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Help! I Am Freaking Out About Cluster Meeting!!!

Offer a choice. You can either have a demo where you talk about the products for a short amount of time and then let the guests try it out, or you can have a contest where everyone participates.
Okay so I have been a consultant since Feb and I have had 5 shows and 4 of those shows were over $1000.00 ( I am sure you are thinking whats the problem?) My Director called me and wants me to do a demo tonight at our cluster meeting of about 20 seasoned PC Consultants-I just don't think I can do it-I am great with strangers that don't know about PC, but seasoned PC consultants! What should I do?????
Deep breaths. Iiiiinnnnnn. Oooouuuuutt. Calm down. I know it's a bit disconcerting to think about doing a demo for your clustermates. Just remember that they're a friendly crowd. You are unlikely to get stuck with someone who complains about the products throughouth your entire demo. And, you're likely to get some great tips for improving your show.

If that doesn't work, just picture them all in flannel long-johns. Seriously, who looks scary in flannel long-johns?
She just called you today to do a demo TONIGHT?!?!?!

I'm doing a demo tonight as well, but I knew last week already.

I'm sure you'll do fine. Good luck!
Wow Way to GO!!! I am sure that you will do AWESOME since you have had such great shows. I would love to know what you do.
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  • #5
yeah, she called me this morning-and I way okay this morning, but now not so much!

I like the idea of them all being in longjohns though!
They just want to see you because obviously you have something that you can teach them - sometimes old dogs need to learn some new tricks - and whatever you are doing is working to have such a high show average!

This will be a great learning opportunity for everyone - you can show them what you do and they can give you feedback too.

Good luck and just have fun!

And congrats on getting off to such an amazing start with PC!!

Wow, you have that many close over $1000? What is your secret, what do you do in your host coaching/talking/etc?I have only had one show ever go over $1000.Maybe it's where I live that's the problem.
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  • #8
I believe the thing that has been so great is Chef Success and all of your great ideas!

For Host Coaching I basically just push them to get outside orders from people who decline and I tell them to call everyone the day before.

For my party-two of the parties I have had we actually did a contest where I began by talking about each product for about 5 seconds and then had them divide up a choose an item (I had 2 of each thing) then I had them each do a different ring and their job was to use the item they chose. I stood in between the two tables and talked and helped them and then who won I gave each person on the team a seasons best. While the rings were cooking I made the lava cake in the fluted pan in the microwave which everyone loved! Those two parties were actually my highest and one of them I got 5 bookings off of! I think this was more fun than just me talking and cooking and everyone got to use the product and actually see hands on how stuff works.
my3angelbugs said:
I believe the thing that has been so great is Chef Success and all of your great ideas!

For Host Coaching I basically just push them to get outside orders from people who decline and I tell them to call everyone the day before.

For my party-two of the parties I have had we actually did a contest where I began by talking about each product for about 5 seconds and then had them divide up a choose an item (I had 2 of each thing) then I had them each do a different ring and their job was to use the item they chose. I stood in between the two tables and talked and helped them and then who won I gave each person on the team a seasons best. While the rings were cooking I made the lava cake in the fluted pan in the microwave which everyone loved! Those two parties were actually my highest and one of them I got 5 bookings off of! I think this was more fun than just me talking and cooking and everyone got to use the product and actually see hands on how stuff works.

Good luck with your demo tonight!

Did you offer this as a choice to the hosts, or is this just how you are going to do shows? I've been trying to do this for a year now, but no one seems to want to do it--although I'm sure they'd have a blast if we did it!
  • #10
I would be sure to throw in tips on host coaching and how you wrap up your show with the hostess to get more orders. They are wanting to see what you do to have such successful shows.
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  • #11
I actually offered to the 1st host and she said that sounded like a lot of fun so we did it. THe party I just did this at actually had booked off of the 1st ones party and she really wanted to do it!

I would recommend, because it is a lot of fun and for me it seems to be working anyways!
  • #12
I totally understand! It's totally easier to do this with strangers than with your own family or seasoned consultants. Just do it and I bet you'll get a lot of compliments and some pointers too!
  • #13
Good luck - just remember the "seasoned" consultants are well...seasoned...they've been doing this for so long it is a routine...

You are fresh, new and energetic...that is CONTAGIOUS...so, go be a carrier and spread some PC fever!
  • #14
Not sure if you have left already, but a seasoned director (10 yr. vet?) did a demo at our cluster meeting last month, and it made her a nervous wreck to do that in front of all of us! It is harder even for someone with all of her experience! Remember, they are all there to learn, just like you! Think how you feel when you are watching one of them...you are just happy to see how someone else does things so you can learn. That's what they will feel for you!

Related to Help! I Am Freaking Out About Cluster Meeting!!!

1. What should I wear to the cluster meeting?

It's important to dress professionally for the cluster meeting. Business casual attire is usually appropriate, but you can also choose to wear your Pampered Chef branded apparel if you have it. Avoid wearing anything too casual or revealing.

2. Do I need to bring anything to the cluster meeting?

No, you do not need to bring anything to the cluster meeting. The host should provide all necessary materials and products for the demonstration. However, you are welcome to bring a notebook and pen to take notes or jot down any questions you may have.

3. What should I do if I don't know anyone at the cluster meeting?

Don't worry! The cluster meeting is a great opportunity to meet and network with other Pampered Chef consultants. Take the time to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow consultants. You may even find a new friend or mentor.

4. How can I prepare for the cluster meeting?

One way to prepare for the cluster meeting is to review the products and recipes that will be featured in the demonstration. This will help you feel more confident and knowledgeable during the meeting. You can also reach out to your team leader or other consultants for tips and advice.

5. Is it mandatory to attend the cluster meeting?

While it is not mandatory to attend the cluster meeting, it is highly recommended. These meetings are a valuable opportunity to learn new techniques, network with other consultants, and stay up-to-date on the latest products and promotions. Plus, it's a great way to show your support for your team and the Pampered Chef community.

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