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How Many Shows Are Needed to Earn a Consultant Incentive Trip?

In summary, Paula has been a consultant for 10 years, and has never earned a PC trip. She is embarrassed to admit it, but is hoping to change that this year. She plans to sell 100 shows in a year, and is frustrated that she is not good at generating leads.
Paula R. Lewis
Gold Member
OK, I have to admit it...I've NEVER earned a PC trip! I've been a Consultant for 10 years now, so I'm really embarassed:eek: to admit that!:blushing:
I have earned Level 1, and that's been great, but I REALLY want to earn one of those fabulous trips!!:thumbup:

So, my question to all you "veteran" trip earners...how many shows did you actually do to get your trip earned?:angel:

I would like to get a better focus for next year, so all suggestions are welcome.

I know that recruiting is probably the best thing to do, but, to tell you the truth, I'm really a TERRIBLE recruiter!!:grumpy: I'm great at helping my girls, and they know I'm there for them, any time. They really do love me, I believe!:love: I feel the same about them, too. They want me to promote, and I really want to as well, but I'm just not real good at generating those leads and then getting them to actually sign up!!:rolleyes:

So, I know I need to focus on sales, and work on getting better at recruiting, too, but I want to hear numbers for the shows done...

I am thinking about 100 shows in a year...does this sound about right?

Thanks so much!
Hang in there, Paula! You can do it!!! This past year I sold about $52,000 and earned some double points and qualified about 3 consultants. Earned the cruise, but missed London by $5400. That would have been 3 more qualified consultants. I recruited several, but about 3 did nothing with their kits.:mad: Also, I am a director and my incentive points are slightly lower. I did about 90 shows. One of my Future Directors did over 100 parties and just crossed into the cruise catagory. She earned level 2 last year also. I have earned 2 level two's and 2 level three's. You will enjoy the trips once you earn them!! They treat us so well! Really try to get your January and February going...they will set the pace for the year.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks, Ann! I always feel the excitement when the trips are announced, and want to earn one sooo much!! But, on the inside, it's like a quiet little "sigh" going on, thinking how it would be so awesome!...if only...

I have recruited 8 people in my PC career. 2 were out-right kit-nappers. 3 did 2 shows and quit, never qualifying either. Of the other 3, I have one that is really awesome, does the $1250 level most of the time.
One has gone inactive, and I don't think she's coming back, though she hasn't come out and told me so yet.
The other one...great gal, but I swear she's gotta have the company record for going inactive, then re-activating right away!! She's about to go inactive at the end of this month, yet again, and it's sooo frustrating! I feel bad for her, as she's moved to Texas, and I'm in Ohio, so I have a hard time getting her on the phone. She's also pregnant again (5th child), so who knows what'll happen now? I need more recruits!!! lol

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. I really need it. I hit a little over $26,000 in sales this year, which is my highest yet, so I'm getting up to about halfway there now!! I just get frustrated when I see people who seem to "effortlessly" earn trip after trip. They make it sound so easy. I wish it was easy for me!!

But, I'm too stubborn to just give up! I WILL continue, and one day I cannot help but believe it WILL happen!! ha! ha!

Thanks for letting me vent a little!

You are right, the recruting makes a HUGE difference. I do about 6 show a month and I have earned 3 level 2 trips. (hoping for level 3, but I had a tough summer). Working a consistant business really makes a difference with the recruiting too. So your hosts, and customers see that this is really a business, not just a hobby.

Since you have set your mind to do it, you will. And once you earn one, you will earn one every year. It's true what you hear. PC is the best way to travel!

Your story sounds almost identical to mine!

I have been with PC for 5 years - have earned the first level 4 out of 5 years. I am a really bad recruiter though. I have people all the time who I get them right to the point of signing, and then they back away. I don't understand it - neither does my director - she has come with me and talked to some of the potentials I've had, and she thought for sure they were going to sign too - but nope! I actually had 5 signed, active recruits at the end of my first yr with PC, got the call, and then found out I was, by a miracle, pregnant. I was on complete bedrest for over half of my pregnancy, and then had a premature baby....so although I never went inactive, I did lose the directorship I had for...oh, maybe 5 minutes! I have never been able to regain that momentum. I've had kit-nappers, and others who never qualified, and still others who qualified and than disappeared. Right now, I have one recruit who is very consistent - meaning she turns in at least something every month, and another who is mostly inactive, but always does just enough to reactivate in time to get the new products for 50% off. I have 2 recruits who are supposed to be signing this week - but I never hold my breath anymore, because I've heard it so many times......I hope they sign though, because I have already given them bookings to get started!

I have been doing 3 shows a week for the past 3-4 months, and it looks like it's continuing into January and February. In 2007, I did 70 shows, and $36,000 in sales. Because of double points, if I had had 4 more recruits who qualified(I had 1 who qualified!) - I would have earned a cruise. It really hurts when I see that and realize how close I came!

Somehow, this year, I have to get the recruiting thing figured out! If I could just do that, I would have a trip!
I've looked around CC and can't find the level goals ($ earned, recruits - etc). Where can I find that?
Set a goal for yourself each month to help you hit the level you want by the end of the year. Start of with a strong January and February, the double points and extra points you can earn in those months are BONUS!! My director over books every double point month. Her family knows that it means she could do a show every other day if needed to earn those extra points. I've seen her have 15 shows in one month last year for double points. Also keep track through the year. I didn't think I could earn level 1 ($300 conference cash) in my first year. 23,000 points seemed so high! Then in June I realized I had a chance to earn it and started keeping track so I knew how much I needed to go. I hit it in November and never looked back! I heard someone on here mention to plan on trying to hit your goal by October or November so that if you don't, you have that extra cushion to help you.
Actually - I found where the point levels are and how many points I have, but where can I find how points are earned?

Also - are points earned Jan 1 - Dec 31 for the following year's trips?
redsoxgirl said:
Actually - I found where the point levels are and how many points I have, but where can I find how points are earned?

Also - are points earned Jan 1 - Dec 31 for the following year's trips?

On CC, click on the consultant incentives tab, and then, on the drop down menu, click on "the choice is yours" (the name of the incentive program this year)....that will take you to the page with all of the rules, a tracking chart, etc....

And yes, points are earned Jan 1 - Dec 31 for the following year's trips.:)
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
On CC, click on the consultant incentives tab, and then, on the drop down menu, click on "the choice is yours" (the name of the incentive program this year)....that will take you to the page with all of the rules, a tracking chart, etc....
found it - thanks :chef:
  • #11
I can't wait to see where the next incentive trip will be!
  • #12
I'm three qualified consultants away from earning the cruise and only 4 days left. :( If I earn it it will be because of recruiting. I work full time so I can't do as many shows as I would like. My goal is to turn in the $1250 a month needed for the Director benefit and to grow my team. I earned level one my first year, level 2 the second year. Level three will be difficult unless I quit my job and just do this. Hopefully soon!

Don't say you're a horrible recruiter because you will believe it and it will be true. Say that you have a great opportunity to offer ANYONE, that you work for a great compnay and EVERYONE should give this a try. Have that attitude and they will come. :) Recruiting can be the difference between earning a trip or not. Have them comit to the four shows and give them a plan to get that done, then be their cheerleader. Best wishes.
  • #13
Addie4TLC said:
I'm three qualified consultants away from earning the cruise and only 4 days left. :( If I earn it it will be because of recruiting. I work full time so I can't do as many shows as I would like. My goal is to turn in the $1250 a month needed for the Director benefit and to grow my team. I earned level one my first year, level 2 the second year. Level three will be difficult unless I quit my job and just do this. Hopefully soon!

Don't say you're a horrible recruiter because you will believe it and it will be true. Say that you have a great opportunity to offer ANYONE, that you work for a great compnay and EVERYONE should give this a try. Have that attitude and they will come. :) Recruiting can be the difference between earning a trip or not. Have them comit to the four shows and give them a plan to get that done, then be their cheerleader. Best wishes.

So true Addie.
Recruiting was my difference between levels 3 and 4!
My recruiting points alone earned me level 1
  • #14
dannyzmom said:
So true Addie.
Recruiting was my difference between levels 3 and 4!
My recruiting points alone earned me level 1
How many people do you have under you Carolyn that you have recruited?
  • #15
Earn tripLet me first say you have to set your goal & work towards it. Positive attitude is everything!!
I've been with PC for 5 years as well & this year set my goal on level 2, I will earn level 4. (I have 2 consultants that will qualify yet & then I will be there)

I did 129 shows with sales of 71,447 & signed 13 consultants with 12 qualifying.

once you have a strong show schedule, you will be in front of enough people to recruit enough people. Say you are a great recruiter & believe it & you will be!!
Hope this helps. Double points & recruiting points really help!!

Related to How Many Shows Are Needed to Earn a Consultant Incentive Trip?

1. How can I qualify for an incentive trip with Pampered Chef?

To qualify for an incentive trip with Pampered Chef, you must meet specific sales and recruiting goals set by the company. These goals may include reaching a certain amount of sales, sponsoring a certain number of new consultants, or achieving a certain level of leadership within the company.

2. When are the deadlines to qualify for the upcoming incentive trip?

The deadlines to qualify for the upcoming incentive trip vary depending on the trip and the qualifications. It is important to stay updated on the current incentive trip requirements and deadlines by checking the Pampered Chef website or talking to your team leader.

3. Are there any restrictions on who can attend the incentive trip?

The Pampered Chef incentive trips are open to all active consultants who meet the qualifying requirements. However, there may be certain restrictions based on the location of the trip, such as age restrictions or travel restrictions for international trips.

4. Can I bring a guest with me on the incentive trip?

In most cases, Pampered Chef allows consultants to bring a guest with them on the incentive trip. However, there may be additional fees for the guest's travel and accommodations. It is important to check with the company for specific guidelines and restrictions for bringing a guest.

5. If I qualify for the incentive trip, can I choose my own travel dates?

The travel dates for the incentive trip are typically predetermined by the company and cannot be changed. It is important to plan accordingly and make sure you are able to attend the trip on the designated dates before qualifying.

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