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How did Karlene rock her sales for June?

In summary, you earned $3,000 from bridal registry sales, a ball team fundraiser, and two shows. You were just $4 or so short or $40-something from earning $1500, but had two shows still in the month. You're going to your first national conference and are excited and anxious.
Gold Member
Got my $3,000 in, thanks to two bridal registery that I got orders on and a ball team fundraiser along with a couple of shows.
I got my $3000! WooHoo!
I got two shows, that is it. I was $4some odd dollars away from the $1500 mark and had parties flake on me, not excuses but with going to conference I was okay with it. I know I can get them all at 50% so I was stressing over it and I gave up and said there will be plenty other opportunities and such to get it. :D
ritabenson said:
I got two shows, that is it. I was $4some odd dollars away from the $1500 mark and had parties flake on me, not excuses but with going to conference I was okay with it. I know I can get them all at 50% so I was stressing over it and I gave up and said there will be plenty other opportunities and such to get it. :D
Oh wow! You were just $4 or so short or $40-something? If it was just $4 or so, I would've bought something for gift for someone or something.I just got 2 shows in. One was before the 15th, so I earned the RUFTH. I had so many people want July. I tried for June, but so many people were going away and already were too booked up. Oh well, at least I got 2 shows in and can get the rest at 50% off if I want.
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I bought a gift and so did my MIL, so that I could get over the hump.

What's the 50% off deal? I hope whatever comes at the $3000 level is something great and that I don't have to buy any more of it. I suppose the best item will be in the $6000 level and I'll still have to spend more money to make money. *sigh*

Oh well, it's exciting to earn as much as I did.
WOW!!! You all are wonderful! Every party canceled this month and I was inactive for my first time EVER! Oh well! I guess that it happens! Looking forward to conference next week though:)
I only submitted one show. Had 5 shows on the calendar and they either cancelled or postponed. June is a crazy month for me anyway, with school and kids so I already knew it was going to be a rough one. I guess the free mortgage will go to someone else! I do have a great July and August though so I'm not going to let my June get me down! I'm going to my FIRST National Conference and I'm very excited and anxious! Congratulations to everyone that earned the Fall Products!
Teresa LM said:
I bought a gift and so did my MIL, so that I could get over the hump.

What's the 50% off deal? I hope whatever comes at the $3000 level is something great and that I don't have to buy any more of it. I suppose the best item will be in the $6000 level and I'll still have to spend more money to make money. *sigh*

Oh well, it's exciting to earn as much as I did.

We are given the opportunity to buy the new products at 50% off. Some products will be put together in bundle sets and some products will be sold individually.

You also have the opportunity to buy this current season's new products at 50% off. I'm not sure on the time frame allowed, but you can go to CC>>Managing Your Business>>Samples/Supplies/Outlet>>Order Product Samples and then see the ones from this S/S season.
Given everything that has gone on last month and the fact that I thought TODAY was the end of the month - I didn't get anything. First time in 4 years!! I had something I could have put in last night but I kept thinking today was the end of June and I was so tired by the time I got home, I didn't want to do anything besides go to bed.This also means the first time I did not hold my TL status in over 2 years:(
  • #10
I submitted a barely $150 show last night at 11:30 PM, including an order from my mom for about $80 to keep myself from losing my career sales. It's been a tough summer for me...
  • #11
Glad to see I'm not the only slacker this month! This was the busiest month in my life ever! I had a gal email me to do a show 2 weeks ago and closed it last night at 10! That saved me from having my worst month ever (even the month I gave birth to my daughter was better then this month!) First June in almost 6 years that I haven't earned something from SAT.
  • #12
I barely got the 2 shows in. I was bummed because I thought I had submitted one of them on the 14th and didn't. I am not sure what I was thinking. Grrr
  • #13
Got 3 shows in, one before the 15th and reached the $1500 mark. With only a year under my belt I feel pretty good about it. I am hoping in another year to be hitting the $3000 mark, but am happy we can buy the items at a great discount. I am dying to know what they are! Patience is not a virtue I possess!
  • #14
I got in two shows total - barely - and made sure one of them was before the 15th. I have never had a good sell-a-thon month. I'm determined the next one will be better. But I'm happy to have gotten something out of it - and I'm active! Go, me!
  • #15
I was up until the last minute taking orders from my fb friends and hit $6002.52!!!! First time ever!!! I'm soooo excited and exhausted at the same time. Now I can pack and focus on going to my first NC next week! I was really motivated by those PC dollars!
  • #16
I got 3 shows in but didn't hit the $1500 .. still I am happy to be getting something and I did get one in before the 15th so I do get the new RUFTH product.
  • #17
Nothing for me for this Sellathon, but that's okay... :) Congrats to so many hitting their marks!
  • #18
Almost hit $3000, but not quite. :( Had a couple of cancellations and catalog shows that couldn't get closed. But, I will get some free and can get the rest at 50%! Yay!! :)
  • #19
Congratulations Kristina!!
For some reason it seems to me like everyone is down- sales, shows, etc. I have purposely stepped back from my business just to have more family time. ( I am a teacher as well.)
This was the first SAT I did not overschedule my month and bust my hump to hit the 6k since I became a consultant. I just don't have it in me this year. I did hit the 3k with minimal effort so I am happy with that. Getting the director's kit will make up for the portion I didn't earn- I just won't have 2 sets. What I am most freakishly excited about is that new May consultants qualified and I'm gettin that groovy Coach purse at conference. WAHOOOO!!
  • #20
I had a very busy month and did hit the 3,000 mark but was $960 away from hitting the $6,000 just no where to pull that many orders from. I am happy with my sales as this was the best month in sales for me in my one year career. I was up till the last minute last night helping my new recruits and team put shows in for the month. Tired but it paid off as my last person I needed to keep my director status put her show in at 11pm last night. Many on my show have been struggling with shows this month and I have to admit I am booked for July but do not have one show in August (hope that changes).
Congrats to all those that were able to stay active with this crazy summer month!
  • #21
hcjeep said:
I had a very busy month and did hit the 3,000 mark but was $960 away from hitting the $6,000 just no where to pull that many orders from. I am happy with my sales as this was the best month in sales for me in my one year career. I was up till the last minute last night helping my new recruits and team put shows in for the month. Tired but it paid off as my last person I needed to keep my director status put her show in at 11pm last night. Many on my show have been struggling with shows this month and I have to admit I am booked for July but do not have one show in August (hope that changes).
Congrats to all those that were able to stay active with this crazy summer month!

I am booked solid for July - even over-booked with 3 shows a week for 3 weeks - but only ONE show for August. August is ALWAYS my hardest month. I'm really going to be talking up cookware at my July shows to get August bookings. I'm just glad that July is full so that I can do that! Ummm, except my first July show - tomorrow - the host is most likely signing, so the bookings will be hers. :)
  • #22
beckyjsmith said:
Congratulations Kristina!!
For some reason it seems to me like everyone is down- sales, shows, etc. I have purposely stepped back from my business just to have more family time. ( I am a teacher as well.)
This was the first SAT I did not overschedule my month and bust my hump to hit the 6k since I became a consultant. I just don't have it in me this year. I did hit the 3k with minimal effort so I am happy with that. Getting the director's kit will make up for the portion I didn't earn- I just won't have 2 sets. What I am most freakishly excited about is that new May consultants qualified and I'm gettin that groovy Coach purse at conference. WAHOOOO!!

Thank you! And I'm super jealous of that Coach Bag! I wanted one soooooo bad! I only had 1 recruit sign, but at least she qualified in 30 days so I'm getting the ice chest. I'll scream real loud when you get your bag at the Upper Level Reception! =D
  • #23
I made the $3000 mark. Best month to date and I had my highest show ever close last night (right around $2000). I was stressed all month. I had two shows cancel. I was on vacation so I lost two weekends that I couldn't book. I had catalog show give me estimates on orders and then turn around and say people decided not to order. I was hoping and praying that my show on the 29th would pull through and it did. Then I was stressing about getting it closed in time. Submitted at 9:30 and had two rejected credit cards. Thankfully I got those resolved and went to bed happy! My July is looking so weak but my August is looking good. I am hoping to get two shows in July submitted. Right now I already have 3 for August. I am just happy to have made the $3000 level. I had a brief moment mid month when I thought about trying to go for the 6000 level but decided I didn't want to be overbooked. Then I had a moment when I thought I won't hit 1500. So it has been a crazy month and summer just started. Great job to everyone who earned something. I can't wait to see the new products.
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  • #24
I earned the 1500 mark. I have dropped the ball big time. I have 5 on my calendar for July. For the last 3 weeks I have been traveling back and forth the UT (over 350 miles) to see dr.s for my DD
  • #25
Two shows this year...so Level 1 plus the RUFTH. More than I've been able to do in past SAT years, so I'm happy!
  • #26
I really wanted $3000 but ended with $1500. Not as good as last year. Sales just were not there :(. Pushing July and August ... especially with the host special :)
  • #27
I got my two shows in so I am very pleased with myself! :)
  • #28
I stayed active and did not lose $13,777 in career sales. That's something!

I did it to myself and I know I need to plan better. A special project at work keeps me busy every April and May. A late March show that was turned in during early April kept me busy. Had $60 in orders going into a fair June 18, which exceeded my expectations and let me turn a show in. Another $50 or so left over from that fair and from another fair left me $100 short of a second show. Disappointed that I paid $60 for fees for four fairs and a similar amount for two more fairs in July and have little in sales to show for it. HOWEVER ... I have one definite booking and one tentative booking so if even one holds, I'll make my money back!
  • #29
I got 2 shows in and was really happy to do that. I didn't get one in by the 15th so sort of bummed over not getting the new RUFTH item, but still happy that I earned something!!
  • #30
I was over $9,300.00 for June...I enjoy FREE!!!!! Congrats to all....
  • #31
I was over $9,300.00 for June...I enjoy FREE!!!!! Congrats to all....

Holy quap! Spill it! How did you do that!
  • #32
Just shy of $7700! What a blessing! Had some cancellations two weekends in a row but was able to get some shows booked! Phew!

Looking forward to a busy July! Just got one show done tonight! Off to conference (took time off to work on my workshop), then back 7/9..party 7/10 and then 15 more through the end of the month! The July host special ROCKS!

Looking forward to seeing all ya'all at conference!
  • #33
I did $6500 in sales this month.... my best month ever.... my goal wasn't sell a thon, it's the new orleans trip... but the freebies will be great and the PC bucks, just an added bonus!
  • #34
ritabenson said:
I got two shows, that is it. I was $4some odd dollars away from the $1500 mark and had parties flake on me, not excuses but with going to conference I was okay with it. I know I can get them all at 50% so I was stressing over it and I gave up and said there will be plenty other opportunities and such to get it. :D

Sorry that was $4 HUNDRED and some dollars, lol. : ) It it would of been $4 or EVEN $40 I would of got something and not told my hubby, lol....
  • #35
I hit the $3000 mark barely. I am extremely happy with that. I really wanted the $6000, but had several cancels as well. Last June I barely made $1500 so I am happy!
  • #36
The next sell-a-thon, historically speaking, is in November. NOW is the time to plan for the $6k level. Get on the phone and don't stop calling people until you have your max number of bookings for July and August plus some. If you finish your summer strong your fall will be fantastic! You won't be worried about sales or bookings...then you'll find that you are recruiting too. Don't forget the 90 day rule! For the newbies...the work you are putting in now will show in 90 days. If you aren't calling and booking now then in 90 days you won't have much of a business if you even still have one.Good job everyone who hit a level! I did not hit my goal level, but I did hit $3k. I'm happy about that. Some free is better than none free! I'm super excited that I still qualify for the Director pack. That is such an awesome perk! Love Pampered Chef!
  • #37
Wow Congratulations to all of you! I had many Host issues and cancellations but managed to get 1 show in prior to the end for $450. I will plan for November's SAT now!
  • #38
Congrats to you all! I'm so impressed with your numbers! I only hit Level 1 and am happy that I'll get some doubles. I have been trying to push my calendar to 6 shows a month, but have realized that physically it isn't smart. I spent half the month in severe pain and it just isn't worth it. Plus, because of it it seemed to hurt my performance. I actually had less in sales with my 5 shows than I typically do with 3-4! Grrr.

On a positive side, I did spend lots of time helping the team grow and I see some promotions coming into play for July!!

Major kudos to everyone for hitting Level 3!! Kristina, I have to personally and publicly say....WAHOOO!!! :)
  • #39
Just checking on the rules. I submitted the show on the 30th and had a declined credit card. I wasn't able to fix it until the 2nd. It still counts towards June sales, correct??
  • #40
cookn' katie said:
Just checking on the rules. I submitted the show on the 30th and had a declined credit card. I wasn't able to fix it until the 2nd. It still counts towards June sales, correct??

What was the deadline that they gave you in the email telling you about the declined card? If you resolved it by then it counts for June, if not no.

Check your IPT when it updates. If it's listed in June you know you made it, if July you didn't.
  • #41
On the last day of the month, I heard back from a gal at my Surgeon's office with a big order. In May, I pampered their office. I thought I wasn't going to get anything out of it when she called with $200+ in orders. So it gave me a third show for June and I made her a "host" so she was really exicted to get the Cool & Serve for $16.80. She wasn't thinking show, just collecting orders from the office for an upcoming bridal shower.

Anyway I was happy to end up with 3 shows for June. Didn't hit a big dollar amount but I guess I'll get something. Oh, and by the way, The second of my 3 shows was show #200 for me. Only took me 7 years to get there! LOL (I'm very part time cause that's how I like it.)
  • #42
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Congrats to you all! I'm so impressed with your numbers! I only hit Level 1 and am happy that I'll get some doubles. I have been trying to push my calendar to 6 shows a month, but have realized that physically it isn't smart. I spent half the month in severe pain and it just isn't worth it. Plus, because of it it seemed to hurt my performance. I actually had less in sales with my 5 shows than I typically do with 3-4! Grrr.

On a positive side, I did spend lots of time helping the team grow and I see some promotions coming into play for July!!

Major kudos to everyone for hitting Level 3!! Kristina, I have to personally and publicly say....WAHOOO!!! :)

thanks! i learned from the BEST! :D
  • #43
katem51 said:
(I'm very part time cause that's how I like it.)

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! This business is MADE for those who make it their own! When I talk to folks about PC, I want them to know it is for them...whether they are a go=getter or just want to ENJOY PC for all it is!

It is the more YOU are looking for!!

Blessings to you!! CK
  • #44
had good June considering my son graduated and had to do his party and a million other things this month...Only did 1 "live" show and carried a show of $600 over to June from Month (made it a June show) and was able to do $4,088.00. My live show was $1500 and I did a "$1,000 catalog show that turned into $1800. Then had 1 other catty show...Just think what I couldve done if I would have had time to do more live shows...oh well..Im happy
  • #45
Got the $1500 level, had 3 cancel in June, was hoping for 3k, which I can usually pull off, but am happy I earned at least one package...and that 50% off new products will be nice!
I have a slew of shows for July, but my first one isn't until the 14th, which is making my August a little scary! I have one on the books for Aug so as soon as we get back from conference I'm sure I will be super psyched to call everyone on the planet...ha ha.
  • #46
kreaser said:
had good June considering my son graduated and had to do his party and a million other things this month...Only did 1 "live" show and carried a show of $600 over to June from Month (made it a June show) and was able to do $4,088.00. My live show was $1500 and I did a "$1,000 catalog show that turned into $1800. Then had 1 other catty show...Just think what I couldve done if I would have had time to do more live shows...oh well..Im happy

Karlene, you are a rock star :sing:...I know this from personal experience!!! :) Love ya!

Related to How did Karlene rock her sales for June?

1. How did Karlene achieve $3,000 in sales for June?

Karlene was able to reach her sales goal by utilizing various sales techniques, such as promoting bridal registry orders, hosting a fundraiser for a local ball team, and holding multiple shows. Through these efforts, she was able to attract a diverse range of customers and increase her sales.

2. What is the benefit of promoting bridal registry orders?

Promoting bridal registry orders is a great way to reach potential customers who are in the process of planning a wedding or other special event. These customers are likely to make larger purchases and can help boost sales for consultants like Karlene.

3. How can hosting a fundraiser contribute to sales success?

Hosting a fundraiser is a win-win situation for both the consultant and the organization or cause being supported. Not only does it bring in potential customers, but it also allows the consultant to give back to the community while promoting their products.

4. In what ways can multiple shows help increase sales?

Holding multiple shows is an effective way to reach a larger audience and generate more sales. By hosting shows in different locations or at different times, consultants like Karlene can attract new customers and increase the chances of repeat sales.

5. How can I replicate Karlene's sales success?

To replicate Karlene's sales success, it is important to utilize a variety of sales techniques and continuously promote and market your products. Building relationships with customers and actively seeking out opportunities to showcase your products can also help drive sales and achieve your goals.

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