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Got My First Contact From My Website

I think the large round stone is a bit expensive, but overall I think the company is good. The large round stone is a bit expensive, but overall I think the company is good.
and it is from someone in FL (I live in NC). It stated the following:

I have the large flat stone and yonight it broke in two pieces in the oven with a pizza on it. What happened and is it relaceable,

I know to tell how long the warranty is, apparently they do not have a consultant or better yet got it off of Ebay. Should I suggest they call the # on their receipt? Any suggestions?
Did they leave a number to call? Sometimes it is easier to give instructions and find out what happened.

If not, email back to find out what exactly happened when it broke, when she bought it and if she still has the receipt. If she still has the receipt tell her you can make the adjustment for her asap with all instructions on how to do it.
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  • #3
She left a phone #, I was just trying to avoid calling long distance.
I would suggest e-mailing her and asking her if she has her receipt from the stone. If not, ask her if she remembers who she bought the stone from. Then explain the policy on returns and warranties.

Some people get upset about saving their receipt, but it is company policy. And since she is long distance and not one of your customers, I would suggest she call the HO at 888-our-chef if she doesn't have her receipt!

Hope this helps!
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  • #5
This is the reply I got from her after I sent her an email:

Thank you for the reply, my problem is that I bought this in Seattle Washington and I am now living in Jacksonville Florida and I do not have the reciept nor do I have the sales persons name as it was a book order for a friends, friend party, so I truthfully cannot tell you who it was. I do know that it was purchased less than one year ago, it is very expensive but I never expected this kind of preformance from this company. Maybe you can help me from this point. I think that it had a defect in the beginning as it never should have broke like that. I was so disappointed in it, broke my heart. Help me.

I believe I am going to tell it would be worth getting in touch with her friend to find out the name of the person who had the party to get it replaced and then call the 800# that I supplied her with in the first email. I know this sounds awful but if it was someone local I might would try harder but I feel like she could have got it from Ebay or someother place and now needs it replaced. I am sure there are Pampered Chef reps in FL. Maybe I should tell her to try to contact one of them.
I would definetely tell her that she needs to contact her friend and find out a name for you and then you can maybe help after that point. And by help I mean just find out the consultant info for her and then let her do the work from there. Can you imagine if everyone started calling us to return products that they bought from someone else, who know when. What a mess. There are times when you can fudge a little and help out a customer but I don't think this is one to take on.
Wow what a response! Is the large round stone really THAT expensive? That just made me laugh when I saw that. I know that a penny is a penny, but if she really bought it and didn't save the receipt then there is nothing you can personally do! You can't ignore the company stipulations on returns as a favor for her! It could hurt your standing with the company. I would do as you said, and refer her to the PC # again.
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I am going to advise her to contact her friend and refer her to the # again. I can not for the life of figure out how she got my page. If she put in looking for a consultant on the website, I am sure it would have gave her someone local not me.
good luck with fixing the situation, if you do need a Florida representative for her, I guess I could try...I live in Daytona so I'm only about an hour and a half from her. I'm not saying to give up or anything, just that I would be willing to help in anyway I can.
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  • #10
Here was my last response from her:

I figured as much well thanks for trying and I won't be purchasing anything more from a company that won't back their product.

Personally I feel I gave her great customer service. I have emailed 3 times in a little over 24 hours. I emailed her back this last time and told I was sorry she felt that way. However, I could not be responsible for her not having her receipt and not willing to find out from her friend the name of the host. I told her that since she says it is less than a year old, if she talks to her friend and finds out the name to call the toll free #. Personally at this point I am through and will not do anything else, I didn't type that in the email just telling you all. Oh well, I tryed.
  • #11
Good grief! People can be such sticks in the mud. Do you think if she bought a shirt from Walmart she would call the sales person at home and ask her to refund the money! Of course not. You did the right thing.
  • #12
not your customerForewarning from past experience....If this is not a customer of yours, give her the number of HO and leave it at that. I had taken on a customer, by trying to do the right thing and helping her, just lost business because things didn't go the way she wanted it to go, hence everyone who had booked from her show then did not hold.
  • #13
contact from websiteI know I'm late on this subject. But maybe this would help in the future. I think I would have told her to visit the pampered chef website and see if she could do a product adjustment since the product is still under warranty. That way, she would be responsible for shipping the broken stone back to PC.

I have actually done this for someone who didn't have their receipt. PC replaced it as long as I shipped the broken stoneware back.

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What does "Got My First Contact From My Website" mean?

"Got My First Contact From My Website" refers to the first time someone reaches out to you through your website, whether it be through a contact form, email, or phone call.

Why is it important to get contacts from my website?

Getting contacts from your website is important because it means that your website is effectively reaching potential customers and generating leads for your business. It also allows for a direct line of communication with potential customers, making it easier to convert them into paying clients.

How can I increase the number of contacts I receive from my website?

There are a few ways to increase the number of contacts you receive from your website. Some effective methods include creating a clear and easy-to-use contact form, providing multiple ways for visitors to reach out (such as email, phone, or live chat), and implementing call-to-action buttons throughout your website to encourage visitors to contact you.

What should I do when I receive my first contact from my website?

When you receive your first contact from your website, it is important to respond promptly and professionally. Take the time to understand their needs and provide helpful and informative responses. This will not only help to build a positive relationship with the potential customer, but it also increases the likelihood of them becoming a paying client.

How can I track the contacts I receive from my website?

Many website platforms offer tools and analytics that allow you to track the contacts you receive from your website. This can include the number of form submissions, email inquiries, and phone calls. You can also set up specific tracking codes or phone numbers to accurately track the source of the contact. Additionally, you can use customer relationship management (CRM) software to track and manage all of your contacts in one place.

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