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Feeling Down? Tips for Booking More Shows

"I already have a meal plan and I am a consultant." So, it really just depends on the person. You have to be willing to go out of your way (maybe even offer to do a show for them) to get some bookings.
:( Here it is.... I've done 2 shows already this month and I have one "maybe" from one of them to do a show... it seems that everytime I get a yes--it turns into a "I'm really busy", or they don't return my call--and they never seems to want to commit that evening of the show because they have to check their calendar. I offer pick a date pick a product, talk up the host program--I'm in my ss3 and had a horrible june, I'm having a good july but no shows yet for Aug. I'm thinking maybe I'm just not good at this......it really is hard to see all my other cluster members having all these bookings and me struggling to get a few! I call, I ask, I leave boxes!! Ahhhh! I'm just really having a hard time with this! I needed to vent, but please, any tips would be greatly appreciated!
You know, unfortunatley, I have the same darn trouble! I go to my hospitality meetings and all of them are doing really well and I just get so depressed I want to cry. I call people, I talk up the host benefits during the shows, when I have them, and I still don't get shows. I just started sending out monthly newsletters highlighting the monthly specials, guest specials, highlight a product of my choice and offer some food facts from the cooking show teachings in consultant news. I hope that will work for at least some orders if not shows. Good luck and if you have any luck with anything, pass it on!

Cheryl Mackey
  • Thread starter
  • #3
It's good to know that I'm not the only one having trouble. I need to start the newsletter...do you do it over e-mail or do actually mail them out? I'm trying to use my paycheck towards my credit card debt as much as possible so I don't have a lot of money to do lots of extras......Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one!
When you ask them to pick a date, let them know you will pencil it in (that's an important word) until they can check their calendar. Then arrange to call them the next day.

It's not always easy to get bookings and you don't have to give something extra away. Be sure you know the host program inside and out. A little game I've used at the end of my show goes like this:

Ask everyone to turn their survey slip over so they can write on the back.
Tell them to write down 5 products that they want to purchase. They need to know what it's called and how much it costs. To speed people along, give a prize (Twixt Clip?) to the one who's finished first. When everyone (most) are ready have them do the following:
1) Cross out the price on the two most expensive items and write 1/2 that price next to it.
2) With the remaining 3 products, cross out $90 worth and write free next to them
3) Write 25% off next to any remaining items.

I always tell them that this is not a math or spelling test so they needn't worry. Also, these figures are based on a $500 show average. If your average is better (or worse), adjust the numbers accordingly. Finally, tell them that this is what happens for one of your average Hosts. They get two 1/2-price choices, $90 worth of free product and 25% off of anything else they purchase.

Now you’ve had one last chance to create interest in hosting AND you can start a wish list for each guest (if they don’t purchase everything they listed).

One thing I learned at conference that I’m going to try to implement at my shows? Have more fun!!! I hope you will do the same.

Great idea...I will try this!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Wow! That is an excellent idea! I will def. do that at my next show! I practice what I'm going to say, then when I get there it's like I go blank or something.... then I'm so involved in trying to remember everything that maybe I lack the enthusiasm I need to have.....I've done about 8 kitchen shows--do you guys tell the specials towards the end or the beginning... I've tried both, but not showing one is better than the other......
ask everyoneOne thing to do is ask everyone. I was at the eye doctor's today picking up contacts and said to the woman helping me...." I have a quick question. I am trying to get my business off the ground. I sell pampered chef. Would you be interested in passing around a couple of catalogs and taking orders?" She said sure. I told her I would be back on the 28th to collect the orders and I would bring a desert for the office to share. She was excited about it.
If I had not stepped out of my comfort zone and asked, I would not have gotten that show so just ask everyone. What is the worst they can say?
That's awesome, Melissa! Way to go for stepping out of that comfort zone! That's great. I like the way you worded it!:)
I always say this: They can't say YES if you don't ASK!!

It is a leap for lots of us, but the more you ASK, the more you'll hear YES! (Ok, the more you'll hear "no" too, but you get really used to it! Make it a game and see how long it takes you to get 100 "no"s!)
  • #10
I am going to actually mail them to people who have ordered from me this year and a few from last year. Tangible mail is harder to ignore than e-mail! Will keep my fingers crossed for you and me both!

Cheryl Mackey
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Asking and stepping out is def. the hardest thing for me....I guess that's what I need to get over. I'll do it! I will start a game with myself--I will get on the phone today and then tomorrow(when it's easier to go back out into the heat:) ) I will ask at least 3 people---I've got to get past this or my business will flop! Thanks for the encouragement! That's what I needed! I need you guys to push me and say get out there and do it!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks Cheryl, that's a good idea--I'll do that too!
  • #13
I'm there with you on the bookings thing...I made the list and got out of my comfort zone and called, sent letters with very little "sure I'll have a show". The gals at our meetings talk about all the shows and recruits they are having. It just doesnt' happen for me either. You just have to keep plugging away and try the great ideas the other consultants give and something will eventually click for you. These gals & guys on this site are incredible!! This site is the best!!
  • #14
It could use some fixing, but these are just my notes in the order I took them, I just typed them up last night from conference, I have typed 2 of my classes up so far, and am still working on the rest in free time, so if it makes sense I will be happy to have helped someone else, lol.


  • Bookings.doc
    24.5 KB · Views: 695
  • #15
I have a friend who has recently became a Real Estate salesperson. I called her on Sunday evening to see if I could pin down a date for her show. She was at the fair here in town, working, where she will be all week, he said. He and I talked a bit about things, and that she is just about ready to sell her first house (it's been I think 4 months).
He told me that she gets frustrated........she puts a LOT Of effort in to it and things weren't happening. He is an encourager, so he always picks her up and tells her to persevere, that it's in God's timing.

They have sunk a lot of money in to this. School, advertising, joining the organization that you have to join (I think that was $700 up front, she said).

We have to get the 'nos' everyone. And we have to play the numbers.

I think in PC that our numbers are better averages than others, but we still have to get those nos.

I talked to a lady last night that wants to book off my mom's show, which was in February, so the 6 months is nearly up. So I'm really wanting to persuade her to book in August. Even though I want to be with my husband in August, for a big bash in Arkansas for the contractors of the company we're leased to.
but I want to earn the new products free........

But this lady is very shy, or something, you can barely hear her on the phone. The first time I called her, I thought she didn't like me calling, so I was taken aback a bit. But I asked my mom, and she said, no she always sounds like that (you can barely hear her over the phone).

I just kept talking to her, bringing her out of herself. She had all kinds of excuses. Still don't have a date, she has to check with her sister to see when she can do it.

Keep at it. Get the nos, have FUN, get into a new circle of people. You can do it!
(Sorry this got so long)
I love this site too! It's great and I think it can be a very vital tool to getting my business going stronger and stronger.

  • #16
Where in Arkansas is your bash going to be?
  • #17
Jennifer, Thank you for posting your notes. They are very helpful to me, as it was my first time at conference, and I could not go everywhere. I am finding these notes helpful, and I am passing them on to my recruits, so you are helping me train my team also. Thanks again
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thank you Kris! I love reading the responses and any stories or anything at all keeps me motivated and not wanting to give up because trust me, there have been times I've wanted to give up---if I didn't have my website and put so much time and money into it already-- I def. would have given up by now. Forward on!:)
  • #19
Like any business, there will be ups and downs with the Pampered Chef.

My former Director (my recruiter promoted) has been a Consultant for at least 16 years (she's a Senior Director with a four digit Consultant Number). She always told us to hang in there when times are slow because if you wait, business will pick-up again. After five years in the business, I know she is correct. There are still times where I feel like I'm treading water (or worse). But this is MY business and I'm in it for the long haul. I understand what can happen in my life if I just keep doing the things (selling, booking, recruiting) that make this business a success.
  • #20
pckimboyers said:
:( Here it is.... I've done 2 shows already this month and I have one "maybe" from one of them to do a show... it seems that everytime I get a yes--it turns into a "I'm really busy", or they don't return my call--and they never seems to want to commit that evening of the show because they have to check their calendar. I offer pick a date pick a product, talk up the host program--I'm in my ss3 and had a horrible june, I'm having a good july but no shows yet for Aug. I'm thinking maybe I'm just not good at this......it really is hard to see all my other cluster members having all these bookings and me struggling to get a few! I call, I ask, I leave boxes!! Ahhhh! I'm just really having a hard time with this! I needed to vent, but please, any tips would be greatly appreciated!

I would suggest taking the Responding to Objections teleclass so that you are ready with an appropriate response when they say they are too busy or whatever. It's really helpful.
  • #21
Hey Melissa......It's in Texarkana! Just a few miles south of you. LOL

There's a really great "agent" there (that's a broker......where we get loads out of when in that area...basically).
This guy puts on a HUGE appreciation party. Pays for everything.
And my hubby and I just came up with a great idea.

I need recruits in August.....(need a kitchen)........soooo I'm going to ask George (the broker) if I can do demos around there, not to sell necessarily but to show the others what we've got.......so when I give them a catalog they'll know what they're looking at. And who knows.....I could sign a few driver's wives.

Last edited:
  • #22
I used to have a 4 digit number
Dummy me.........lost my mojo.........couldn't find it.........quit.......missed everyone.............now I'm back.
I had like 4 something...I think.
Also dummy me.......cleaned out the basement a year and a half ago........threw away alllllllllllll my old PC customer records..........Dummy me........But I did find some numbers from another business we were in that I had written down some old host's numbers that I especially liked.

  • #23
I think one thing to remember too is that a lot of people take vacations and stuff in the summer. Just keep at it. I just started SS2 and have 2 bookings for this month but only one that will count because the other is at the end of July and I can't get my host to budge on the closing date.

I run into the issue that for the last 2 out of 3 shows I had, they were pretty much the same people. Plus they have been small turnouts.

I am not worried though because Christmas is just around the corner and I think that is when I am really going to soar!
  • #24
Kris, is that where you live in Texarkana, I have lots of family around that area. Parents are heading that way next weekend to visit for a week.
  • #25
Pimp The Cookware, Baby!!!I also talk about the executive cookware for at least 5 minutes during my show, and PIMP IT!!! (not hard, since I absolutely adore my cookware!!!) I get them all excited about it, and then I tell them they can get it 50% off by hosting their own show. I would say 2/3 of my hosts book because of the cookware. I average 2-3 bookings per show because of this.

Also, to really demonstrate the cookware, I burn rice (I think I heard about it on selling product collections CD from paperwork supply--I don't really remember). Anyway--I put some rice on right when I arrive, and then I mark the time. I let it come to a boil, then turn it on low and let it cook all the way thru my show. Then, at the end of the show after I've really pumped the cookware up, we play a game--"How long have I burned the rice?" I dump the rice out into a bowl (it's NEVER burned!) and show the rice and the pan to everyone. I have the guests guess what time I put the rice on to cook. Closest person wins a prize. Then I always emphasis--do you realize that was 1.5 hours or 2 hours, or whatever time it was. People FLIP!!! I just did a show tonite that the host booked specifically to get the cookware.

I've told my recruits about this, and they have similar results!!

Keep on plugging! You'll hit your stride if you just keep trying...:p
  • #26
Kris, is that where you live in Texarkana, I have lots of family around that area. Parents are heading that way next weekend to visit for a week.

Hey Jennifer! No I don't live in Texarkana, but I also goofed...it's Arkadelphia...my bad! But hey that's a wee bit closer to your neck of the woods. :) :) My hubby is an over the road (Owner/Operator) truck driver so he's been there lots, and I've been there a little less than lots. :)
We live in Hilliard, Ohio.

Wow! Singergirl.......that's a neat idea!

  • #27
I would love to try that rice burning, but I am totally petrified that it would be all stuck on with 15 people all losing their faith in everything I have said!! Maybe I'll try it at home a few times to build confidence!
  • #28
Okay. Here it is. I haven't done a cooking show since end of February. Have done several catalog shows. Right now last month was less than $200 but just sold a $100 skillet to someone who saw my decal yesterday! Yeah! But no shows lined up. Doing a fair tomorrow in the 90+ degree heat, not looking forward to that. I live in a small town and am trying to get into the big city 30 miles north of here. I DON'T know how to get there. I want the business to succeed, but when you do everything you know to do and don't really know anybody in the big city, what the heck do you do? I am so discouraged right now and thinking that maybe this isn't going to work and that discourages me even more. I guess I just needed to vent or whatever. I really need to know how to get this going. The lady who recruited me two years ago made it out to be so easy and all I have ever done is struggle. If anyone has any suggestions I am all ears.

cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana
  • #29
Cheryl put on a friendly smile and talk talk talk tomorrow at the fair. Make your eyes light up and be genuinly interested in people. Make each person feel important. I know you'll do great!

Next, I think I'd go up on a Friday or a Saturday and hit the garage sales. Talk to people. Where there's a will there's a way!

  • #30
Cheryl- could you put an ad in the local paper in the bigger city? That might generate a few bookings and get the ball rolling!
  • #31
Thanks for the advice! I really try to be upbeat but people around here are just not very upbeat people! Hopefully I will get a few bookings! Will let you all know what happens. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Even if no bookings, hopefully enough in sales to keep me active!

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana

Cooking doesn't have to be a chore, it has to be FUN!
  • #32
Check out that city's chamber of commerce for fairs and expo type events. Step outside the box and twist a little.. "TWIST = The Way I See Things" ..... I know where you are, because I"ve struggled since day one as well, and I'm starting back up again. I've always thought that I was a talkative, outgoing and friendly kind of person, but I feel out of sorts about talking about my business. I let my insecurities about myself make my business more of a struggle. The truth is, I have to fake it til I make it sometimes. And eventually, once I've faked it enough, it comes more naturally! lol Also, if it's a big city, there are tons of daycares (do you have kids?), schools, and organizations. Fall is right around the corner and fundraising "season" comes with it. Send out fundraising information to the schools, daycares, organizations in the city and FOLLOW-UP with them. (THAT is the key!) Even if you don't get a single fundraiser out of it, you may get some show leads.. or some people who want to make a little money to pay for Christmas this year! :D You just NEVER KNOW! I know that some people can make this business out to be a breeze by how they talk, but it's work for everyone in some way. I'm not asking for it not to be work.. lol. I'm asking to, for once in my life, love my work enough to want to go back the next day. ;) Don't give in. Remember why you joined, set small goals for yourself, and push yourself a little bit further each time. Good luck, and if you need a shoulder to lean on (or to hold you up), I'm a few clicks away :D You're not alone!!
  • #33
pckimboyers said:
:( Here it is.... I've done 2 shows already this month and I have one "maybe" from one of them to do a show... it seems that everytime I get a yes--it turns into a "I'm really busy", or they don't return my call--and they never seems to want to commit that evening of the show because they have to check their calendar. I offer pick a date pick a product, talk up the host program--I'm in my ss3 and had a horrible june, I'm having a good july but no shows yet for Aug. I'm thinking maybe I'm just not good at this......it really is hard to see all my other cluster members having all these bookings and me struggling to get a few! I call, I ask, I leave boxes!! Ahhhh! I'm just really having a hard time with this! I needed to vent, but please, any tips would be greatly appreciated!

I am my fourth month of selling Pampered Chef, I was able to attend Wave 3 of confernce this year the attachment that I have with this message you will find very usefull with ur business!!!

Let me know if you need anything anything else I have tones of notes from confernce!!!


  • 90 Days to the business that you want.doc
    33.5 KB · Views: 326
  • #34
Getting out there idea!Hey,
I was having trouble with bookings after I moved to OK from UT to get married. So I called my director and asked for ideas. She said that another director in our group had a great one. Here it is...
Have some recipe cards from past celebrations. (The one I used was the ice cream one.)

When you are in a store there are two ways you can talk to people who work there. First find someone to help you find something and talk to this person some. (The other is the check out line, I try to pick a slow one so I have more time) When they have helped you, you say to them, Hey do you like ___________ ?(I say ice cream, but I also have the Thai Stirfry salad cards too) and then wait for their response. I then get out my recipe which has my contact info on it and give it to them. While they are looking at it, I then tell them, hey I am having a drawing this week, would you like to enter? They then say yes or no, but it is almost always yes. I ask them to fill it out completely.(This is the prize drawing slip) While they are filling it out I ask them if they have ever hear of PC before and tell them a little about what is going on, like specials ect. This takes some guts, but once you get started, it is not hard at all.
When they are done, I tell them, "Thank you, have a great day!"

When I get out to the car, I jot down some notes on the PDS about what they told me so I can remember it when I am calling.

I wait for a few days, usually the end of the week and I call them.
For the ones who mark maybe (I haven't had a yes yet) I say, "Congratulations, you've won. Let me tell you a bit about it. The prize is valued at $30, doesn't that sound great? It is a totally free party. I bring the recipe ingredients, send out all the invitations and make the reminder calls for you. All you have to do is have a place to have the party and give me a guest list with phone numbers, doesn't that sound easy? Are week nights or weekends better for you?
I just started this last week, and I have 5 shows booked for August and September!
For the ones who mark no, I call and offer them a free cookbook (SB) and arrange a time to bring it by to them. I have only made one of these deliveries so far and although she wasn't interested in booking (I asked again), she is interested in ordering. I am calling her tonight to see if she is ready to order.
I did get one of the maybes who wasn't interested at this time and I asked her if she would like me to call her again in a few months to see if it was a better time, and she said yes.
Good luck to you!
  • #35
I hope my notes helped for those of you that have read them.. I found them so helpful for my business. Before I attended conference I was really shy about calling people and approaching them becasue I was afraid to be told no, now I am prepared for what I can do with my business.!!!!!
  • #36
Victoria -
I love that! The grocery is one place I'm at quite often! I will definitely give that a go.Did you ask the nos about a show when you called them, or wait until you saw her in person?
  • #37
Victoria, That idea from the gorcery store is a really good idea!!! Do you get alot of reponse from it?
  • #38
Well, the festival was a total flop. I don't just mean for me either. I was out there for 5 hours in 102 degree heat and only maybe 10 people came to the thing! I'm not lying! 10 people! There were only about a dozen vendors. I did have someone tell me that they wanted to buy the Generation II cookware and would call me next week and also host a show when her house is done, which should be in about 2 weeks. So not a total loss, but when you miss your 10 month old almost stand unassisted for the first time it really doesn't add up. Maybe the lady will hold a show and maybe that will lead to something else, but at this point I don't believe it until I am actually at the house doing the show!

Cheryl Mackey
Independent Consultant in Louisiana

Cooking doesn't have to be hard, it has to be FUN!
  • #39
cmackey said:
Well, the festival was a total flop. I don't just mean for me either. I was out there for 5 hours in 102 degree heat and only maybe 10 people came to the thing! I'm not lying! 10 people! There were only about a dozen vendors. I did have someone tell me that they wanted to buy the Generation II cookware and would call me next week and also host a show when her house is done, which should be in about 2 weeks. So not a total loss, but when you miss your 10 month old almost stand unassisted for the first time it really doesn't add up. Maybe the lady will hold a show and maybe that will lead to something else, but at this point I don't believe it until I am actually at the house doing the show!

Cheryl Mackey
Independent Consultant in Louisiana

Cooking doesn't have to be hard, it has to be FUN!

OHOOOO the heat majorly sucks doesnt it???
  • #40
I know, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. But Cheryl...you are right....even the one person can turn things around for you.
Of course you don't stop there.

All of us might want to buy the book "Endless Referrals" by Bob Burg. And I need to read it again.

Here is an idea that I read a long time ago, and I just may give it a try. It comes from a book by a really cool man who sadly died a few years ago of cancer. His name, John Kalench, from his book "Being the Best You Can be in MLM."
(Now I really don't know if PC is considered MLM....but his books are GREAT! and he was a GREAT teacher! My husband and I got to meet and talk with him a few times before he passed away).

Doris' Doorknobs....(interesting name...LOL)
This lady would go in to a hardware store and ask to see the door knobs. Then she'd pick one out that she really liked. In her case elegant crystal. She took it with her everywhere. While at a restaurant or coffee shop, she'd take it out and lay it on the table. Sure to get someone's attention, and the waitress would ask what the door knob is for. She would flash them a big smile, and with a twinkle in her eyes say, "I'm so happy you asked me that. This door knob is to remind me to tell you that the door of opportunity is wide open for you with (company here).

He points out very cleverly that Doris understands that most people are not having fun in their jobs, and she also knows that people cannot resist a person who is having fun. She knows that the toughest thing about talking to strangers is working up the courage to speak to them. So she sets it up so that they speak to her first.

I don't think we have any trouble getting attention with Pampered Chef. So many people just love it, period. This company has a GREAT reputation.

I'm thinking we could do this with one of our interesting products, to cause someone to ask why we have it there.
And add your little talk to it.

Maybe the Crinkle Cutter, or balloon whisk.
Or one could just use the great idea of the door knob to capture someone's attention and cause them to speak first.

  • #41
ihavethetools said:
I know, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. But Cheryl...you are right....even the one person can turn things around for you.
Of course you don't stop there.

All of us might want to buy the book "Endless Referrals" by Bob Burg. And I need to read it again.

Here is an idea that I read a long time ago, and I just may give it a try. It comes from a book by a really cool man who sadly died a few years ago of cancer. His name, John Kalench, from his book "Being the Best You Can be in MLM."
(Now I really don't know if PC is considered MLM....but his books are GREAT! and he was a GREAT teacher! My husband and I got to meet and talk with him a few times before he passed away).

Doris' Doorknobs....(interesting name...LOL)
This lady would go in to a hardware store and ask to see the door knobs. Then she'd pick one out that she really liked. In her case elegant crystal. She took it with her everywhere. While at a restaurant or coffee shop, she'd take it out and lay it on the table. Sure to get someone's attention, and the waitress would ask what the door knob is for. She would flash them a big smile, and with a twinkle in her eyes say, "I'm so happy you asked me that. This door knob is to remind me to tell you that the door of opportunity is wide open for you with (company here).

He points out very cleverly that Doris understands that most people are not having fun in their jobs, and she also knows that people cannot resist a person who is having fun. She knows that the toughest thing about talking to strangers is working up the courage to speak to them. So she sets it up so that they speak to her first.

I don't think we have any trouble getting attention with Pampered Chef. So many people just love it, period. This company has a GREAT reputation.

I'm thinking we could do this with one of our interesting products, to cause someone to ask why we have it there.
And add your little talk to it.

Maybe the Crinkle Cutter, or balloon whisk.
Or one could just use the great idea of the door knob to capture someone's attention and cause them to speak first.


So very ture, it's something that we should consider doing from time to time
  • Thread starter
  • #42
I can't believe we got so many responses and great ideas from this thread! It's so good to know that I'm not alone....I've gotten better--but still struggling a bit. Thanks for the attachments--I'll really put the knowledge to work!! You all are right--don't give up! I won't do that! Maybe with the new products coming out I'll have more luck! I'm doing a sneak preview show soon so I'm hoping that will generate some shows! THANK YOU ALL for all the support!
  • #43
Well, I haven't been able to get in touch with the lady who wanted to order the cookware and host a show, but I got in touch with another lady from the festival who ended up penciling in for Sept. 16!!!! I reaaaaaaally hope this one sticks because she lives in the City 45 miles from here which is where I'm trying to get to!!!!!! She is going to talk to some women from work to see what time on Sat. would work best for them. I'm going to send her a few new catalogs and some outside order forms. Anything to help make this show stick would be soooooooooooooooooo greatly appreciated. I was jumping like a nut around the house!

Cheryl Mackey

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