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I Am Freaking Out! Luke's Teeth.......

In summary, my mom asked me if I had looked in Luke's mouth lately and I saw four cavities. I also found one that was very decayed. I am concerned about how much this will cost me and whether or not Luke's toddler hygiene is to blame.
My mom asked me this afternon if I had looked in Luke's mouth lately this afternoon b/c my dad thought he saw some cavities and she looked and saw them too.

Well, I looked and sure enough there are FOUR! and one looked very decayed!!

He is not the best brusher but he has been brushing and we have brushed them for him too. Apparently not enough!

Well, then tonight I was brushing the mess out of them and he said "owe that hurts." I looked up top and there is another decayed one!

I had horrible teeth and still do! I guess he got my teeth!

That is 5 cavaties and he will be 4 next Saturday!!

Not to mention he is terrified of anyone that resembles a doctor or nurse! and is already talking about that he is scared of the dentist when we told him he has to go as soon as we can get him in.

We had just been talking about taking him to get them cleaned! I just never thought to have ALREADY taken him at his age!!

And of course although we have insurance, I am wondering how much this will cost too!
Did Luke have a high fever as a child, or was he ever on tetracycline? I had Rubella as an infant and was in the hospital for 6 days with a near fatal fever...because of that most of my molars and my wisdom teeth grew in decayed, I have had 2 root canal's and 4 molars have been removed and Roboteeth have been put in their place (my dentist makes these silver teeth out of this hard substance and molds them, and puts grooves in them like a real tooth, so I call them robo-teeth! :)

I would look into that before you blame his toddler hygene on the issue...maybe his big boy teeth will come in fine. HTH'- and I'm sorry his teeth hurt. I hate it when kids hurt!
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  • #3
He had high fever once but not for a long time. He had the croop when he was 1.

I just feel like this is my fault! and I should have kept a better check on them but I never expected this at 4!
Don't be too hard on yourself. I was kind of in the same boat with my son. I took him at 3. My DH said he thought he saw some decay in his mouth too, but I brushed it off thinking we were doing a fine job of brushing them. Well, it turns out they were cavities. You may want to look into a pediatric dentist who is used to kids terrified of the dentist. Luckily my son was a trooper and did GREAT when he had to get his filled. I don't know how I lucked out about that. I felt terrible too. But I told myself there wasn't much I could do now. I just knew that I'd be better with my daughter. She had her first check up and cleaning at 2 1/2 and she actually did an AWESOME job. She's almost 4 and has had no cavities AND she's used to going to the dentist which is a blessing. It helped that she also watched her big brother do it too.:)

So don't be too hard on yourself. Just get it taken care of and hopefully all will go well after. My son hasn't had a cavity since that first few.

Good luck!

ETA: I realized my son was 4 too when I finally took him in to the dentist. So don't feel guilty!!
Oh gosh, I am sorry to hear that. I took Kyle when he was 2, but since Parker and Regan were off bottles at 8 months and binkys by 18 months, they say you can wait until 3 for the dentist. I am lukcy that Kyle ( who is 15) has never had a cavity and has perfectly straight teeth. Everyone has a diffrent opinion about the dentist. I have a strange obsession with teeth brushing and started brushing my kids twice a day as soon as their 1st tooth came in. My kids know every morning and evening what the routine is, they are going to be ( heck they already are)crazy little teeth brushers. Back to Luke, sorry... Ushborne books sells a book about first experiences and one of them is about going to the dentist, my friend said it really helped her son.
Hang in there and I'll be sending good thoughts your way that he does ok at the dentist and it doesn't cost too much.
jrstephens said:
He had high fever once but not for a long time. He had the croop when he was 1.

I just feel like this is my fault! and I should have kept a better check on them but I never expected this at 4!

Girl, DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF, it is not your fault!!!!
I believe you can get them-sealed? something new they do for kiddos-
MORFIA said:
I believe you can get them-sealed? something new they do for kiddos-

I am not a kid by anymeans (36 yrs) and I had sealance put on my teeth when I was a kid. My oldest DS (8) just went to the dentist for the first time last year. ~ So don't be so hard on yourself!

My DH and I were just talking about getting dentist for the two younger boys (4 & 2).
Oh, Jennifer, I feel for you. I am very vigilant about brushing my kids' teeth and Michael, my 5 year old, just had his sixth cavity filled!!! The dentist warned us early on that Michael had soft enamel and really deep grooves and to expect it, but still!

Do not worry about it, just take him in. Sealants are for the permanent teeth, so that'll start at about 6.

Definitely go to a pediatric dentist. Most use gas instead of needles.

It'll all be alright - please don't feel guilty!

(BTW, I know different dentists charge different amounts and it depends on how much decay, but for us it was $180 per tooth).
  • #10
My son had to have a tooth filled resently. It had deformed enamel. They gave his gas first and he had a great time. They could hardly get him to stop talking long enough to fix the tooth. He was 4 also
  • #11
We really do need manuals with these kids! I took my dd in when she was barely 3, I think, to a pediatric dentist. However, after she mentioned that they held her down, I changed her to my dentist. The dental hygenist (really the most important part) is a mom of 3 young ones and my dd LOVES her! It was such the right choice to change b/c now she's excited to go (imagine that) but she didn't really like it before. In fact, she cried at the pediatric one, but at mine, told me that I didn't have to come with as she goes off.So trust your instincts. I have a friend that has a great pediatric dentist (different state). My dd had 3 tiny cavities and we do great brushing and she doesn't get much for sugar/sweets. However, she has deep grooves too so that's just her issue regardless of how well she brushes. All you can do is deal with it. He'll be fine. Good luck with it!! Lord, let Luke's little teeth be easily fixed and heal any possible damage. Amen.
  • #12
OK, I have officially been "scared straight" to get my kids to the dentist. It is one of those things you keep meaning to do, and before you know it, a year has gone by. My kids are 7 and 5 and have never been.

I will be finding a dentist on our insurance ASAP!! I feel like a terrible mom. I take them in for their yearly check ups to the doctor, why is the dentist so different?

After reading some of the other posts, it is a little re-assuring that I am not the only one. (I know it doesn't make it right)

So, I hope they do ok, and don't have a mouthful of cavities.


  • #13
MORFIA said:
I believe you can get them-sealed? something new they do for kiddos-

every tooth I had sealed is now DECAYED on the inside!
  • #14
I sent you an email "novel"
  • #15
Jennifer, My daughter has bad teeth too. They are getting better but I am avid about going to the dentist and so she has been going since she was 4 and when she started kindergarden she was at an afterschool babysitters. She would walk home w/ the womans other school age kids and they stopped at the gramma's house and got candy EVERY day!! I didn't know this until her next checkup where she had 4 cavaties and 1 tooth that had to get a crown on. Well that tooth absessed (sp) and had to be pulled then about a year or two later another molar absessed and had to be pulled. My father and sister have very soft teeth.
So don't blame yourself at all. These things happen. I know there are dentist that specialize in pediatrics and will put your child under anethisia to get through the visit.
Best of luck!!
  • #16
my youngest DS (now 6) has terrible teeth. It seems everytime we go to the dentist he had a new cavity. I brush his teeth, I floss them, then he gets a flouride rinse. So I know they are being taken of, some kids just get that "bad teeth" gene, like you mentioned.
This has been going on since his first visit when he was about 2 1/2. Some they just sealed some they filled.

At his last check up he had no new cavities, BUT..he had his tonsils out in February. The mouth breathing dries out your mouth,so not having any saliva in his mouth (which protects your teeth) lets the germs go crazy in your mouth at night. No matter how well you brush.

Hello !! WHY did the Doctor or Dentist pick up on this?? It was actually me who said , "Hmm, could this be the reason??"

Even with dental insurance many things aren't covered, usually fillings aren't. Many dentists let you do a payment plan if you need too.
Sometimes your health insurance will cover teeth until the child is 12 and have better coverage.
and definitley use a Pedi- Dentist they are so much better with little ones.
Good luck!
  • #17
jrstephens said:
He had high fever once but not for a long time. He had the croop when he was 1.

I just feel like this is my fault! and I should have kept a better check on them but I never expected this at 4!

Don't blame yourself! My DD will be 4 on the 22nd of this month and I'm not always great at checking her brushing work. :rolleyes: Just take him to the dentist and think positive thoughts. (Can you tell...I'm in the process of reading "The Secret"! :p)

It will all work out!
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  • #18
So sorry about Luke's teeth:( We have a great pediatric dentist just north of Birmingham (if you are interested, let me know). Our dentist will start looking at children at about 2 and can do cleanings by age 3. Too late for Luke but your new baby will benefit from this experience. The only other thing I have learned about cavities is that sticky candy is the worst so if he loves eating Starburst, skittles, and other chewy sweet/sour stuff, try to switch him to something that melts quickly like mnms because it doesn't stay on the teeth as long. It really isn't your fault-as you know already-some people are just more prone to cavities.

When did you last have your own teeth checked? I was horrified to learn that my neglect of taking myself to the dentist (my 3 kids went every 6 months) paid off with more cavities than I am willing to admit:blushing: and I had never had any cavities in the past. My dentist said he almost never has a patient go through more than 1 pregnancy without getting a cavity, no matter how careful she is. I had never heard this. hth
  • #19
My DS has also had 2 cavities filled last year, when he was 4 years old. Boy, did I feel like I was such a terrible mom for not taking care of his teeth. But after reading this thread, it makes me feel better. He has a pediatric dentist, and had the gas mask (scented like oranges) and played a mini-portable Nintendo game while the dentist worked on his mouth. It doesn't help that daddy brings home M&M's, Fun Dip, chewing gum or lollipops EVERY day for him and his sister. UGH!!!
  • #20
My son at 4 had to get a cap....on his front baby tooth :grumpy:
I was a young mom and let him take a cup to bed often. Didn't know much better~ I forgave myself years ago and moved on. He is now 14 and hasn't had a cavity in years. I will say I'm thankful I capped it instead of having it pulled cuz he has perfectly straight teeth!
Get it taken care of and let it go Mom guilt stinks! ;)
  • #21
We go to an awesome pediatric dentist ( he is a friend of my friends dad who is a dentist) as a kid our family dentist was AWFUL, the meanest man alive and to this day I am terrified of the dentist and have to take Xanax to go. I did not want my kids to have that fear which is why I started early. Kyle always loved the dentist and they are so nice at our office, I wish I could go there :)
When you go and you see that picture of baby bottle mouth, it really freaks you out, it did me. I have friends who let there kids go to bed with juice in a bottle, to each there own, I don't do that, but her sons teeth unfotunately are starting to look like that picture. My kids were and still are not allowed to have a cup of anything in bed and they never had bottles in bed, but I was a freak about it because I knew too many people whose kids could only go to sleep with a bottle or cup ( that is a whole other thread). Jen, I think teeth is just one of those inherited traits as well and some kids have good teeth and others don't. Kyle does, Regan appears too, Parker may not be so lucky. I have good teeth, Clint has spent alot of money on his b/c of genetics in his family and their teeth, Kyle and Regan got mine, Parker I think is going to get his bads. No matter what we do, somethings we just can't control. Kyle does have sealants and got them once all the perm teeth were in and he does eat alot of junk, but he also brushes 5 times a day b/c we are freaks:)
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  • #22
My local dentist referred me a a peds dentist. I called and we have an appointment Monday at 130. My coworker uses this same group and loves them.

I am still feeling a little freaked today but freaking is my nature, ha!

Luke asked me why could he not go today, ha!! At times he is excited but then at times he will ask me if he is going to be ok? Breaks my heart when he asks me that!

Merego: I think I will owe some of him wanting to go to you!!! Have you seen the J&K+8 show where they go to the dentist? He has been watching that one and we had talked some this week about him going when I go in August, so, I think God used that and you to prepare us some. I would not have been wathing that show if not for you talking about it!

We do have dental insurance thank goodness. We pay 40% of the charge. They said on Monday they will sit down and we will map out a plan. She said they may or may not go ahead and do work on Monday, it will depend on how bad they are. I hope they do some b/c we have to go 2 hours to get there!

Everyone please keep Luke in your prayers. I am pretty sure he will freak when we get there. He is every afraid of dr's. When he was 2 he cut his face on a mirror that fell on top of him from his ear to the corner of his eye near his nose. It is ONLY by God's protection that it missed his eye! They had to wrap him in a sheet and hold him down to glue it! and naturally he has been terrified since then! Pray for me too b/c I will be boohing if he is hurting, ha!
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  • #23
susan g said:
When did you last have your own teeth checked? I was horrified to learn that my neglect of taking myself to the dentist (my 3 kids went every 6 months) paid off with more cavities than I am willing to admit:blushing: and I had never had any cavities in the past. My dentist said he almost never has a patient go through more than 1 pregnancy without getting a cavity, no matter how careful she is. I had never heard this. hth

After I got married in 2001 and got dental insurance I go all the time b/c I have horrible teeth. I will go the first time after my 2nd pregnancy on August 1st. I had to get 6 filled after I had Luke. I rarely eat junk food and I brush my teeth. My dad's side of the dmaily havebad teeth. Russell has NEVER had a cavity and has 20/20 vision - makes me want to SHOOT him!!!
  • #24
jrstephens said:
My local dentist referred me a a peds dentist. I called and we have an appointment Monday at 130. My coworker uses this same group and loves them.

I am still feeling a little freaked today but freaking is my nature, ha!

Luke asked me why could he not go today, ha!! At times he is excited but then at times he will ask me if he is going to be ok? Breaks my heart when he asks me that!

Merego: I think I will owe some of him wanting to go to you!!! Have you seen the J&K+8 show where they go to the dentist? He has been watching that one and we had talked some this week about him going when I go in August, so, I think God used that and you to prepare us some. I would not have been wathing that show if not for you talking about it!

We do have dental insurance thank goodness. We pay 40% of the charge. They said on Monday they will sit down and we will map out a plan. She said they may or may not go ahead and do work on Monday, it will depend on how bad they are. I hope they do some b/c we have to go 2 hours to get there!

Everyone please keep Luke in your prayers. I am pretty sure he will freak when we get there. He is every afraid of dr's. When he was 2 he cut his face on a mirror that fell on top of him from his ear to the corner of his eye near his nose. It is ONLY by God's protection that it missed his eye! They had to wrap him in a sheet and hold him down to glue it! and naturally he has been terrified since then! Pray for me too b/c I will be boohing if he is hurting, ha!

Jen, yes I did see that one about the dentist. I love that show and watch it everytime it is on and I TIVO it. I am glad I was able to help in some way, I aim to please :) I will be keeping you both in my prayers, I can only imagine the day we have to take Regan which will be in a few short months. Our pediatric dentitst and hygenist always do a good job with distraction, teh one makes balloon animals, Kyle loved that when he was 5, not so much at 15~ ha ha. I freak out over everything too, so you are not alone. Let us know how it goes :)
  • Thread starter
  • #25
merego said:
Jen, yes I did see that one about the dentist. I love that show and watch it everytime it is on and I TIVO it. I am glad I was able to help in some way, I aim to please :) I will be keeping you both in my prayers, I can only imagine the day we have to take Regan which will be in a few short months. Our pediatric dentitst and hygenist always do a good job with distraction, teh one makes balloon animals, Kyle loved that when he was 5, not so much at 15~ ha ha. I freak out over everything too, so you are not alone. Let us know how it goes :)

Luke is OBSESSED with balloons that would be awesome if mine does that!

I told him after his visit we would go to Target and buy the biggest bag of balloons they have!

We currently have 36 episodes on DVR. I think we have watched them all over and over. This is Luke's newest "cartoon" for him. I am so thankful for something NOT animated that is clean!
  • #26
Was Luke born early? My daughter was born 4 weeks early and her dentist said that her 4 cavities were because of that.

Make sure your dentist will always allow you to go back with your kids. The first pediatric dentist I took my daughter to was such a scam! They advertised it as so much fun with free video games in the lobby and cartoons on the ceiling, but when they turn 4 they don't allow parents to go back with them any more.

To make a long story short...my daughter needed 2 caps and when they gave her the liquid stuff to sedate her it made her more anxious. Instead of realizing this and trying something else they strapped her down to a board and proceeded to cap her teeth. I'm not trying to scare you, but my daughter has been so truamatized by that. I won't even get into the details of what happened when the cap fell off a couple of days later!! :mad: I just took her to a new dentist last week for the first time in 2 years. It took a lot of convincing that it wouldn't be like last time. They were fabulous! But I have been much less trusting of doctors and dentists myself since then.
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  • #27
He was a few days early but that was it.

My coworker had the same experience that you had and this is the group she changed too, so, thankfully I was able to talk to someone that has personal experience with this group before I made my appointment b/c I was worried about the things you talk about.

I was terrified of the dentist b/c when I was little one grabbed me by my mouth when I threw up and told me I better not EVER throw up in his chair again! I throw up when I get nervous and have the best gag reflex in the world. I still can rarely am able to get a full flouride treatment!
  • #28
I worry that my 3 yo ds will have a bunch of bad teeth too. He has sensory issues and his mouth is one of his major issues. He doesn't want anyone touching his mouth or his face around his mouth. His OT and I have been working on it, but he will only brush his teeth himself. He freaks out when I try to look or try to brush for him. Going to the dentist has been a nightmare also. They don't even get near him before he freaks out! He has been to the dentist 3 times and they haven't even seen his teeth!!! Anyway, don't beat yourself up about it. With his sensory issues, I have learned that it is not always going to be perfect, but I can deal with it. I just hope that when he does finally see the dentist, that he won't have cavities in all of his teeth. Good luck! Our next trip to the dentist will be a ped dentist that a friend referred me too. Hopefully, we will get somewhere next time.
  • #29
So, Jennifer, how did it go???

I hope everything went well at the dentist!! Be sure to post an update when you have a chance.
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  • #30
Sorry, I meant to post this yesterday.

I told my BF that were going and she told me about the local dentist that she has been using since both of her kids was 2 years old. So, I called and made an appointment with him for Thursday at 1200 and cancelled the one for yesterday.

Where that dentist was is a 90 mile trip one way for us, so, I am going to try this first and if he will not work out then go to the other one.

I had been told by several people that the group I was going to Monday would STRAP HIM IN THE CHAIR! and I was not having that at all! I was really freaking out hearing tht over the weekned. But then others said they didn't.

The local dentist, Dr. Walters, uses laughing gas and will let me go back there with him in the beginning. I feel more at peace about it now that I have this apt.

Keep your prayers up for us though! And I will post an update Thursday night.
  • #31
Jennifer...I pray that the closer one works out for you guys! Keep us posted!
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  • #32
I am leaving work at 11 to go get Luke to take him the dentist. I will updated you all when I get back to work after his appointment. Or I amc oming back as long as he is ok fo rme to leave him. I think they are only doing an exam today and probably schedule the "work" later. If they get him to open his mouth, they may need to go ahead and do some work then, ha!
  • #33
good luck at the dentist.
  • #34
I know the feeling about teeth my daughter just turnedn in 5 may and she has a decade tooth and two cavaities and she brushes in the morning and night and I talked to the denist and he said some kids are just born with a bad teeth.

I about freaked out when we found them. what is horrible is we have no insurance so it is going to be a treat paying for them.
  • #35
Keep us posted Jen, and I will keep you and Luke in my prayers.
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  • #36
We're backWell, we're back. Luke did great to me. He let them clean his teeth but they could not get the xrays. I personally thought they could have tried a little harder but I guess they know more than me. Just from looking the dentist sees about 7! and one he said is bad.

He recommended going to a pediatric dentist where Luke can be lightly sedated and they can work longer in his mouth. I am calling this afternoon to see when I can get in.

The one that is bad they said would be sort of like an adult root canal but not as bad. Said they would drill down deep and put medicine in it. He said they would not want to pull it unless they had to b/c it could make his permanent teeth come in crooked.

As I said above, I thought Luke did awesome. Especially for his first time and as scared as he can be of doctors. I was not even expecting to get the cleaning done. He would not let me leave the room though and tha is one reason they think he needs to be sedated.

So, the saga and worry continues. I am very thankful we have insurance b/c paying 40% is better than paying 100% athough it wills till probably drain a savings account! ha!

Keep your prayers coming!
  • #37
I'm glad to hear that things went well.
  • #38
I'm glad it went well and I do think sedating him will be for the best. That way he won't be afraid to go back. Good luck.
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  • #39
I called and I have an appointment for August 1st. She said they would do an examination that day and determine which time of sedation he needs for the visits. They have one that you take at home before he comes in and one that is done in the office.
  • #40
Jennifer- I'm glad it went well. I will continue to lift you and little Luke (my fav boy name by the way) up in prayer!

Go relax for now- August 1st will be here soon enough! :)
  • #41
Jen - glad all went well!!!

AND for all - I didn't read this all the way - just skimmed - but I know that my dentist told me after my first 3 kids that FRUIT SNACKS - you know the ones with little figures like Dora etc that we have all thought most likely would be a little "vitamin c" are the worst thing for kids! They get stuck in the molars and decay teeth! (ok - keep in mind people my 3rd is turning 14 Monday) - but that and Oreo's are some of the worst things we can give our little ones.........

OK - there is your advice for the day from a mom of 5
  • #42
Well glad you are going in the right direction!! A yahoo for Luke!! I needed to get the update I couldn't wait for an emaiL! HA HA!
  • #43
Hey Vanessa - you changed your pic!!!!!
  • #44
Jennifer - don't be too hard on yourself, as everyone has said. If it is hereditary, then there's really nothing else you could have done. My oldest has been to the dentist since he was two, but has had 4 cavities and fillings (he's 9 now), and we brush his teeth every day religiously. DH and I both had cavity-filled teeth as kids, no matter how much we brushed.

We do limit sugary stuff at dinner time, and don't let them eat chewy or hard candies hardly ever (like fruit roll-ups, swedish fish, starburst, skittles, jolly ranchers - they're all super awful for teeth). And, kids aren't supposed to eat raisins even - did you know that? My SIL didn't and her son had TONS of cavities when he was 3 - even in his front teeth. He finally has his 2nd teeth and they look fine, but she was beside herself for letting him have raisins at all.

Anyway, that's just some things to watch for that you probably already know. Just take him to the dentist and they'll clean him up and seal his teeth and he'll be fine. Keep us posted! :)
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  • #45
vwpamperedchef said:
Well glad you are going in the right direction!! A yahoo for Luke!! I needed to get the update I couldn't wait for an emaiL! HA HA!

Sorry I have been SUPER busy at work when I got back, even a fea mnutes late leaving, and then amd just now getting on the computer tonight at 1055! I will be on tomorrow though!
  • #46
Glad to know Luke was such a trooper... and that MOM made it through without having to be sedated.

And about the $$... aren't you glad you "work" for a company where you can book an extra show here and there when you need more $$? Such a blessing in hard times.
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  • #47
katie0128 said:
Glad to know Luke was such a trooper... and that MOM made it through without having to be sedated.

And about the $$... aren't you glad you "work" for a company where you can book an extra show here and there when you need more $$? Such a blessing in hard times.

I am very glad and hoping my show on the 28th generates some bookings. I need to get on the phone to build back up after maternity leave.
  • #48
What amazes me is that you live in an itty bitty town, but you do so well with PC. Are your shows local or are you driving a good distance for most of them?
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Most of my shows are in the 3 cities nearest me. I do not think I have ever done one on my hometown. 2 cities are 15 minutes from me and the other is about 35/30 minutes from me.

Each time that I worry that I am repeating the same host too much sometimes, God provides something new. I succeed b/c I know it is His will for me to sale PC. I have always said that when it was His will for me to stop, He would stop providing. I give it to Him.
  • #50
I know what you mean about having to give it to Him. I'm not totally sure it was His plan for me to start and He is only blessing me now in proportion to what I give back to Him. So, duh - give a bigger portion back = more blessing. You'd think I'd learn this by now... but, nooooo... that would be too easy. That is one of the main reasons I love CS (well, that the the secret society that is not the mafia that may or may not exsits ;))... having other Christians to encourage me and remind me that I need to lay my business at His feet if I expect to be successful!
<h2>1. How many cavities does Luke have?</h2><p>Luke currently has five cavities.</p><h2>2. How old is Luke?</h2><p>Luke will be four years old next Saturday.</p><h2>3. Is Luke afraid of going to the dentist?</h2><p>Yes, Luke is currently afraid of going to the dentist due to his fear of doctors and nurses.</p><h2>4. How often does Luke brush his teeth?</h2><p>Luke brushes his teeth regularly, but it seems that it may not be enough to prevent cavities.</p><h2>5. How much will the dental treatment cost?</h2><p>The cost of the dental treatment for Luke's cavities will depend on the severity and the type of treatment needed. It is best to consult with the dentist for an accurate estimate.</p>

Related to I Am Freaking Out! Luke's Teeth.......

1. How many cavities does Luke have?

Luke currently has five cavities.

2. How old is Luke?

Luke will be four years old next Saturday.

3. Is Luke afraid of going to the dentist?

Yes, Luke is currently afraid of going to the dentist due to his fear of doctors and nurses.

4. How often does Luke brush his teeth?

Luke brushes his teeth regularly, but it seems that it may not be enough to prevent cavities.

5. How much will the dental treatment cost?

The cost of the dental treatment for Luke's cavities will depend on the severity and the type of treatment needed. It is best to consult with the dentist for an accurate estimate.

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