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How Can a Simple Virus Ruin Your Day and Data?

In summary, Tonia was snubbed by her high school friends after she got married and had kids. She tried to talk to them online, but they wouldn't answer her calls.
So I had a wedding to go to today, and left my DH home with my napping toddlers. He got on my laptop and picked up a virus somewhere. He claims innocence and said he was just on sites we go to all the time, but he had to have picked it up somewhere...

I got home after basically being snubbed by everyone I went to highschool with ( a whole other thread!) to my computer slowly infecting itself. I have tried and tried to delete the infected file but it won't let me because it is "in use" even though it really isn't. My PPP, all our family photos, all my documents, everything is on my laptop. INCLUDING my $500 show that I need to stay active.

It is almost midnight here and I am trying to back up all my files onto CD but the laptop is running so slowly that it will take FOREVER! Just had to vent. Arrrrrgggggggggggg!! Why me??
I'm sorry Gil... you should be making your DH do this, as it was fine when you left and wasn't when you came home... I'd say why are you up, let him do the crappy work! and i'm sorry you got snubbed by the ppl you went to hs with... I have to say seeing hs ppl is one reason why I don't go visit my mom very often... I hate how fake everyone is to one another!
Maybe you could try this virus software (it's a free online scan) my mom reccommend it to me and I used it to take a virus off my in-laws computer after norton wanted to charge them $50 to remove the virus of there computer. http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/free_security_tools/housecall_free_scan.php#
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  • #4
Alison- I wish people were fake to me! No one even agknowledged that I was even there. It was very cliquey (their family all together, high school friends all together, college friends all together) and I just felt like the black sheep. I used Baylor as an excuse and high-tailed it out of there after the ceremony. My DH knows less about computers than I do, so I am left with the dirty work. At least I had blank CD's around to burn my pics to, and I got my show submitted but it took almost 20 mins to send and I haven't gotten the confirmation e-mail yet...Tonia- thanks for the link. We called our computer guy friend and he recommended a free one as well. It pulled a lot of stuff off our computer but not the virus :( Maybe I will try yours in the morning.
Sorry to hear about your whole misfortune. How is it going for you now? We use PC-cillin works really well at catching virus' I hope you don't lose anything!As for being snubbed by your former hs peeps...must be some jealousy issues with them. Who needs them right? You have us and we love our Gillian.
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  • #6
My PC-cillen was what first caught it, but it sait that the file couldn't be deleted there and we would have to do it manually. When you try to do it manually it says that we can't because it is in use by another program even though we don't have any open...And I like you guys more than all of them anyway, but they didn't have to be so rude. I have been very close friends with the bride since 3rd grade, but we grew apart after high school because I got married and had kids and she went to college. I know 99% of them went to college too, but do I really need to be treated so badly just because I chose a different path? WTF? I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it really does. And then I came home to vent to you all and I couldn't even get online!! I was going crazy for a while but had my trusty desktop to fall back on while trying to stay awake and backup what I can...
That's what happens when someone visits teenagecheerleadersinbondage.comI hope you can save all your vital data before it is infected, too.
I hope you didn't think I was trying to make light of your being snubbed. Believe me when I tell you I know all too well that feeling and do know how hurtful it is. There really is no excuse for the rudeness that you endured and I'm sorry that it happened. I have a "friend" (we use to work together and have been friends for 20 yrs) that won't return a call to me. I have tried and tried to get a hold of her and she won't return a phone call. To my knowledge I have done nothing to her but like you, it hurts because I want to know what happened. I can't fix it if I don't know what the problem is.
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  • #9
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
That's what happens when someone visits teenagecheerleadersinbondage.com

I hope you can save all your vital data before it is infected, too.

LMAO! Do you know this from experience KG?
  • #10
gilliandanielle said:
LMAO! Do you know this from experience KG?

With all of the traveling KG does, I imagine he has picked up quite a few viruses over the years!

Hey, get your minds out of the gutter. I mean computer viruses! ;)
  • #11
Gil, my dad is a computer tech in Alaska, and I know he does go to Wasilla for service calls. I can get you his number if you need it.
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  • #12
ShanaSmith said:
Gil, my dad is a computer tech in Alaska, and I know he does go to Wasilla for service calls. I can get you his number if you need it.
Thanks Shana! We have a friend that does tech support for our local internet service who knows a ton about computers. I am going to bring my laptop to him but if he can't fix it then I will be looking around for someone so I will keep your dad in mind. I know it is just the hormones but I just want to cry everytime I think about it.

I submitted my show last night and still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail from P3. Is that normal? I know it is the weekend but I thought it was automated...
  • #13
I don't always get a conf email right away. I'm not sure I even get one every time. Have you checked on CC to see if it shows up in shipping status?
  • #14
ChefLisa said:
With all of the traveling KG does, I imagine he has picked up quite a few viruses over the years!

Hey, get your minds out of the gutter. I mean computer viruses! ;)

My 3yo DS is sitting behind me as I read this and keeps asking... "what so funny, mommy". Just told him that people are being silly... good thing he can't read yet!
  • #15
Sorry Gillian to hear about your time at the wedding {{hugs}}. I get left out of a lot of events cause my DH and I don't have kids!! Even if it's event were kids aren't involved:rolleyes: Oh well I know that it hurts but try to put it behind you and move forward!
  • #16
My mom's Windows XP went belly-up a couple of years ago and I saved her Master's thesis with an external hard drive and a copy of Linux that runs from a CD.If the connections for face-to-face computer guys don't work out, I can walk you through what I did.
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  • #17
I know that I have that thing that can revert the computer back to say...Saturday @ 6am, but I dont know if I revert it to before I had the virus if it would work or not.Any techies know?
  • #18
I'd say not. The virus would have gone through and infected those files too, I'd imagine. There most definitely are viruses that do that - no telling if YOURS did, but it's safe to assume.What *I* would do - get my files backed up onto another removable drive, and reformat the computer. Make certain your files are virus-free, then move them back onto the laptop. I am never willing to trust a computer after I've removed a virus... not that I've had one in years.
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  • #19
You think it would make it worse to try?Also- is there any way to back up all my files at once instead of going into each program and backing up?
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  • #20
Also- the virus made a new file that messes with other stuff, is didn't corrupt a file that I already had. So if it didn't exist before the new file was made you still don't think it could work?I am not trying to be difficult- I just don't understand viruses very well!
  • #21
Yes, it could make things worse.Regarding backup - it depends on the programs you use. P3 for example, you'll want to run a backup and then backup that file. You can just backup your "my documents" folder and also your "profile" - on Windows XP, it's going to be in C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName - that will get most program settings and files.Most programs will put their data in the profile I mentioned about - but some don't. Tell me what programs you use that save files and I'll try to tell you where they're likely to put their files.
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  • #22
All my files are on Word, Photoshop, PPP, my Kodak software... would they all be in there?I tried to restore it to different points anyway and it came back unsuccessful.
  • #23
In addition to the profile and "my documents" folders, I'd backup your kodak folder too - it might have some settings you'll want to restore. That's probably in c:\program files\kodak - something like that anyway.Word, Photoshop - those files are wherever you put them. Most of the time, I imagine you're putting them in "my documents" because that's kind of the default.Oh, check your desktop for files too. I don't put files there but a lot of people do!
  • #24
ChefLisa said:
With all of the traveling KG does, I imagine he has picked up quite a few viruses over the years!

Hey, get your minds out of the gutter. I mean computer viruses! ;)
No, I practice safe surfing.

I always have condiments on my modem when I'm interfacing with a portal I've never met before. It's to help me ketchup with all the threads on CS.
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  • #25
jenniferp417 said:
In addition to the profile and "my documents" folders, I'd backup your kodak folder too - it might have some settings you'll want to restore. That's probably in c:\program files\kodak - something like that anyway.

Word, Photoshop - those files are wherever you put them. Most of the time, I imagine you're putting them in "my documents" because that's kind of the default.

Oh, check your desktop for files too. I don't put files there but a lot of people do!
Thanks Jennifer! I only have a little zip drive, but I thought I could put a little bit on there and transfer it to my desktop repeatedly. I don't have any money for a portable hard drive that is a good size, so my little zip drive will have to do.
  • #26
That will definitely work! :)Once everything is said and done, you'll want to do a very good virus scan on those files before anything is opened or run!
  • #27
I'm so sorryOh Gillian I am so sorry about your laptop. Please don't worry about the announcements. I will take them just like they are. They are wonderful!! Thank you so much for working on those, even though you have your plate full with all you do each day. You said I can copy it onto a CD and take it to Walmart or just do it at the Walmart.com photo center?
I am also sorry you got snubbed. It's a shame people don't take the time to get to know you for who you are and what a great person you are. You live over 4,000 miles from me and I think you are a great person. I would love to be your neighbor. I am your friend in TX!! It's highly unlikely I will ever go to Alaska or you will come to TX, but if we ever do, you have a place to stay and a friend to spend some time with.

Debbie :D
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Thanks Debbie- I tried last night to go in on a different program and add the line, but it looked fuzzy and kinda ruined the whole effect...

You can just go into my photobucket and right click the announcement (make sure you pick the right one!) and copy it to a cd. I have never uploaded them on walmart.com because they don't offer the pickup service here, but I am sure that yours does. Whichever way you want. Also, maybe get 10 printed to start to make sure that you like them because some photo machines alter the colors and do funny things to them. I got 100 printed of Baylor's just to find out that the photo machine formatter was a tiny bit different than my photo program and the bottom was cut off. I had to tell the lady at the counter that I wanted ALL the words on the announcement (DUH!) and got 100 more. She took the first set back, but not everyone will be as nice. Check a few before you print a ton!

As for the wedding people- they were all people that I went to high school with so they already know me. I wouldn't be offended if total strangers didn't want to introduce themselves, but these people were quite obviously avoiding eye contact. The people that I said hi to would just give me a monotone hi and walk away. I am trying to get over it but just can't stop thinking about what I did that would make everyone act this way towards me.

And I would love to be your neighbor! We would have to rent a bus if we wanted to go somewhere together with all of our kids though, LOL! I don't have any plans to go to Texas, but if I do you will be on my Cheffer Railroad, LOL!

Related to How Can a Simple Virus Ruin Your Day and Data?

1. What is "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!"?

"Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!" is a game created by Pampered Chef to educate people about computer viruses and how to protect their devices from them. It is a fun and interactive way to learn about internet safety.

2. How do I play "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!"?

To play "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!", you will need the game board and pieces, which can be purchased through Pampered Chef. Follow the instructions included in the game to set up and start playing. The game can be played with 2-4 players.

3. Is "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!" suitable for all ages?

Yes, "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!" is suitable for all ages. It is a family-friendly game that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. It is a great way to teach kids about internet safety in a fun and engaging way.

4. Can I play "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!" on my own?

"Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!" is designed to be played with 2-4 players, but you can play it solo if you like. You can challenge yourself to beat your own high score or use it as a learning tool to practice protecting your device from virtual viruses.

5. What will I learn from playing "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!"?

By playing "Oh Crap!! Computer Virus Vent!", you will learn about different types of computer viruses, how they can infect your device, and how to prevent them. You will also learn about internet safety practices and how to protect your personal information and data online.

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