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Home Office Tour & Grab All You Can for Free

In summary, the thing I have heard is that directors can take the Day 3 tours. The first year you win "cash" that you can use to purchase products. There is a golden ticket which ends up being both sets of stainless cookware.
Gold Member
What is the thing I have heard about regarding touring the home office & then getting a chance to run through & get all the PC stuff you can for free?
Ok - I have gone to NC twice - this year is my third -

What they do is give everyone a sticker with a number and a color - then after the tour of HO they do a bingo thing with all the tour buses (around 4) each have a color - they call "green 24" then that person gets a shopping spree - 1st year it was like supermarket sweep - grab stuff and throw it in a basket - last year it was grabbing tickets in a booth and stuff them in a apron - lots of fun and the winner gets tons of stuff!!

I think Pampered ALf won once -

I won't be doing the tour this year but wish everyone else good luck!
Last year you won "cash" that you could use to purchase products and there was also a golden ticket which ended up being both sets of stainless cookware. It was really fun to watch the people grab all the floating money!
From the conference literature this year, it looks like they'll be doing the booth again.My first conference, I won the spree from my bus. There were 17 boxes on my side porch when I got home. :D
I am so excited to be promoting to Director and being able to walk at my first National Conference, but I got the schedule today for the conference and realized Directors have training during the tours!!! Do Directors not get to go on the tours??? This is the one thing I was looking forward to the most, but I don't want to miss the great training too. What do you guys think? Is the tour AWESOME?
Directors can take the Day 3 tours.Also, if you take new Director training, that's at HO, and will include a tour (although not with the prizes).
I think the literature sounds like the booth again too. I think that was ok, but not as fun to watch as people grabbing as many products as they could! It probably is a lot less labor intensive though since they won't have to set up that area w/products.

I won my first year at conference (two years ago)! I also had 17 boxes delivered!! They didn't beat me home, but the evening I got home I checked shipping status and it said the 17 boxes were on their way! It was so exciting to open up all those boxes! I have used a lot of the products, given things away, and still have a lot of products in the boxes in my garage!

I have to say winning the shopping spree is probably the same feeling you get when you win on the Price Is Right:)!!

I don't think I'm going to conference this year. I will be spending a lot of money on my daughter's graduation:(! I was just in too much of a funk this month to earn it for free or 1/2 price too! I would prefer someone who hasn't won win it anyway.

Good Luck Everyone!
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It might be a safety thing. I heard one year a gal took her sandals off and stepped on an apple wedger!
OK, so here's a question... the times for the HO tour - do they include travel time to HO? In other words, can I do the first timers orientation from 7:15 to 7:45 and still make it to the HO tour at 8:00? TIA!
  • #10
Yes, the tours include the travel. Tour times are leaving/arriving at McCormick Center.
  • #11
Cool, thanks, Ann! :)
  • #12
Thanks Ann! I didn't think I was going to get to take the First Timers Orientation. :chef:
  • #13
I just have to say that I hope they were better organized than they were last year. The buses were not running on schedule and didn't leave on time. We literally had 15 minutes to "run" around HO before going into the auditorium. That's why I'm going back this year. I feel like I missed so much.
  • #14
my recruit and i are taking the tour the last day - HO is less than 30 mins from where we live. so, we'll leave the conference, crying all the way, then do the HO tour, then home....maybe to 17 boxes?

where the heck would I put it all????
  • #15
susanr613 said:
my recruit and i are taking the tour the last day - HO is less than 30 mins from where we live. so, we'll leave the conference, crying all the way, then do the HO tour, then home....maybe to 17 boxes?

where the heck would I put it all????
Free or not, if I had 17 boxes waiting for me at home, DH would flip!!!
  • #16
wadesgirl said:
Free or not, if I had 17 boxes waiting for me at home, DH would flip!!!

LOL! Ditto to that! I guess I can comfort myself with that fact if I do not win! :rolleyes:
  • #17
Please don't anyone take this the wrong way, but the shopping spree is just a potential perk of going to Conference. It's not the reason. I see a lot of consultants who are all excited to go to Conference, for the sole reason that "I'm going to win the shopping spree!" That's not to say that it isn't fantastic IF it happens, but that shouldn't be one's main purpose for going. Heck, it's probably not even in the top 5. There are so many better reasons to go that should be emphasized over winning things: training that you get to pick to address the weak areas of your own business; new product intro and the chance to see them up close in the product preview room; networking with other consultants; bonding with your cluster; seeing the big picture; recognition for accomplishments during the year (and not just TPC, but also getting a pin for signing a recruit or a lanyard for charitable donations); a chance to talk face to face with people from home office; a chance to really focus on one's business and set some goals for the year... and then winning a Serve it Up Squad prize or shopping spree.I'll get off my soapbox now....
  • #18
I decided I am not going to take the HO tour. I have to scrape every penny just to be able to go. Hopefully next year. If you don't do the HO tour, what do you "miss out" on? This will be my first year, I know I should do it, but with our budget I am wanting to spend my money wisely.
  • #19
Don't Shoot Me!

I've never taken the Tour! :eek: :eek: It just has never seemed that important to me, and as much as I respect Doris, sitting at her desk isn't on my list of "must do" for Conference. My cluster comes down the morning that conference starts, and leaves as soon as conference is over - and traveling with my cluster is more important for me!!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
I was shocked at the $25 fee for the tour then I heard about the spree I decided that was to kinda help off set the free stuff someone gets. The company that we have a store for pays for everything at convention except getting you there.
  • #21
chefann said:
Please don't anyone take this the wrong way, but the shopping spree is just a potential perk of going to Conference. It's not the reason. I see a lot of consultants who are all excited to go to Conference, for the sole reason that "I'm going to win the shopping spree!" That's not to say that it isn't fantastic IF it happens, but that shouldn't be one's main purpose for going. Heck, it's probably not even in the top 5. There are so many better reasons to go that should be emphasized over winning things: training that you get to pick to address the weak areas of your own business; new product intro and the chance to see them up close in the product preview room; networking with other consultants; bonding with your cluster; seeing the big picture; recognition for accomplishments during the year (and not just TPC, but also getting a pin for signing a recruit or a lanyard for charitable donations); a chance to talk face to face with people from home office; a chance to really focus on one's business and set some goals for the year... and then winning a Serve it Up Squad prize or shopping spree.

I'll get off my soapbox now....

haha! I totally agree. This is my first time going to conference and I was already super excited about going for all the reasons that you listed. IF I happen to get the shopping spree (which I didn't even know existed till I just read this), it will just be the icing on an already delicious cake! :)

I can't wait!:p
  • #22
The $25 also covers the bus and the box meal.
  • #23
pampermejolene said:
haha! I totally agree. This is my first time going to conference and I was already super excited about going for all the reasons that you listed. IF I happen to get the shopping spree (which I didn't even know existed till I just read this), it will just be the icing on an already delicious cake! :)

I can't wait!:p

I agree with Ann and you as well. I am a first timer and I forgot about the shoppng spree until reading this. I can't wait to go and get the knowledge to help my business! :chef:
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I'm ready to get pumped full of info first hand - it is different being in front of someone hearing all their info rather than reading it online. I'm excited!
  • #25
I want to apologize for my previous "vent" post in this thread about the spree and people acting as if it's the only reason to go to Conference. It was not intended as a slam on anyone here - just a reflection and a vent of several years' worth of comments from sister consultants, recruits, etc. I know someone who has been on the HO tour probably 4 times, and every year, she swears that she's going to win and that's going to be the boost she needs to get her business going. Well, I'm sorry, but winning some free products isn't going to magically fill her calendar with motivated hosts who all decide to sign! I had a chat with someone else yesterday, and she made a similar comment about, "conference would have been enjoyable if only I had won the spree." I've bitten my tongue about those things for 6 years, and it all finally came out. Please accept my apologies if I offended. I'm sorry.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Not offended at all Ann.......I understand. I just didn't want it to come across as that was my only reason for going b/c it by far isn't. I'm just excited my dad is letting me take off to go......not really liking it but letting me. :) (I work 6days a week w/no time off other than Sunday)
  • #27
It was really fun just to go to HO. See what it's really like and to meet some of the people there. I probably won't go next year but like stated earlier, I'm going again this year because the buses were running late and I didn't get that much time to spend at HO.
  • #28
chefann, it would be very cool to win the spree, but the CHANCE of winning it is not a compelling reason to spend the money and vacation time to attend NC. i'm looking forward to all the other benefits you mentioned.

rest assured we have our heads on straight ;-)
  • #29
Kasey- I'm glad you're going to be able to go! Woo-hoo!!
  • #30
I thought I was the only seasoned consultant who had never taken the tour.
It has never appealed to me either. I like the training I get. Maybe someday when I can't find a workshop I will take the tour.

QUOTE=ChefBeckyD]Don't Shoot Me!

I've never taken the Tour! :eek: :eek: It just has never seemed that important to me, and as much as I respect Doris, sitting at her desk isn't on my list of "must do" for Conference. My cluster comes down the morning that conference starts, and leaves as soon as conference is over - and traveling with my cluster is more important for me!![/QUOTE]
  • #31
I took the tour last year but it was networking for me. I got to meet the warehouse guys and was as a result of that meeting able to travel down to the warehouse in both November and January of this year and spend about 1/2 day there each time looking at their system and learning things that help my company I work for full-time. It has also helped me as a consultant piece things together and understand the process. I know what they go through in the warehouse to serve us, know many of the problems that come up. Rest assured, they really do all they can to serve us.I am going again this year to see it all again (it doesn't get old for me) and to see what else I can learn. It's about constantly learning. It may not appeal to some or some go for the potential of winning but I walk away with something each time to help my daily job so it is worth it to me. Plus, I'm an engineer, it is natural for me to get excited about warehouses instead of shopping! LOL!
  • #32
P.S. I agree with anyone else - a tour or winning will not jump-start your business. You already have all the tools you need to do that. HO provides an ABUNDANCE! You have to WORK and call!
  • #33
susanr613 said:
my recruit and i are taking the tour the last day - HO is less than 30 mins from where we live. so, we'll leave the conference, crying all the way, then do the HO tour, then home....maybe to 17 boxes?

where the heck would I put it all????

No need to worry about driving expenses for you all! At least I don't live in CA!!!
  • #34
[/QUOTE]Plus, I'm an engineer, it is natural for me to get excited about warehouses instead of shopping! LOL![/QUOTE]

You're funny, Janet!!
  • #35
I agree w/Ann - don't go on the tour just because you might win a shopping spree. I was in so much shock when I won I didn't say anything at first and they almost called another number:)! It's more fun if you don't expect it anyway!

Don't be surprised if they have problems w/the busses again this year. I didn't have more then about 15 minutes both years to look around HO. It's nice to ride on the bus though because you can meet and talk with other consultants. I met a consultant from CA last year and really enjoyed hearing all about her business.

I thought it was really cool to see the warehouse more then the offices. The offices looked like any other office to me. Last year they didn't have the warehouse open to us though. I hope they do again this year for those going on the tours.
  • #36
It's worth the trip just to see the PC museum too.
  • #37
Tour FeeI think the $25 is to pay for the buses and lunch. Every tour comes with a bag lunch and it is a nice Greyhound type bus that takes you the 45 min each way from the convention center to the Home Office.
  • #38
oooh, there is a PC museum?!
Wow, I was and still am seriously excited just about getting information on how to run, build and sustain my biz. the tour, museum and meeting some of you are just a bonus! (a pretty fantastic one, I might ad)I so cannot wait!! I get more excited by the day.
  • #39
I won last yearDidn't get the golden ticket but did get $800 worth of PC products. I've been using them as my promotional give a ways for bazaars and fundraisers.:love:

Related to Home Office Tour & Grab All You Can for Free

1. What is the home office tour and grab all you can for free event at Pampered Chef?

The home office tour and grab all you can for free event at Pampered Chef is a special opportunity for our consultants to visit our headquarters and experience the behind-the-scenes of our company. It also includes a chance for them to run through our warehouse and grab as many Pampered Chef products as they can for free.

2. How can I participate in the home office tour and grab all you can for free event?

To participate in this event, you must be a Pampered Chef consultant and register for the home office tour and grab all you can for free event on our consultant website. Spaces for this event fill up quickly, so be sure to register as soon as possible.

3. Is there a limit to how much I can grab for free during the event?

Yes, there is a limit of one of each product per consultant during the grab all you can for free portion of the event. This ensures that all consultants have a fair chance to grab some free products.

4. Can I bring a guest with me to the home office tour and grab all you can for free event?

No, this event is exclusive to Pampered Chef consultants only. We want to make sure that our consultants have the best experience and opportunity to grab free products.

5. Are there any other benefits of attending the home office tour at Pampered Chef?

Absolutely! In addition to the grab all you can for free event, consultants will also have the chance to attend workshops, network with other consultants, and learn more about our products and company. It's a great opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and insights to help grow your business.

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