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Great New Use for Microfiber Towel!

In summary, a mother shared her exciting experience of her water breaking at home and her plan to use microfiber towels to prevent leaking. She also shared her nervousness about not knowing what to do and where to go, as well as her appreciation for the support and prayers from others. Other mothers chimed in with their own experiences, offering advice and well-wishes. One mother shared a funny story of her water breaking in the parking lot of the hospital, while another shared her plans for a natural birth with her second child. The conversation also touched on weight gain during pregnancy and the use of microfiber towels for absorption.
Gold Member
My water broke at home this morning about an hour ago...decided those SUPER ABSORBANT MicroFiber Towels would help keep me from leaking all over the house.

After many false alarms, looks like this is FINALLY it. I'm waiting until the doctor's office opens in a little bit to call and find out what to do/where to go next...I've never had my water break anywhere but the hospital before!

Thanks for all your love and prayers! I'll post again after baby comes! (Will probably be a few days...lol!)
How exciting! I never had my water break at home either. I think I would freak out if it did! I am sending you easy labor vibes!

Good luck! We will be praying for you!
GOOD LUCK!!! How exciting!
Wow Congrats!!
On a funny note, I will tell you about when my water broke:

My hubby and I were at the hospital, going for our last "baby class" and we were going to actually tour the mat. ward and find out what to expect when we went in to deliver. Walking across the PARKING LOT OF THE HOSPITAL MY WATER BREAKS!! So, we go in, I am not in pain or anything (uh, yet...) so I ask the lady at the desk if I can just go ahead in and meet up with my class! She thought I was a nut and said "No, honey, we have to admit you now." (Obviously, this was my first birth!!) Well, about 40 minutes later I was understanding why she thought I was crazy! :)
Oh Nikki!! How exciting!!! Good luck - I can't wait to see pictures of the new baby!!
Most OBs expect delivery within 24 hours of water breaking, so it looks like you're having a baby today! CONGRATS!!!

My son was born 45 mins after my water broke. :eek: But I had already been laboring for 6 hours or so.

Good luck!!
nikked said:
My water broke at home this morning about an hour ago...decided those SUPER ABSORBANT MicroFiber Towels would help keep me from leaking all over the house.

After many false alarms, looks like this is FINALLY it. I'm waiting until the doctor's office opens in a little bit to call and find out what to do/where to go next...I've never had my water break anywhere but the hospital before!

Thanks for all your love and prayers! I'll post again after baby comes! (Will probably be a few days...lol!)

What a great story!!! Are you going to save that towel in a baby book? ;)

I've only had one baby and was clueless about pretty much the whole thing. I didn't take any classes or read many books. My water began leaking at home around 2 o'clock. I've always gone with my instinct, and I just didn't feel like it was time to go to the hospital. I ended up finally going about 9 pm. They rushed me up to a room, but I still knew it wasn't time. He wasn't born until the next day at 11 am. I even told the nurses when I needed to push, even though I didn't know a thing about it or how to do it!!

Who knows, maybe I was just lucky. I had a cousin who delivered her second child in the back seat of her car because she couldn't make it to the hospital.
  • #10
Good luck; we'll be thinking about you and your new little one!
  • #11
I'll be thinking of you Nicole!
  • #12
Now that is a great funny story to share at your shows!! Hmmm...I might be telling it tonight!

Good luck!
  • #13
All I can think of is a microfiber towel clasped around you with twix-it clips! hahaha
  • #14
I am expecting my 2nd anytime. This is going to be a whole new experience with me because my 1st was an emergency c-section and I am going to try and have this one natural. The only thing I do know is what a contraction feels like. My doctor told me yesterday at my 38 week appt that I am going to have around an 8 lb baby. I was like whoa, at least it will be healthy. So, I tell my hubby and you know what he says "Well you shouldn't eat so much, we are going to have a fat kid" I almost slapped him. I was (still am a little) so mad. I told him if he didn't like the way I looked (I am not a small person pre-pregnancy) then to leave I didn't care. Oh these pregnancy hormones.

I will have to keep a microfiber towel close by. I was wondering what I would do if my water did break at home because we are a 40 min drive from the hospital.
  • #15
I will never look at the MicroFiber Towels the same again


Best Wishes for a speedy delivery!!

My water broke at 12:05 am at home, got to the hospital about 12:30am and delivered at 8:15am

  • #16
DebbieJ said:
Most OBs expect delivery within 24 hours of water breaking, so it looks like you're having a baby today! CONGRATS!!!

Good luck!!

Yes, otherwise, infection can start...so as with the rest here....

CONGRATULATIONS and PRAYERS for a safe and healthy delivery for both of you.

Update us when you can!!!! Can't wait to hear his name, length and weight!
  • #17
KellyTheChef said:
On a funny note, I will tell you about when my water broke:

My hubby and I were at the hospital, going for our last "baby class" and we were going to actually tour the mat. ward and find out what to expect when we went in to deliver. Walking across the PARKING LOT OF THE HOSPITAL MY WATER BREAKS!! So, we go in, I am not in pain or anything (uh, yet...) so I ask the lady at the desk if I can just go ahead in and meet up with my class! She thought I was a nut and said "No, honey, we have to admit you now." (Obviously, this was my first birth!!) Well, about 40 minutes later I was understanding why she thought I was crazy! :)

That's hilarious!
My water broke at home after I had come back from a doctor's appt with the OBGYN. I just finished my lunch and was getting up. I was eating on the floor with my preggo pillow watching the Waltons. I love the Waltons!
Anyway the doctor actually hurt me during the exam, stretching and pulling at my cervix. Well I don't have that doctor anymore, because of that my water broke but I had no contractions. So here comes the dreaded pitocin!! :eek:
It made my contractions horribly strong and well after 10 HOURS!!! I had my daughter!! It was horrible. But that is my water breaking story!

Debbie :D
  • #17
I love babies. Cant wait to have em, but im gonna have to.
  • #18
jenniferknapp said:
All I can think of is a microfiber towel clasped around you with twix-it clips! hahaha


I cant wait to have babies, but im gonna have to
  • #19
GOOD LUCK!!! How exciting! Now you can tell your story at your shows about the towel! lol ;)
  • #20
note to self- order extra microfibers and carry them with me at all times!!
  • #21
Good luck- we will all be thinking of you!!
  • #22
letscook04 said:
GOOD LUCK!!! How exciting! Now you can tell your story at your shows about the towel! lol ;)

...and all her guests will be watching to make sure she doesn't use one around the food!!!! :eek:
  • #23
Woo Hoo!! Another baby! My prayers are with you today!

Note to all you expectant mothers: As a former Labor/Delivery nurse, call your doctor right away (even middle of the night) if your water breaks and then go to the hospital. If you have a doubt and can't get up with your doctor then call the hospital and ask their opinion.

The water cushions the baby for one thing, infection can happen, birth can happen (in some cases quickly)... Yep, I would go in!

I had my water break twice (of 5 kids). The second time they had to use pitocin because I didn't go into labor. Not fun but sometimes we have to suffer to get the joy.:p
  • #24
gilliandanielle said:
note to self- order extra microfibers and carry them with me at all times!!

Don't forget the twixit clips!!!

Hmm...maybe kitchen shears to cut the cord if husband has to deliver the baby on the way to hospital....suds pump so he can wash his hands first....baker's roller to massage your back during labor....baster to suction the baby's nose out....okay, I'll stop now.

I've always heard that the difference between our products and "gadgets" is that gadgets only have one use....who knew our products could be so versatile. :)
  • #25
How exciting!!!
  • #26
When I was PG with my DD, my DH (love those acronyms) was a weekend musician. He had just got home from a gig in the mountains about 2 a.m. I started going into labor about 4 a.m. but I didn't want to wake him. The hospital we chose for delivery was 38 miles away and I didn't want him to drive tired so I paced the floor breathing. After 3 hours of that I finally decided that I better wake him up and get on the road. Of course we had to stop by my DM to pick her up. On the way there, I was STARVING and begged my DH to pull in somewhere so I could eat (I already heard that the hospital won't feed you once you are there and in labor). Well he wouldn't stop because he was afraid that I he would have to deliver the baby on the side of the road. Well after 14 hrs of labor, no food...just ice chips, I had to have a c-section because I wasn't dilating. DD was born on Mother's Day.

Anyway, that's my story. Good luck and happy birthing.
  • #27
I made my DH stop for food too on the way to the hospital...

DH left to get some Burger King a few hours after we got there because he was starving again but didn't want to eat in front of me. He almost missed the birth because the second he left I started having the contractions one after another and dialated fast!

I hope you have a quick labor and delivery and are home soon!
  • #28
You lucky girl Gillian. I KNEW I should have driven! LOL
  • #29

my water broke at home with my first. i had just laid down and wham! i said oh crap my water just broke!

Congrats again!!
  • #30
Good Luck.. I will keep you in my prayers....
  • #31
With my first DD my water broke at home, but it was really just a little tug and trickle. I thought I had peepeed on myself. Then it jsut kept trickling and DH and I sat there debating whether my water broke or my bladder was leaking for about an hour. I finally called the hospital and they had me come in. I found out later that DH wasn't ready to go to the hospital yet....atleast not until his TV program on the history channel was over:) To be fair to him....DD was born 6 weeks early and we had no idea that was going to happen so he just couldn't understand how my water could break so soon.
  • #32
Any news yet?
  • #33
CongratulationsOk here are my stories. I have 2 kids.

With my first one she will be 19 on the 10th so in a few hours. I couldn't get to sleep because by contractions were keeping me awake, we went to the hospital which was about 2 minutes from our apartment. They said "yes you are in labor but not steady yet" they gave me a shot so I could relax and get some sleep. Went home didn't get sleep because the contractions still woke me up every time I had one.:( Went to the Dr. he checked me into the hospital around 9:30 am. I'm sitting in the rocking chair and then my water breaks gushing all over the place. Then my contractions went away!!:rolleyes: So they put me on Pitocin and the monitor. She kept moving away from it!!:eek: The Dr. comes in and says ok we'll put an internal moniter on. He starts to do this and then says " I thought you said her water broke, It must have been a high break" He rebreaks my water. Well after hours of light contractions except bad back left hip pain It's time to push around change of shift form swing to night. The new nurse tells me no your not ready and the evening nurse just getting ready to leave gets the Dr. He let me try and 3 contractions later of about 3 pushes each she is born. No pain meds, and no episiotomy (sp). She was born at 11:20pm and weighed 10 lbs 6 oz.:eek: She was face up which why the hip pain.

My second one was a lot eaiser:D With him I too had the leak and thought it might be a blader leak. Sat there for a little while and realized it wasn't and all three of us went to the hospital. They checked and sure enough it was my water so they kept me. A co-worker came in to get DS to spend the night with her. We were talking to the guy from the room next door in the hallway (co-worker):) I went back in the room my contractions were getting harder than they ever did with my DS so I sent DH to get RN and she did an exam I was at 5cm, she went to call Dr. who is downstairs in the lounge because he has 2 of us in labor not expecting to deliver until after breakfast. She comes back in and I'm crowning!!:eek: :eek: I went from 5cm to birth in 6minutes!!!!!! The Dr. wasn't in the room he was still downstairs!!!! I have said that he just spit right out!!!:p He was 8 lbs 3 oz. I guess being face down (the right way) and 2 lbs 3 oz smaller made the difference.;)

Ok sorry so long but 2 very different stories.
  • #34
Will be praying for you Nicole.
  • #35
Baby? Baby? Where is the baby?????? I'm guessing there is a new one somewhere out there...

Nicki - hoping you get someone to jump online for you and tell us! I can't wait a few days until you're home from the hospital!!!!

...still praying for you and little one!
  • Thread starter
  • #36
It's all in the details!Whew! Thanks so much for waiting...didn't have anyone who could post for me!

Little man was born at 11:39 P.M. (yes, you read that right) on Friday, March 9. Water broke at 7:45 A.M. His was the longest delivery for me since my first back in 1989! If you want me to post a "play by play", I will...but for those who want just the facts:

Name: Asa Martin...means "Warring Healer"
Weight: 8 lbs., 7 oz.
Length: 21.5 inches

Why Asa, you may be wondering? Asa was #1 on my list, but DH was really leaning towards Peter. However, during the last VERY DIFFICULT stages of pushing, Tony kept thinking "She [being me] needs healing!" When he finally came out, I looked at Tony and said "What's his name, Dad?" He said Asa, and started crying, which made my mom cry, and then the Doula started...it was a very special moment.

Gillian, I know you have inserted pictures into your posts before (not as an attachment). If you'll tell me how to do that, I'll post a picture.

I'm going to bed now, but will be on tomorrow to play catch up. Thank you all again for your prayers and support!
  • #37
You have to start an account at www.photobucket.com... if you want to e-mail me at [email protected] with the pics I will post them for you. If you want your own account go to the site, start an account, then upload the pics. Each pic will have a code under it and you post that into your post.

Congrats! And thanks for getting back to us so soon!
  • #38
Here is Asa!!http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/Gilliandanielle/Asa_Martin_Uebel.jpg
  • #39
Welcome Asa! and congrats to you Nicole and family. I think it's great that your DH saw your side after such a long labor and YOU pushing his son out of Your body! LOL.
Can you please phonically tell me how you pronounce his name? Thanks
  • Thread starter
  • #40
long "a" first, soft "a" last (like baa-baa black sheep)

Thanks all...I'm really going to bed now!
  • #41
He is absolutely precious. Congratulations :D
  • #42
He is beautiful! I mean handsome ;) Congratulations Nicole!
  • #43
What a cutie!!! Very original name! I have never heard it before. I kind of like it! What a little peanut. It makes me want another one. I am 35 at the end of the month so I better decide quickly if I am going to .

Congrats Nicole!! Nice work!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Asa was a Biblical king...I don't know the scripture references off hand, but I know he can be found in the Kings and Chronicals.

Thanks, Gillian, for posting the picture, and to everyone else for their well wishes!
  • #45
II Chronicles 15..

...and congratulations - he's a cutie! :) ...and wow, 18 years apart from the oldest...you're a brave woman! LOL!
  • #46
Congratulations. He is a beautiful little man.
  • #47
AWWW hes so cute.
  • #48
Very sweet! My best friend had her baby on the 9th as well. She was born @ 8:39 p.m. :)

  • #49
Congratulations, Nicole to you and your family! Asa is quite a sweetie pie! Take care of yourself and our little cheffer!

Thanks Gillian for posting Asa's picture so we could all see him!
  • #50
Don't forget to throw that microfiber in the wash, LOL!! And... I told your story to a group of ladies I had at my show on Saturday! I don't think I sold any towels but they all had a good laugh!
<h2>1. What is a microfiber towel? </h2><p>Microfiber towels are made from synthetic materials that are designed to be highly absorbent and quick-drying. They are often used for cleaning and drying surfaces due to their ability to pick up and hold onto dirt and moisture.</p><h2>2. How can a microfiber towel help with leaking during labor?</h2><p>The super absorbent nature of microfiber towels makes them great for soaking up any fluids during labor. They can also be easily washed and reused, making them a practical option for this purpose.</p><h2>3. Are there different types of microfiber towels available?</h2><p>Yes, there are different types of microfiber towels available, including ones specifically designed for cleaning, drying, or for use in the kitchen. Some are also treated with antimicrobial agents to prevent the growth of bacteria.</p><h2>4. Can microfiber towels be used for other purposes during labor?</h2><p>Yes, microfiber towels can be used for a variety of purposes during labor, such as wiping down surfaces, cleaning up spills, and providing comfort and support for the laboring person.</p><h2>5. How should microfiber towels be cared for?</h2><p>Microfiber towels should be washed in warm water with mild detergent and dried on a low heat setting. Avoid using fabric softener or bleach, as they can reduce the effectiveness of the towels.</p>

Related to Great New Use for Microfiber Towel!

1. What is a microfiber towel?

Microfiber towels are made from synthetic materials that are designed to be highly absorbent and quick-drying. They are often used for cleaning and drying surfaces due to their ability to pick up and hold onto dirt and moisture.

2. How can a microfiber towel help with leaking during labor?

The super absorbent nature of microfiber towels makes them great for soaking up any fluids during labor. They can also be easily washed and reused, making them a practical option for this purpose.

3. Are there different types of microfiber towels available?

Yes, there are different types of microfiber towels available, including ones specifically designed for cleaning, drying, or for use in the kitchen. Some are also treated with antimicrobial agents to prevent the growth of bacteria.

4. Can microfiber towels be used for other purposes during labor?

Yes, microfiber towels can be used for a variety of purposes during labor, such as wiping down surfaces, cleaning up spills, and providing comfort and support for the laboring person.

5. How should microfiber towels be cared for?

Microfiber towels should be washed in warm water with mild detergent and dried on a low heat setting. Avoid using fabric softener or bleach, as they can reduce the effectiveness of the towels.

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