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Fighting the Clock: Quitting My Pampered Chef Business

In summary, Sheila is saying that she is struggling with her business and she has come to the heartbreaking conclusion that she may have to close her business. She is sad that this is what has to happen, but she is grateful for the friendships she has made.
Gold Member
Some (many) of you may know that I have been struggling with my business for a while. All the knowledge in the world is not helping with the true problem I am facing: the number of hours in the day.

DH quit his 8-5 job in June, and started a new job which essentially makes me a single mom during the week. I still work full-time, and must continue to do so because I provide our family's insurance, and currently make significantly more than DH does. I leave home at 7 AM, get back around 5:30 - 6 PM, make dinner, bathe the kids, get them to bed, and struggle with getting them to go to sleep without a fuss. By the time that's all said and done, it's late, and I'm exhausted.

The way things are going right now, something's got to give, and I've come to the heartbreaking conclusion that it is going to have to be Pampered Chef. It is not fair to my hosts and customers that I cannot put in the time and effort they deserve. I don't have the time to get on the phone to get the bookings, and even if I had them, I don't have the time to properly host coach. It has gotten to a point where the business is a chore and a bother, and that's never what I wanted it to be. I had also agreed with DH last year that we would give the business a year for me to turn it profitable, and it really isn't there.

I have a show I'm trying to close currently, another that's on hold for a credit card decline, and a catalog show a friend is doing for her sister who will be getting married. Once those are resolved, I won't be actively pursuing my business. I may continue to send out my newsletter for the time being, until my TT subscription runs out, but that's it. Maybe I'll get enough every once in a while to stay a consultant.

I'm not completely closing the door, though. If something in our life were to change, I may come back. Who knows. But that's the beauty of the business: it'll be there waiting for me when I need it.

I have truly enjoyed the friendships I have found with all the lovely people I have never met, and will continue to keep up with many on Facebook. I probably won't be able to tear myself away from here right away, either. As my favorite Disney character says, TTFN!
Thinking about you. You know where to find us if you need to talk anything through.
When you need us or just want to chat we will be here. (((HUGS)))
The nice thing is that this business is there for you when you need it! I have some consultants who only submit every 5-6 months to keep their consultant title going.
You'll be missed girl! Like I said on FB, if you do one show every 6 months you can at least keep your status in case you decide at some point that you do want to come back. I don't think I've ever heard you complain about your upline, but if you ever do come back & are not wanting to go back to the old team, I'd love to have you over on my team! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thank you, I know where to find you, and don't think you'll be rid of me that easily. ;)Sheila, thank you for the offer. I actually spoke with my D today. She is supportive, but she does also work full-time and has her own personal stuff to contend with at the moment. Funny you should make that mention, because she did even say that if I were to choose to come back later and want to sign with someone closer, she would understand, and feels that it might be better for me. I'm going to just take it a day at a time. We'll see what the future brings.
I always love reading your posts Noora. I'll miss them.
But sounds like you're doing what you need to do for now. I've learned a lot from you so good luck to you and thanks.
Good wishes to you Noorak! You will be missed!
The nice thing is about Pampered Chef is you can come and go..and you know in the future, you can come back to it. It's your businessI'm sad that when you come down to it, this is what has to give, but I know if my family/kids were not getting what they needed from me, it would go from my current life.Hope you stay around here, just to chat, etc...and hope you find yourself back in your apron soon, in a time that is good for you and your family!
  • #10
I know it was a tough decision for you Noora. I will miss you, but I suspect we'll still see you around here on CS. Thanks for letting us know instead of just fading away. I hand it to any consultant who works FT and keeps a regular PC schedule.
  • #11
Noora I wish you all the best!
  • #12
((HUGS)) Noora, we'll miss you and you know where to find us!
  • #13
Feel free to hang around. I haven't been a consultant for…um…a long time now. I still love the products (I just had a catty show a couple of months ago) and try to keep up with the changes. I value this nuthouse, too.
  • #14
You love this, I know that you'll be back when the time is right for you. ;)Pretty cool of your D to take your own career into account & put it before her own career. Most would cling to the reliably active ones & want them back on the team at any cost. Kudos to her for leaving that decision to you! :D
  • #15
You have been the voice of reason many times over - to me. I do hope you continue to hang around here, but please know also that I wish you the best in all you do.
  • #16
You mean I won't be seeing you at Spring Launch?!?!?! :cry: :cry: I understand, and you gotta do what's best for you and your family.
I'll miss you Noora! Actually, you are close enough that we can plan lunch one day...let's do that after the new year.

Hugs girlie!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Sheila said:
Pretty cool of your D to take your own career into account & put it before her own career. Most would cling to the reliably active ones & want them back on the team at any cost. Kudos to her for leaving that decision to you! :D

Which is why I respect and love her as a D all that much more. She's got her quirks, but so does everyone else.

pamperedlinda said:
You mean I won't be seeing you at Spring Launch?!?!?! :cry: :cry: I understand, and you gotta do what's best for you and your family.
I'll miss you Noora! Actually, you are close enough that we can plan lunch one day...let's do that after the new year.

Hugs girlie!

SL was one of the big bummers for me. I love going and seeing everyone. But lunch does sound like a good idea. Maybe MLK Day or Presidents' Day, I'll have the day off, but can still take the kids to daycare.
  • #18
Best wishes to you Noora - you have a lot of good ideas and have been an inspiration more than once, so I hope you at least stick around here!
  • #19
Dang, wish I wasn't 13 hours away & that I could come join you two for lunch! LOL
  • #20
Aw, Noora! This is so sad to hear! But you know what is best for you & your family. It would be great if we could still see you here on CS. :) You always have so much to contribute and are so helpful to many. I'm glad we at least have FB to stay in touch! :)I wish I could crash the lunch party, too! ;) :D
  • #21
Best wishes to you Noora. I am sure many of us have struggled with the similar issue. I know I have. Hope to see you around for a while here on CS as well as FB.
  • #22
I am not suprised by this....we've talked...I am emailing you now..Love you bunches
  • #23
Sounds like you've got your priorities straight!

My full-time job is one of the reasons I am a hobby consultant. Some months there is an incentive I want, so I start making calls. Other months I'm too busy.

I almost went inactive a few years ago, and a catalog show fell into my lap. Then last year, during Aug-Dec, I was laid off, so I stepped up my PC business since I had more time. It does take a lot of time to make it a success.

I did cry a little when I lost my career sales. I was so close to the $15K. But my job at the time was crazy and my son was smaller and I just couldn't do it all. Time has marched on and now it doesn't matter, and it won't to you, either.

Take care of yourself, cuz your kids are depending on you!
  • #24
Oh, this is such a bummer! I work full time too but if I had kids and a spouse, or if I went back to school as I often threaten, I'm sure I'd be hanging it up as well!

See ya around FB!
  • #25
So sad to hear about this, but I send you good wishes, & hope you can come back to PC in the future!
  • #26
We will miss you and will be here when you want to come back. I completely understand why you have come to the decision you have. Best of Luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Thank you all for the support. I'm still struggling with the decision. On one hand, as soon as I said it out loud, it felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. I no longer felt guilty about not being able to make the calls I knew I needed to make in order to make my business a success. On the other hand, there is a part of me that feels like a quitter. I've put over five years into this business, and my career sales are over $40K. I just have to keep reminding myself that in the long run, looking at the big picture, those are not the things that will matter as much as my kids and my family.

And you won't get rid of me THAT easily, I'll still stick around, beacuse it can get boring at work at times :)
  • #28
NooraK said:
Thank you all for the support. I'm still struggling with the decision. On one hand, as soon as I said it out loud, it felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. I no longer felt guilty about not being able to make the calls I knew I needed to make in order to make my business a success. On the other hand, there is a part of me that feels like a quitter. I've put over five years into this business, and my career sales are over $40K. I just have to keep reminding myself that in the long run, looking at the big picture, those are not the things that will matter as much as my kids and my family. And you won't get rid of me THAT easily, I'll still stick around, beacuse it can get boring at work at times :)
I know exactly what you feel. For the last two years, I have been on the fence several times. Between school, Scouts, day-to-day, working my business was just hard to do! I dont have the energy (or strong enough desire) to leave my house on the nights I could do shows because I am gone so much of the other time, I dont WANT to. BUT I dont want to leave yet because as you said, I feel like a quitter, but mainly I feel like I didnt give my business enough of a chance. I do NOT want to walk away from another buisness venture having spent more money or time than I made. So for while now, I have just done enough to keep active and keep my career sales. It has worked. The last two years, i have done enough, been inactive here and there, but never two in a row. I dont buy much if i dont need it, etc. I think this year I may have a better chance to get things picked up a bit, or at least try. If I cant get bookings, then I will know.Not to say this to dissuade you....just to say "I understand!". My situation i knew would improve as far as other committments.Best of luck! "You gotta do what you gotta do."
  • #29
NooraK said:
.... as soon as I said it out loud, it felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders.....

That's cool. Now you will be able to say "yes" to other things!
  • #30
Good Luck to you Noora. It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your decision.

You may stay active longer than you think.

I basically "quit" last year. Did what I thought was my last Cooking show in 2010 sometime, but I am still active over a year later. I would get occasional catty or cooking show requests and it would enable me to stay active get the changeover kits. Which would prolong everything again. I figured it was a "sign" if I kept getting a changeover kit. :)

But, anyway, I have not made calls or tried to get shows in over a year. As far as I am concerned, I am done. But, somehow, a person here or there contacts me and I won't say no.

You probably have a larger customer base than I ever had, so don't be surprised if you get contacted to do just an occasional show and stay a consultant.

Take care!

Related to Fighting the Clock: Quitting My Pampered Chef Business

1. Why are you quitting your Pampered Chef business?

The main reason I have decided to quit my Pampered Chef business is because of the lack of time I have to dedicate to it. With my husband's new job and my full-time job, I am left with very little time to properly run my business and give my customers the attention they deserve.

2. How did you come to this decision?

After struggling for a while and trying to balance my business with my other responsibilities, I realized that something had to give. I took a hard look at my priorities and decided that my family and my full-time job needed to come first at this time.

3. What impact will this have on your customers and hosts?

I know that this decision will have some impact on my customers and hosts, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause. I want to thank them for their support and understanding during this time.

4. Will you ever come back to Pampered Chef?

As of now, I do not have any plans to return to Pampered Chef. However, I am not completely closing the door and if something were to change in my life, I may consider coming back. The flexibility of the business allows for that possibility.

5. What will you miss most about your Pampered Chef business?

I will definitely miss the friendships and connections I have made with my customers and fellow consultants. I have truly enjoyed being a part of the Pampered Chef community and will continue to keep in touch with many through social media.

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