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Find the Perfect Recipe for Your Demo Tonight | Stainless Steel Tips

In summary, the author is worried about what to make for the demo tonight and is having trouble choosing an idea. They have been asked to talk about stainless steel and are considering making either a Chicken w/Mushroom sauce or a pizza. They think the Asian Noodles would be a good demo, but they don't have the stainless steel pan yet.
Gold Member
I am supposed to do the demo tonight and am worried about what to make. I have been asked to talk about the stainless steel and would like to make something. We always bring recipes to share but I would like to know those that attend the meeting could taste too. Help me to choose, Puhleeease!

I have gone back and forth with 3 ideas

The Chicken w/Mushroom sauce because I want to demo about the fond but it has to bake for a short while and we have our meetings at a hotel. I thought I would put it in my toaster oven but than pan's handle will not allow the door to close all the way.

The pizza - it looks good & easy. I could just talk about the fond and other differences.

Jerk Chicken Nachos - have most things cut and ready and cook the chicken in the saute pan. I would have to make the nachos in 2 batches and bring the toaster oven. The small round stone fits in the toaster oven. No fond for the recipe but I could just use water or something to show how it comes off the pan? {this recipe actually calls for the chicken to be already cooked, but thought I could show the chicken cooking...}

If you were at the meeting what would work you like the best.
Do you have a hot plate? The Asian Noodles are a great demo, and you can talk about the SS, even if you don't have it yet. You don't get the fond in the nonstick pan like in the SS, but it's still a delicious recipe.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
My Director is bringing her hot plate. I thought about it but didn't have the big skillet. I could always cook in the 8" and then finish it in the Executive Skillet. I have already set out chicken to thaw so I will probably just swap that out. It would provide more samples than the other Chicken w/mushrooms & the pizza too.

Thanks that is a good idea. I can tell you like that one as I have seen it posted a few times.
I'd actually do the whole thing in the Exec. if you were to do this one. The pan is already hot, then, and any little bits of fond, seasonings and oil that do remain from cooking the meat will still be picked up into the sauce.

I do really like this recipe. It's easy, but delicious. And shows a decent number of tools, when you think about all the steps.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Ok, thanks. I will do it as a Cookware demo and then talk about the differences between the SS and non stick.
chef_kimmo said:
Ok, thanks. I will do it as a Cookware demo and then talk about the differences between the SS and non stick.
There you go!

I'm actually making this for a meeting tonight, too. But I'm taking it done (I'll probably put it into stoneware to stay warm on the drive).
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  • #7
Do you put in the all of the 2 lbs of meat? That sounds like a lot for only 6 servings.
When I made it at home, I used about a pound of chicken breast. I'm using all the pork tonight, because there's usually about 30-45 people at our meeting, and then everyone can get a piece of meat in their sample. If you cut the meat into little teeny pieces (easier if it's "15-minute frozen" - toss thawed meat into the freezer for 15 minutes to get firmer), then it's better distributed throughout the noodles, too.

Break up the noodles before you put them in to cook, that also makes it easier to serve small portions.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Ahh, thanks that is good advice on the noodles.

Now one more question... do you think this will be quick enough for me to make all the way through as a demo tonight? Since you are bringing yours, you have me worried. I could pre-cut most of the veggies.
  • #10
To anyone that has made the Asian Noodles already... I don't have my Asian seasoning yet. I ordered it but it's not here. Do you think I can omit it??? I'll add some ginger and garlic maybe???
  • #11
chef_kimmo said:
Ahh, thanks that is good advice on the noodles.

Now one more question... do you think this will be quick enough for me to make all the way through as a demo tonight? Since you are bringing yours, you have me worried. I could pre-cut most of the veggies.
I'm taking mine because we have no meeting time set aside for a demo. And a bunch of people are bringing new recipes, so there wouldn't be time to demo all of them. It's right around 29 minutes to make this one, start to finish. And a few of that, you're just waiting for the noodles to cook.

I'd take the meat, or at least some of it, pre-cut. You can put it right in the bowl you're going to use to mix it with the seasoning. And if you want to take the veggies cut and just talk about the tools, that would work, too.

Dawn4 said:
To anyone that has made the Asian Noodles already... I don't have my Asian seasoning yet. I ordered it but it's not here. Do you think I can omit it??? I'll add some ginger and garlic maybe???
If you omit it, you'll definitely need to add something. Garlic and ginger are a good start. Do you have some sesame seeds at home? And maybe a little splash of soy sauce. (just a touch)
  • #12
chefann said:
If you omit it, you'll definitely need to add something. Garlic and ginger are a good start. Do you have some sesame seeds at home? And maybe a little splash of soy sauce. (just a touch)

Thanks for the tip!!
  • #13
chef_kimmo said:
Ahh, thanks that is good advice on the noodles.

Now one more question... do you think this will be quick enough for me to make all the way through as a demo tonight? Since you are bringing yours, you have me worried. I could pre-cut most of the veggies.
I would definately do pre-prep on the meat and 90% of the veggies. That way, you are only showing how to cut up a small portion of each veggie. I haven't done this as a demo yet, but when I do, I will do most of the preprep beforehand.

Also- breaking up the noodles- when I do this at home, I use a small hammer and gently tap to break them up without busting open the package. You may want to do that step at home, but then you could open the packages using your kitchen shears....

This should yield a TON of samples for you!
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  • #14
Kewl, thanks!

I may try the Meat Tenderizer for breaking the noodles. I have used it to crumble other things & it works nicely. As long as the noodle package doesn't break!
  • #15
KellyTheChef said:
I would definately do pre-prep on the meat and 90% of the veggies. That way, you are only showing how to cut up a small portion of each veggie. I haven't done this as a demo yet, but when I do, I will do most of the preprep beforehand.

I'm going to do this too. That way I don't have to worry about all the cutting so I can focus on talking about our cookware!

Also- breaking up the noodles- when I do this at home, I use a small hammer and gently tap to break them up without busting open the package. You may want to do that step at home, but then you could open the packages using your kitchen shears....

How about using the meat tenderizer for this (the smooth side)? That would show another tool!

This should yield a TON of samples for you!

I LOVED this recipe! I might do chicken instead of pork for shows because it's cheaper & easier to cut. Although I may have to try Ann's tip for freezing it for 15 minutes first--LOVE that idea!
  • #16
I can't take credit for that idea. Many, many cooking shows on TV include that tip. :)
  • #17
chef_kimmo said:
Kewl, thanks!

I may try the Meat Tenderizer for breaking the noodles. I have used it to crumble other things & it works nicely. As long as the noodle package doesn't break!
DUH! I knew there was a tool of ours that would work! Darn sinus headache is killing me now for the third day in a row!

Perhaps wrap it in a towel first, so the plastic doesn't break?
  • #18
KellyTheChef said:
DUH! I knew there was a tool of ours that would work! Darn sinus headache is killing me now for the third day in a row!

Perhaps wrap it in a towel first, so the plastic doesn't break?

There you go...use our new striped towels & that's another product to show & talk about!

Related to Find the Perfect Recipe for Your Demo Tonight | Stainless Steel Tips

What is the best way to find the perfect recipe for my demo tonight?

The best way to find a recipe for your demo tonight is to browse through our collection of stainless steel tips on our website. We have a wide variety of recipes that are specifically designed for demos and can help you find the perfect one for your event.

Can I filter the recipes by ingredient or dietary restriction?

Yes, our website allows you to filter recipes by ingredient or dietary restriction. Simply click on the "Filter" button and select the options that meet your needs. This will narrow down the list of recipes and make it easier for you to find the perfect one for your demo.

How can I save recipes for future use?

You can save recipes for future use by creating an account on our website. This will allow you to save your favorite recipes and access them anytime you need them. You can also create folders to organize your saved recipes, making it easier to find them for future demos.

Are there any recommended recipes for first-time demos?

Yes, we have a section on our website specifically for first-time demos. These recipes are easy to prepare, require minimal ingredients, and are sure to impress your audience. We also provide tips and tricks for first-time demos to help you feel more confident in your presentation.

Can I customize the recipes to fit my own style of cooking?

Absolutely! Our recipes are meant to be a guide and can be customized to fit your own style of cooking. You can add or substitute ingredients, adjust cooking times, and make any other changes that suit your preferences. We want you to make the recipes your own and feel comfortable presenting them at your demos.

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