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Honestly, What Are We Going to Do About Bookings?

I would assume they did not want the show anymore.I sent out 30 e-mails and made 20 calls last week. Of those, I booked 2 shows and talked to 1 possible recruit.
Ok, we are experiecing a hard time get bookings or to keep them. And we are doing all the right things, host coaching, calling, etc. What are we going to do to get more bookings? I rely on my business to pay for my bills... and it has not been a good 5 months for me. Thought it was getting better a week ago, then got 2 people that need to move their date 1 to June 1 to July. I was hoping to get bookings from those to get me into the next month and so forth.

I know there is no magical answer.. but for goodness sakes, please give me some sort of encouragement to go on. PLEASE!!:(
After 6 years, you know persistence pays off.Have you done a "go for no" time? "Because the truth is… there is nothing you can’t achieve if you are willing to hear the word NO often enough. Absolutely nothing."Because if you are making enough calls to keep hearing "no" then you start to make enough to hear yes. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Well, it's back to the good old phone of mine!

Have you tried:
24 in 24 (phoning AND emailing people)
offer an incentive
new theme show
new recipes
u have been at this longer than me - what about doing a mystery host show or a HWC Open House?
It's time for all the "stephanie"'s to come out of the woodwork here! LOL
I am offering an incentive that with the great host special for June that if they do a home show or catalog show that reaches $500 or more I will buy their host special..most of them want the chopper anyway ($12 for me to buy..) and I got 2 bookings that way...they are both catalog shows, and I am also going to offer something from those shows about getting bookings from the catalog shows..I don't know what yet, but I'm thinking!
I made 30 calls and 20 e-mails last week and got NOTHING, I am so frustrated and ready to give up :(
People have told me to call or said they would have a party, I call and have never had so many avoid me in my life!
No magical answerYou are right there is no magical answer. And I am sorry you are frustrated and discouraged right now. It can get that way with any business.
I encourage you to take a couple of days off and just relax. I think it's a good idea to get away from work, even if it is something you love and do from home, to spend some time doing something nice for yourself and with your family. Plan a picnic, go to a movie, have a massage, etc...
Then after you do this, make a plan. Try to go door to door leaving your business card and maybe a flyer. Try to meet new people, let them see your face and offer some small incentive to book a show! You don't want to go broke, so be sensible in what you offer but do offer something to get your foot in the door. :chef:
I know when I was getting frustrated I took some time off and prayed. The Lord has blessed me with two shows this month and they just fell into my lap. Both people called and emailed me saying they wanted a show. I wasn't expecting it and sometimes you are going to hear lots of no's in this business. It makes the yes' even that much more special. :love:

I hope you find success soon in your business.
Debbie :D
we did our booking blitz last night. I made 6 calls in 30 minutes and booked 2 shows and talked to 1 possible recruit. Pick up the phone... call call call everyone and anyone!
  • #10
Great to see you around Debbie:D :D

I think the only way we can get out of this is the phone, a positive attitude and a smile.
According to what I have heard, except for the gas prices, we are supposed to be on the upswing, they just are pointing out the bad to freak everybody out.:eek: Don't know if it is working on me yet, but cheers to a positive attitude!
  • #11
Meredith - of those 30 calls and 20 e-mails, how many:
Said no
Said yes not now
Said maybe
Were not home

I have also had people who said they would book a show,then didnt return calls, etc. Last night I did a leads list "spring cleaning" I sent these people a "one last try" e-mail that bascially reminded them of when they said they intended to have a show, that June and July are great months to host, and that if I did not hear from them within a week, I would consider them no longer interested. Personally, taking these people off my list is a relief for me.

So, you mentally toss out the Nos, give the maybes another shot or two, and move on. I know that sounds cold, but you can look forward, not back.
  • #12
Thanks Susan,
11 were not home and I got 29 no's, 1 never call me again, 3 maybe in the fall ( but those were the same people who keep saying maybe next month and I think keep saying it because they don't have the balls to say no thanks) and 4 saying they have a friend of a friend who sells ad that friend would be mad if they booked with me. I am getting discouraged :(
  • #13
Wow Meredith - I would be discouraged too if I had gotten 29 no's in one night! Maybe that's why PC recommends 3 live contacts a day.

I agree with what Debbie suggested - take time off from the phone, maybe wait till next week to call back the 11 who were not home. In the meantime, would trying some new recipes help make you a little happier? Remember, you can deduct the food costs from your taxes :)

Chin up - this too shall pass!
  • #14
Thanks :) I was so far behind on my calls, I just decided to take a few hours while DH took the kids out and knock some calls out. I was so excited and by the 15th call, the excitement was fading, so I took a break, refocused and started over. Also, our cluster had a challenge to see how many people we could call in 30-60 minutes, so that is what got it all started. I am making the Aloha Pizza tonight and something with chocolate :) I do have a party on Friday.
  • #15
knock that party out of the ballpark!!!
  • #16
Did you try....To get a table at a fair, women's show, etc? That always brings in bookings.

Are you SMILING while you are dialing? When someone says they want to host a show do you say "would you like May or June?" If you want/need bookings for a certain month - offer a little incentive - $500+show and I'll buy the host special.

Are you keeping your name in front of everyone each month? I have been doing a newsletter since I started in Sept. 2005, and although at time it can be time consuming it's the best thing I can do for my business. I get bookings without even picking up the phone! (Which helps when I work a 40+ hour job, have a 5 year old at home, coach soccer, and still find time to sell PC). That newsletter makes everyone think of me first - so when their friend from work says "I wish I new a PC lady to do a show for me", they can say "I have one - here's her name" - by the way - true story really did happen - just because her name was on my monthly newsletter list.
  • #17
I do a newsletter like clockwork every month,( not one booking from it) I am in a networking group and we have done numerous functions and I have had great sales, but no bookings. I have offered $500 plus party a piece of stoneware from the basics collection. I do a booking tree, pick a date, get a free gift. I have tried numerous suggestions from this site and nothing. People from my shows tell the shows are fun and I am doing a great job, yet no bookings :( I have done several "Pamper a Business", NOTHING :(
  • #18
I'm sorry Steph, did I hijack your thread?? :( Your post just got me thinking.
  • #19
susanr613 said:
Wow Meredith - I would be discouraged too if I had gotten 29 no's in one night! Maybe that's why PC recommends 3 live contacts a day.

I agree with what Debbie suggested - take time off from the phone, maybe wait till next week to call back the 11 who were not home. In the meantime, would trying some new recipes help make you a little happier? Remember, you can deduct the food costs from your taxes :)

Chin up - this too shall pass!

It's all how you LOOK at your "no's". I am about to read the book "Go for No" and I'll update you guys after I get it from my ED and read it. It is supposed to be very good.

We as women take "no" too personally and with a bad stigma...probably because it mean a negative all our life. We need to look at them positively and go on. Remember, you sometimes have to ask people more than once...

Think of all of us as consultants who were asked more than once if we wanted to sell PC...I'm sure I was asked a dozen times over the years. If people didn't keep asking I may not have said yes. I think my recruiter asked me about 4-5 times. She wasn't rude, wasn't pushy...these times were over a 5 year period. She just kept politely asking because people change and times change.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
merego said:
I'm sorry Steph, did I hijack your thread?? :( Your post just got me thinking.

Oh, you are fine.... I just like reading what everyone has to say. I made customer care calls all afternoon. Didn't book any shows... but I felt good just talking to people. I did talk to 1 that said in the fall, 1 that wants to place an order in July on someones party, 1 bridal shower in a year. Messages, etc. I plan to get back on the phone tonight. I figure I have to be getting closer. Oh, I did get 2 hospitality people today. That's always fun. I think I just feel so much pressure because this is my full time and only job and my bills kind of need the $$ if you know what I mean.

Anyhow.... phone, smile, positive attitude. OH!! I did call to join a luncheon this Monday, I hope to meet some people there! Anyhow... I'll eventually get this back to where I want it! Just takes persistence! Don't forget patience!

  • #21
Good job Steph! Keep it up!
  • #22
My PC$$ is my spending money and since I love to shop I need some bookings. Plus with gas prices being so high, the extra $$ money helps fill up the minivan. I'm sure the pressure is so much greater since this is your full time job so I probably have no business whining. I hope to be a director in the next few years by the time my kiddos go to kindergarten and focus on a fulltime business.
  • #23
Well, my PC business has suddenly become the source of my gas money to get to my semi-FT job ... or to pay my utility bills, take your pick ... so I seriously have to step up my game!
  • #24
I'm a retired Police Dispatcher/911 Operator. For several years I spent 40+ hours per week talking to people on the worst day of their life. Pampered Chef has been a wonderful change. I absolutely LOVE talking to people who are not crying, yelling, cussing, etc.

I promise you that your mood/attitude can be read through the phone line. I could call someone back after receiving a 911 hangup and tell by the tone of their voice if they were totally confused on how the call got placed, or if there was a problem and they were lying. Even if you don't intend to sound stressed or discouraged, people can still pick up on the fact that you are. The next time you two ladies pick up the phone, make a point to smile as you talk. It doesn't cost you anything to try it out. I betcha it will make a difference! :D

My Mom always told me "If you think you can, or you think you can't ... you're probably right!" I pretty much think "I can". ;)
  • #25
Sheila said:
I'm a retired Police Dispatcher/911 Operator. For several years I spent 40+ hours per week talking to people on the worst day of their life. Pampered Chef has been a wonderful change. I absolutely LOVE talking to people who are not crying, yelling, cussing, etc.

I promise you that your mood/attitude can be read through the phone line. I could call someone back after receiving a 911 hangup and tell by the tone of their voice if they were totally confused on how the call got placed, or if there was a problem and they were lying. Even if you don't intend to sound stressed or discouraged, people can still pick up on the fact that you are. The next time you two ladies pick up the phone, make a point to smile as you talk. It doesn't cost you anything to try it out. I betcha it will make a difference! :D

My Mom always told me "If you think you can, or you think you can't ... you're probably right!" I pretty much think "I can". ;)

You are so right :) the 1st few calls I am enthusiastic, but I know my enthusiasm starts to fade and that is when I know it is time to stop.
I am going to make 3 calls today and see what happens, only 3 :)
Thanks for your advice!!
  • #26
merego said:
You are so right :) the 1st few calls I am enthusiastic, but I know my enthusiasm starts to fade and that is when I know it is time to stop.
I am going to make 3 calls today and see what happens, only 3 :)
Thanks for your advice!!

It's midnight here in Japan, so I'm headed to bed. I'll check back in a few hours to see how you did. ;)
  • #27
Di_Can_Cook said:
Well, my PC business has suddenly become the source of my gas money to get to my semi-FT job ... or to pay my utility bills, take your pick ... so I seriously have to step up my game!

DH told me last night to slow down the shopping and use $$ for gas and groceries since prices are getting so darn high.
  • #28
chefsteph07 said:
It's time for all the "stephanie"'s to come out of the woodwork here! LOL
I am offering an incentive that with the great host special for June that if they do a home show or catalog show that reaches $500 or more I will buy their host special..most of them want the chopper anyway ($12 for me to buy..) and I got 2 bookings that way...they are both catalog shows, and I am also going to offer something from those shows about getting bookings from the catalog shows..I don't know what yet, but I'm thinking!

For my catalog shows, I offer an extra $10 in free product for each booking they get. It gives them a reason to try to get their friends/family to book. Only had one catty show since offering this, so don't really have any results yet.
  • #29
I do believe the desperation, disappointment or frustration comes through when we make our calls, in spite of our best efforts to hide these emotions. I have good call nights and real bad call nights. On the good call nights I will make as many as 10 contacts on the bad call nights I make my 3 contacts and start fresh the next day. I agree with taking a break, it will help to lift spirits and perhaps come across on the other end of the line. There are many suggestions on this site, perhaps pick three things you are willing to do this week that may increase your business.
  • #30
I have started offering "Booking Bucks" to my hosts. They will receive $10 to spend at each solid booking they get before their show. I haven't had any takers yet but did just start that about 2-3 weeks ago.

I have attached the cards & the label that I put on the sheet protector inside host packet.


  • Booking Bucks.doc
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  • Earn Booking Bucks label.doc
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  • #31
LOVE this idea Stacy~THANKS!
  • #32
I can't take all the credit. I got the idea from here somewhere (I think).
  • #33
Sheila said:
It's midnight here in Japan, so I'm headed to bed. I'll check back in a few hours to see how you did. ;)

Ok, so I did a few calls and I was happy and cheerful and the 3 people I talked to all sounded like I was bothering them and said not interested. They were chipper until I said this is Meredith with the Pampered Chef I met you at Susans party, tone quickly changed to oh crap, why did I answer the phone.
So, I am back to being discouraged :(
  • #34
Meredith, that's OK ... they bought from you once so you weren't a pest. You never know ... there might have been World War III going on there.I think I'm going to pamper a police station next ...
  • #35
Di_Can_Cook said:
Meredith, that's OK ... they bought from you once so you weren't a pest. You never know ... there might have been World War III going on there.

I think I'm going to pamper a police station next ...

Thanks, I know I am being way too hard on myself and I can not take it personally, but it is just so darn hard sometimes. Maybe I will get a booking or 2 tomorrow night from my party :) love the police station idea, we have 4 firehouses in our area and I am going to hit those.
  • #36
merego said:
Ok, so I did a few calls and I was happy and cheerful and the 3 people I talked to all sounded like I was bothering them and said not interested. They were chipper until I said this is Meredith with the Pampered Chef I met you at Susans party, tone quickly changed to oh crap, why did I answer the phone.
So, I am back to being discouraged :(
Yes, don't be so hard on yourself. Don't read into the tone of a person's voice. Sometimes, I'm waiting for someone to call, and when it isn't who I thought it was going to be, my voice changes if I'm not careful. Don't take it personal. They aren't saying "no" to you in a personal way, they are saying "not now" to having a show or whatever you're offering. Stay cheerful because you're actually speaking to a human instead of an answering machine. You get to count it as a contact.
  • #37
merego said:
Thanks, I know I am being way too hard on myself and I can not take it personally, but it is just so darn hard sometimes. Maybe I will get a booking or 2 tomorrow night from my party :) love the police station idea, we have 4 firehouses in our area and I am going to hit those.

I'm so sorry it didn't work for you.

I would love to hear more about Pampereing the Police & Fire Departments.
  • #38
Sheila said:
I'm so sorry it didn't work for you.

I would love to hear more about Pampereing the Police & Fire Departments.

I am not sure how I am going to handle the fire station yet, I am waiting to hear back from my friend whose DH is a fireman to make sure no other wives sell it.
I pampered my salon this week. Have you had a chance to check out the other threads on Pampering a Business? I would be happy to tell you more:)
  • #39
I think because there are SO many strikes against us getting the bookings (like it was said earlier -- weather, sports, vacations, etc.) - I think we have to offer incentives and be creative.

I like the idea of Dollar Days and FREE cooking Shows.

Or we could just really promote OUTDOOR theme Shows (BarBQ Show or Patio Party) with COOL recipes (ice cream sandwich torte - yum).

What about extra incentives for bringing friends to a Show?

Or REALLY promoting our PWS BECAUSE people are so busy! - it is SO convenient!!!

At our last Cluster Meeting - a few of the top sellers said they pretty much ONLY do catty shows during the summer - it is easy for everyone - and they make sure to put ALL summer shows online.

I was thinking of offering (or suggesting) shows during the day - like 11:00 Come for Brunch Show (works great for SAHM and doesn't interefer with nap time)

If people STILL aren't 'biting', then why not just promote a Mystery Host Show (especially for HWC or during the slower summer months)
  • #40
I understand how you feel Stephanie. This is my only job too and my family needs the money to pay our bills. It can be very stressful just thinking about what's at stake. However, given the alternative I plan to continue working this job as long as I can. I figure I've sold products to thousands of people over the last 6 years and if I have to I will call every one of them. Keep your chin up things will get better! :)

  • #41
I love the dollar days idea and have tried out and gotten NOTHING :(
I have offered free cooking shows and pick a date, pick a gift ( pc item~ I put a picture of a mini-whisk or slice n serve). NOTHING
I did a flyer wih several different summer themes~ NOTHING.
Yet, I had a party last night and sold over $800 in product. I have no problem getting the sales, it is the bookings. I sold 9 salad choppers, promoted the June special ( the salad chopper for $10) said they could do a catlog or internet show~ NOTHING~ AGH...... My lowest party has been $600, so I can sell the product ( or maybe I am lucky~ ha ha) I just need more bookings. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
  • #42
Honestly, I think people are just afraid of commitment and they don't want to take the time to gather people together no matter how many things they can get for free or discounted. People will go to their friends shows, but not hold one of their own. I have offered so many incentives to encourage bookings and NOTHING! I am really getting discouraged. I am beginning to wonder if it's just me.
  • #43
merego said:
I love the dollar days idea and have tried out and gotten NOTHING :(
I have offered free cooking shows and pick a date, pick a gift ( pc item~ I put a picture of a mini-whisk or slice n serve). NOTHING
I did a flyer wih several different summer themes~ NOTHING.
Yet, I had a party last night and sold over $800 in product. I have no problem getting the sales, it is the bookings. I sold 9 salad choppers, promoted the June special ( the salad chopper for $10) said they could do a catlog or internet show~ NOTHING~ AGH...... My lowest party has been $600, so I can sell the product ( or maybe I am lucky~ ha ha) I just need more bookings. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
I've said this before on other booking threads, but here it is again, for what it's worth:I used to offer all kinds of extras to get people to book, and I never had good results from it. Plus, then I had to remember from one show to the next what kind of extra incentives I had to give that host. It was too much work, and I was spending too much money.I actually started getting more bookings when I stopped giving extra incentives (I think they may have made me look desperate) and started focusing on the great benefits PC offers. I use the following coupons with my host at every show, and I start by saying that because there are always some who aren't aware of the great host plan we offer, I like to show them what they can count on when they host a show. At every show, I hear many "WOW's", and "I didn't know that's" - even from the host who I've host coached about it before the show. There is something about the visual that helps!I also make sure and ask everyone at checkout if they would like to host. It is incredible the # of people who say yes, but who had checked no on their slip!


  • bookingcouponswd(2).doc
    167 KB · Views: 421
  • #44
Thanks for posting those Becky--those are great!
  • #45
ChefBeckyD said:
I've said this before on other booking threads, but here it is again, for what it's worth:

I used to offer all kinds of extras to get people to book, and I never had good results from it. Plus, then I had to remember from one show to the next what kind of extra incentives I had to give that host. It was too much work, and I was spending too much money.

I actually started getting more bookings when I stopped giving extra incentives (I think they may have made me look desperate) and started focusing on the great benefits PC offers. I use the following coupons with my host at every show, and I start by saying that because there are always some who aren't aware of the great host plan we offer, I like to show them what they can count on when they host a show. At every show, I hear many "WOW's", and "I didn't know that's" - even from the host who I've host coached about it before the show. There is something about the visual that helps!

I also make sure and ask everyone at checkout if they would like to host. It is incredible the # of people who say yes, but who had checked no on their slip!

Becky - you (or someone else?) posted these a while back and I started using thme - and WOW - they REALLY make an impact!!
  • #46
I do ask everyone and they still say no. I was surprised how many people bought the salad chpper for $25 and didn't want to host a party or catalog show to get it for $10.00.
I will try these booking coupons, thanks :)
  • #47
chefbeckyd would you recommened putting those booking coupons in chinese take out boxes for display at a fair that I have in 2 weeks!
  • #48
dannyzmom said:
Becky - you (or someone else?) posted these a while back and I started using thme - and WOW - they REALLY make an impact!!
I found them on here over a year ago, someone had posted them - but I can't remember who! I've said thank you several times in posts to this unknown person - and I have reposted them several times, just because of the impact they have made at my shows! My bookings have doubled (at least) since I started using them, and if I don't have them with me, I almost feel lost!
Good to hear that they are working well for you too Carolyn!
  • #49
cewcooks said:
chefbeckyd would you recommened putting those booking coupons in chinese take out boxes for display at a fair that I have in 2 weeks!

I'm not sure - I've never used them that way. I've always used them as a visual prop to my spoken bookings spiel.:D It can't hurt to try though!
  • #50
Exactly how does this work? Katie D. had explained it to me 2 months ago and I totally forgot.
Thanks :)
<h2>What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Honestly, What Are We Going to Do About Bookings?</h2><p>1. What can I do to get more bookings?</p><p>2. How can I keep bookings from canceling or rescheduling?</p><p>3. Despite host coaching and calling, why am I still struggling to get bookings?</p><p>4. How can I use the rescheduled dates to get more bookings in the future?</p><p>5. Is there any advice or encouragement for someone who relies on their business to pay their bills and is struggling to get bookings?</p>

Related to Honestly, What Are We Going to Do About Bookings?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Honestly, What Are We Going to Do About Bookings?

1. What can I do to get more bookings?

2. How can I keep bookings from canceling or rescheduling?

3. Despite host coaching and calling, why am I still struggling to get bookings?

4. How can I use the rescheduled dates to get more bookings in the future?

5. Is there any advice or encouragement for someone who relies on their business to pay their bills and is struggling to get bookings?

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