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How is Gillian doing? Update us!

In summary, Gillian is pregnant and has been hurt by private messages. She is doing well and is focusing on her baby.
  • #51
Keep going so you can recruit more & sell more!!:)
  • #52
Good news, Gillian! I'm glad to hear no bedrest and the baby is fine.
  • #53
holy crap your sign is funny!
  • #54
That's great!!
gilliandanielle said:
I am back from my appointment- NO BEDREST!! WOOOO HOOOO! My doc said that I can contract all I want because it isn't changing my cervix... I am so relieved that I can continue with my shows and not have to reschedule them all!

Good for you!! That's great to hear! Bedrest is a pain and I am glad you are doing so well with your shows and your health!
Debbie :D
  • #56
Hey Gillian!

I am really glad that the baby decided to keep cozy for a while longer! Good luck with your shows. I just started my Step Up to Director on Tues. ... PM me and I will tell you all about it. :rolleyes:
  • #57
Yeah for you !!! that is great news Gillian!!!
  • #58
GReat News Gill!!!:)
  • #59
gilliandanielle said:
I am back from my appointment- NO BEDREST!! WOOOO HOOOO! My doc said that I can contract all I want because it isn't changing my cervix... I am so relieved that I can continue with my shows and not have to reschedule them all!
Awesome! I am so happy for you:D
  • #60
SillyChef said:
Hey Gillian!

I am really glad that the baby decided to keep cozy for a while longer! Good luck with your shows. I just started my Step Up to Director on Tues. ... PM me and I will tell you all about it. :rolleyes:

I was supposed to call into my SUTD kickoff at 6:30 last night but totally forgot! My DH was painting his game room and I offered to help for a few minutes. I totally forgot to call in!

My director is going to be P.O'd!!
  • #61
Gillian, glad to hear that the appointment went well. You've got more incubation time to go! I don't know why I thought you were due in May! What's the date in June?
  • #62
gratergirl said:
Gillian, glad to hear that the appointment went well. You've got more incubation time to go! I don't know why I thought you were due in May! What's the date in June?
My due date is June 19th but I will most likely have her in May. I have never had a baby in the month I was due, LOL!
  • #63
gilliandanielle said:
My due date is June 19th but I will most likely have her in May. I have never had a baby in the month I was due, LOL!
Oh, because you have just had SO many, lol. I on the other hand went the hospital the day before my first was due, and finally they took him on the next day his due date. After that they were all planned dates, ughh.
  • #64
LOL!! Sometimes it feels like 5 or 6!!
  • #65
gilliandanielle said:
LOL!! Sometimes it feels like 5 or 6!!
I know what ya mean!
Now myself, I've had my girls in the month they were due, but with both; the doc that delivered was NOT my doc! Talk about freaking you out; when the doc that walks in, you have no idea who he is!
  • #66
I'm glad everything is ok with you and the baby - hope the rest of your pregnancy flies by and goes well! I totally missed whatever the hub-bub was about, but I'm sorry it happened anyway. I don't read all the messages on ChefSuccess every day, so I guess it blew past me. Try to let go of the hurtful things that have been said or PM'd to you....and focus on some positive things - You are a very big contributor on ChefSuccess, and I would hate to lose you because due to cyber-bullying or whatever you want to call it.

Prayers are said for you every day - take care
  • #67
Thank you everyone!

Lacy- I live in a relatively small town and there is always an on-call doc from my practice (there is only 3 of them that share on-call) at the hospital. With my other two my doc has come in to deliver me anyway even when she wasn't on-call...I love her to death!
  • #68
Meet everyone
lacychef said:
I know what ya mean!
Now myself, I've had my girls in the month they were due, but with both; the doc that delivered was NOT my doc! Talk about freaking you out; when the doc that walks in, you have no idea who he is!

I would suggest you ask your doctor to introduce you to the other doctors in the practice who may have to deliever your baby if your doctor is not on call.

It helps to make you a little familiar with those other doctors who might have to come in and deliver your baby. They might not also be familiar with, let's say, medical problems.
Every one of my pregnancies I have had gestational diabetes where I inject insulin and prick my finger to get sugar level readings. :eek:
I made sure every doctor knew that. I am fine after the pregnancy but am still very careful about exercise and diet because diabetes runs rampant in my family.
Debbie :D
  • #69
DebbieSAChef said:
I would suggest you ask your doctor to introduce you to the other doctors in the practice who may have to deliever your baby if your doctor is not on call.

It helps to make you a little familiar with those other doctors who might have to come in and deliver your baby. They might not also be familiar with, let's say, medical problems.
Every one of my pregnancies I have had gestational diabetes where I inject insulin and prick my finger to get sugar level readings. :eek:
I made sure every doctor knew that. I am fine after the pregnancy but am still very careful about exercise and diet because diabetes runs rampant in my family.
Debbie :D
That sucks! Do you have to drink that nasty drink soon? I had to do it at my last appointment but I thought I read that they do it earlier if you have a history of gestational diabetes. Have your babies been big because of it?
  • #70
gilliandanielle said:
That sucks! Do you have to drink that nasty drink soon? I had to do it at my last appointment but I thought I read that they do it earlier if you have a history of gestational diabetes. Have your babies been big because of it?
OH man, I had to drink that nasty stuff with my last pregnancy cause my blood sugar was high. Glad I only had to do that once!
  • #71
I did it last week and they only give you 10 minutes to get the whole drink down. It tasted like warm flat orange soda even though it was in the coldest part of my fridge. I had to fast before drinking it too so I almost threw the whole thing up!
  • #72
UGHH, I hate that stuff. The last time they said they now have 2 whole flavors, lol. Bad and worse IMO.
  • #73
Now myself, I've had my girls in the month they were due, but with both; the doc that delivered was NOT my doc! Talk about freaking you out; when the doc that walks in, you have no idea who he is!

Been there too!. My Dr. (female) was a friend of mine. I use to manage a "mom & pop" video store and knew her and her DH (now former DH), kids as great customers first. She later was my DS's ob/gyn when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We became even closer after my DS died. When I became PG, I knew I wanted her as my dr. but had to drive out of town for appointments and a hospital that she could use. Being very self -conscious about my body was not an issue with her. Well naturally she told me at our last appointment that she was going to be out of town, not to have the baby. I guess that was all it took to induce labor!
The attending dr. was a man. It's funny when you are having contractions how fast you lose all modesty!
  • #74
My dad and I don't really have a vagina-flashing relationship but I could have cared less when I was delivering my son that my dad was standing right there taking pictures!
  • #75
My dad and I don't really have a vagina-flashing relationship but I could have cared less when I was delivering my son that my dad was standing right there taking pictures!

You are killing me! I totally didn't see that one coming. My cats think I have lost it completely!http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy0032.gif
  • #76
I love having a female doc and have never had a male doc, but I agree- when it is time to push I don't care who is catching!!
  • #77
gilliandanielle said:
I love having a female doc and have never had a male doc, but I agree- when it is time to push I don't care who is catching!!
Now THAT'S funny! I used to be soooo modest, but after my miscarriage, anyone could pretty much get a look-see. LOL
  • #78
AJPratt said:
Now THAT'S funny! I used to be soooo modest, but after my miscarriage, anyone could pretty much get a look-see. LOL
I usually don't tell first time Mom's this, but when I had my son, I wouldn't have cared if the janitor had to mop the floor by the doctor and stopped to watch!!:eek: :eek: I know they say that birth is a beautiful thing to watch...but please!!!!:rolleyes:
  • #79
We could form an "Ann Club"!
  • #80
Yes, there are many by the name of Ann on this loop. A sign of greatness, perhaps?:D :rolleyes:
Just received this e-mail and thought of all of the pregnant consultants on CS. Thought you would get a little chuckle!


Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will the baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.

Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational.
A: So what's your question?

Q: My childbirth instructor says its not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word alimony means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.
  • #81
I am going to share these with a friend of mine! HILARIOUS!!
  • #82
Love It!!
baychef said:
Yes, there are many by the name of Ann on this loop. A sign of greatness, perhaps?:D :rolleyes:
Just received this e-mail and thought of all of the pregnant consultants on CS. Thought you would get a little chuckle!


Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will the baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.

Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational.
A: So what's your question?

Q: My childbirth instructor says its not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word alimony means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.

THAT IS FUNNY!! Thanks for the laughs. I love it! I am going to have to share that with all my preggo friends at church. This last time I had my son I didn't get the epidural because everything went to fast. I really thought I was going to die.
My husband encouraged me to do whatever was necessary to comfort me and get that kid out!! I held out and was glad I did. Afterwards I felt great, I mean sore and tired, but not drugged.
Usually my epidurals didn't take full effect or kicked in too late and I would end up numb for hours after birth and had to have a catheter inserted! :eek:
It was horrible. This hurt like I never imagined but it went quickly and I'm glad I didn't have to have it done. I have a friend who wants it done the minute she has a contraction!!! LOL

Debbie :D
  • #83
LMAO!! These are hilarious!

About me- I had my second show this week today and it went a lot better than Monday's. I got to say everything I wanted and had LOTS of help carrying everything in and out. I had $550 in sales with 7 guests (compared to $400 in sales, 20 guests at my Mon show) and it went very smoothly. I am SO tired and don't know how much energy I'll have for tomorrow's show. I am training recruits this week and have another coming to my show tomorrow with her recruit, so I want to be at my best...
  • #84
gilliandanielle said:
LMAO!! These are hilarious!

About me- I had my second show this week today and it went a lot better than Monday's. I got to say everything I wanted and had LOTS of help carrying everything in and out. I had $550 in sales with 7 guests (compared to $400 in sales, 20 guests at my Mon show) and it went very smoothly. I am SO tired and don't know how much energy I'll have for tomorrow's show. I am training recruits this week and have another coming to my show tomorrow with her recruit, so I want to be at my best...
Awesome Gill! You're having a great month!
  • #85
Gil, good job!! I will be doing the Happy dance for you when you promote!!:)
  • #86
Just wanted to say that I've been thinking of you alot lately, hoping that you are doing well. Seems like I missed alot while I was away (not able to be on here as much). But you are a blessing hun, and a wonderful person...I know you helped me during my pregnancy and then my loss...so thank you!!! Take care of yourself...:)
  • #87
Oh Nicole- you are sweet! I think about you often as well. Are you guys trying again or taking a break?
  • #88
not trying at the momentWell, we're still living apart (going on 2 yrs now). He's up in Maryland going to school to change his job in the Army....while I'm down here in Miami FL with his parents. He graduates April 12th...after that, we're off to Germany. woohoo!! So that is why Caleb and I are down here with my in-laws. As for trying again, (once we are living "together") I'm not sure if we'll start trying again soon...its just hard. I mean, I have my Faith..and my relationship with the Lord is growing more each day... I just need to make sure my body is prepared. That was 2 losses in 2 yrs...anyways...I'm doing okay though. I'm keeping you in my prayers, to keep that baby in the oven a few more months!!! take it easy Gillian!! keep in touch
  • #89
"Q: My childbirth instructor says its not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current. "

That's my favorite!! LOL. Love it!!
  • #90
calebsmom0822 said:
Well, we're still living apart (going on 2 yrs now). He's up in Maryland going to school to change his job in the Army....while I'm down here in Miami FL with his parents. He graduates April 12th...after that, we're off to Germany. woohoo!! So that is why Caleb and I are down here with my in-laws. As for trying again, (once we are living "together") I'm not sure if we'll start trying again soon...its just hard. I mean, I have my Faith..and my relationship with the Lord is growing more each day... I just need to make sure my body is prepared. That was 2 losses in 2 yrs...anyways...I'm doing okay though. I'm keeping you in my prayers, to keep that baby in the oven a few more months!!! take it easy Gillian!! keep in touch
I am so sorry for your losses and send you prayers as well!

As for taking it easy- I am finally taking today off after a crazy week! I had shows on Monday, Saturday and Sunday. I felt like I was always unpacking/packing my kit. I did over $2000 in sales since Monday (plus another $700 that I submitted on the 1st) and my biggest month previously was $1400!! I have another show on Friday and then next Thurday with a busy April as well. I am hoping to put a dent in some of our credit cards before the baby comes but I am addicted to VIP and Merrill and want to spend all my commission there, LOL!

I will make director by April 1st, so I am hoping that my overrides can help with the debt as well. I am just started to worry how I am going to keep this up once the baby comes. I lost everything last time I had a baby and am FINALLY about to hit my $15000 next month probably.
<h2>1. How is Gillian doing?</h2><p>Gillian is doing great! She has been busy with work and spending time with her family. She is also enjoying trying out new recipes with her Pampered Chef products.</p><h2>2. Can you give us an update on Gillian?</h2><p>Of course! Gillian is doing well and is still a valued member of the Pampered Chef team. She has been working on some exciting projects and has been making great progress.</p><h2>3. How has Gillian been since she joined Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Gillian has been thriving since she joined Pampered Chef. She has found her passion for cooking and has been able to share that with others through her work. She has also formed great relationships with her colleagues.</p><h2>4. What has Gillian been up to lately?</h2><p>Gillian has been busy with work, but she has also been taking some time for self-care. She has been practicing yoga and trying out new recipes in her free time.</p><h2>5. How has Gillian been balancing work and personal life at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Gillian has been able to find a good balance between work and personal life at Pampered Chef. She prioritizes her time and makes sure to take breaks to focus on her well-being. She also appreciates the flexibility that Pampered Chef offers its employees.</p>

Related to How is Gillian doing? Update us!

1. How is Gillian doing?

Gillian is doing great! She has been busy with work and spending time with her family. She is also enjoying trying out new recipes with her Pampered Chef products.

2. Can you give us an update on Gillian?

Of course! Gillian is doing well and is still a valued member of the Pampered Chef team. She has been working on some exciting projects and has been making great progress.

3. How has Gillian been since she joined Pampered Chef?

Gillian has been thriving since she joined Pampered Chef. She has found her passion for cooking and has been able to share that with others through her work. She has also formed great relationships with her colleagues.

4. What has Gillian been up to lately?

Gillian has been busy with work, but she has also been taking some time for self-care. She has been practicing yoga and trying out new recipes in her free time.

5. How has Gillian been balancing work and personal life at Pampered Chef?

Gillian has been able to find a good balance between work and personal life at Pampered Chef. She prioritizes her time and makes sure to take breaks to focus on her well-being. She also appreciates the flexibility that Pampered Chef offers its employees.

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