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Have You Booked Your June Shows Yet?

In summary, the conversation revolved around booking shows for the month of June, with some participants having already booked multiple shows and others still working on getting more. There was also mention of a fundraiser and hopes to reach higher levels in the company's sell-a-thon. However, one participant shared that she was feeling unmotivated due to the recent passing of her grandfather, but was encouraged by others to take time for herself and not feel guilty about it. The overall tone was positive and supportive, with everyone expressing excitement and determination for the upcoming month.
Hello all, just wanted to see how you're coming with those June bookings? I am so pumped because yesterday I booked my 7th show for June. I'm hoping to get 3 more---I really want level 3 of the sell-a-thon:D
I made a list of everyone that had 'said' they'd like to have a show in May or June, that I hadn't gotten a hold of yet. I still have some to call.....free products here I come! I can't wait till conference to see what they are!
Hope you're all having the same luck!:D :D :D
Well, I have my 4 shows that I wanted to have booked and I also have a fundraiser. I am hoping to get level 2 at the minimum...maybe with a good fundraiser I can do level 3.
I am so pumped as well! I have 10 cooking shows booked and I'm aiming for Level 4 but I would love to be able to fall back on level 3!:D
I have 4 cooking shows booked for June and possibly 1 catalog show. I'm hoping for about 5 more. Unfortunately most people like to have shows on Saturdays and I only have thurs & fridays open. Well Lord willing, I will still get some booked. I'm really excited about June.
I'm really excited about June as well! It will be my SS2 month and the incentives for June for me are awesome! I was telling a host about them today and she was really impressed by the amount of free stuff we get.

I have 4 shows booked, another thinking about it and I hope to get several RFL fundraisers going. I hope to get a couple of catalog show booked as well. My goal is Level 1, but if I can hit Level 2, that would be great!!!
I was all pumped up with 3 show on the calander and I had 3 interested at my last party at the end of April and wanted 8-10 for June for the Sell a Thon.

Then my grandfather passed away last week and now I have no interest in trying to get those 3 potential bookings or any more for that matter.
I only did 1 show and 1 catalog show for this month (took some time to sort things out) but right now I feel like I am in a slump and don't feel inspired at this time.

Hopefully I get over this funk by the end of May and get back on the wagon for June!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope you start to feel better.. don't feel guilty about taking some personal time -- that's what is so awesome about this business... you tailor it to YOUR life and your needs.. No begging your boss to take time off or worrying about getting fired if something comes up.. I will be praying for you. Keep your chin up. It is healthy to grieve -- to everything there is a season. But from what I've read, you are very motivated and successful in your business, so when your season of grief has passed (or at least the hardest part of it), you will find that motivation once again.. God bless, and may He be with you and your family during this hard time.
pchefinski said:
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope you start to feel better.. don't feel guilty about taking some personal time -- that's what is so awesome about this business... you tailor it to YOUR life and your needs.. No begging your boss to take time off or worrying about getting fired if something comes up.. I will be praying for you. Keep your chin up. It is healthy to grieve -- to everything there is a season. But from what I've read, you are very motivated and successful in your business, so when your season of grief has passed (or at least the hardest part of it), you will find that motivation once again.. God bless, and may He be with you and your family during this hard time.
I second that! Heather, I whole heartedly agree with Amanda. I know you'll get that spark back...it's understandable why it's gone right now. Take a break from this for now because it will always be here for you. You HAVE had incredible success and you should feel good that you've done SO well in your business in such a short time.

Take care of yourself! That's the most important thing.
Thanks Amanda and Becky for your kind words. It's people like you that have supported and motivated me to be successful. I am sure things will get back to normal eventually. And if I don't end up having the June that I originally intended, there's always the next season's sell a thon to look forward to! :O)
  • #10
I currently have 3 of the 8 shows I want for June. I have tons of leads and maybe's from a community day event I was at yesterday along with 2 possible catalog shows in the works from some neighbors. I will be getting on the phone later tonight to try to get my other shows from the new leads. I will let you know what I get later!
  • #11
I had my second show book for June last night. I'm excited because June is my SS1 month. I have been talking up my PC business to everyone I know. I even went ahead and had business cards printed up so I can pass them out.

I am still going through my paperwork box. It can really get overwhelming at times.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
heat123 said:
Thanks Amanda and Becky for your kind words. It's people like you that have supported and motivated me to be successful. I am sure things will get back to normal eventually. And if I don't end up having the June that I originally intended, there's always the next season's sell a thon to look forward to! :O)

That is true, with this company if you miss out on one promotion--you know you can just look forward to the next!! And the other awesome thing is you are your boss, so when something like that happens you can give yourself the time off to be with family. My director has dealt with the loss of her mom, plus several other crises in the last year, and she's always said she didn't know where she'd have been without PC.
Just keep smilin:) :) :)
  • #13
Well I'm close to where I want to be. I would really love to sell $10,000 to get the $850 in free product plus the greaat paycheck. Well I've got about 15 shows on the books. Hopefully I will get a few more where I can hit that mark. It will also help with earning my trip to San Fransisco!!!
  • #14
Absolutely lowsy. I have one catalog show booked for June. Every single show I have done this month so far has not had more than three guests show up. Really rough getting any bookings at all from them. They all get outside orders, so it looks like I am going to be cold-calling to all of those people who didn't come to shows to see if they would like to book something when I do my out-of-the-box calls.

I was feeling really great by all the activity I had with shows this month, and my offering dollar days as an incentive to book at shows just hasn't been working. So I gotta start hitting the phones. And probably putting up fliers around the neighborhood.

I pray that something will pick up, but who knows. I want to make this biz work.
  • #15
I have ZERO shows booked...period ! I did 8 shows in May...and now nothing....not even in July or August !!
  • #16
Well, I only have 1 solid cooking show booked and 1 catalog show for June, but I'm working on closing another show this week and hoping for at least 1 more from that. Since I work another FT job, I don't really plan to do more than 2-3 cooking shows per month, so that's okay. My life would be too crazy if I tried to do more because I do have a family (2 daughters 17 & 21) church and other organizations, too. Yes, I am busy, but I do love TPC. Maybe I can manage to at least earn the first level of products and if I don't, I don't stress because that is okay for me in my situation. I hope everyone else earns what they need and would like to. You go, girls (and guys)!

Jeanie Gay
  • #17
agree w/ JeanieI too have a f/t job and am very busy but I would really like to get more bookings in June. I have 1 vendor show and 1 booking but they are both later in the month. It would be nice to get some free fall product but I'm still new and trying to figure out how to get my name out there.
  • #18
I agree with both of you. I too work a ft job and have 2 boys (5 & 3) and a husband who is always has projects so he is not home a lot. I am trying to get my name out but for right now I have one cooking show in June and working on a catalog show. I would love to earn free products so I am trying to get more bookings.
  • #19
So far I have two shows booked and one catalog show. I'm hoping to get at least two more for June. It will be my SS1 month. I've been very excited to get started but so far have had two show reschedule on me. Once I get through my first show I'm going to go around my neighborhood and drop off some flyers here and there. Hopefully something will pan out.
  • #20
Newbies, don't fret! It is nice to earn the products, but just concentrate on getting your business off the ground. When the next sell-athon comes around in December you will be able to set your earning level!!

I'm not sure if I will hit my goals for June. I wanted to book 6 Catalog shows and 6 Cooking Shows. Currently, I have 4 Catalog Shows and 5 Cooking shows. I know that one of my shows will not hold. I have been trying to get him to hold his party for over a year now. I think it is just a game now everytime he emails me and tells me he's ready to host. But we'll see! He may be ready for FREE stuff now.
  • #21
I currently have 2 shows booked, and 7 maybes from the festival I worked yesterday that I hope I can get at least 3 to schedule in June. I have a festival this coming weekend and hopefully can finish off my June, July & get a good start on August.

I would really like to earn at least Level 2. Last year was rough returning from Conference and know what the new products and levels were and not having earned any of them! That will not be me this year.
  • #22
I don't have any :(
I have been trying, but not too hard.
In the middle of selling my house, moving into a rental and waiting for my new house to be done.
Have enough on my plate, but some extra money, and the incentives would be nice.
  • #23
right now I have 3 shows booked and 2 others in the works! I've also got 3 catalog shows going, PLUS around a $1000 in sales already. I can't wait for the new stuff!
  • #24
3 catalog and 3 cooking so far for June. Used the Dollar days flyer to get the beginning of the month and thinking of using another incentive to fill in the last week of June after my vacation.
  • #25
Chef Kearns said:
Newbies, don't fret! It is nice to earn the products, but just concentrate on getting your business off the ground. When the next sell-athon comes around in December you will be able to set your earning level!!

What is the December sell-athon? I love the concept of the June sell-athon, so I would like to start planning for the next one. Does December work the same way as June?
  • #26
AlowayFamily said:
What is the December sell-athon? I love the concept of the June sell-athon, so I would like to start planning for the next one. Does December work the same way as June?

We have 2 product launches every year with mid-season launches as well. We have 2 different catalogs a year, in June and December we are able to earn some of the new products through sell-a-thons. The June and December sell-a-thons are the big ones with the most products but, there is usually different sales levels at each sell-a-thon and we won't know the specifics about December until later in the year!
  • #27
What is the December sell-athon? I love the concept of the June sell-athon, so I would like to start planning for the next one. Does December work the same way as June?

It does work the same, and in January at Leadership we find out the new spring line. It was a lot of fun, and killed me waiting to find out the new products!:D

I agree w/ chef Kearns, just worry about getting your biz off and running & if you earn new fall products, that will be a bonus on top of your super starter bonuses!
  • #28
I started last October and was able to participate in the December Sell-a-Thon. The levels were a bit less to get the free new products. I would highly suggest that you plan very well for December. If people want their products before Chrustmas - which they usually do - you end up only having about 2 weeks to do shows. I could not get anyone to do a show after the 10th of the month because orders needed to be submitted by the 14th (or so) for guaranteed Christmas delivery. So, do lots of shows early!!! And, get them booked and do host coaching early. Everyone thinks that they will have time to talk about a December show in November, but then school and sports and Thanksgiving and after Thanksgiving shopping and everything else gets in the way! Get them "penciled in" as soon as possible!Also, last December we were able to earn points for the 2006 Golden Treasures incentive trip. From what I was told, that had never happened before.
  • #29
I have 2 cooking shows and one catalog show booked. I'd love to earn level 1 at the very least! I have one maybe for June - meeting with the potential host tomorrow!:)

June starts tomorrow!!!

Trying to promote PC gift certificates for all those weddings in June, since most people I know have a wedding or two to attend in June!
  • #30
i'm right there with heather...i have nothing for june, july or aug. granted, i'll be traveling all of august, but nothing for june or july. i'm on the phone almost every night and everyone wants sept or oct. frustrating. i'll keep trying...
  • #31
Suzy, That happened to me in Feb, March, April and now I have almost $2000 in sales this month and am starting out June with almost $1000 in sales. Keep at it and you will see a dramatic change in 90 days from when you started!
  • #32
I have 2 cooking shows and one catalog. I'm trying to get more but everyone wants Aug but no one will set a date. I try to explain that I get booked up fast and dont have many dates available.. they all say well call me in July! Ugggh I'm in my 4th month now and I hope I get some more bookings soon. I love this job!
  • #33
I have three shows booked and a possible fourth... doesn't seem like much, but I've been averaging one about every other month! This is GREAT for me. I haven't done three shows in a month since SS1.
  • #34
Super StarterJune is my Super Starter month 1 so I'm really pumped. I have two shows booked already and my goal is two more but I plan on hosting them myself if I don't have any takers. Wish me luck!! I'd love to earn the Super Starter Bonus and I'd LOVE to get a recruit so I'd earn that grill pan too!
  • #35
Just had to weigh in again. I booked another 2 cooking shows in June - that's 5 shows booked in 2 days! I am so stoked! The only draw back, I have a show the 22nd, 24th & 25th :eek: , work Monday morning is going to be rough!
  • #36
I am so stoked!!!I have 13 shows booked for June and a catalog show that closed for june @ $750. My goal is 10 shows of 600, so I only need 9 more. However if it's more than 6,000 I won't mind one bit!:D
  • #37
Pamperedalf - awesome, (can you see me I am bowing to you in amazement). 13 Shows in one month- you must be powered by Energizer batteries! And I am worried about doing 3 shows in 4 days!
  • #38
Sk8Mom209 Pamperedalf - awesome, (can you see me I am bowing to you in amazement). 13 Shows in one month- you must be powered by Energizer batteries! And I am worried about doing 3 shows in 4 days!

Thank you Sk8Mom209, I can see you bowing! I am truley amazed myself. My biz is off and running and I am just so excited. My husband is very supportive, and helps out a lot, he puts my host packets together, and my folders, and of course watches our son no ?'s asked.
This Saturday will be the test, 2 shows in one day that will be a first!:D
  • #39
tiffanypc05 said:
Well I'm close to where I want to be. I would really love to sell $10,000 to get the $850 in free product plus the greaat paycheck. Well I've got about 15 shows on the books. Hopefully I will get a few more where I can hit that mark. It will also help with earning my trip to San Fransisco!!!

San Francisco? Girl, if you can pull of $10,000 in sales in June, you'll be going to Atlantis for sure!
  • #40
What incentives is anyone doing for guests to book shows later in the month? I have 4 show in June and need several more. I've offered the June Dollar Days to 3 hosts, and they love it! I have a show tomorrow night-what incentives besides the June dollar days could I use? Must mention that I cannot do show June 16-18, a weekend-my parents are coming for their annual visit, it's my husband's birthday and Fathers' Day:)
Thanks-you'all are great! Everye time I go on this site I get excited and want to make phone calls to prospective hosts!

Suzy in Texas
  • #41
I have 5 so far this month, had 7 but 2 rescheduled. I'm aiming for much higher though. If you count the Friday Phone Sale that makes 6 and my open house I'm planning for this month that makes 7. Still not as many as I would like though.
  • #42
I am telling my guests that not only do they get to participate in the dollar days, but they get a free cooking show. I am picking recipes that my garden is supplying most of the ingrediants, and I am not out that much money! It is working, make sure you tell them that you take the dirty dishes away.:D
  • #43
pamperedalf said:
I am telling my guests that not only do they get to participate in the dollar days, but they get a free cooking show. I am picking recipes that my garden is supplying most of the ingrediants, and I am not out that much money! It is working, make sure you tell them that you take the dirty dishes away.:D

What do you mean by be sure to tell them you take the dirty dishes away?
  • #44
What do you mean by be sure to tell them you take the dirty dishes away?

sorry to be confusing, here is my spiel. Host a show in June and it's completly free. I will supply all of the ingrediants for 2 dishes, paper plates & plastic ware, I will be your secretary, and mail out all of the invites and pay for the postage, but best of all I will take the dirty dishes home w/ me and you don't have to lift a finger, meanwhile you are earning free and discounted products. My hosts never pay full price for a full year!:D

I hope that clarifys it, sometimes I start rambling and make no sense. Just send a kick this way!
  • Thread starter
  • #45
pamperedalf said:
I have 13 shows booked for June and a catalog show that closed for june @ $750. My goal is 10 shows of 600, so I only need 9 more. However if it's more than 6,000 I won't mind one bit!:D

YOU GO GIRL:D I'm still searching for a couple more shows....
  • #46
I like that it's cute, but since my husband is jobsless while waiting for his call from the union, I'm starting with the book to look game, maybe I'll have to make 1 or 2 party in a bag slips:)
  • #47
Regarding taking home the dirty dishes--I've been taking the (suddenly can't remember the name) new picnic plates for the guests to use.
  • #48
lacychef said:
Hello all, just wanted to see how you're coming with those June bookings? I am so pumped because yesterday I booked my 7th show for June. I'm hoping to get 3 more---I really want level 3 of the sell-a-thon:D
I made a list of everyone that had 'said' they'd like to have a show in May or June, that I hadn't gotten a hold of yet. I still have some to call.....free products here I come! I can't wait till conference to see what they are!
Hope you're all having the same luck!:D :D :D

I have (an all-time record for me) 8 cooking shows scheduled and 2 catalogs (trying to get more catalog shows - I don't want to work any more! lol.
  • #49
heat123 said:
I was all pumped up with 3 show on the calander and I had 3 interested at my last party at the end of April and wanted 8-10 for June for the Sell a Thon.

Then my grandfather passed away last week and now I have no interest in trying to get those 3 potential bookings or any more for that matter.
I only did 1 show and 1 catalog show for this month (took some time to sort things out) but right now I feel like I am in a slump and don't feel inspired at this time.

Hopefully I get over this funk by the end of May and get back on the wagon for June!

((((( Heather ))))) I'm so sorry for the loss of your Grandfather ~ Grandparents are so so special. Be easy on yourself. You'll know when you're ready to schedule more.
  • #50
Thank you Susan, for your words of kindness and encouragement. He was an amazing man to know and love!

Well As of now I have 5 shows and I think I am good with that! Good luck to everyone's June!

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