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Goodbye Chef Success - Moving on to New Adventures

goodbye. You will be missed, Beth. You have provided a wealth of knowledge and have been a great help to others on Chef Success.
Gold Member
After over 4 years on Chef Success (almost since the beginning) I have decided to not renew this time. I have made a lot of friends and have gotten a lot of great ideas here but it's time to move on.

Take care everyone and I hope to run into you at National Conference!
Beth I'm sorry to see you go! I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Oh man, really?! We'll miss you! Thanks for all the help you've given all this time! It's sad to see you go. :(
You'll be missed, Beth.
FAREWELL! Thank you for ALL of the wisdom you've shared. You wouldn't believe how much I've learned from you. I consider you one of the "expert cheffers"!
God Bless!

I am sad...

Thank you for all your wisdom over the years! You will be missed by many!


Good luck in all you persue!
Bye Beth! I understand the feeling!
Beth, I"m sad too! You've given some GREAT advice over the years...and have personally helped me with some questions I"ve had as well, you will be missed!
Are you going over to Director Chef Success?
I can't imagine giving up such a great resource.
Aww Beth, I am so sad to see you go! You will be missed!
  • #10
Beth, I will also be sad to see you go! You have offered some great advice and a great resource here on Chef Success. It was great to meet you at the Regional Training. Hope to see you over on Director Chef Success, someday! You will be missed!
  • #11
Beth you will definitly be missed. You have taught me alot on here. Thanks for all the great info.
Also I got the trivet in the mail. Thanks so much.
  • #12
Sorry to see you go Beth - your expert advice will be missed. Just so you know, I could always rely on what you would write in a post.

Thank you for answering so many of my questions!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments! There are a lot of reasons I am leaving here but I will miss many of you. Feel free to email me or friend me on facebook if you want to stay in touch!

Steph, I've been on Director Chef Success since it opened.

My subscription expires on Saturday so I'll be around here until then.
  • #14
Bye Beth :cry:
  • #15
BethCooks4U said:
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments! There are a lot of reasons I am leaving here but I will miss many of you. Feel free to email me or friend me on facebook if you want to stay in touch!

Steph, I've been on Director Chef Success since it opened.

My subscription expires on Saturday so I'll be around here until then.

My bad, I assumed you were prob on DCS, but I figured I'd give it a shot that you were moving there and leaving here.
Good luck to you! I know you will do great! :thumbup:
  • #16
Sorry to see you leave here, Beth. You've helped alot of us. I am sure you will still help us when we contact you outside of here.
  • #17
Aww really??? You will be missed - I am on FB as well - Pm me if you want the name for the friend request - huggsss !!
  • #19
Good luck!!
  • #20
BethCooks4U said:
After over 4 years on Chef Success (almost since the beginning) I have decided to not renew this time. I have made a lot of friends and have gotten a lot of great ideas here but it's time to move on.

Take care everyone and I hope to run into you at National Conference!

Was it something I said? :confused:
  • #21
You will definitely be missed!
  • #22
Thanks for all your help and wisdom!Best of everything!
  • #23
Sorry you have to go. Take care; you will be missed, indeed!
  • #24
This isn't goodbye, I'll "see" you on FB :)
  • #25
'Bye, Beth. I'll miss you... (I was a charter DCS member, too, but I couldn't stand the negative-speak and left rather quickly)
  • #26
really, Ann- I find it quite the opposite over there- A board full of directors WORKING their business!!!
  • #27
Beth, we'll miss you here. Your wealth of knowledge and willingness to share is appreciated!

Sue, I have to agree with you :).
  • #28
mrssyvo said:
really, Ann- I find it quite the opposite over there- A board full of directors WORKING their business!!!

I'm happy to hear it! May have to check it out again.
  • #29
You will be missed. I am also on FB pm me!
  • #30
mrssyvo said:
really, Ann- I find it quite the opposite over there- A board full of directors WORKING their business!!!

Absolutely! No bickering, snide comments, or stupid arguements over who's opinion is right. It's nothing but helpful and positive.
  • #31
Beth, I''ll miss your wisdom and advice.
  • #32
Sorry to see you go!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
You guys are great! Thanks! I'll miss CS - I've posted over 9000 times in 4 years so I obviously have been in the thick of it. I have always cared about you and the business. I want you all to succeed and do it right. Remember, what goes around comes around. What you do today affects tomorrow. You can all be stars just dream, then act on it - the key is action.

Scott, I think it was you early on who pm'd me with a comment about spelling and professionalism (at least you get the credit). I've never forgotten that and I pay attention (and smile) every time I see your posts.

Ann, there is no drama over there on DCS! It's business and helping each other. Sure there's a little venting but then the venter gets support. No one assumes attack and jumps on anyone. Go back!
  • #34
BethCooks4U said:
You guys are great! Thanks! I'll miss CS - I've posted over 9000 times in 4 years so I obviously have been in the thick of it. I have always cared about you and the business. I want you all to succeed and do it right. Remember, what goes around comes around. What you do today affects tomorrow. You can all be stars just dream, then act on it - the key is action.

Scott, I think it was you early on who pm'd me with a comment about spelling and professionalism (at least you get the credit). I've never forgotten that and I pay attention (and smile) every time I see your posts.

Ann, there is no drama over there on DCS! It's business and helping each other. Sure there's a little venting but then the venter gets support. No one assumes attack and jumps on anyone. Go back!

Beth, I think one of the things (well the biggest thing) I'll miss about you is your willingness to keep others within business ethics! You are always willing to speak up when someone talks about bending the rules weither they wanted to hear it or not!
  • #35
I'm sorry to see you go Beth. You always have great business advice for all and have always been very helpful. You will be missed.

I'm really glad I checked for new posts while I'm on vacation or I would have missed your post.

I have noticed CS has been a little more quiet lately which is kinda sad. I figured more are on DCS instead. In some ways I think it has hurt this site.

Take Care,
  • Thread starter
  • #36
pampchefrhondab said:
I'm sorry to see you go Beth. You always have great business advice for all and have always been very helpful. You will be missed.

I'm really glad I checked for new posts while I'm on vacation or I would have missed your post.

I have noticed CS has been a little more quiet lately which is kinda sad. I figured more are on DCS instead. In some ways I think it has hurt this site.

Take Care,

Quiet isn't necessarily bad. I've noticed that when there isn't drama happening there are less posts.

Talk about quiet - DCS has many days that only have a couple posts. A lot of the directors that are there are still here too so I don't think it hurt CS at all.
  • Thread starter
  • #37
wadesgirl said:
Beth, I think one of the things (well the biggest thing) I'll miss about you is your willingness to keep others within business ethics! You are always willing to speak up when someone talks about bending the rules weither they wanted to hear it or not!

Thanks. That's also what gets me in trouble around here.
  • #38
BethCooks4U said:
Thanks. That's also what gets me in trouble around here.

It only "gets you in trouble" because people don't like to hear the truth!
  • #39
pampchefrhondab said:
I have noticed CS has been a little more quiet lately which is kinda sad. I figured more are on DCS instead. In some ways I think it has hurt this site.

Take Care,

I agree with you! I think I know the sad reason why. I PM'd you;):)
  • #40
Ann F said:
'Bye, Beth. I'll miss you... (I was a charter DCS member, too, but I couldn't stand the negative-speak and left rather quickly)

WOW!! I have been a member too since the beginning and have never seen this. Yes, do try us again.

Beth, we should add that another benefit of directorship is being able to be a member on DS so we can continue to share and be supported by you!! So glad we still have you there!!
  • #41
Beth, are you giving up DCS too when that runs out?
  • Thread starter
  • #42
chefsteph07 said:
Beth, are you giving up DCS too when that runs out?

That's not my plan at this time.
  • #43
I agree there is more activity when things get ugly, but I guess it's like one of my old college teacher's said, "Life is exactly like a Soap Opera." Boy was she right!

I'm the middle child with an older brother who was very mean to me growing up, so I can take anything that is thrown at me w/o being hurt:)!

I do think sometimes there is too much off topic of PC here, but ther is more to life then PC. I've learned to only respond to those I have a heartfelt feeling to respond to and just ignore the others and go on.

Again, we will miss you. I agree, you were always so good at keeping everyone straight w/all the PC rules. Thank you for all the support you have given to so many through the years.

Take Care
  • #44
pampchefrhondab said:
I'm sorry to see you go Beth. You always have great business advice for all and have always been very helpful. You will be missed.

I'm really glad I checked for new posts while I'm on vacation or I would have missed your post.

I have noticed CS has been a little more quiet lately which is kinda sad. I figured more are on DCS instead. In some ways I think it has hurt this site.

Take Care,

Nah, we just all went to facebook! LOL
Beth, you'll be missed...best of luck with your business! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Thanks for all your good wishes. I wish you all the best in your businesses!

One final bit of advice. Remember to consider this when trying to figure out if something is okay to do: What if Doris was standing behind you?

Take care everyone!
  • #46
Beth when I first read this, I thought you might be leaving PC. So glad you are continuing in the business. It's time for me to decide too, and I am wavering. I will definitely miss your posts, if I continue here. I'll forever remember our being roommates at 2006 National, thanks to my Director being a matchmaker.
  • #47
Wow! I missed this thread so I probably missed saying good bye Beth. Hopefully you'll know that we'll ALL miss you. Thanks for all the wonderful advice and friendship over the past few years :)
  • #48
Beth ... you will be missed. PM me if you want me to add you on FB and that goes for other cheffer friends too ...

Related to Goodbye Chef Success - Moving on to New Adventures

1. Why are you leaving Chef Success after 4 years?

After much consideration and reflection, I have decided that it is time for me to move on from Chef Success and explore new opportunities and adventures. I have enjoyed my time here and made many friends, but I am ready for a change.

2. Will you still be attending National Conference?

Yes, I still plan on attending National Conference and I hope to run into some familiar faces there. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and see the exciting new things happening in the Pampered Chef world.

3. How has Chef Success helped you in your career with Pampered Chef?

Chef Success has been an invaluable resource for me during my time with Pampered Chef. I have learned so much from the community and have been inspired by the ideas and tips shared by other consultants. It has definitely played a role in my success with Pampered Chef.

4. Will you still be active in the Pampered Chef community?

While I may not be renewing my membership on Chef Success, I will still be active in the Pampered Chef community in other ways. I will continue to attend events and connect with other consultants through social media and other channels. I believe in the power of this community and plan on staying connected.

5. What advice do you have for other consultants on Chef Success?

My advice would be to make the most of your time on Chef Success. Connect with other consultants and share your ideas and experiences. Take advantage of the resources and support available to you on this platform. And when the time comes for you to move on, be open to new opportunities and adventures.

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