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Facing Job Loss Over Private Conflict: Advice & Prayers Needed

In summary, the conversation is about a person who is seeking advice and prayers after having a heated argument with a friend who recently moved into one of the properties they manage. The friend's new boyfriend is now threatening to get the person fired from their job and has gone to their company's HR department with false accusations. The advice given is to document everything and let HR know the true timeline of events. The person is advised to not respond to the threats and to file a restraining order if necessary. Their job should not be affected as long as they can prove they did not leak any private information.
Gold Member
Good morning! I don't post all that often about my personal life on here. I need some advice and prayers which I never ask for. I work for one of the largest property management companies in Ohio. I have a friend that recently moved into one of the properties that we own. Long story short, we had a heated argument becuase I told her how I felt and that we are no longer friends. (She cheated on her husband and left him for someone that is not a good person.) Last night I get an email from her new BF telling me that I better leave them alone or he will get me fired from my job, call the IRS on me, and call family services. All this becuase I didn't said what I felt to his GF. I nicely responded to leave me alone and any other contact I would call the cops.

Well, this morning I get another email from him telling me that he went to the HR person at my company. I can't believe they would really drag my job into this. Just becuase I happen to work with the company of the apartment they reside at? He is telling them that I leaked private information. I have no access to anyone's private information. I work in the construction division. I build things.

I am so upset over this, I am a good employee. When my name is cleared I will still have to hold my head down becuase they brought my personal life into my work life. I never do that.
I am definitely sending you much needed prayers to get you thru this. Can you consult some one at your job? I would let your side be known. Obviously if you have the background of being a good employee that should shine thru.

God Bless you!! Keep us posted on the outcome.
Make an appointment with HR...express to them that you just recently got threatened by one of the property people based on a past friendship and that you want to get everything documented so this guy cannot affect your job.Take the e-mails with you - hopefully what you've said to us is true and you didn't get mad and say something threatening back to him. (Not assuming, just hoping). ;)Explain and document the timeline to HR of when the battle with your friend occurred and that this was separate from them moving in.Show them his threats and your response and SHOW that it was BEFORE they went to HR at your company.If you are a good employee and you work for a decent company, your HR department should be protecting its employees against someone like that.(Also, they shouldn't want that type of person living in their property).Good luck and do something before it gets too one-sided and out of hand!
Great advice Janet.

Heather, don't feel like you're going to have to hold your head down. Them being petty and malicious is a reflection on them, not you. And don't apologize to anyone at work for 'bringing your personal life into the workplace.' You aren't doing that (that creep is), but if you apologize for it, others may start to associate you as part of the cause...and you aren't.
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  • #5
Thanks... I never threatened him/her or even called them names. I simply told her that I knew of this guys past and that she should be careful. He is claiming that I leaked private information about him. Which I did not do. I do not even have access to it.

I talked to HR early this morning and she said I will be fine as long as I can prove that I did not give out his private information. I can easily prove this and I have the emails to give to her to show that I was never rude, harrassing or anything of the kind. I basically asked that they leave me alone.

I agree that we do not want this guy living at one of our properties.

Thank you both for the kind words. I needed them today.
Good job Heather!File those e-mails with HR and from now on, if he e-mails you. DO NOT RESPOND. Simply print and give to HR and if he continues, file a restraining order against him since he is affecting your job! No response to him will either get him to shut up or stir him to do something stupid and get himself in trouble!You have no responsibility to respond or even tell him to bug off.Chin up, this too will pass!
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  • #7
Thanks Janet. I am not responding to him at all. I am also keeping anything they send me.
janetupnorth said:
Make an appointment with HR...express to them that you just recently got threatened by one of the property people based on a past friendship and that you want to get everything documented so this guy cannot affect your job.

Take the e-mails with you - hopefully what you've said to us is true and you didn't get mad and say something threatening back to him. (Not assuming, just hoping). ;)

Explain and document the timeline to HR of when the battle with your friend occurred and that this was separate from them moving in.

Show them his threats and your response and SHOW that it was BEFORE they went to HR at your company.

If you are a good employee and you work for a decent company, your HR department should be protecting its employees against someone like that.

(Also, they shouldn't want that type of person living in their property).

Good luck and do something before it gets too one-sided and out of hand!

You are the Queen of solid advice. I so admire your level-headedness and am glad to have you as a friend :)
Heather, I totally agree with Janet's advice!
dannyzmom said:
You are the Queen of solid advice. I so admire your level-headedness and am glad to have you as a friend :)
Heather, I totally agree with Janet's advice!
I agree, Janet you rock!!!
  • #10
I also think that you need to make sure that HR has those emails. It's imperative that the info is documented, not just something verbal from HR. It's HR's job to always be cheerful and encouraging, but what they present is not always what is really going on. Cover your own bottom and make sure they have it documented, not just you.
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sfdavis918 said:
I also think that you need to make sure that HR has those emails. It's imperative that the info is documented, not just something verbal from HR. It's HR's job to always be cheerful and encouraging, but what they present is not always what is really going on. Cover your own bottom and make sure they have it documented, not just you.

I am taking copies of the emails to them tomorrow morning. I agree with you that they always have to sound cheerful. I really feel that if it came down to it that they would let me go and not the resident. He makes them money, I don't. I am also keeping copies for myself. Should these people decide to contact me again I will go to the police....

Related to Facing Job Loss Over Private Conflict: Advice & Prayers Needed

1. What should I do if I am facing job loss due to a private conflict?

If you are facing job loss over a private conflict, it is important to seek support from loved ones and trusted mentors. Consider reaching out to a career counselor or therapist to help you navigate the situation and make a plan for moving forward. It may also be helpful to research your rights as an employee and seek legal advice if necessary.

2. How can I cope with the stress and emotions of potentially losing my job?

Facing job loss due to a private conflict can be incredibly stressful and emotional. It is important to take care of your mental and emotional well-being during this time. Seek out healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, journaling, or talking to a therapist. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who can help you through this difficult time.

3. Should I try to resolve the conflict before it leads to job loss?

If possible, it is always best to try to resolve the conflict before it escalates to the point of job loss. Consider speaking with the other party involved and seeking mediation or counseling to find a resolution. However, if the conflict is severe and cannot be resolved, it may be best to focus on finding a new job rather than trying to salvage the current one.

4. How can I stay positive and motivated while facing job loss?

Losing a job can be a difficult and demotivating experience. However, it is important to remember that this is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. Stay positive by focusing on your skills and accomplishments, and remind yourself that this is just a temporary setback. Use this time to explore new opportunities and find a job that aligns with your values and goals.

5. Can you offer any prayers or spiritual guidance during this difficult time?

We understand that facing job loss can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. Our hearts go out to you and we offer our support and prayers during this difficult time. Remember to lean on your faith, and seek guidance and comfort through prayer. Surround yourself with a supportive spiritual community who can offer guidance and encouragement as you navigate this difficult situation.

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