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I Am so Done With Pampered Chef (Vent Alert!)

In summary, the director was talking about how directors are the leaders of the company and how important it is to recruit 12 consultants a year. They said that $36,000 in sales is easy to reach and that all directors strive for level 3 or 4. This hit Gillian hard and she started to cry. She told the director that she doesn't know how she became a director instead of someone more deserving and that she feels like she is letting down her downline.
  • #51
hang in there Gill, rest and relax and have some fun youtime at the retreat!
  • #52
Enjoy yourself tomorrow while scrapbooking! You deserve some "me" time.
Keep us posted, please....we all worry about you!
  • #53
Ok, everyone has already given you great advise.....just wanted to say I agree with them all! Hang in there & definately DON'T make any rash decisions while preggo! We are all here for you when you need to vent or need support. As far as SIL's go, I think we've all got one of those! I do anyway! I definately agree with asking dh to pick one; either see the kiddos before work or after, (before would probably be better; then they'll go to bed earlier!) let him know it's just too much on you. And as far as 'what other directors do'....that's them! It works for them; just worry about what works for you!

{{{{{hugs}}}} I'm here (usually in the mornings!) whenever you need to talk...
  • #54

I just wanted to say that you are such a POSITIVE force here (and most likely, with your cluster). I would hate to see you give it up. Your advice and mentoring has really helped me.

I know it is not easy right now but, everyone has given you such great advice. I would only add that you need to trust you. Do those things that will help you feel better, even if it means doing something in ten or fifteen minute increments. It's a cliche, I know, but, Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a new addition to the family. Just take it easy and BREATHE. You are the OWNER of your LIFE, so don't let anyone else set goals for you Even if PC thinks all directors should act a certain way, it doesn't mean you have to follow suit. PC is a business that we can adapt to our own special circumstances!

Don't guve up! We need you!

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
  • #55
Um... We won't let you quit. How's that sound? How would you like a mob of angry cheffers at your door if you do? Hmmm? Well? I'm waiting. (tapping foot)

(Sorry, that's the joisey coming out in me)
  • #56
I agree with everyone else's advice. Try to relax ( I know easier said than doen) and get some help. I am sure if you ask for it people will be glad to help. I am kind of going through the same thing, thinking of quiting. I am not pregnant but I have two boys, work a FT job outside of the house, am going to school, and have a DH who is hardly home. I have absolutely nothing on the books, and it is not lack of trying. I just can't get anybody to book. I am not sure what I am going to do.
Hang in there and things will get better.
  • #57
AJPratt said:
Um... We won't let you quit. How's that sound? How would you like a mob of angry cheffers at your door if you do? Hmmm? Well? I'm waiting. (tapping foot)

(Sorry, that's the joisey coming out in me)

How funny:)
And that's right; we won't let ya!
Anne, you can come pick me up in Ks, then we'll fly to Ak....
  • #58
I totally feel for you, and completely agree with all the advice you've gotten here. Especially about your dh seeing them in the am OR the pm - not both.

The one thing I haven't seen mentioned is the importance of routine. I don't know how old your others are, but I have 4 kids that are within under 4 years of each other. (The twins were kind of a surprise, lol). My kids are 5, nearly 4, and the twins are 20 months. I also have a homedaycare with another 3yo and two more 5yos. Yes, it's busy. I also had my daycare open until my c-section with the twins. I know about the exhaustion. Also, my dh works many long nights, and is out of town quite a bit. That's really hard.

Keys to my sanity: First, I have accepted that the kids do not need a bath every night. If they eat chicken nuggets for dinner once in a while, or even (gasp) fast food, it's not the end of the world. The biggest key, though, is having a tight schedule. They really do thrive on routine. We have breakfast at 8am. We do preschool activities at 9am (coloring, painting, etc). We go outside at 10am. we have lunch at noon. We go down for naps at 1pm. Kids are up from naps at 3pm. Snack at 3:30pm. Bus stop at 4:30pm. Daycare closes at 5:30pm. Dinner at 6:30pm. Bath and bedtime routine starts at 7:30pm. Kids all in bed by 8:30pm. That's when I do the dishes. I also have the older girls help me pick up toys and what not before bedtime, while I"m bathing the twins. So once the dishes are done, I run on the treadmill, shower and go to bed myself. OH, before I go to bed, I load the wash with dirty clothes. In the morning before I head downstairs, I start the wash. I switch loads when I'm upstairs putting the twins down and start another load. Before I get the twins up, I fold what's in the dryer, and while the girls are saying their prayers, I fold the 2nd load and put both loads away. As long as I keep up, I can stay on top of it. I also run the dishwasher in the evening and put away dishes while the kids are eating breakfast.

Sorry this is so long, but I have found these tips have really helped my life be more manageable. Honestly, things go much smoother when dh isn't here!

hth, Debbie
  • #59
Wow Debbie....are you and Jilleysue long lost sisters!! I am tired just reading about your day :p these are great ideas. I only have one child and I can't believe how much more disorganized my house is these days.
  • #60
lacychef said:
How funny:)
And that's right; we won't let ya!
Anne, you can come pick me up in Ks, then we'll fly to Ak....

Then its settled.

Hang on, Lacy... I'm just gonna hop on my broom and come getcha!
  • #61
AJPratt said:
Then its settled.

Hang on, Lacy... I'm just gonna hop on my broom and come getcha!

Broom....Kansas.....that reminds me of a great movie.....oh wait, that's a different thread!:eek:

You know what I think is funny? All the posting for Gillian that has been done today.....and Gillian is off on her Scrapathon having fun! Hope she is getting completely (or at least partially) rejuvinated!
  • #62
Hey, we're just chatting amongst ourselves. LOL

(Sorry feeling a little vaclempt)
  • #63
{{Hugs}} to you Gilly! Hang in there and take life one day at a time. Just try to do like everyone says, the minimum to stay where you are. I agree with April, everything can get overwhelming at times with a full plate, and I don't even have kids so kudos to you for keeping it rolling!

A lot of times, I try to look at everything happening a certain way for a reason. Obviously your family needs you very much right now, so maybe PC is not meant to be big for you at this time so you can focus on that. Of course, I am not saying quit, but try to do a little less for your sanity and don't feel guilty for it.

And I may be in the minority here, but if the time ever comes that this might not be right for you, only you can make that decision. I agree with the other posters to think long and hard about that, how far you've come and everything. I guess my point is no matter what you decide, short term and long run, don't feel too bad/guilty about what everyone else thinks, because you are living your life not them and you only have one life to live! You are so wonderful about caring for everyone else but some times you gotta care for you, you know? You sure can't take care of DH or those babies if you are not taking care of you!!

Wishing you blessings with the newest baby to be!
  • #64
pamperedlinda said:
Wow Debbie....are you and Jilleysue long lost sisters!! I am tired just reading about your day :p these are great ideas. I only have one child and I can't believe how much more disorganized my house is these days.
I haven't been around here long enough to know what you're talking about. Do tell! I've always wanted a sister!!!! :D

My day may sound exhausting, but it's not bad. I just try not to look too far ahead. I focus on making it til lunch time because that's quickly followed by naptime when I can really chill out and regroup. I do alot of my PC stuff then. Then I focus on daycare closing because that's soon followed by dinner and bedtime. So if I can just make it til lunchtime, I know the rest of the day will sail!! :) Baby steps!
  • #65
4kids4me said:
I haven't been around here long enough to know what you're talking about. Do tell! I've always wanted a sister!!!! :D

My day may sound exhausting, but it's not bad. I just try not to look too far ahead. I focus on making it til lunch time because that's quickly followed by naptime when I can really chill out and regroup. I do alot of my PC stuff then. Then I focus on daycare closing because that's soon followed by dinner and bedtime. So if I can just make it til lunchtime, I know the rest of the day will sail!! :) Baby steps!
Funny! You need to search for Jilleysue's organization threads....she is uber-organized!
  • #66
So, Gillian, how was your scrapbooking day? Just checking....
  • #67
LOL Becky....I mean Toto:D
I'll be waiting for ya Anne if it comes down to it!

Seriously Gill, hope you had a great day relaxing & havin' fun yesterday:)
  • #68
ChefBeckyD said:
Broom....Kansas.....that reminds me of a great movie.....oh wait, that's a different thread!:eek:

I'm so bonde... I didn't even think of that!
Last edited:
  • #69
hang in thereGillian,
My director was just telling me about someone she knows (I think she said upper level director), who BUYS her $350 minimum each month herself (and that's IT!) and gets paid enough to make it worth it because of her downline. I'd say you are a much better example than that, right? Everyone is in this for different reasons, and you can adjust it to fit whatever is going on in your life. Sure, level 3 may be something to strive for, but that's not to say that this year you need to even aim for level 1. You have a LOT on your plate (as everyone else is saying, and I'm sure you know :) ). Concentrate on you and your family, and don't worry about that other "stuff" yet. Also, I have to say from experience that the 3 month leave for having a baby can come in VERY handy!

Good luck and take care!
Jane Phillips
  • #70
Okay, pack the kids and hubbie's stuff and move to Ohio! I'll watch the kids...I have 4 and don't realize when my kids have friends over...they just blend in with mine! Really, I feel for you. I can't do PC as much as I would like but that's the beauty of this. I know I'm not a director so it's a little different than what you need to do so I'm sure that being pregnant and having that load with the kids and needing to concentrate on your business can be a big load. Take a breath and relax....I wouldn't make any reah decisions right now....give yourself some time and when the hormones aren't flying like they are now. You have got to be soooo tired! It won't be long and that little girl will be here! ANd whatever you decide...I say that you still need chef success in your life nad we need you! I love your advice and knowledge. You've helped so many people and you've made bonds with people that you have no clue. You make a difference! Hope things get better for you....take time out for yourself...you deserve it!
  • Thread starter
  • #71
Okay ladies- here is an update on me...

Saturday (the scrapbook retreat) was awesome and I had so much fun not thinking about the pregnancy or PC. I had a blast and was bummed when it ended and I had to return to my life :(

Sunday went very well and I was surprisingly prepared instead of running around crazy and stressing at the last minute. I made the preggo cake and a strawberry shortcake trifle and had fun actually getting to eat what I made!! Here is a pic of the cake:


Yesterday my DH took the day off (we BOTH deserve it!) and we took the kids to the zoo and then to Chuck E. Cheese. I did a lot of walking and chasing and am paying for it today. I never thought I would say this but I am really enjoying not having PC as part of my life. Because I am a new director I have 3 months with the requirements waived, then three months of relinquishment, so I have plenty of time to save myself and team after the baby gets here if I realized I made the wrong decision.

I have contacted some of my hosts and changed to catalog shows, and am in the process of converting all my shows to catalog shows. I have no motivation what so ever to do anything PC related right now, and only come on Chef Success because I miss my friends, not the PC info...
  • #72
Glad to hear you have had a good few days off and I hope you get renewed on your hiatus! I hope you come back to PC if not to us CSers at least we would and have missed you on here lately! Take it easy Gillian and rest as much as possible before baby comes!
  • #73
That is the CUTEST cake!!! I'll have to keep it in mind for when I throw a baby shower for someone. Who knows who that will be??? My sister gets married in December in Mexico so maybe it'll be soon after that??

You may have posted this in another thread before, but how did you make that? Was there a base cake/sheet cake underneath? I could see the batter bowl cakes. CUTE! I'm glad you're taking it easy! (Well, easy so-to-speak because of no PC stuff):)
  • Thread starter
  • #74
The base cake is a regular rectanglar baker cake that I trimmed to form the shirt shape. The belly is a SMALL batter bowl cake bacause the large would have looked really weird! The boobs are prep bowl cakes that were trimmed down to fit.
  • #75

That is the cutest cake! I am glad that you are de-stressing right now...enjoy the last of your pregnancy! You are right...PC will be here for you when the time comes! Focus on you and your family right now and don't make yourself nuts!

We love you!
Glad you had a relaxing time scrapbooking!
  • #76
That cake is adorable and I am glad you'll still be checkin' in here!
  • Thread starter
  • #77
Thanks ladies! I could never leave all my awesome friends at Chef Success- consultant or not!!
  • #78
I want to put my two cents worth in too. I know I would miss you. I admire
your spunk and all that you are dealing with. I can remember, very well, being a SAHM, and my kids being born 15 months apart. Three births spanning, 30 months from the first birth to the third birth. It does get better, as they grow more self sufficient. Hang in there, and as all those in the trenches suggest, get those power naps, and take good care of yourself. Love and Prayers, Grandma Rita
  • #79
Wow, wow, woowAMAZING, wtih all ur going thru what an accomplishment!!!!

I"m not going to bed until I read all, sure hope it's not light out when I lay down, but then you deal with all light all dark!!! anothter thing!

gilliandanielle said:
Okay ladies- here is an update on me...

Saturday (the scrapbook retreat) was awesome and I had so much fun not thinking about the pregnancy or PC. I had a blast and was bummed when it ended and I had to return to my life :(

Sunday went very well and I was surprisingly prepared instead of running around crazy and stressing at the last minute. I made the preggo cake and a strawberry shortcake trifle and had fun actually getting to eat what I made!! Here is a pic of the cake:


Yesterday my DH took the day off (we BOTH deserve it!) and we took the kids to the zoo and then to Chuck E. Cheese. I did a lot of walking and chasing and am paying for it today. I never thought I would say this but I am really enjoying not having PC as part of my life. Because I am a new director I have 3 months with the requirements waived, then three months of relinquishment, so I have plenty of time to save myself and team after the baby gets here if I realized I made the wrong decision.

I have contacted some of my hosts and changed to catalog shows, and am in the process of converting all my shows to catalog shows. I have no motivation what so ever to do anything PC related right now, and only come on Chef Success because I miss my friends, not the PC info...
  • #80
That cake is the cutest:)
Have some well-deserved down time.....that is the beauty of our job; we can take time for our family when we need to:)
  • #81

I can relate to what you are going through right now! Even though I am not preg., my kids are 17, 15 and 12 and in all kinds of sports and activities! Plus I have a husband who just had a massive blood clot in his leg. He is back to work, but can't do a lot in the evening. His leg swells too much. The Dr. said his leg may do it for the rest of his life!

I too have been tired my my PC business. It just seemed to be consuming my life all hours of the day. I have taken a "vacation" from it. I'm doing the shows planned and the bookings I get from them, but I'm not going out of my way right now to find new leads, etc. I've also decided not to go the Nat. Conference. It is so much fun, but I just can't put $500 or more into it right now.

I've been putting some serious time in Spring Cleaning my house - the Salvation Army is going to be so happy :)! I am in the mood to throw away everything!! My house is just too small for all the stuff we have. I'm throwing away things that I have saved for 20 years - and thinking, "Why did I save that!" My advice to all of you out there just starting w/a house, kids - just get rid of it!!

I hope after I get things clean and organized I'll be in the mood to go back to my PC business. Maybe seeing the new fall products will get me excited again. Even my daughter noticed I'm not in the mood for PC. I just had a $900 show and didn't even care! I'm sure I'll have a smile when the commission check comes!

I agree with others - this is our business and we can run it the way we want. I am thankful I can take a break and not have to worry about answering to anyone else.

Best of luck with your new baby.

Take Care,
<h2>1. How do you balance working for Pampered Chef with other responsibilities, such as being a parent?</h2><p>Finding a balance between work and personal responsibilities can be challenging, especially as a parent. It may be helpful to set aside specific times for work and family, and to communicate your schedule with your family so they know when you will be working. It may also be beneficial to delegate tasks and ask for help when needed.</p><h2>2. Is it common to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with the Pampered Chef business?</h2><p>Starting and running a business can be overwhelming and frustrating at times, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. It's important to take breaks and prioritize tasks to manage stress and prevent burnout. Additionally, reaching out to mentors or other consultants for support can be helpful.</p><h2>3. How do you handle a busy schedule while being pregnant?</h2><p>Pregnancy can be physically and emotionally taxing, and it's important to prioritize self-care during this time. It may be helpful to communicate your needs with your family and delegate tasks when necessary. It's also important to listen to your body and rest when needed.</p><h2>4. What should I do if I am not meeting the company's expectations for sales and recruitment?</h2><p>It's important to remember that everyone's journey in the Pampered Chef business is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead of focusing on meeting the company's expectations, try setting realistic goals for yourself and celebrating small successes. It may also be helpful to reach out to your upline or other consultants for guidance.</p><h2>5. Is it okay to step back from the Pampered Chef business if it becomes too overwhelming?</h2><p>It is completely understandable and acceptable to take a step back from the business if it becomes too overwhelming. Prioritizing your mental and physical well-being is crucial, and it's important to communicate with your team and upline if you need to take a break or reevaluate your goals. Remember, your well-being should always come first.</p>

Related to I Am so Done With Pampered Chef (Vent Alert!)

1. How do you balance working for Pampered Chef with other responsibilities, such as being a parent?

Finding a balance between work and personal responsibilities can be challenging, especially as a parent. It may be helpful to set aside specific times for work and family, and to communicate your schedule with your family so they know when you will be working. It may also be beneficial to delegate tasks and ask for help when needed.

2. Is it common to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with the Pampered Chef business?

Starting and running a business can be overwhelming and frustrating at times, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. It's important to take breaks and prioritize tasks to manage stress and prevent burnout. Additionally, reaching out to mentors or other consultants for support can be helpful.

3. How do you handle a busy schedule while being pregnant?

Pregnancy can be physically and emotionally taxing, and it's important to prioritize self-care during this time. It may be helpful to communicate your needs with your family and delegate tasks when necessary. It's also important to listen to your body and rest when needed.

4. What should I do if I am not meeting the company's expectations for sales and recruitment?

It's important to remember that everyone's journey in the Pampered Chef business is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead of focusing on meeting the company's expectations, try setting realistic goals for yourself and celebrating small successes. It may also be helpful to reach out to your upline or other consultants for guidance.

5. Is it okay to step back from the Pampered Chef business if it becomes too overwhelming?

It is completely understandable and acceptable to take a step back from the business if it becomes too overwhelming. Prioritizing your mental and physical well-being is crucial, and it's important to communicate with your team and upline if you need to take a break or reevaluate your goals. Remember, your well-being should always come first.

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