the second I get up, so today I feel horrible!

I will try to push myself to make those calls, but I am SO unmotivated and could care less if I sell $30 or $3000. I just don't want to have to start fresh in January with NOTHING on my schedule!

Becky- my director told me that I could change my current shows to consultantless shows, where everyone still gets together but with no products or demo. She said it is better than a catalog show... I thought I might try that a few times. Oh, and I am due June 11th :) This baby will be born in May though because I have never gotten to 37 weeks and the docs say that I never will!

Lacy-Thanks for the good thoughts and I am going to look into the $1000 catalog show idea!

Rae- Thanks! Also, I am a little gunshy about requesting leave because I did with my last pregnancy and it never went through for some reason. I lost all my sales even though I did apply.

Rebecca- I know I will get though this, I just want to get through with my sales and recruits intact :)
  • #12
Or try what Rae does, and do a demo-less show - she makes the food ahead of time, but you could have the host make something from a PC recipe you provide, and then you just come and walk them thru the catalog while they are eating.....!
I totally know what you mean about not caring! I stayed active (barely) - and my "Morning Sickness" lasted for 4 months! Then the next 4 months I was on bedrest - I was so glad my son was born at 36 weeks - I couldn't have taken another month! I am not one of those who loves being pregnant - dearly love the outcome of the pregnancy - but the pregnancy itself was hell! When I found out I was pregnant, I had just signed my 5th recruit, and gotten my letter from HO about accepting directorship - like I said, I stayed active, but totally didn't care about training or keeping up with my recruits - every one of them fizzled out! I look back and think how foolish I was to let that happen - but at the time - I really just did not care at all!!!
Do the best you can - and take care of yourself and your babies (all 3 of them!)
PC will still be here when you are feeling better - but that life inside you, and your own health are more important right now!
  • #13

I understand I started PC when I was pregnant with the girls, it was double everything for me. Very hard to stay motivated, it was such a long road for us and then after Kiley passed away I was beside myself I had no drive to do anything. I was still in my SS months when all this happened.

Start with a very small goal for right now even if it is only $200 in sales monthly, or just 2 shows. Making phone calls definitely does help. Try to make 5 calls a day if you can and book those shows for after your 12 week mark, you should be starting to get energy back by then.

Send out a mass booking email through your website, with an incentive for booking.

You could also really promote the catalog shows right now too. Offer an extra incentive if you can afford it.

Also if you are still having a hard time put in for leave through the company. This will keep you from losing your career sales and recruits. (The company filed my leave for me, but I'm glad they did because I wouldn't have thought of it) Be sure to check how long you can take leave for.

This will pass you are just on the downward track of the roller coaster you will be headed back up before you know it.
  • #14
Oy!Gill, you have the power to do what you need to do. Even if it is sitting on the couch for a while. I have no clue what you are going through as far as the pregnancy goes but I do know what it is like to not be abale to work your business the way you would like to. (I think that bothers us when that happens more than we realize and puts a mental block on looking at anything else..) So what you need to do is work it some other way. When I was laid up, I went out on my e-mail and typed up a plea for help in keeping my business alive! AND I TOLD THEM ALL IT WAS TO KEEP ME IN BUSINESS. I explained EXACTLY what was happening to me, exactly what would happen with my business and exactly what was a stake. I had 3 cooking shows for January but they all had to be cancelled. They in turn did not reschedule except for one for in May. Then I got help in that I had 6 people offer to do catalog shows. So I asked if I could split them up as follows: Two for February, two for March and two for April. This kept me alive in my business and I had no lifting, no running, no much of anything. And my partner helped me put together the packets to send out. He even went so far as to hand deliver several right here in Milwuakee for me to save the postage. I also stayed on the phone after I sounded like I wasn't dying any more. I booked up my May, June and July. Then I got struck again with some major unexplained swelling in my leg. I asked for help again and still have had not much to worry about. This second bout with my leg is now over. Again, I feel like I am restarting my business and am having an even harder time. Reason for this: Fear! It was this time last year that I ended up in the hospital. I am so paranoid that I can't even get on the phone. I am afraid to schedule anything for fear I will have to cancel again. Stupid sounding I know since my doctors both say I can do whatever. So, maybe some of it is mental for you too. Check that. Then do what I did. I sent out 100 plus e-mails, sent out 35 catalogs with a letter asking past hosts and customers if they would like to book in November, December, January or February. I have two cooking shows already for this month. One was last night in fact and we hit $444 in commisionable sales. I know it won't go higher but...
Even if I skip December, I am safe. I have 4 new leads from back in August, and have not even tried to contact them. STUPID, STUPID STUPID I know.
But, I have a goal. All 4 will be called by Sunday night! And I told my director. This way it won't only be me that knows. Now I have told everyone here to. Set a goal of one or two catalog shows per month just to keep you in business. Your body will tell you when to go out there again. The most important thing to remember is that without your health, you have nothing.
You come first. And tell your director to stick it!
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  • #15
Gill, hang in there, if anyone can do it it's you!!

I have not heard of a "consultantless" show. I thought that WAS a catalog show?
  • #16
Wow Gillian, what a heavy load you are carrying right now! Just stick to it, you have given so much inspiration to so many of us...you have a huge opportunity ahead of you...and I know you can pull through! Pull on the heart-strings of your friends and past hosts...just keep your bussiness alive.. you have worked so hard and given so much, I hate to see you down!
  • #17
I know whats it's like t be sick. I was sick all my 9 months with ALL my kids.
but I didn't let it get the best of me. and you have to do the same! you are doing so good! almost at 15,000 GIRL! don't stop now! keep going. find what's makes you fell better ( I mean food) me it was hot oakmeal in the morings. then I was okay I was able to keep food down :)...
you keep going don't stop know. like they say pick yourself up! dust yourself off and get going!
lots luck god bless you and your new baby to come.......
  • Thread starter
  • #18
John-Thanks for your words of wisdom, and good luck with your calls!

Lisa- My director said that as long as the hostess cooks or serves something and gathers people at her home, it is a cooking show. We have a lot of this in Alaska where people want to have shows in places that consultants can't get to without flying, but they still want the benefits of having a home show and do everything in their power to make them successful!
  • #19
Hi Gillian - I am so sorry ou are feeling so sick and down. Make the recuriting calls after looking at from a different perspective. What can PC do for them? Don't think of it as a guilt thing about becoming a director. Perhaps if you look at how you can help then rather than how it will help you might make it easier.
  • #20
It's gong to be o.k. - Hopefully the sickness will be over soon {{{HUGS}}}
  • #21
Gill, that is good to know!! I guess I could have done that when my best friend hosted in OH (I'm in TX). BUT...would HO think it was weird that I did a Cooking Show out of state?? I am curious now.
  • #22
I was told that if a guest does the cooking part - even if it is simply that they make something and bring it to the office where they are sharing catalogs it counts as a cooking show.
  • #23
Have you thought of having a catalog show of your own to stay active? OR
Send out the new mini catalogs to everyone you know, past consultants, guests, etc... OR pick a few dates on your calendar that you want to fill up and make hosts want to book that date by having an incentive...exp: If she books on Dec 6th you can give her the family quick stir pitcher for $6.
  • #24
Hey, Gil!

We've been trying for 2+ years along the adoptive route to family - while I don't deny your challenges in the least, it may comfort you to know there are those of us who can't have kids, and have struggles in and around that. We will adopt 2 siblings sometime in the next calendar year! Our struggles have to do with people leaving the state agency, dropping our file, no one knowing what is what and then finally when someone is working with us, they drop the ball and don't tell us anything. "Labor Day" was the third one that has passed since we began the process...but we are sticking with it. I joked with my wife saying - gosh dear, we've been in labor a lot longer than any birth parents! Her boss said it best, though: "When those kids on backorder arrive..."

Keep a positive attitude. Your director will wonder what happened when you pass her by - a couple of years from now. Is your up-upline available? (Her director?)

My PC business fluctuates so much because I work full time 60+ hours/week, and try to do 1-2 shows a week as well. There have been times where I have gone 6,8,9 weeks without a show - but have had catalog shows, or even pulled those couple of orders together that are just people unaware of the website option. You WILL get your steam back!

PC Home Office is very flexible - you can put your business on hold if you choose to do that - I did right at the beginning, but have maintained for 3 years through some very trying circumstances.

Suggestions: 1. Think what the one best next step is for your business.
2. Inch toward just that step - just make that one phone call, or email that one person.
3. Do the same thing tomorrow. Nothing big, just consistent application of your will toward the Awesome Rewards of this business.
#4. MOST IMPORTANT: Quit picking on Gil - she has enough on her plate without you beating up on her too! <wink> be your own best friend.

We're here for you. Keep at it !

~wave 1 2007~

Related to I Need Some Encouragement & Ideas!

1. How can I stay motivated to cook and try new recipes?

One way to stay motivated is to set small, achievable goals for yourself, such as trying one new recipe per week. Another tip is to involve friends or family in your cooking journey, as their encouragement and support can help keep you motivated. Additionally, explore different cuisines and cooking techniques to keep things interesting and exciting.

2. How can I get out of a cooking rut?

If you're feeling stuck in a cooking rut, try looking for inspiration in cookbooks, online recipe websites, or food blogs. You can also attend a cooking class or watch cooking shows for new ideas. Don't be afraid to experiment with new ingredients and flavors to shake up your usual routine.

3. What are some quick and easy meal ideas for busy weeknights?

One idea is to prep and cook meals in batches on the weekends, so you can simply reheat and enjoy during the week. Another option is to use kitchen gadgets like a slow cooker or pressure cooker to make quick and easy meals. You can also keep a repertoire of simple yet nutritious meals, such as stir-fries or sheet pan dinners, that can be made in under 30 minutes.

4. How can I make meal planning less overwhelming?

Start by choosing a specific day each week to plan your meals and make a grocery list. Consider using a meal planning app or creating a rotating meal schedule to save time and energy. You can also try prepping some ingredients in advance, such as chopping vegetables or marinating meats, to make meal prep less daunting.

5. What are some healthy cooking substitutions?

There are many healthy substitutes you can use in your cooking, such as swapping out butter for avocado or mashed banana in baking. You can also use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, or cauliflower rice instead of white rice. Experiment with different substitutions to find what works best for your taste preferences and dietary needs.

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