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I Am Coming to This Site for a Few Moments to Share and to Vent My

In summary, the author is feeling down about their business and struggling to make new friends. They are holding a team meeting to discuss how to improve their situation.
I am coming to this site for a few moments to share and to vent my defeated attitude! I know you all have shared my experience at one point and your career. And if you haven't... that's amazing! I feel like I have sent so many emails and asked so many people about hosting and they have all said no. These are my friends, my family, my most valuable leads! I feel stuck and all people keep telling me to do is to do more. I am trying!!! Anyone have any sure fire ways to stir up some new leads or put a fire in someones belly? :balloon:
I feel your pain! I will definitely be looking for what people have to say. I feel like I need to find a way out of the circle I've done the last 6 years, but have a hard time meeting new people. My dh and I were talking about maybe my working somewhere PT that would allow me to wear PC logo attire to attract attention and be a way for me to meet new people.

Good luck!!
I found for me the best hosts and leads I got were from the 2nd tier friends. You know, the acquaintences. Try them.

Oh I know how you feel. I've been there myself. Actually I have found friends and family are the people who don't feel bad about saying "no" to you.
You need to get out of the "friends and family" group.

I'm not sure how your past host group is (family/friends) since you've been selling for two years or if you have called any of them yet, but try looking up what one of them purchased from their show. Then call them and say, "I was just using (whatever they purchased) and I was thinking about you." "Have you been using (it), how do you like it, etc." This puts the call on a good note because you were thinking about them. Then tell them, "I also wanted to let you know The PC has the best specials I have seen since I started with the company." "You can get 50% more free this month!" or "You can get two items for 60% off next month just for have a $150 show!"

Another thing you can do is look at all your past customers. Pick someone who bought a fair amount of products. This way you know they like PC products but probably can't buy everything they want. People w/large orders can usually buy whatever they want. Call them up and say, "You've won my monthly drawing." They'll of course ask you what they won and you can tell them a "free show." Tell them you will bring the food, paper products, drinks and mail out the invites. If they aren't interested ask them if they would like to stay in your drawing in the future since you do this once a month. I know a consultant who did this one night until she had 8 shows for the month; however, one show could get your business going for the new year. I had one show last August that led to my best fall ever! You just never know when it is going to happen.

Of course if you don't think any of your past hosts/customers will work, you will have to get a booth at a fair, run an ad in the paper or even go door to door (you just have to watch the local restrictions). You can also pamper a business (although I've never been bold enough to do this).

I wish you the best of luck. Hang in there it will get better. There are always ups and downs in this business. You just have to hang through the down. I told myself when I first signed I would give this business 5 years to really get it going. I knew because I work it so part time I would need that long to grow it. It's starting to work. In December I sold over $1,100 and only had 1 show out of the house!

If you ever want a pep talk I would be happy to call you. I have free LD on my cell phone and plenty of minutes. Just PM me.
This is such a tough month. I too feel your pain...I have only 3 of 7 shows holding and I know I am letting the negative side of me get the best of me.

I held my team meeting this past Monday. I work full time and I am battling some depression and have had some challenging days at work. It was all I could do to be encouraging and offer motivation. When I am like this, the no's just compound my feelings and tend to shut me down.

I have a party Friday night so I think it will help me shake things off better. My Febraury should rock!

Hang in there! It WILL get better!!
Definitely get involved with any booths or bridal fairs that you can. It's a great way to generate a new customer base!
I also feel your pain - because I am going to a severe dry spell myself. I started out great I had 6 shows my first month (September) and for January I have NONE!!! My biggest problem is stepping out of my copmfort zone and seeking new contacts. In the beginning I was so excited about my business I was telling everyone and now the excitement is gone. I need to get that excitement back!!! Any suggestions. Another problem is that I put my business on the back burner so that I could plan for my wedding which happened on December 22nd. So NOW I am really to devote the time that I need to my business but where do I start??
So sorry you're feeling bummed. I get that way too sometimes. May I suggest that you use the phone instead of sending e-mails. It's easier for people to say no over the e-mail or just ot ignore you. Build relationship over the phone. Call past hosts and customers. Talk to them personally. Leave messages that say "I'll call you back in a few days if I don't hear from you." You can do this. Don't feel down. It's not you people are rejecting. They just don't want to have a show right now.
In my experience, friends are a great resource (for a while), but family is not.What someone said about 2nd tier friends/acquaintances, is right. I guess my best advice is when someone says no, ask if they know someone else who might be interested. If it's a close friend, ask them to ask around.
  • #10
Yes, we have all been in a place where we feel stuck. There are a couple things that I have done that have really helped.

First - I wear or carry something with the PC logo on it every where I go! I have several pins, shirts, coat, sweater, catalog tote......and I make sure that I am a walking billboard! I have gotten some great contacts/orders/show bookings from doing that! Always carry mini catalogs, business cards, and a couple host packets with you...and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get their contact info. If you just hand away info, and expect them to call you - you will be very disappointed.

I made up a 9 x 11 poster that says "It's Not Their Job To Call You ~ It's YOUR JOB To Call Them!" and I put this up right by my desk.

I started doing 3-2-1 contacts. This has been incredible! Almost immediately, I went from doing 3-6 shows a month to 9-12! I have more recruit leads than I have ever had, and my calendar is full for the next two months already! 3-2-1 works!

BUT - I really think the most important thing, and I know that this might sound silly or trite, but the best thing I have done for my business is to not quit. Even during the really down, or discouraged times, I determined that I was not going to give up - and I kept plugging along, doing what I needed to do, even when I didn't see results right away......and now, I have a great loyal customer/host base (Non-relative!) and a busy schedule. But it didn't come easy, or quickly....it's based on perseverance!
  • #11
[/QUOTE] BUT - I really think the most important thing, and I know that this might sound silly or trite, but the best thing I have done for my business is to not quit. Even during the really down, or discouraged times, I determined that I was not going to give up - and I kept plugging along, doing what I needed to do, even when I didn't see results right away......and now, I have a great loyal customer/host base (Non-relative!) and a busy schedule. But it didn't come easy, or quickly....it's based on perseverance![/QUOTE]

Becky that is some great advice. You worded it so much better then I did.:) (That's why I mentioned I was determined to give it 5 years. ) You're also right that you don't see results right away. What you do today will impact your business in 3 months.
  • #12
I know exactly how you feel. I've been selling for 2+ years with an average month of about 7 shows. For January, I have 3. I am also battling some depression and financial disabilities at the moment so the slump doesn't help me at all. Ihave a 3 yr old and would love to go get another PT job, but my finances won't allow since I'd be going to work to put her in daycare. Its a catch-22 and its so frustrating.
I like what Becky said though. Keep at it and get out of your comfort zone. (I'm preaching to myself, here.) Use the 3-2-1 plan and get off your butt! I feel like I've called each and every person I know, but to no avail. I think I'll get online and find some booths to start my business back up. BUt first, maybe what we need since we've both been selling for a while, is to fall in love with our business again. Remember what it was like when you first started?

okay, I'm done preaching now. Sorry. That really was more for myself than anyone else. thanks.
  • #13
I am in your boat, so skooch over and make some room. I only have 1 catalog show for this month, and 2 shows for Feb. When I make customer care calls, they act like they don't even want to talk to me let alone hear the upcoming specials. When you are battling depression, it gets harder to see the positive spin on things i.e. 100 no's. I have hit a slump and my calls are being affected. I'm not taking a hit to the ego, just getting to the point when you say to yourself that you are tired of feeling like you are bothering people.
  • #14
Not long ago my upline reminded us to remember our "why." Her point was that there are times when we don't necessarily like what we're doing or how we're doing it. During those times, remembering why can help us keep going.Your why may change over time, but as long as your current why is important to you, you should keep plugging away.

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