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How Did Everyone Make Out at the Babies R Us Pamper Mom Day?

the car wouldn't start. Luckily, I was near my mom's house. I have about six recruiting leads and about twenty booking leads. I'm really happy with the way things went.
Just got home....Had a fantastic time. Got a lot of leads for shows and recruits!!!!!!

How did everyone else do?:)
I didn't even get to make it to mine. I am heartbroken! I had everything ready, and not even halfway there, the car died. Luckily I was near my mom's house, but still.

I hope everyone else did well!
I put out drawing slips with "sign up for a free show" and I think I did pretty well. I'd rather do that than raffle off something, like I did at a fair last week. Most of my calls from last week didn't want to book, but just wanted to win the product. With this one, I didn't say that they would win a free show, but if they sign up they get it. I have booking leads, a couple of registry leads and about 6 recruit leads.

So, I'm happy with it. Wish me luck!! And, good luck to you all!

And, Carly - I'm sorry your day didn't go well.
Do you use a special drawing slip for these type of events?
I too, got lots of booking leads, I'm happy. Got a few recruiting leads too woohoo! Didn't sell a blessed thing but my goal was bookings, so Im good : )

I'm also in for June, Oct and Dec. YEAH!
I did good. I have about 25 leads, 2 nos, lots of maybes and lots of yeses. Some checked yes to recruiting too. Two definite, one took a host pack. Another lady is going to place an order on the website, she wanted to take one of my cookbooks home with her right then.

My question is what do you do when you meet the people for the lead and you know you don't want to go to their house. This one guy just made me uncomfortable and I thought to myself no way am I going to his house. Should I pass the lead on to a male in my cluster or just throw it away. He could be serious about being interested in PC, I am not sure. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I'd give the lead away or meet him in a neutral (coffee house type) location. You might feel better about it when you meet him in person or he might not be willing to meet you which is a red flag. Good luck either way. It's your business so you don't have to work with anyone you don't want to!
Very awesome job! I would definitely speak with him and agree to meet some neutral, like for coffee or something. Bee is totally right! Or, you can ask one of the males in your cluster to come with you maybe as well, and say that you want to make sure that he gets the "male" perspective of what it's like to do PC.
I didn't get to do this one but I'm in for the Father's one in June. I would love to hear your ideas since you guys experienced the one for Mothers and see what you were planning on changing or focusing on. I know people mentioned BBQUE tools and recipes that went along but what else??
  • #10
The one thing that was interesting to me is the number of people who did not want to fill out a drawing slip. When I work the school festival so many people want to enter to win, but not at the Babies R Us Festival. My logic is many people go to the store without the knowledge they are attending a festival, they just want to shop and leave; while the school festival is a true festival and a very relaxed atmosphere.

Even though only 19 filled out a slip, several marked they are interested in hosting a show and several marked they are interested in the opportunity. One of the guys who works at Babies R Us would be an awesome consultant, and I told him so. I think he is my strongest lead as he loves the products and talked about how his mom has many of the products and absolutely loves them. Additionally, some people want to place an order.

I worked the festival alone and would recommend that to anyone intereted in future Babies R Us Festivals. I personally think two consultants would be a little too much.

For anyone who is interested in working one of the festivals in the future, I do feel it was a good use of my time. You just can't beat the price of free!

  • #11
Back from BRUI think I did well today at Babies R Us. I got over fifty people to fill out "drawing slips" and I gave away some nice prizes. When I got there the organizer somehow thought that I had called to cancel--but I had not. It ended up working in my favor because he didn't have a regular 6 foot table already set up for me, so he put me at an 8 foot table--right at the front door! It was awesome.

I received about 25 (or more) responses that were not "No's"--i.e., some maybes, some interested in bridal registry, etc.--so I think I have a good start on some new bookings and even a couple of possible recruits.

I am a newbie and haven't really even had a real cooking show yet (my first one flopped with only one attendee--although she booked a show)--so I think I have a good "jumping off point" here.

Thank heaven for my husband--he came along with me, unloaded and reloaded all my stuff for me, took care of Baby Jacob for me, and notified the staff when I needed overhead announcements made for drawing winners. I couldn't have done it without him!
  • #12
My day was not so bad. I was told that it was very slow for a babyfest event. I have been invited back so we will see about next month!

I only had 15 people fill out slips. I also encountered lots on no's for filling out slips for a $25 gift certificate. I have one order to collect $$ for (USG). And also, one pretty solid recruit. So, we will see. A few maybes on my slips and one party booked for June 17th. All in all, even though it was slow, I feel it was well worth my time!!

I was hoping to have more people to call but o'well. I have a table at Community Day next Saturday and possible tables at a craft fair and our annual community yard sale (which EVERYONE comes to!!) The following two Saturdays. So maybe I will get more leads with that! We will see.

Thanks to everyone who helped me to pull this one off!! Keep up the great suggestions!!
  • #13
I did great! There was a steady stream of people all day and I made 4 bookings at the store, 1 last evening on the phone and I still have several yeses and maybes to get through. I had to go to work after the event plus I had a similar event the day before with 3 bookings to I was too wiped out to continue on the phone. I don't want to call anyone on Mothers Day so I'll have my work cut out for me tomorrow!! :p This was sooo worth it! Can't wait until the next one!
  • #14
Chef Diane said:
I'm also in for June, Oct and Dec. YEAH!

What events are in June, Oct and Dec? I would like to contact our local BRU to see if I can sign up.

  • #15
Do you follow up that night or do you wait?

What are the events in Oct and Dec?
  • #16
I did not follow up on Saturday, I had a party Friday night and the BRU event on SAturday so I wanted to see my kids! I would have tonight but it is mothers day and I don't want to upset anyone. I will be calling my leads tomorrow night.

As for the other events, I only know June is a dad event for Fathers day. The babyfest events are every second saturday of the month. It was not as great as I was dreaming but I did have fun! Plus my one booking (so far) paid for my day!! Good luck to everyone who will be trying it another month. I will be back.
  • #17
I felt it was very well worth it. I got 1 who scheduled a show and took a host packet and lots of leads. I have about 9 yes to hosting. About 5 to being a consultant and about 7 maybes. So I will start calling tomorrow. I had another show Saturday night and today is Mother's Day so I decided to start callilng tomorrow. I was very tired at the end but it was alot of fun. I would be willing to do it again. My sister's mother-in-law helped me out alot. So it went very well. There was a steady stream of people but not overly busy. My drawing was for a food chopper since I had an extra one. Most people filled out a survey card but some did not want to.
  • #18
I had one girl wanting to book and looked at my calendar, she wanted the weekend that we were going to be on vacation... so she considered the weekend before...
I didn't have anyone want to place an order.
I had a few ladies so glad to see me, and have a consultant, since they lost track of their other one, or she moved, quit, or something...
I had gift boxes to book for June, no one took one!!!
I had three people mark YES to a show
Four mark MAYBE
Four mark NO
and Five didn't mark any responses at all...

That's only 16 new contacts...
Two of the ones that didn't mark anything at all were two of the girls that were SO happy to see me... and one of them said she will probably be placing an order on my website soon... But they only put their name and phone numbers down, no email or address... so I'll call and ask if they want to be added to my monthly email newsletter...

All in all I think it was worth it, especially since it was free! If "Yes" means "yes" and "Maybe" means "yes" then ... I hope to book up June!!

Thank you all for your help and ideas and encouragement...

PS who made food? I didn't, glad I didn't since I would have had no room on the table!
  • #19
[/QUOTE] This one guy just made me uncomfortable and I thought to myself no way am I going to his house. Should I pass the lead on to a male in my cluster or just throw it away. He could be serious about being interested in PC, I am not sure. Any thoughts would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

What if you meet him at a public place like a resturant during a slow time? That way you can talk with him and feel safe. Plus you can write off the meal!! I wouldn't want to pass up an oppertunity!
  • #20
This was awesome! I got many leads, sold a few things, found a Mary Kay consultant to do shows with and became the P.C. chef chick for all the Babies R us mini expos for that store! Thank you so much to the person who posted this event. It was a huge push for my business! To everyone who did, get in with the store you worked b/c they have these things the 2 nd week of every month!!!
  • #21
Future months...I did okay at this event, I have a couple of possible bookings and a couple of orders (from other vendors).

July is how to do your nursery - turn an office into a nursery... My contact said they are going to try to get people like Home Depot in there. Any suggestions on what we could promote to get ourselves in this month?? Woven selections for decorating/holding baby needs?

August - Baby safety?? Not sure on this month.

I didn't have 'food' I just had chocolate and mints availble in the S/A and my 6-cup muffin pan.

  • #22
My thought is that everyone has to eat, so it should be a tie in for quick meals when you're remodeling.

We have organizational things like the TTT, twixit clips, wovens.

Baby safety... hmmm...
  • #23
samcmills said:
My question is what do you do when you meet the people for the lead and you know you don't want to go to their house. This one guy just made me uncomfortable and I thought to myself no way am I going to his house. Should I pass the lead on to a male in my cluster or just throw it away. He could be serious about being interested in PC, I am not sure. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I think you should FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS!!!! I would NOT follow up with someone I felt uncomfortable with. It just isn't worth it. There are too many creepy people out there! You could pass the information on to a male in your cluster, but make sure you let him know how uncomfortable you felt. Then he can follow up with you and let you know if you were right about your feeling. One lead is NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!! Your safety and your comfort level should come first.
  • #24
I would be interested in the June, Oct and Dec events also, as I was out of town for this one and not able to set up a table. I really need some new leads!
  • #25
You are all from different states. Is this something Babies R Us does nationwide? At the stores or a convention of some sort? I'm sorry I missed out.
  • #26
It seems to be a company-wide event.
  • #27
pchefstef said:
You are all from different states. Is this something Babies R Us does nationwide? At the stores or a convention of some sort? I'm sorry I missed out.

They do it at the stores. I didn't get a table, but went to the one by my house to check it out.

The really cool thing this BRU did to encourage EVERYONE to visit each table is to do a BINGO card. Each vendor had a square and customers had to talk to the vendor to get a sticker for the appropriate square. Once all the squares were filled up, the customer put her name and number on the card and dropped it into a drawing for a $25 BRU gift card.

Now I'm waiting for phone calls from the Mary Kay lady, the Tastefully Simple Lady, and all the other vendors I gave my info to! Haha
  • #28
Raining Cats and Dogs.....but it was an okay turn out, not alot of people came in due to weather, but got about 30 leads and didn't put catalogs out, but passed out about 8 (I kept them behind and if they asked, they could take one.....). I met the other vendors, which is always good to network.....

I gave away a couple of smaller items and am calling them to verify their address to mail out to and to talk to them about booking a show......

So we'll see. I am on the list of monthly shows.....so.....the only problem being it took me an hour to get there, was it worth it? Hmmmm I'm thinking no right now, but as soon as I finish calling them all we'll see.....;O)

They say it is REPITION that gets you in the door right?
  • #29
I did the day with one of my recruits. The store we did is closer to her, so I was so happy when she got a booking on the spot! It's with a BRU employee. :) I'm hoping she can get more business closer to her. She lives kind of far out in a rural area and is struggling with bookings a little bit.

I was not thrilled with our spot in the store--right by car seats and strollers. I am a bit of a baby gear nut and have researched it incessantly, so it killed me to see the BRU employees giving out such horrible car seat advice. I did show one guy how to fold a stroller, though. :) Plus, as someone else mentioned, people were there to buy strollers and car seats, not book a Pampered Chef show.

Our store's promo coordinator let all the vendors speak to the groups during the seminar times and that really helped get people to our table.

I got nine good leads. I tried to call them all today. I mostly left messages, but did set up one recruiting interview for Thursday afternoon! Woo hoo!

We have held our spot for the June event--at our store it's called "Dads In Training." But I have a show both that Friday and Saturday night, so I'm not sure I want to do it. I may let my recruit do it herself.
  • #30
I have a new recruit that's having trouble with bookings. Do you think I should have her go with me?
  • #31
each month is a different fest.
ChefTara said:
What events are in June, Oct and Dec? I would like to contact our local BRU to see if I can sign up.


Tara, June is Dad's in training. Oct. is Babies Health Fest and Dec is their Holiday Open House. They have events all year call them and see what they have available. Aug is Womans health and Jan is Super Baby Shower. I had to share the dates with another consultant.
Last edited:
  • #32
Always take new recruits to these types of things! They are great training opportunities.
  • #33
Thanks Debbie!

I didn't get in to the BRU event for May, but I did a 4H event. I called EVERYONE who filled out a slip and told them that they won a free Kitchen Show or Cooking Class! I have 3 booked for June and four calling me back today with dates! :eek: When one lady asked what was involved I told her, "Well, since its a free show, you just have to give me names and addresses and I'll send out the invitations and we'll do a recipe or two, and I'll bring the ingredients. All you have to do is put out some chips and dip if you want and well, be home!" ;)

I can't believe it worked!!!!
  • #34
As of right now, I have 1 booked for June. Possibly, a couple orders and a vendor would like to book in September. I would of liked more, but I still have follow up calls to make. Anyone have a suggestion on what to offer the people I need to follow up with? On Saturday I offered everyone a free cooking show, as a way to pamper the Mom's and only the one took it. What should I say when I contact everyone that was there to butter them up to have a June Show?
  • #35
First of all, show them a flyer on the host special. I have several hosts who are anxious to get the woven selections baskets and are doing catalog shows or getting bookings so they can get them in June.

Jeanie Gay
  • #36
do they do these same events at toys r us? I don't believe i have a bru near me
  • #37
My Babies R Us also booked me for a "Seminar" on a Tuesday night at 7pm. She said they also do afternoon seminars, but the nights have bigger crowds.

They register folks for the seminar. I am to do a seminar on nutrition. She was also interested in booking seminars on baby food, cooking for toddlers.

If you call them - make sure you tell them what kinds of seminars you can offer - Nutrition, Baby Foods, Toddler Foods, Cooking with Kids, etc.
  • #38
Our BRU contact also asked about us coming to do a demo on healthy cooking and/or making baby food. Do you have information on what to do for these topics? I would think that since the audience has to register, they would have more potential to be serious contacts.

I would love to know what information we could present if you have anything put together...

  • #39
Making baby food: Steam veggies in micro cooker, or cookware with steamer insert. mash using the nylon masher. Chop food with the food chopper. Formula using the quick stir pitcher.

Heathly food, the good for you cookbook. The mini muffin pan-small portions,

The prep bowl set for all of this, b/c you can use those for small portions. Freezing baby food, etc.

Just a few ideas.:) Good luck
  • #40
I spoke with my BRU contact today and she also wants me to do a seminar in June or July about kid friendly meals and tools. Do you talk about bookings and recruitings at something like this?
  • #41
BRU SeminarI think I will do a handout on with a nutritious recipe - and have a coupon attached for a free cooking show.

I don't think the lady at my BRU cares if I book or recruit - she is very very generous. There may be other management at BRU that would care, so I want to make sure I don't burn any bridges. I'll be discreet at the seminar as far as booking and recruiting goes.

I want to make sure I am really giving out valuable info to the attendees - so any ideas are welcomed.
  • #42
pamperedval said:
Our BRU contact also asked about us coming to do a demo on healthy cooking and/or making baby food. Do you have information on what to do for these topics? I would think that since the audience has to register, they would have more potential to be serious contacts.

I would love to know what information we could present if you have anything put together...


Hey Val,

What store were you at? I was at Naperville.
  • #43
Maybe I should call my contact back or should I wait to see her in July at the Dad event?
  • #44
The BRU Paper Mom day was a success for me. I have 2 that booked a June show and 1 booked in July. Plus a possible recruit and I'm not even done with all my phone call yet. Lord willing I will get more. Very well worth it.
  • #45
first off, I'd definately ask (nicely) if you can speak about booking/recruiting. Even just one or two passes about it would be nice if they wouldn't mind. But if they dont want you going on and on about it, definately have literature there about it (postcard size "flyers" about recruiting & booking.. list major points, add your business card & mini catalog maybe?) and if you can't go into detail, just tack on a little ditty when you're explaining what PC is for those who don't know. you know "we normally do home parties where the host invites her friends & family over, i make a simple, quick yummy recipe for everyone to sample, and the host earns free & discounted products, plus other goodies!.. there's more information on booking shows at my table, plus info on the job opportunity.. feel free to talk to me about either option." and then just go on with your demo or whatnot. but i would DEFINATELY try to have literature there no matter what!
  • #46
Did everyone have to speak about their table?

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