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How can I overcome my phone phobia and make successful CC calls for booking?

I don't have phone phobia, but I do have a job and kids so it can be tough to squeeze it in! But I have found that if I make a commitment to call them every week or two (or however often I've agreed to) then they really do respond and are much more likely to book something. I also agree with Lacy. And you know, "no" might just mean now isn't a good time. Just ask questions to qualify how you can best help them. That's why you're calling, right?
Silver Member
Hi to those of you who do well with CC calling for booking-
I know I have read and pulled about two general scripts and printed them out for CC Calls from this site but I was just wanting input and help on what you say that comes naturally to your verbage (not reading a script) when you are making your CC calls for those who have expressed interest-maybe in booking.

I know I really need to get on the phone and start making CC calls a regular habit on a daily or weekly basis to better my business but I have Phone Phobia (big time) and was wanting to know what you say that has worked well for those "maybe" guests and have booked right after talking to you on the phone!?

thanks in advance!
I am not great at customer care calls either, but what I like to do is read the script before I call a few times and get what I want to say in my head. Put the script away, then call. This way you have your thoughts organized, but your thoughts/words come out naturally. If I check the script ahead of time I don't forget to say something I was supposed to say either. I suck on the phone too, but it is essential to biulding your business.
I call and ask 1) Is this a good time. 2) How are your products are working out? 3) Any questions about any of them? I have their order on PP up when I call. Then I say "I was just going through my paperwork and noticed that you were maybe interested in hosting a show. I would love to do a show for you! Are there any questions I can answer? Can I help you schedule it? Which month x or x? And what day of the week is usually best for you?" If they say it doesn't matter I will ask a weekend or weeknight and then go from there. I keep calling until I get a yes or no. I will make an appointment to follow up. If its not a good time, I ALWAYS ask: When do YOU want ME to call back? Sometimes I am surprised and they'll say "Oh, next week." When I would have waited longer. Hope this helps!
I have found that those 'maybes' really mean yes, just not right now! I never use scripts, I just like to say whatever comes naturally. I like to call those maybes, and see what's holding them back. Usually within a month or so is what I've found they are ready to host. Once you explain that as long as their show is held within 6 mos to count for the host, they'll usually book!
lacychef said:
I have found that those 'maybes' really mean yes, just not right now! I never use scripts, I just like to say whatever comes naturally. I like to call those maybes, and see what's holding them back. Usually within a month or so is what I've found they are ready to host. Once you explain that as long as their show is held within 6 mos to count for the host, they'll usually book!
I also agree with Lacy. And you know, "no" might just mean now isn't a good time. Just ask questions to qualify how you can best help them. That's why you're calling, right?
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AJPratt said:
I call and ask 1) Is this a good time. 2) How are your products are working out? 3) Any questions about any of them? I have their order on PP up when I call. Then I say "I was just going through my paperwork and noticed that you were maybe interested in hosting a show. I would love to do a show for you! Are there any questions I can answer? Can I help you schedule it? Which month x or x? And what day of the week is usually best for you?" If they say it doesn't matter I will ask a weekend or weeknight and then go from there. I keep calling until I get a yes or no. I will make an appointment to follow up. If its not a good time, I ALWAYS ask: When do YOU want ME to call back? Sometimes I am surprised and they'll say "Oh, next week." When I would have waited longer. Hope this helps!

Thanks everyone! Esp. Aj's response, I like it! It sounds natural yet direct enough to get an anser from them! I will try it!:)
You are very welcome. I try to go with the conversation but it just suits me more to try and stick with the above. If I don't I use a lot of "umms" and "uhs" so I feel more confident with that.

Related to How can I overcome my phone phobia and make successful CC calls for booking?

1. How do I book a party with Pampered Chef?

To book a party with Pampered Chef, you can contact a Pampered Chef consultant or host a party yourself. You can also book a virtual party or catalog party. To book a party with a consultant, simply reach out to them and schedule a date. To host a party yourself, contact a consultant to help you plan and invite guests.

2. What is a C C Call and how can it help with bookings?

A C C Call, short for "Customer Care Call," is a phone call made by a Pampered Chef consultant to their customers to follow up on their orders and offer personal assistance. These calls can also be used to introduce customers to new products and offer them the opportunity to host a party. C C Calls are an effective way to increase bookings and build relationships with customers.

3. How can I maximize my bookings as a Pampered Chef consultant?

To maximize your bookings as a Pampered Chef consultant, it's important to consistently reach out to your network and offer them the opportunity to host a party. Utilize social media and other forms of communication to promote your business and attract new hosts. Additionally, always follow up with your customers and offer exceptional customer service to encourage repeat business.

4. Are there any incentives for hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Yes, there are incentives for hosting a Pampered Chef party. As a host, you can earn free and discounted products based on the sales from your party. You may also be eligible for special host-only offers and discounts. Additionally, hosting a party is a great way to spend time with friends and family and learn new cooking techniques.

5. Can I book a Pampered Chef party as a fundraiser?

Yes, you can book a Pampered Chef party as a fundraiser for a cause or organization. Pampered Chef offers a Fundraiser Program where a portion of the sales from the party will be donated to the designated cause. This is a great way to support a cause while also enjoying the benefits of hosting a party, such as free and discounted products.

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