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I Am Being Selfish Here but I Need Help...

In summary, John has a new lump on his nose and is very afraid it may travel to his leg. He has a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning.
Silver Member
As many of you know, I had a band aid on my nose for all of conference. Well everythig seemed to being good and after I got back it looked like the infection was clearing up. It is MRCR and it is very virelant and today I noticed a new lump. It has traveled to the other side of my nose. My major fear is that I am now running a fever and am very afraid it may travel to my leg. I am so scared that I am sick to my stomach. I have a doctors appointment for tomorrow a.m. but I know wher ethe nearest hospital is if this gets even worse. The lump, which was not there this a.m. is now covering about 1/3 of the bridge of my nose.
The best part of all of this is that Pat is still laid up as well. He isn't listening to his doctor and has not gotten off his butt in over a week. He literally can not walk at all. I have been running around taking care of bills and this, that and the other thing and have exhausted myself. I just need some strength to get through this so I am asking for prayers of strength and hope. Thanks!
Sending you mega-prayers from El Paso. Get well John!
Prayers definitly coming your way John! Are their love one around that can help you with Pat. I know it hard but you should be not putting all the pressure on yourself.
John, have you talked to the doctor? Can you get in today? Take care of yourself boyfriend and keep us posted.
Prayers coming your way.
Oh I'm so sorry. It's no fun being sick, but having to add lots of worry to it is even worse. I hope maybe you can get in sooner to get it checked out. Be sure to take care of yourself too! Stress can make it worse. :( Keep us posted. I will be crossing my fingers for you!
You'll be in my prayers. And, just for the record, there's nothing selfish about seeking out help and comfort when you need it. We're here for you in whatever ways we can be.
Oh, John - I'm praying for you. I know you were concerned earlier about the infection. I hope your fears are unfounded and it clears up soon.
John - I'm an EMT, but not familiar with MRCR? Can you spell it out or explain?...and Rae, I think you need to do some ankle kicking for Pat. He NEEDS to listen to his doctors and he needs to get moving if he was told to!John - don't worry yourself sick it won't help. You know where to go if it gets worse and you do have that appt. scheduled. YOU are doing as you should and getting help.We'll be thinking of you and praying that all works out and you both heal.
  • #12
You are NOT being selfish! Please get yourself to the Dr....prayers are winging their way to you.
  • #13
Right, Janet. I'm on call for ankle-kicking, John, should you feel the need for my services.
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
John - I'm an EMT, but not familiar with MRCR? Can you spell it out or explain?

...and Rae, I think you need to do some ankle kicking for Pat. He NEEDS to listen to his doctors and he needs to get moving if he was told to!
John - don't worry yourself sick it won't help. You know where to go if it gets worse and you do have that appt. scheduled. YOU are doing as you should and getting help.

We'll be thinking of you and praying that all works out and you both heal.

No! No ankle kicking for Pat! Isn't it his leg/foot that is the problem anyway? If Rae kicks him it might make things worse and keep him on his butt longer. Now if she can stretch her legs reeeeealy far and kick his butt and make it too painful to sit on, then that would be good!

Oh and prayers to you John. And asking for support when you are worried is never selfish...
  • #15
I don't know if I can reach that far. How tall is he? I'm really short. Of course, if he's on the couch and we could get him to roll over . . .
  • #16
John, prayers for strength and healing are coming your way. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I'm not far away...and I KNOW where you live!!!
  • #17
John, take care of yourself! I've been meaning to call you to see what's up, but when I just haven't. Keep us updated.
  • #18
John - I'm sorry to hear this - I hope you're feeling better and can get some help soon!!
  • #19
Hoping things will get better for you John!
  • #20
Get well soon John & Pat -- any updates today?
  • #21
John: get to a doctor TODAY. I had MRSA five years ago while I was at conference (didn't know what it was), came home early and was hospitalized and SEPTIC. I almost died. Don't mess around with this. I've had a number of repercussions and side effects since then. Please get to a doctor today.
  • #22
Prayers coming your way.
and asking is never selfish...
  • #24
Yeah, John! What did the doctor say? And if you didn't go, what the h-e-double hockey sticks are you doing, not going? Don't make Linda and me come up there! We'll meet up with Diane and gang up on you. :)
  • #26
Nanisu said:
John: get to a doctor TODAY. I had MRSA five years ago while I was at conference (didn't know what it was), came home early and was hospitalized and SEPTIC. I almost died. Don't mess around with this. I've had a number of repercussions and side effects since then. Please get to a doctor today.

Oooh geez, Nancy! I'm glad you're ok from that. My father-in-law just was in the ICU and rehab hospitals recently because of sepsis, as well as other stuff. Scary stuff. Luckily he's ok, but it could have very easily taken a turn for the worst!

So, yes - John, please go get checked out. Hopefully that's what he's doing and why we're not hearing from him!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
OK. I got back home around 12:20. I had to get another antibiotic and he took another culture. We will know which strain it is by Friday. At which time he will determine the rest of my regime. Nancy, I know what your are talking about - I have been getting infection like this in my leg since 1996. In 2002 and 2005 I almost lost my leg both times. I have had about 18 out breaks but two were so bad, I wanted them to cut off my leg. Now as for what is happening now, it is moving to the left side of my nose. It was getting better but somehow something went wrong. I went to bed Monday night with a little touchiness but by Tuesday there was anew fisher going to the left side. By this a.m. it had doubled in size and is extremely warm and painful. I am on something called SMZ/TMP - combo drug - 800 mg of SMZ and 160 mg of TMP. I assume it it a major strength antibiotic. He was not pleased either that the good side had also reinfected. Anyway, that's were I sit. Waiting to see if more needs to be done. I may have to check into the hospital if it is the strain he thinks it is to be put on IV. UGH! Won;t that be fun and Pat still can't walk! We are checking to see about him going into the hospital as well today so maybe I won't need to worry about it. I am at home. I took the first pill about an hour ago. Boy is this gonna play havoc on my stomach! It beats the heck out of the alternative though! And Thanks every body! You have made me feel a little better! (Hugs Linda and Ann!) I will update you all in few days. With good news I hope!
  • #28
Oh John - I hate all that for you! Please take care of yourself and keep us updated. If you have to go to the hospital, take you cell phone with you so I can call you and check on you. Hopefully Pat will get admitted too so he'll have someone to take care of him - YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU RIGHT NOW!
  • #29
Ditto what Linda says!
  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
Oh John - I hate all that for you! Please take care of yourself and keep us updated. If you have to go to the hospital, take you cell phone with you so I can call you and check on you. Hopefully Pat will get admitted too so he'll have someone to take care of him - YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU RIGHT NOW!

chefann said:
Ditto what Linda says!

Ditto the ditto. (Well, except for the calling thing. I don't have your number. :eek:) I'll be praying, though.
  • #31
I'll be praying you and Pat. Hope you get feeling better soon.
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  • #32
Didn't mean to leave you out Diane! And I know you know where I live. (If it seems like I am doing too much, you may need to and smack me one or two times!) Funny thing, being that it is my nose I am not feeling to bad. Now, we may have figured out Pat's problem. Last Wednesday he got his new gout meds. He was also supposed to get a prescription for prednizone(sp?) It never got to the pharmacy. I picked it up today and he has three in him already. The pharmacist says he should actually feel a difference by as early as tomorrow night. THANK GOD!! Now here is the rest on me. My total antibiotic intake is 1060 mg between the two pills. I also have an antibiotic topical. Here is the really bad part that makes me very worried. As these infections have a tendency to "eat" whatever they glom on-to. It can also eat through what ever they grow on. My main focus is keeping it out of my eyes. However, I also have to be very aware of the inside of my nose. Should it break through to the nasal cavity it could be a bad ending. I guess it is very hard to contain once it goes internal. Especially there. If it is determined that the 1060 mg is not enough, I check into St. Francis on Friday night for about 4 days of IVs.
So that's where I am. I am keeping you all in my heart and thanks!
  • #33
Take care John! I had a staph infection in my nose a few months ago. My nose got so big, I looked like Shrek. The meds they gave me contained sulfar, which I find out I'm alergic to. I broke out in itchy hives all over my body. I missed 5 days of work (school teacher). I felt silly not coming because of my nose, but damn it hurt. I hadn't had to take that many vicadin even after my c-sections. I pray you and your loved one heal quickly.
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  • #34
Wow Julie! That's bad if it looked like Shrek's! And I know what you mean about painful. It is bad today. Really sore but i am ignorin git because i can't do anyting but what I am doing thus far. Now, Pat fell again this a.m. and called me at work about 10:30 a.m. I finally convinced him to go to the hospital. I called Bell Ambulance and they got him there around noon. I left about 1:15 as I was just getting in the way. It turns out I didn't know that he was not drinking all the liquids I was giving him, he kept spilling them so I thought he was drinking them. He never said anything to me. I found out this a.m. shen I touched the floor when I tried ot pick him up and found the floor was just soaked. And now he is so dehydrated that they could not even get a vein to put in an IV. They finally caught on in his wrist. UGH! They are going to run a bunch of tests and his ER Nurse said he will probably be busy until about 5 or 6 at which time they will admit him. She said he will definately be there for the weekend. So if nothing goes wrong, I can get a break to a point. I also overheard something I do not think either one of us was supposed to hear but the attending jumped on Pat's primary for not admitting him IMMEDIATELY when he realized that it was renal failure. The attending thinks Pat's kidneys may have shut down completely. His legs were really huge when I got home to him and I know I noticed htat right away. So, he's hanging int here but how much damage was done because doc made some bad decisions is yet to see. They are worried about heart issues as well as clots. What a mess. I gotta go, talk later!
  • #35
Wow! I'm glad you got him to where he needs to be! I'll keep praying for you both.
  • #36
Take care and keep us updated! Prayers going your way.IV antibiotics aren't so bad--not nearly as bad as the daytime tv they have on in the hospital, LOL.
  • #37
Oh John! I hate all this for you and Pat. Take care. I'm praying for you guys. Keep us updated when you can. TAKE CARE OF YOU!
  • #38
What Linda said! You know if you need anything - even just to talk - CALL!
  • #39
Yeah - what they said!You need to take care of yourself, first and foremost. If you're not well, then Pat won't have anyone to take care of him. It's like the "Parents put your oxygen mask on first" speech on airplanes.
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  • #40
OK. Hi Linda - 1:40 p.m. our time is a bit bad for me and with all the running I did today, I got home about 9:20. So I am not returning your call but here is the update. No news. Lisa at the doctors office told me they are back logged at the lab and should have the results by Monday afternoon. I do this, the sore itself has not gotten bigger but it did advance enough to "weep". So I have it covered still and coated in antibiotic ointment. The pain is not as bad as it was yesterday. No change with Pat except he must be feeling somewhat better. He was complaining about being so tired and bored. To cool. He is far from being out of the woods though as we discovered another problem today. He is having slight "interruptions" in his heart. They are hoping that as he rehydrates these will clear up. In the mean time they are monitoring him like they do most patients but have him on a special watch. They have seen blood in his urine thus telling us that his kidney function is far worse than first thought. They are concentrating on that part. As far as the gout goes. He is still on an oral. They do not want to fill him full of drugs that may deter the kidney function corrections. So he is now more than ever stiff as can be from the waist down. Here is a thought, sit on a chair and put your feet up. Notice that your feet lean at a 45 degree angle away from you? Well, his feet sit at the 90 degree angle you get when you put your feet on the floor. the main difference here is that his ankles are completely frozen in place. And because the natural movement is impaired. Lifting his feet causes him horrible pain too. Now think about laying in bed. Your knees are usually at an angle as well. He can;t do that either. They are sortta stuck at a bend but it is a locked bend so he can;t move them. You know you move your legs in your sleep about 200 times a night. Thus creating a safe haven of good circulation. He does not have that so now the problem arises of possible clots. This whole thing is just awful. I had an odd dream last night but I think it was mostly worry but according to this dream, he will be out of work until sometime just before Christmas. He will not be able to walk again for months. They are already telling him that he will need physical therapy, some one called it digital therapy???, I have to look tat one up, of some sort as the legs by now, have forgotten how to work. They can tell this I guess from the muscle tone. Or lack thereof. So I gotta get busy as I need to book a heck of a lot of parties to make up for the $500 a month he'll loose in pay. I am gonna be fairly busy this weekend with changes needed in several rooms that he will need to have done to be able to get into them so I may not be on again until Monday. So take care all of you too and my prayers are with you too!
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  • #41
Thanks for the update John, I was getting more worried about you! I was getting ready to email Deb to check on you. Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you guys!
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  • #42
Hi all. Just an update. "No news is good news" is how I am handling my issue with my nose. I got home and still no word about the labs. My feelings right are that all is right with the world! Since Saturday when I spoke to Linda, my nose is showing a marked improvement. The right side which had gotten worse last week, is now almost completely cleared up. There is a little red but nothing like it was and the left side, well I have a scab. Which in this game is a great thing. So the oral meds are working. And no pain! YEAH!! Now as far as Pat goes. His kidney function is up to about 75% or 80%. How they tell that I have no idea but it is good news. AND he was in a good mood today!! Even though he told me not to come and visit after work. I think he got worn out today. They actually felt he was ready for Physical Therapy and I think they wore him out! But he moved! He was happy, I could tell, about it. He told me they worked his legs like you see in all the movies and there was very little pain. So... That's where we are so keep those good thoughts and prayers going - they are working! I found this out after I talked to Lamar tonight. I am sorry I sounded so down Lamar. I didn't know it had been a good day for Pat. So thanks to all and like a few people have pointed out, we ain't out the woods yet, not until Pat is home and walking and I no longer have any skin breaks! Thanks everyone!
  • #43
Kick his bootie and make him keep up the therapy!!!
  • #44
So glad things are looking-up!
  • #45
John, I missed this thread due to my vacation and just saw it this morning! Holy cow! I pray that everything continues to move in the RIGHT DIRECTION for both of you! Glad to hear that things are on the mend, though!

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  • #46
OK. Update here. Been avery LONG WEEK! Well, my nose is looking much better but I feel like crap thanks to the pills and stress of dealing with Pat. I already warned my boss that somewhere along the line I am gonna need a break and will be taking a Friday or Monday off for a long weekend. Now, Pat got moved yesterday to Inpatient Rehab. (It looks more like an old age home because most of the patients are over 90 I swear!) Still in the same hospital just 1 floor up from where he was in CCU. Anyway, he had his first OT time today. So I will find out how it went later. I am having a heck of a time keeping up. Like yesterday, I met friends up in his room at 6:00 and we had to help him get up so the nurse could try to weigh him - Oh, he's lost 30 pounds in a month - NOT GOOD! And he still is not eating right. We were there abotu an hour and half. Then we left and I went home to run my regular day end programs for work. Then I went to sit with my cat and zonked on the couch! I woke up around 9"15 and talked to Pat for a bit then hit the hay. Tonight, I have to go to Wal*Mart for shoes as they are the only ones who carry the best ones for me. Then I have to run to HFC for the second mortgage payment, then Downtown to pay the water bill then I have to run home, run the day end programs for work, grab him some clothes as he now needs to dress and stay with him a bit as I won't be able to go there tomorrow. Then I have to get some literature ready for my stint in the booth at the state fair tomorrow night and wash some clothes and spend some time with Cirrus my cat. I still haven't figured when I am going to be able to go to the bathroom or eat! Tomorrow, I have to be at work by 6:30 a.m. as I am leaving early tomorrow. I am meeting Pat at the sister hospital at 2 p.m., they are running him down in an ambulance, so he can see a neurologist as the hospital he is at does not have the equipment needed for some sort of other x-rays. From there I go to the fair and won't be home until about 11 p.m. I am exhusted just thinking about it. Of course Saturday will come and I GET A BREAK!!!! I will go see Pat kinda early then I am going to go home, do more laundry, clean the house and then do some shopping and I have to look into a new bathroom and on Sunday I am working from about 9 a.m. until noonish. Going to see Pat. I still need to mow the lawn, water pots as we have not had enough rain to keep them wet, then I get to start all over on Monday with work, running, hospital home to run day end then..... Shall I continue? Geez, I think I just majorly wore myself out just thinking and typing that! I also need ot start getting mor ethan 6 hours of sleep. My mind keeps going after I lay down and so far nothing has made that go away. STOP THIS CRAZY RIDE, I WANNA GET OFF!!! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest and you all have a good 1!
  • #47
Good to hear from you John! Just as I start to write this, my family is calling me - drats! I'll call or write more later...
  • #48
John, you sound very much like George Jetson...."Jane, stop this crazy thing!!!"

Try to take care & get some rest this weekend~if you don't, you will regret it as you can't help take care of Pat if you are sick, right?!?
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  • #49
First and foremost - the infection is gone!!! The labs came back negative! My doctor has me on the meds though until they run out. But I can take off the band aid!! YEEE HAAA!
Now, we finally got word on why Pat can not walk. Apparently he has an extremely low pain threshold and because his brain could not deal with that pain in his legs, it shut them down. So it is all in his head as everything they have done as far as MRI's, ultra sounds and what now show NO REASON why he can not walk. They have him walking with his walker, he took 6 steps all on his own yesterday. He stood long enough to wash his lower parts in the bathroom. He needed a little help to stand that long but he did it. He sat in his wheel chair to do the top. He was able to pull on some shorts with the help of a tool like a "reacher". So he is better too. They are talking about him being able to leave by the 18th. I have calls out for help because I will have to remove the 100 year old claw foot tub from the bathroom and replace it with a walk-in shower. Small price to pay to get him home. They figure it will be anywhere from one to two more moths though before he will be able to go back to work. Until he can handle the front stairs - 9 of them - and remain on his feet for several hours, no way can he go back. So there we are. All they prayers are way helping! I SO VERY MUCH THANK YOU ALL! Love you all and take care! I will get back as soon as possible but I needed to rejoice here with all of you!
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  • #50
That's great, John!We're rejoicing with you! :D
<h2>1. What is the infection on your nose and is it contagious?</h2><p>The infection on my nose is called MRCR and it is very virulent, meaning it spreads easily. It is important to take precautions to prevent spreading it to others.</p><h2>2. What are the symptoms of the infection and how can I recognize them?</h2><p>The symptoms of MRCR include a rash or blisters on the affected area, fever, and swelling. It is important to seek medical attention if you notice these symptoms.</p><h2>3. How did you contract the infection and is there a way to prevent it?</h2><p>I am not sure how I contracted the infection, but it is usually spread through direct contact with an infected person's skin or bodily fluids. To prevent it, it is important to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with anyone who has the infection.</p><h2>4. What should I do if I have a similar infection and am experiencing fever and swelling?</h2><p>If you are experiencing symptoms of an infection, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to rest and take care of yourself to allow your body to fight off the infection.</p><h2>5. How can I support and help someone who is dealing with an infection like this?</h2><p>The best way to support and help someone with an infection is to offer emotional support and assistance with tasks they may be unable to do on their own. It is also important to encourage them to seek medical attention and follow their doctor's instructions for treatment.</p>

Related to I Am Being Selfish Here but I Need Help...

1. What is the infection on your nose and is it contagious?

The infection on my nose is called MRCR and it is very virulent, meaning it spreads easily. It is important to take precautions to prevent spreading it to others.

2. What are the symptoms of the infection and how can I recognize them?

The symptoms of MRCR include a rash or blisters on the affected area, fever, and swelling. It is important to seek medical attention if you notice these symptoms.

3. How did you contract the infection and is there a way to prevent it?

I am not sure how I contracted the infection, but it is usually spread through direct contact with an infected person's skin or bodily fluids. To prevent it, it is important to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with anyone who has the infection.

4. What should I do if I have a similar infection and am experiencing fever and swelling?

If you are experiencing symptoms of an infection, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to rest and take care of yourself to allow your body to fight off the infection.

5. How can I support and help someone who is dealing with an infection like this?

The best way to support and help someone with an infection is to offer emotional support and assistance with tasks they may be unable to do on their own. It is also important to encourage them to seek medical attention and follow their doctor's instructions for treatment.

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