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Honesty Needed... I'm in a Predicament

Pampered Laura
Okay, I hope this comes out okay - you know how things really come out weird when you can't hear someone's tone of voice? But I really want opinions. :eek:

I'm the type of person who loves a little friendly competition. I love seeing what the top sellers & recruiters are doing... and try to "beat 'em". :D
It helps me set goals when I think "hey, if he can do that, I can SO totally do that too".

(Please please don't take this as me tooting my own horn, I really want to know what people think about this... it's bugging me :()

So, lately I've been getting a little attention from my upline, other consultants, and the home office. I love the recognition and pats on the back for a job well done (except getting up on stage, AACK!) but the AMOUNT of the recognition and how often I'm seeing my name in email announcements/newsletters is making me a little nervous.

When it was announced that I got TPC in recruiting, I got about 20 emails and phone calls all asking me to "share my secret". I don't mind helping others. I WANT to help other people. Seriously, if I could get over my dang stage fright, I'd love to give a whole workshop on recruiting. I love it, and want others to realize it CAN be easy to do. It's not the helping/training that's making me uncomfortable, I'm just worried that when the spotlight is on me (at our meetings and such) it takes away from someone else who may really be encouraged to have that recognition, too. I don't want anyone to be mad at me or get sick of seeing my name. :(

Does this make any sense?
I just kind of yay-cringe every time I see my name in the cluster newsletter, or whatever announcement, because I don't want it to look like "UGH IT's HER AGAIN!!!". You know?
I wish there was a way that I could help train other consultants and teach people what I know, but without feeling like I'm taking away from someone else.

This makes sense in my head but when I re-read it... LOL
So what I want to know is...
When you see the same person's name over and over and over again being recognized for this, that and the other... do you feel bitter or angry? Or does it encourage you to do well so that YOUR name can be there?
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  • #2
What does it matter what others think?You worked hard for your accomplishments, celebrate them! Forget what others may think about it.

In the same vein, some women apologize for their success. Don't. You will rarely see men do that. Be proud of what you have done, and graciously say "Thank you" when someone compliments you.

Actually it makes me notice them and then I want to hear what they have to say or learn how they are doing things. Pampered Chef and the people here seem so much more helpful than other people I know. Some people are all out to get there name and accomplishments out there but don't want to help. I think it is totally different here. EVERYONE is so helpful at The pampered Chef, that I don't get the "Look at me" feeling. I would love to hear what you say, and by hearing things from and about you, I will also learn and be able to 'get my name in the game too'. Go for it.....
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  • #4
priscilla said:
In the same vein, some women apologize for their success. Don't. You will rarely see men do that. Be proud of what you have done, and graciously say "Thank you" when someone compliments you.


This is so true... I do this. LOL
My husband says a nice compliment, and I reply "no I'm not ____ , I'm a COW!!!". :eek: stupid I know.
When I recieve recognition at our meetings, I do feel proud...but at the same time I feel like I want to crawl under the sofa for fear of someone rolling their eyes and being sick of me. :rolleyes:

So... *ahem* .... THANK YOU. :D
I think you should post your workshop with all your recruiting tips right here, where you won't be intimidated!

And so we can all benefit! LOL
It makes me proud to have someone I know on the newsletter over and over again...kind of like they are PC stars and I know them...make sense?
As long as you are being recognized for what you have done and not being worshiped, ENJOY the fruits of your labor! You have done such a great job and should be very proud of your accomplishments. There are so many of us that need to see other people's accomplishments to know it is possible for us, too!
At least with PC recognition, it is for things that you have actually done... not like when someone at work gets a promotion that they didn't earn. You have EARNED all of this!!!!
I love to see recognition of others for their accomplishments and we all like to see our names out there.What annoys me are the shameless self-promoters that have little to say or share. When the entire message is "Look at me!!!" I just look away.
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  • #9
Paige Dixon said:
I think you should post your workshop with all your recruiting tips right here, where you won't be intimidated!

And so we can all benefit! LOL

Now THERE is a GREAT idea!
  • #10
Laura, everyone has had such good things to say! I especially have to second Robin and KG.Can I offer a suggestion on the state fright you mentioned? Toastmasters. There's almost certainly a club near you. They develop public speaking and leadership skills. After a while as a member, I am SO MUCH more confident and capable. I really don't think I could sell PC without the skills I've learned in Toastmasters.Join Toastmasters, then you can give us that workshop on recruiting! ;)
  • #11
I am always happy when I see people recognized, mostly because I know those people work their business hard. I don't feel jealous at all.
  • #12

I decided to answer this before I read any other responses, because I want my reply to be all me :)

There is nothing wrong with winning and being recognized for doing so. I am sure - absolutely positive - that there will be people who resent that you are doing both. Things just work a certain way in life. If you consider this adventure a mountain, the closer you get to the top of the peak, the fewer people are going to be right there with you. The vast, vast majority of people are not willing to do what you have done to get what you have. That's okay. Everyone should decide for themselves what level they want to attain. People should also be willing to be honest with themselves and admit that they are not willing to do the work.

TPC is an equal opportunity opportunity. What I mean by that is that we ALL start in the same place, and we ALL have the same opportunity to get to the very top of our company structure. Well, maybe not Doris' job, but you know what I mean. But we are all given the same access to training. We all are given the same contract in the beginning and we all have to advance in exactly the same way. No buying our way up (thank goodness!). So - you don't have anything that any other person in TPC can't have. You haven't been granted special favor. You have simply been more intentional about taking advantage of the opportunity you have been handed.

Will people grumble. Yep. The people who want what you have but don't want to do what you have done to get it. How they respond is really their issue - and none of your business frankly. So mind your own business ;)

There are plenty of people who know they aren't willing to do what you have done (the work, that is) and they know that. They are making a different choice. But they are still very capable and willing to be a cheerleader for those who DO want to do what it takes.

Just don't fall into the trap of false modesty. You can be modest - not having a nah-nah-nah attitude (which IMO you do NOT have from what I've seen), but don't belittle what you have accomplished. The word martyr keeps coming to mind, but I'm just not sure how it fits :D Don't cheapen the win for those of us who ARE willing to do what you have done and are checking out your footsteps to walk in.

And sign me up for your first class, would ya? And when you public speak, imagine everyone in their underwear. It levels the playing field (I've talked in front of crowds of 3-4 thousand before - it's a piece of cake once you get started!).

Ok, I'll stop now. I am really very good at ticking people off because I am often TOO honest for most people. But, you asked ...
  • #13
TANSTAAFL - "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." Everything in the world comes with a price to it.I once heard a wonderful pianist at a receital and afterward, at a reception, someone said to her, "I'd give anything to play like you do."In one of the most brutal, and truthful, comebacks I've ever heard, the pianist (paraphrased) said, "No, you wouldn't. If you truely wanted to, you already would have. But you didn't put in the years of study that I have and the daily hours of repetitious practice that I do."You're the pianist - the jealous are the ones who weren't willing to pay the price.
  • #14

I love to see peoples names and accomplishments. Like you it gives me a challenge. I want you to strive for everything, so someday, my name will be able to be where you are now. Keep up the good work and give me more challenges.
  • #15
You know what you said about friendly competition and wanting to do better? Well, there are others just like you and YOU are their competition. Your success will motivate others. Unfortunately there will others intimidated by it.
I have worked very hard to build my business and recognition has become a benefit of the business I never dreamed I'd enjoy.
Congratulations on earning TPC. Next year for me!
  • #16
Laura, i understand where you are coming from, I feel the same way about being recognized and wanting to crawl under something...walking at conference is a HUGE fear of mine...I am glad I accomplished it but don't really want to be under the spotlight!
You are inspiring...please don't stop what you are doing. I agree with TKG..jealous are the ones who aren't willing to pay the price.
Maybe recruiting comes easy to you and if you truly love recruiting it will show and you will recruit..(which we all have seen you can do & obviously really do love it)
My advice, and I hear it from my director all the time "don't be afraid of success" I know your not afraid but be VERY PROUD of all you have accomplished and plan to accomplish.
I will be cheering you on and excited to see your name be recognized and say..hey there goes Laura again! She rocks!!! :)
  • #17
Laura - I'm just disappointed that I changed waves and don't get to congratulate you in person!

Enjoy what you have EARNED!
  • #18
MomToEli said:

I decided to answer this before I read any other responses, because I want my reply to be all me :)

There is nothing wrong with winning and being recognized for doing so. I am sure - absolutely positive - that there will be people who resent that you are doing both. Things just work a certain way in life. If you consider this adventure a mountain, the closer you get to the top of the peak, the fewer people are going to be right there with you. The vast, vast majority of people are not willing to do what you have done to get what you have. That's okay. Everyone should decide for themselves what level they want to attain. People should also be willing to be honest with themselves and admit that they are not willing to do the work.

TPC is an equal opportunity opportunity. What I mean by that is that we ALL start in the same place, and we ALL have the same opportunity to get to the very top of our company structure. Well, maybe not Doris' job, but you know what I mean. But we are all given the same access to training. We all are given the same contract in the beginning and we all have to advance in exactly the same way. No buying our way up (thank goodness!). So - you don't have anything that any other person in TPC can't have. You haven't been granted special favor. You have simply been more intentional about taking advantage of the opportunity you have been handed.

Will people grumble. Yep. The people who want what you have but don't want to do what you have done to get it. How they respond is really their issue - and none of your business frankly. So mind your own business ;)

There are plenty of people who know they aren't willing to do what you have done (the work, that is) and they know that. They are making a different choice. But they are still very capable and willing to be a cheerleader for those who DO want to do what it takes.

Just don't fall into the trap of false modesty. You can be modest - not having a nah-nah-nah attitude (which IMO you do NOT have from what I've seen), but don't belittle what you have accomplished. The word martyr keeps coming to mind, but I'm just not sure how it fits :D Don't cheapen the win for those of us who ARE willing to do what you have done and are checking out your footsteps to walk in.

And sign me up for your first class, would ya? And when you public speak, imagine everyone in their underwear. It levels the playing field (I've talked in front of crowds of 3-4 thousand before - it's a piece of cake once you get started!).

Ok, I'll stop now. I am really very good at ticking people off because I am often TOO honest for most people. But, you asked ...

WOW, Sandy! What a good way to say what many of us feel.

BTW... the next time I need a speech for something, I'm coming to you! And what were you doing when you had to talk to 3K people? That's impressive, too!
  • #19
I think you should be proud of your accomplishments. When I was starting out, I never resented people's accomplishments above me. I thought it was very motivating and so cool to see others earn trips, TPC, every single incentive, etc. I knew for me back then, I never saw myself getting to the point where I"d be in the same spot, but it was SO cool to see people who did. Now knowing how HARD one has to work to earn what you've earned and work so hard for, I say be as happy as you can about it because you completely deserve it! And like others have said, I'd bet a million dollars that more people are inspired by you than "irked" by seeing your name all the time, if that makes sense.

Soak it all up.....you deserve it!! I'm so excited I'll hopefully get to meet you at conference.

Oh and speaking of being modest (which I'm sure you are because that just seems like the kind of person you are), I heard tons of people ask David Meenan how in the world he got over 200,000 points last year in the incentive program because I sat next to him at breakfast one morning in Atlantis. They gushed all over him and he seemed somewhat uncomfortable, but had a great response to all of that....."every single person here wearing a blue shirt (it happened to be t-shirt day) worked hard to get to this point and I just did the same thing..." So I thought that was a good response.

Way to go for all your awesome accomplishments!!
  • #20
Speaking from the aspect of someone who isn't really interested in achieving what you have (I'm a part-timer, and I do it mostly to get out of my house once in a while!), I think it's neat to see the same people's names over and over. It lets me cheer from afar (and often without even knowing these people).

I'm not interested (at this point, anyhow) in moving up tremedously in the company, and I realize that I don't do the things I would need to to get there, nor am I willing to. Sometimes it's hard for me to fathom how people achieve those things, but it certainly doesn't make me roll my eyes or go all green! I love to cheer for the people I see again and again in the lists!

So you go girl! WAY TO GO!!!!
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  • #21
:eek: :eek: Thanks guys. You know what's weird, is that I am a kind of modest ham. LOL. Like I said, I love the recognition and the cheers, but I just don't want someone to feel like what I'm doing is anything more special that what they are accomplishing. Just because my goal is reaching TPC and blah blah... doesnt mean that your goal can't be to hold one party a month. Neither one is any "less" of a goal than the other. A goal achieved is awesome to celebrate regardless of how high the bar is set.
Definately not a martyr... maybe a "humbled over-achiever". Think they have a ribbon for that? :D :rolleyes:
  • #22
Pampered Laura said:
So what I want to know is...
When you see the same person's name over and over and over again being recognized for this, that and the other... do you feel bitter or angry? Or does it encourage you to do well so that YOUR name can be there?
I wouldn't say I ever feel bitter or angry. I would say "envious" might be a better word. I would be envious that I am not having the success amd envious that I don't that have "ingredient" you have that is working for you. Its a shame that you feel you don't want too much attention. I guess as little girls we're taught to be demure and quiet and humble, when we deserve to be able to jump up and whoop it up as much, if not more so than the guys. (Nothing against guys, you know I love you!!)

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  • #23
And, BTW, if you are too shy to host a workshop... POST YOUR SECRETS, GIRL!!!
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  • #24
It cracks me up to think of myself "shy and demure" ROFL. That is really not the case at all. Although I'm glad stories of my non-shyness haven't leaked out after Leadership @ Gator's. :eek: Haha!
  • #25
When I first started this business I was only doing one to two shows a month and really struggling. I loved seeing the team stats and there were always a couple of the same consultants being recognized repeatedly. It showed me that you can succeed in this business, but it doesn't happen by chance, it takes time and commitment! I began to ask them questions during the networking portion of our meeting and began to put more energy into my business, before long my name was up there with them! You should be proud of your accomplishments, and it seems I am sure your contributions at meetings are very helpful for fellow consultants who want to follow in your footsteps. Congrats! Donna
  • #26
Well Put :)
MomToEli said:

I decided to answer this before I read any other responses, because I want my reply to be all me :)

There is nothing wrong with winning and being recognized for doing so. I am sure - absolutely positive - that there will be people who resent that you are doing both. Things just work a certain way in life. If you consider this adventure a mountain, the closer you get to the top of the peak, the fewer people are going to be right there with you. The vast, vast majority of people are not willing to do what you have done to get what you have. That's okay. Everyone should decide for themselves what level they want to attain. People should also be willing to be honest with themselves and admit that they are not willing to do the work.

TPC is an equal opportunity opportunity. What I mean by that is that we ALL start in the same place, and we ALL have the same opportunity to get to the very top of our company structure. Well, maybe not Doris' job, but you know what I mean. But we are all given the same access to training. We all are given the same contract in the beginning and we all have to advance in exactly the same way. No buying our way up (thank goodness!). So - you don't have anything that any other person in TPC can't have. You haven't been granted special favor. You have simply been more intentional about taking advantage of the opportunity you have been handed.

Will people grumble. Yep. The people who want what you have but don't want to do what you have done to get it. How they respond is really their issue - and none of your business frankly. So mind your own business ;)

There are plenty of people who know they aren't willing to do what you have done (the work, that is) and they know that. They are making a different choice. But they are still very capable and willing to be a cheerleader for those who DO want to do what it takes.

Just don't fall into the trap of false modesty. You can be modest - not having a nah-nah-nah attitude (which IMO you do NOT have from what I've seen), but don't belittle what you have accomplished. The word martyr keeps coming to mind, but I'm just not sure how it fits :D Don't cheapen the win for those of us who ARE willing to do what you have done and are checking out your footsteps to walk in.

And sign me up for your first class, would ya? And when you public speak, imagine everyone in their underwear. It levels the playing field (I've talked in front of crowds of 3-4 thousand before - it's a piece of cake once you get started!).

Ok, I'll stop now. I am really very good at ticking people off because I am often TOO honest for most people. But, you asked ...

I"d rather people be honest and upfront than not :)

  • #27
Laura, it may help to remember that, while you are earning great kudos, you aren't the one publishing your name. You aren't standing on a chair shouting, "Look at me!" Others are recognizing your accomplishments and saying, "Let's all congratulate Laura!"Is it possible that someone is grumbling about seeing your name once again? Sure. Some people are just petty and jealous. That isn't the majority of people, though.Congratulations on your success, and enjoy your time in the spotlight. When the time comes, you'll have the opportunity to shine that light on the people whose accomplishments make you proud.
  • #28
Speaking for myself - I am amazed and awed by how far you have come and what you have achieved.......Any attention you have received is well-deserved, and you have ALWAYS been helpful, encouraging, and willing to share what works for you - which shows that you are generous of your time and spirit - and that is not the markings of someone who is full of themself. You deserve the recognition, and I am glad that you are willing to share so much with the rest of us.....in fact, I had just had a conversation w/ my director about recruiting, and then read your "casual recruiting" tips - and sent the info on the her, saying that I am going to give it a try at my shows!:D
Thanks Laura!
  • #29
As a fairly new consultant, seeing other peoples accomplishments gives me encouragement that "I can do it too". And it's not that I want the kudos but I like having the "goals" to work towards....Keep it up it helps everyone.
  • #30
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I love to see recognition of others for their accomplishments and we all like to see our names out there.

What annoys me are the shameless self-promoters that have little to say or share. When the entire message is "Look at me!!!" I just look away.
I totally agree! There are two "over-achievers" in my upline who are always having awesome sales and recruiting. When I see their names it makes me want to achieve what they are doing. It gives me the incentive to get on the phone and work my business!

Accept the praise! You deserve it!
  • #31
MomToEli said:
Ok, I'll stop now. I am really very good at ticking people off because I am often TOO honest for most people. But, you asked ...
I thought your post was great!

Two quotes:
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. --Dr. Seuss

AND, I'd rather be punched in the face than stabbed in the back!

Related to Honesty Needed... I'm in a Predicament

1. What is the reason for your concern about the amount of recognition you are receiving?

As a scientist, I understand the importance of recognition and its impact on motivation and performance. I am curious about your perspective and any concerns you may have about the amount of recognition you are receiving.

2. Can you explain your motivation for wanting to beat your competitors and set goals based on their success?

As a scientist, I am interested in exploring the factors that drive individuals to compete and constantly improve. I would like to understand your personal motivation for wanting to outperform others in your field.

3. How do you feel about being asked to share your secrets and help others in your industry?

Collaboration and knowledge sharing are important aspects of any field. I am curious about your thoughts and feelings on being asked to share your strategies and help others succeed.

4. Are you worried about taking away recognition from others in your industry?

It is understandable to have concerns about overshadowing others and taking away their opportunities for recognition. I would like to know more about your thoughts on this and any potential solutions you may have in mind.

5. How do you think seeing the same person being recognized repeatedly affects others in your industry?

As a scientist, I am interested in the impact of recognition on individuals and the potential effects of seeing the same person being recognized repeatedly. I would like to hear your thoughts and observations on this matter.

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