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Get Ready to Start: Preparing for a New Journey

In summary, Ellen is starting her church's biggest loser program and is looking forward to winning money. She is having some problems with food, but is optimistic.
Christ Follower
Gold Member
Okay, I'm not starting yet, but when I do, I'll be ready!
Hee Hee! Ok. Let us know.
Christ Follower said:
Okay, I'm not starting yet, but when I do, I'll be ready!


baby steps
it takes 30 days for things to become habit :)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
heather9892 said:

baby steps
it takes 30 days for things to become habit :)

lol! I am waiting for my church to start up it's biggest loser before I really go gung-ho. There's money in it for me if my team wins!
heather9892 said:

baby steps
it takes 30 days for things to become habit :)

I thought it was 21 days - no wonder I can't make it happen LOL
Christ Follower said:
lol! I am waiting for my church to start up it's biggest loser before I really go gung-ho. There's money in it for me if my team wins!

That is a good reason to focus on it then!! Good Luck
:cheerleader:Good Luck Ellen!
I'm excited to see your progress with your church Biggest Loser!
I hope you win! You sure have a winning spirit!!:cheerleader:
chef_kimmo said:
I thought it was 21 days - no wonder I can't make it happen LOL

21 times to get used to the idea, 100 times to make it automatic. Every small alteration has to start the counter again.
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  • #10
Okay, I did my official weigh in at church today and will begin my "life change" tomorrow.
  • #11
How is your first day going? I think I'm doing okay. I'll post more in my journal. Just wanted to let you know that I know you can do this. Good luck!
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  • #12
missydivine said:
How is your first day going? I think I'm doing okay. I'll post more in my journal. Just wanted to let you know that I know you can do this. Good luck!

Thanks, well it's not going as good as I had hoped for my first day. I had a 1/2 banana and a bowl of special K for breakfast and then a bowl of left over fried rice for lunch. That wouldn't have been too bad, but DH came home and made up BLT's with chesse. I should've passed on that one. If I can get out and take a walk today I will feel better. I've been cleaning all day though. You can almost see my dresser.
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  • #13
Ya today is not looking good food wise at all. I ended up giving into my craving and got a grande caramel latte at Starbucks. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day....
  • #14
You can do it!
Don't feel bad when you give into cravings . . . just cut the portions.
I love my chocolate.
  • #15
Christ Follower said:
Thanks, well it's not going as good as I had hoped for my first day. I had a 1/2 banana and a bowl of special K for breakfast and then a bowl of left over fried rice for lunch. That wouldn't have been too bad, but DH came home and made up BLT's with chesse. I should've passed on that one. If I can get out and take a walk today I will feel better. I've been cleaning all day though. You can almost see my dresser.

I think you are being way hard on yourself! You have done just fine!
  • #16
Christ Follower said:
Ya today is not looking good food wise at all. I ended up giving into my craving and got a grande caramel latte at Starbucks. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day....

Okay maybe that wasn't the best, but how has the rest of your day gone? I think we have to look at the big picture. You are being way hard on yourself. If you don't let up a bit you're going to really binge.
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  • #17
Today I had a bowl of Vanilla Almond Special K for breakfast.

I had a bowl of Chicken tortilla soup for lunch. (that wouldn't have been that bad but I added cheese and tortilla chips)

I had a handfull of Pecans and some popcorn for snacks. Not sure what's for dinner yet.
  • #18
Christ Follower said:
Today I had a bowl of Vanilla Almond Special K for breakfast.

I had a bowl of Chicken tortilla soup for lunch. (that wouldn't have been that bad but I added cheese and tortilla chips)

I had a handfull of Pecans and some popcorn for snacks. Not sure what's for dinner yet.

Did you make the soup from scratch? If you did will you post the recipe.
  • Thread starter
  • #19
missydivine said:
Did you make the soup from scratch? If you did will you post the recipe.

Nope. Cambells Select. I do have a recipe for homemade chicken tortilla somewhere though....
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  • #20
Okay. I walked 2 miles today. Now I can say I did something finally.
  • #21
Christ Follower said:
Okay. I walked 2 miles today. Now I can say I did something finally.

  • Thread starter
  • #22
Okay this time for real! I AM OFFICIALLY STARTING TOMORROW 1-9-08!

I did my weigh-in (again) at church and it wasn't pretty. 199.6 :eek:

I weigh more now than I did when I was 9 months prego with my kids. Not good.
  • #23
Christ Follower said:
Okay this time for real! I AM OFFICIALLY STARTING TOMORROW 1-9-08!

I did my weigh-in (again) at church and it wasn't pretty. 199.6 :eek:

I weigh more now than I did when I was 9 months prego with my kids. Not good.

Don't be so hard on yourself. We are all in the same boat. We forget about ourselves and take care of others . . . our DH and children. I was over 200 last year and was not happy . . . I worked hard and lost 15-20 lbs. I kept 15 off for the whole year. You can do it . . . it is hard work but you can do it!! Keep your chin up and you will be fine. Remember that is why you have us friends to cheer you on!
  • #24
Christ Follower said:
Okay this time for real! I AM OFFICIALLY STARTING TOMORROW 1-9-08!

I did my weigh-in (again) at church and it wasn't pretty. 199.6 :eek:

I weigh more now than I did when I was 9 months prego with my kids. Not good.

Just remember you can do this! And, we are here for you! If it makes you feel any better I have more to lose than you do.:grumpy:
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  • #25
missydivine said:
Just remember you can do this! And, we are here for you! If it makes you feel any better I have more to lose than you do.:grumpy:

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  • #26
Okay, Yesterday I walked another 2 miles and did really good untill I had dessert last night.

Today I think I am doing just okay. I am hoping to go for another walk this afternoon.
  • #27
You can do it! I need to get the tredmill uncovered, and get walking on it. I will get that done this weekend. Dh and I both have a bunch of weight to lose.
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  • #28
missydivine said:
You can do it! I need to get the tredmill uncovered, and get walking on it. I will get that done this weekend. Dh and I both have a bunch of weight to lose.

IS dh going to do it with you too? That makes a huge difference! You can do it!
  • #29
Yep, he started with me this week. yes it does make a difference.
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  • #30
Okay, I just got back from another 2 mile walk today. However, we are having pizza tonight for dinner.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
Christ Follower said:
Okay, I just got back from another 2 mile walk today. However, we are having pizza tonight for dinner.

I had A LOT of pizza last night. I will have to be on my best behavior today when it comes to eating. I didn't even make coffee this morning so I wouldn't have the extra sugar. I had a bowl of cereal today so far. If I get hungry before lunch I will force myself to eat carrots or an apple.
  • #32
Christ Follower said:
Okay, I just got back from another 2 mile walk today. However, we are having pizza tonight for dinner.

The walk will help cancel out the pizza, good move!
  • #33
Christ Follower said:
I had A LOT of pizza last night. I will have to be on my best behavior today when it comes to eating. I didn't even make coffee this morning so I wouldn't have the extra sugar. I had a bowl of cereal today so far. If I get hungry before lunch I will force myself to eat carrots or an apple.

You are funny, do you use cream in your coffee?
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  • #34
missydivine said:
You are funny, do you use cream in your coffee?
2% milk and LOTS of sugar (organic sugar, but sugar nonetheless)
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  • #35
Did another 2 mile walk today. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be having fast food for dinner again. I have no food in the house and we have to be somewhere soon. It'll be better once I go grocery shopping.
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  • #36
Christ Follower said:
Did another 2 mile walk today. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be having fast food for dinner again. I have no food in the house and we have to be somewhere soon. It'll be better once I go grocery shopping.

Yep. I ate taco bell for dinner and had cake AND ice cream for dessert at the party. Looks like I have more exercising to do tomorrow. Everytime I start to get ahead, I sabotage myself! :cry:
  • #37
1st Month relinquishment - hate this!My team was $750 shy of $4000 in December (my catalog/web sales was $2200! Yea me...) *sigh*. With my not being able to drive, I'm not sure how we'll do in January. I hope we make it though.. I'm hoping to recruit at least 3 (wanting to buy my family the wii at Best buy! lol. My thank you for supporting my business), so if I do, hopefully I won't have to count on myself to do more than half of it. I'm seriously considering the waiver if we can't get it together. I can't drive until at least some time in March!

I do have a live show that I will schedule today ~ I'm having a Stampin Up show today (love their stuff ~ they really got the "home business/party plan" stamp set right this time! ~ let me know if you want to peek. lol. It's on p. 153, called Taking Care of Business. One of my guests is a Premiere Design jewelry rep. an she's attending).

By the way - I am soooo excited about my party - I put "by the way, stones are 20% off" on all my invites. I have used mini-muffin pan to make cornbread muffins, and square stone to make symphony brownies (YUM). so excited!
  • #38
Christ Follower said:
2% milk and LOTS of sugar (organic sugar, but sugar nonetheless)

I use 1/2 and 1/2, but I gave up sugar years ago. I decided I could have one or the other.
  • #39
Christ Follower said:
Yep. I ate taco bell for dinner and had cake AND ice cream for dessert at the party. Looks like I have more exercising to do tomorrow. Everytime I start to get ahead, I sabotage myself! :cry:

You are doing fine, remember the excersise will balance things out. Keep that up! YOU are doing a good job!
  • #40
Don't be too hard on yourself when you have a bad day.
Remember . . . we are all cheering for you for your church biggest loser too!
You have a good attidude about it though, you don't let the bad days weigh you down.
  • #41
a success!Finalized that booking and got one $75 order! And we had alot of fun. :)
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  • #42
Today I had coffee for breakfast, a handful of Cheetos and a small bowl of Mac n cheese for lunch, a banana for snack and coffee for dinner. I should eat something else but I really don't feel up to it.
  • #43
Keep working on it - you are doing good. At least you have started and have a vision.
  • #44
Susan,Could you offer your hostesses to have their shows at YOUR home? That way you wouldn't have to drive. Just an idea....
  • #45
what would you ladies recommend for a good healthy breakfast.?
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  • #46
ddbritt said:
what would you ladies recommend for a good healthy breakfast.?

1 egg, 1 slice of whole wheat toast and a piece of fruit. In the most important meal of the day you would have your protein, whole grain and fruit serving.

I have been eating Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal (but you need to stick to the right serving size) and a piece of fruit lately.
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  • #47
Okay so it's not even noon here and I did my 2 mile walk today. I had TWO bowls of cereal for breakfast though (see? that's what happens when you don't eat dinner!)
  • #48
You had a great week! 3lbs! Woo Hoo!!!!!

Yes you need to eat all your meals!
  • Thread starter
  • #49
missydivine said:
You had a great week! 3lbs! Woo Hoo!!!!!

Yes you need to eat all your meals!

That's not quite for sure yet. I will be checking again in the next couple of days after I've been eating regular meals. Thanks though!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Christ Follower said:
Okay so it's not even noon here and I did my 2 mile walk today. I had TWO bowls of cereal for breakfast though (see? that's what happens when you don't eat dinner!)

I had 3 Tempura Crunch Vegetable Rolls today for lunch. (I withheld from eating all 6). Just the 3 have 12 grams of fat and 210 calories. I ate a few pretzels and a Choc chip granola bar for snack. Still not sure what to make for dinner yet but whatever I make I will have a salad before so I will eat less of the dinner.
<h2>1. What does "Get Ready to Start" mean?</h2><p>"Get Ready to Start" is a program offered by Pampered Chef to help new consultants prepare for their journey with our company. It includes resources, training, and support to ensure a successful start.</p><h2>2. How do I enroll in the "Get Ready to Start" program?</h2><p>To enroll in the "Get Ready to Start" program, you must first become a Pampered Chef consultant. Once you have signed up, you will automatically be enrolled in the program and will receive an email with instructions on how to access the resources.</p><h2>3. What kind of resources are included in the "Get Ready to Start" program?</h2><p>The "Get Ready to Start" program includes a variety of resources such as training videos, business tools, and support from your upline and fellow consultants. These resources are designed to help you learn about Pampered Chef products, build your business, and achieve your goals.</p><h2>4. How long does the "Get Ready to Start" program last?</h2><p>The "Get Ready to Start" program is a self-paced program, so it can last as long as you need it to. However, we recommend completing the program within the first 30 days of becoming a consultant to ensure a strong start to your business.</p><h2>5. Is there a cost for the "Get Ready to Start" program?</h2><p>No, there is no additional cost for the "Get Ready to Start" program. It is included in your enrollment fee as a Pampered Chef consultant. However, there may be optional resources or tools available for purchase to support your journey.</p>

Related to Get Ready to Start: Preparing for a New Journey

1. What does "Get Ready to Start" mean?

"Get Ready to Start" is a program offered by Pampered Chef to help new consultants prepare for their journey with our company. It includes resources, training, and support to ensure a successful start.

2. How do I enroll in the "Get Ready to Start" program?

To enroll in the "Get Ready to Start" program, you must first become a Pampered Chef consultant. Once you have signed up, you will automatically be enrolled in the program and will receive an email with instructions on how to access the resources.

3. What kind of resources are included in the "Get Ready to Start" program?

The "Get Ready to Start" program includes a variety of resources such as training videos, business tools, and support from your upline and fellow consultants. These resources are designed to help you learn about Pampered Chef products, build your business, and achieve your goals.

4. How long does the "Get Ready to Start" program last?

The "Get Ready to Start" program is a self-paced program, so it can last as long as you need it to. However, we recommend completing the program within the first 30 days of becoming a consultant to ensure a strong start to your business.

5. Is there a cost for the "Get Ready to Start" program?

No, there is no additional cost for the "Get Ready to Start" program. It is included in your enrollment fee as a Pampered Chef consultant. However, there may be optional resources or tools available for purchase to support your journey.

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