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How to Reignite Your Passion for Your PC Business?

In summary, the person is feeling burnt out and their director told them to remember why they started selling PC and not to focus on recruiting. They also suggested doing something with their commission and having cluster meetings in different areas.
I am feeling a little burned out- What do you do to get excited about PC again? I am not excited about the new products-which I usually am.
I do like the new interactive shows!
So what keeps YOU going?
When was your last cluster meeting? I always feel more pumped after a meeting.
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  • #3
I haven't been to a cluster meeting in a long time- maybe that's the problem!
My director lives 2 hours from me. There is a meeting about 40 mins. from me- but it's always been held on a night that we have church.
Maybe check into a different cluster that is closer to you. How often do you talk with your director?
Feeling burnt out here too! I haven't done a cooking show since November. Had just ind. orders in December and a surprise catty show in January and one in February but nothing else on my calender (and I haven't even bothered to try! :blushing: ) I've been selling PT-FT (6-8 shows, approx $2K to $4K per month - three recruits) along with having a FT job and two kids for three years and I'm just soooo tired and not 'feelin' the love at all'. I haven't even opened my SAT box yet and I earned level 3!! It's just sitting in my office along with my UNopened changeover box.

Wondering if the fuzzy feeling will come back or not.....
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  • #6
"I'm just soooo tired and not 'feelin' the love at all'"

That's what I talkin about!

It's hard when there isn't any cluster meetings closer and I get the feeling sometimes that my director only wants to talk recruiting.

It's funny that I am feeling this way~ my director told me that I was her highest selling consultant last year- so where's the love gone?!
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  • #7
Feeling like a song is coming on: " you've lost that lovin' feelin. waoo~that lovin' feelin'.Cause it's gone... gone....gone. waooo
My upline suggested that we remember our "why" when we're feeling burned out. Why did you start selling PC, and why have you continued. Sometimes what we're doing doesn't excite us, but the free products (or the tuition for our children's hoity-toity preschool, or the mortgage payment, or the weekly manicures, or the amazing recognition) still does.No, these aren't necessarily my whys. The hoity-toity preschool comes from a sweet friend. I will admit that the income from PC makes me feel much less guilty about the occasional mani/pedi, though.Honestly, most of us have been there. It doesn't necessarily mean it's time to throw in the (micro-fiber) towel. It's usually a good time to step back and evaluate what you're doing and why, though.
what keeps me going...I started the Thread 'Why do YOU love PC?' (I think it is under Chef's Lounge) because I was at the point in my career (even though it has been short) where I was questioning EVERYTHING about the biz!

My D told me to remember WHY I started with PC, take a step back to breathe, and to NOT focus on ANY recruiting because that is where she noticed the 'problem' to begin. I turned in my Shows - four over $1000 and EVEN THAT didn't excite me.

She also suggested to DO something with my Commission - go on a Holiday with my family, buy something that I wouldn't normally, do whatever I wished to give me satisfaction for realize why I LOVE having my own biz. That would make me (and my DH) appreciate all my hard work.

I also re-vamped my Show Outline, started to work smarter and not harder, and scheduled PC time (just like I would if I had a 'regular' job).

I got to the point where I KNEW I NEEDED to tell my D what I needed from her. So she asked me HOW often I wanted contact from her and whether I prefered phone or email. She asked me (and others on the Team) what OUR PERSONAL goals are so she could recognize them (it is nice to have OTHER people recognized rather than the usual 'Top Show', 'Top Recruiter', etc.) I also told/encouraged her (with MY help) to have her own Team Meeting (not with HER D and others) and asked if she would be open-minded to accepting others opinions and topic suggestions for what THEY WANT to learn about. This has helped myself (and others) A LOT!!! My D is also willing to have Cluster Meetings in different areas (some in the North part of the city, some in the South) so it is easier and more convenient for everyone.

IMO, Cluster Meetings (even occasionally) are SO important because it gives you the boost, motivation, and excitement that we ALL need. :) .........
  • #10
sorry........I didn't realize how LONG that post was. LOL :eek:
  • #11
We all get into funks. Unfortunately, it is just like trying to lose weight...there is no magic pill!! (DAMN!!) I am also in a semi-slump myself. I purchased a tape a few years back about getting out of slumps and getting your business back on track.
Basic summary...just start by working your business. Fake it till you make it! For me, I am going to go get my big girl panties on and get on the phone. I would rather sit by the fireplace and turn my brain into mush watching tv!! But a mushed brain won't cut it!!
I think once your customers start to see the Spring/Summer products, their excitement will get you going again. Right now where I live, there is over a foot of snow on the ground and cold temperatures. It is hard to imagine BBQing right now.
I gave the Spring/Summer catalog out to a few customers last night and they scooped it up and were getting excited about what they saw.
So don't give up, get on that darned phone and maybe the love will start trickling in again!:balloon:
  • #12
stefani2 said:
....I didn't realize how LONG that post was. LOL :eek:
Jenna...your post was great!! I too forgot that cluster meetings put the fun back into your business too. I "conduct" all of our meetings since my cluster is in another state. I get my excitement from my team...because they get excited when they attend the meetings! In my opinion, they are the critical to attend. The ones that are the most excited and do the best are those that attend regularly.
  • #13
Spring products....I hope I don't start a HUGE fight over this! - but I am not as excited about the Spring products as I was the Fall products. I think that is why I hit my HUGE slump mid-Jan.

My D told me that 'as a Consultant, you aren't ALWAYS going to LOVE ALL the new products, just like you are not ALWAYS going to LOVE the new promos'.

She told me the story that when HO changed the SA to be round instead of square - she was so *$ssed that she wanted to quit (she was already a D with 9 people on her Team)! But she 'got over it' and realized OTHER people's excitement over new products/colors/etc. got HER excited AND she focused on the positive (ex: the things she DID like about the products). Apparently it worked because she has continued on for 2 years since her 'fence-sitting'! (and has recruiting ANOTHER 8+ people!)

Hang in there, take a step back to breathe........DS is a roller coaster! :)

(hope I help you and I am not just rambling on for nothin'! LOL)
  • #14
Yeah, it's like when they come out with a new color that I think is really ugly. It's hard to manufacture excitement. I know that, for me, talking with a few other consultants who are excited about the new stuff helps me get back into the groove.
  • #15
Cluster Meetings being far away from you,...Theresa,
Could you plan in advance to attend a Cluster Meeting and just make a day of it (because it is a 2 hour drive from you)? Our monthly meetings are 1 1/2 hours away from me...so I totally relate on how you feel......:yuck:

But, for ME, meetings are a MUST - I lose my 'love', my focus, my motivation, and everything when I don't attend them because I don't have that contact with other Consultants. CS has definately helped to SAVE my biz, but I also NEED to physically SEE other Consultants and their excitement (it transfers to me - totally contagious), which is what you will get with Cluster Meetings. But again, that is only my opinion and what has worked for me! :chef:
  • #16
I highly suggest you make time to get to your cluster meeting! There is a sister director in my director's cluster who drives 4.5 hours EACH WAY to the cluster meeting each month. She only misses about 2 a year and she lives in the middle of nowhere with mountain roads and snow. And, she isn't a "spring chicken" either! She is a grandma and takes care of her parents. So, I KNOW it can be done!
  • #17
It's still a little ways off, but if there's a regional meeting near you (end of April, beginning of May - info in the Feb. 5 Weekly Bites), that will definitely get you excited again. People have called them mini-Conference, but they really have a far more intimate feel than Conference. The last time HO offered one in MI, I went, and there were some great group activities, like brainstorming tips and alternate uses for that season's new products. It's those types of things that help change up one's mindset, that seem to help me.
  • #18
Yes, I agree - regionals get you motivated -

Also - try a online training or teleclass - not that you need additional training but it might bring your love back to the business

This business is like anything in life - it will have its good day and its bad days - I think everyone loses the "love" occasionally -

Figure out your goal.... aim to achieve it.... when you start to see it getting within a close reach... go for it

Make the goal reachable - start at ok - I want to do 3 shows in March - and take it from there

Do a mystery host - make it like a game show and have fun with it - when you have fun it will bring the love back-

Sometimes I get fed up with "shlepping" the stuff - then I get in the car - turn on some great 80's music and am pumped up to do my show and have a blast!! Keeps my love when I come home -enter in the show - and go to the Monthly sales diary and say "damn, just got that $$$ for that?? Aint it nice to get paid to party"??
  • #19
When I first started 8 years ago, I was like a sponge and couldn't get enough so I bought Belinda Ellsworth tapes. I do remember her saying that you won't always be thrilled about the products, but your company hires people to research the trends, etc. She suggested not to get discouraged and to sell them with the same enthusiasm. If your customers like the product, that's all that matters!
  • #20
First of all, let me just say, what you're feeling is "normal", and a very natural part of the business!
I agree with most of the posts on this thread. I've been with PC for over 10 years now, so I've had many ups and downs, to be sure.
Here's my own "personal prescription" for you...

1. Take a week off. Not a day, not a month. A week. Schedule it, so you'll be ready to use it well.
2. When the week starts, look at a few things. Are you getting enough sleep? How are you eating? How are you feeling? (physically, that is) If you are not taking care of yourself, it's very easy to get burned out, run down, and possibly even sick. Spend a little bit of time this week to seriously evaluate yourself!! Please don't skip this step...it really is important.
3. Now it's time to something that YOU really enjoy, that will totally relax you. It could be something as simple as a bubble bath, or maybe something like a nice dinner out, or maybe a pedicure/manicure...maybe all three! You will know what you want to do...indulge, and enjoy.
4. After this, it's time to think a bit about your business. How have you been with it? Do you have a full calendar? (I suspect that you probably don't which is one reason you're feeling a bit discouraged!)
5. OK, now...re-visit the "WHY", the reason you started your business. Is that still a reason you NEED to be doing PC? If the need has changed, what is your current reason to continue?
6. What do you enjoy about being a Consultant? Get out pen and paper, and actually write it down. Then, do the same for the things you don't like so much. Which column is bigger?
7.If you could take your business to any level you wanted, what would that be?
8.Take a look at the online training. Any classes you haven't taken yet? Commit to taking one class every 2-3 days, until you've taken all of them.
9. Look at the PC library, and all the dvd's and cd's offered there. Really read the descriptions, and circle 2 or 3 that you think you'd find helpful. Order them, and listen to them, but no more than one per day. Take notes.
10. Finally, and this is a biggie...imagine your life without PC in it. Picture that you are done, as of right now, this moment. How does that feel to you? Sad? Relief? Scary? I personally think that this is the most important thing. Listen to the phone call, the recorded message on our recruiting flyer, where Nancy Jo talks about how much she missed the business when she stepped down. See if you can relate to her at all.

Sorry this is kind of long, but I really hope this helps you. I believe that, if you do all of these things, you will know in your heart, the answer that is the right one. Personally, I LOVE my business, and cannot imagine, even with its ups and downs, of leaving it! But you're not me. You've gotta follow your heart, your dream. And only you can determine what that will be.

I truly wish you all the best!!

God bless,

Related to How to Reignite Your Passion for Your PC Business?

1. How do I know if I am experiencing burnout?

Burnout can manifest in various ways, but common signs include feeling exhausted and drained, having a negative attitude towards work, and experiencing physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, and lack of motivation.

2. What are the main causes of burnout?

Burnout is often caused by chronic stress and an overwhelming workload. Other factors may include lack of control over work, unclear expectations, and a lack of support or recognition from colleagues.

3. How can I prevent burnout?

There are several ways to prevent burnout, including setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, taking breaks and vacations, and seeking support from colleagues or a therapist. It's also important to regularly reassess your workload and delegate tasks when necessary.

4. Is burnout the same as stress?

While burnout and stress can have similar symptoms, they are not the same. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, while stress is a response to a specific situation or event.

5. What should I do if I am experiencing burnout?

If you are experiencing burnout, it's important to address it as soon as possible. Talk to your manager or human resources department about your workload and any support or resources that may be available. Consider seeking therapy or support from a mental health professional to help you cope with burnout and develop healthy coping strategies.

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